
Comet© wrote:

Hmmm, how about you play by a servers rules, after all you are a guest their. Have some respect for those who offer you a place to play. If you cannot abide by the set rules in place or feel they do not suit your game style then go play on another server.

To post every little nuance you do not like about a particular server is ridiculous....who gives a shit. Anyone who plays on a server and is kicked usually deserves it.  Admins take the time (their playing time) to help out and offer a decent place for you to, give them some slack.

No server is perfect, nor will all be satisfied. Servers learn as they grow with the games they offer. Those servers that are successful show by the numbers, MoonGamers has on average over 300 players at any given moment, sometimes close to 400. They started from a single 32 slot server over 2 years ago, I guess they have what it takes to stay alive while so many servers fold like a cheap tent.

This isn't a company taking you for all your worth, it's a non profit gaming community providing players a large diverse selection of servers to play and have fun.

Why don't you go lambaste the Canadian government for the amount of tax we pay instead of making it a personal public vendetta against a's pathetic.
Comet, you have "zero" ability to figure out what were debating mate.
Its not about respecting the rules, but that the rule(s) should not even exists. Get with the program...These type rules are ruining the 360 degree battlefield...and how its truly suppose to be played.

T0rr3nt wrote:

yeah you know, in war, you arent allowed to camp anything. war has rules like; no spawn camping, no base raping, no spamming a carrier. ask the armed forces if you dont believe me, i believe its someplace in the small print.

just because you cant out smart the camper/spammer you have to make retarded rules. you know, so your precious score wont get ruined.
I like your reverse phycology mate....well thought out, and true

canadarocks wrote:

Comet, you have "zero" ability to figure out what were debating mate.
Its not about respecting the rules, but that the rule(s) should not even exists. Get with the program...These type rules are ruining the 360 degree battlefield...and how its truly suppose to be played.
Its simple. If you can not play by the rules of the server, then *gasp* don't bother joining the server.
However, when you select a Moongamers server and select "Join Game" you are choosing to join our server, and while any player is on the Moongamers servers, wether they be a new player, a regular player, or a admin, we expect everyone to follow and abide by the rules. If you can't, you might wanna stop and think before you hit "Join Game"
Psychotic Sniper Inc.
+76|6704|The Land of Claywhore

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

tgust5 wrote:

this server just kicked me for attacking the hotel

wtf is up with that?

i did kill {ta}firestorm 2 times right before i got kicked
perhaps you need to learn how to read english since it states on log in:
"sniff,sniff....cry some more!"
It's ok if you do it but if someone else does it to try and take the hotel,they get kicked.
From what i've heard your a loser statpadding karkand whore.lolololololololololololololol
+101|6829|Southern California

Santano wrote:

canadarocks wrote:

Comet, you have "zero" ability to figure out what were debating mate.
Its not about respecting the rules, but that the rule(s) should not even exists. Get with the program...These type rules are ruining the 360 degree battlefield...and how its truly suppose to be played.
Its simple. If you can not play by the rules of the server, then *gasp* don't bother joining the server.
However, when you select a Moongamers server and select "Join Game" you are choosing to join our server, and while any player is on the Moongamers servers, wether they be a new player, a regular player, or a admin, we expect everyone to follow and abide by the rules. If you can't, you might wanna stop and think before you hit "Join Game"
Cool Santano we are all agreed then.

But your reply is not an answer to the issues on topic. It is common sense to play where you can get a fair deal so that cannot possibly be what this is about. Agreed? Its normal to expect rules and the enforcement to apply to everyone equally, especially to admins who must be held to a higher standard than joe player not lower, and that those rules not be crafted in such a way as to contaminate the ranked database.

When someone comes to this or your forum and with good intent and asks questions, complains about decisions trying to get an impartial review or presents observations and gets flamed by half a dozen admins for it (instead of discussing the issue) there is a problem with the decision making processes and people skills.

Your last sentence does not cut it, m8. People who don't have expereince on a particular server may read rules that seem cool but once in the game they find out too late that the various admins on duty do not all understand and enforce the rules uniformly - then they get upset and the cycle starts again (and not just on your server). lol.  We must be able to do better than this! 

Stick with it we can do better

P.S. I do not support the flaming namecalling crap that is going on in this thread on either side. It is totally fogging the thread. Let's stay focussed on making BF2 the best supported game we can OK? Sound good to you?
+101|6829|Southern California

BrOk_MoRdU wrote:

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

tgust5 wrote:

this server just kicked me for attacking the hotel

wtf is up with that?

i did kill {ta}firestorm 2 times right before i got kicked
perhaps you need to learn how to read english since it states on log in:
"sniff,sniff....cry some more!"
It's ok if you do it but if someone else does it to try and take the hotel,they get kicked.
From what i've heard your a loser statpadding karkand whore.lolololololololololololololol
Dude the guy is an Admin on a 24/7 Karkand server of course his stats will look like a Karkand whore. He's on the job 36 hrs a day how can he get other map time?

Santano wrote:

canadarocks wrote:

Comet, you have "zero" ability to figure out what were debating mate.
Its not about respecting the rules, but that the rule(s) should not even exists. Get with the program...These type rules are ruining the 360 degree battlefield...and how its truly suppose to be played.
Its simple. If you can not play by the rules of the server, then *gasp* don't bother joining the server.
However, when you select a Moongamers server and select "Join Game" you are choosing to join our server, and while any player is on the Moongamers servers, wether they be a new player, a regular player, or a admin, we expect everyone to follow and abide by the rules. If you can't, you might wanna stop and think before you hit "Join Game"
Santano, I understand you are an admin at the moon and its your job to enforce rules put forth to you...lets take the moon equation out of it so as there is no personal attacks. "Any" server who uses spawn fence type rules is hurting the game period..Ops Chief put it best in earlier threads.

I used the moons server as an example, only because I had 700 plus hours there....they changed the game rules, and the game went from team type strike at hotel (a video game) Dont be mistaken.. this can happen at any server with armour fences, or armour free zones.

Please note...this is by no means a personal attack against any particular server, or admins for that matter.
This thread is "debating" the many rules popping up at so many servers which in my opinion are hurting this game.
I am sick of hearing people complaining about Moon just because they get kicked for breaking the rules.... GROW UP.. You break the rules, and you get kicked, dont be female dogging it around... If everyone here reads other people post on why the were kicked and why they are complaining.. you will see that they say something that is breakin the rules..

IF YOU PEOPLE don't like it.. suck it up and find another server....

Last edited by -=FS=-andrew (2006-07-10 09:32:50)


OpsChief wrote:

Santano wrote:

canadarocks wrote:

Comet, you have "zero" ability to figure out what were debating mate.
Its not about respecting the rules, but that the rule(s) should not even exists. Get with the program...These type rules are ruining the 360 degree battlefield...and how its truly suppose to be played.
Its simple. If you can not play by the rules of the server, then *gasp* don't bother joining the server.
However, when you select a Moongamers server and select "Join Game" you are choosing to join our server, and while any player is on the Moongamers servers, wether they be a new player, a regular player, or a admin, we expect everyone to follow and abide by the rules. If you can't, you might wanna stop and think before you hit "Join Game"
Cool Santano we are all agreed then.

But your reply is not an answer to the issues on topic. It is common sense to play where you can get a fair deal so that cannot possibly be what this is about. Agreed? Its normal to expect rules and the enforcement to apply to everyone equally, especially to admins who must be held to a higher standard than joe player not lower, and that those rules not be crafted in such a way as to contaminate the ranked database.

When someone comes to this or your forum and with good intent and asks questions, complains about decisions trying to get an impartial review or presents observations and gets flamed by half a dozen admins for it (instead of discussing the issue) there is a problem with the decision making processes and people skills.

Your last sentence does not cut it, m8. People who don't have expereince on a particular server may read rules that seem cool but once in the game they find out too late that the various admins on duty do not all understand and enforce the rules uniformly - then they get upset and the cycle starts again (and not just on your server). lol.  We must be able to do better than this! 

Stick with it we can do better

P.S. I do not support the flaming namecalling crap that is going on in this thread on either side. It is totally fogging the thread. Let's stay focussed on making BF2 the best supported game we can OK? Sound good to you?
I agree with your post, I guess my point was noone is twisting anyones arm to get them to join the server.

Flaming solves nothing, if anyone wants to come to our forums to discuss the rules in a civilized manner, I am more then happy to discuss reasons for/against the hotel camping rule, and I'm sure that a rule that is easier to understand and follow can be worked out.  Be warned though, I don't have any patience for those who flame or try to provoke flames.

I personally play very little Karkand, mainly because I like Jets/Helos/Special Forces better, however, I think a lot of the problems with Spawn Camping on Karkand can be solved with the 1.4 Infintry only mode.(Although, I haven't got to play this yet. Now if only they would make Claymore Free Karkand )
"Comet, you have "zero" ability to figure out what were debating mate.
Its not about respecting the rules, but that the rule(s) should not even exists. Get with the program...These type rules are ruining the 360 degree battlefield...and how its truly suppose to be played."

Andrew, learn to read the whole thread before you post. Like canadarocks said, we are not saying "Moon sucks, I hate there server." No. We are simply discussing their rules that they keep implying and how it is ruining the game and making it incresingly difficult to play. From a three rule server to one with 20+.

For everyone - If you are going to post "find another server" please refrain. Basicly everyone in this thread has found another server to play on, but moon is where a lot of us met nice people and how a few clans began. By posting "find another server" you are simply saying I didnt read the thread so I'm going to act pimp and assertive and give it to them. Noone likes reading that, and it is irrelevant. I'd like to keep the maturity on this thread high.
+244|6842|arica harbour
if you tea bagging noobs dont like moongamer servers or that fool of a twit firestorm, dont play in it.. i know i dont play there anymore.. I got kicked like twice because i killed him twice with c4.
+101|6829|Southern California

-=FS=-andrew wrote:

I am sick of hearing people complaining about Moon just because they get kicked for breaking the rules.... GROW UP.. You break the rules, and you get kicked, dont be female dogging it around... If everyone here reads other people post on why the were kicked and why they are complaining.. you will see that they say something that is breakin the rules..

IF YOU PEOPLE don't like it.. suck it up and find another server....
I joined this thread because of they way moon admins were disrespecting by flaming the poor guy who in distress started this thread. He has a right to complain and look for answer, do you agree? The thread topic was expanded by the moon admins to include what rules, how they are enforced and whether they are evenly enforced, and finally whether a couple of the rules are even Ranked ROE legit.

What does your comment have to do with this thread and making BF2 a better place to play?

How do your insults reflect maturity and respect to others?

Are you an admin at moongamers too?

What does "GROW[N] UP" look like to you? (in a forum thread that is)

Improving our admin processes depends on remaining focussed on the issue or situation not the person.

BlackstoneV1 wrote:

"Comet, you have "zero" ability to figure out what were debating mate.
Its not about respecting the rules, but that the rule(s) should not even exists. Get with the program...These type rules are ruining the 360 degree battlefield...and how its truly suppose to be played."

Andrew, learn to read the whole thread before you post. Like canadarocks said, we are not saying "Moon sucks, I hate there server." No. We are simply discussing their rules that they keep implying and how it is ruining the game and making it incresingly difficult to play. From a three rule server to one with 20+.

For everyone - If you are going to post "find another server" please refrain. Basicly everyone in this thread has found another server to play on, but moon is where a lot of us met nice people and how a few clans began. By posting "find another server" you are simply saying I didnt read the thread so I'm going to act pimp and assertive and give it to them. Noone likes reading that, and it is irrelevant. I'd like to keep the maturity on this thread high.
Blackstone makes some good points...I see moongamers as the pioneers of BF2 servers(well respected)...but they are following in the footsteps of other servers destroying the 360 degree battlefield.

Santano wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

Santano wrote:

Its simple. If you can not play by the rules of the server, then *gasp* don't bother joining the server.
However, when you select a Moongamers server and select "Join Game" you are choosing to join our server, and while any player is on the Moongamers servers, wether they be a new player, a regular player, or a admin, we expect everyone to follow and abide by the rules. If you can't, you might wanna stop and think before you hit "Join Game"
Cool Santano we are all agreed then.

But your reply is not an answer to the issues on topic. It is common sense to play where you can get a fair deal so that cannot possibly be what this is about. Agreed? Its normal to expect rules and the enforcement to apply to everyone equally, especially to admins who must be held to a higher standard than joe player not lower, and that those rules not be crafted in such a way as to contaminate the ranked database.

When someone comes to this or your forum and with good intent and asks questions, complains about decisions trying to get an impartial review or presents observations and gets flamed by half a dozen admins for it (instead of discussing the issue) there is a problem with the decision making processes and people skills.

Your last sentence does not cut it, m8. People who don't have expereince on a particular server may read rules that seem cool but once in the game they find out too late that the various admins on duty do not all understand and enforce the rules uniformly - then they get upset and the cycle starts again (and not just on your server). lol.  We must be able to do better than this! 

Stick with it we can do better

P.S. I do not support the flaming namecalling crap that is going on in this thread on either side. It is totally fogging the thread. Let's stay focussed on making BF2 the best supported game we can OK? Sound good to you?
I agree with your post, I guess my point was noone is twisting anyones arm to get them to join the server.

Flaming solves nothing, if anyone wants to come to our forums to discuss the rules in a civilized manner, I am more then happy to discuss reasons for/against the hotel camping rule, and I'm sure that a rule that is easier to understand and follow can be worked out.  Be warned though, I don't have any patience for those who flame or try to provoke flames.

I personally play very little Karkand, mainly because I like Jets/Helos/Special Forces better, however, I think a lot of the problems with Spawn Camping on Karkand can be solved with the 1.4 Infintry only mode.(Although, I haven't got to play this yet. Now if only they would make Claymore Free Karkand )
I did just that mate ....I posted a thread looking for a debate on the rules at moongamers forum...They mistook my passion for the BF2 for argument...I must admit I got frustrated, cuz I didnt get feedback on why they have the current rules in place....but, much of the same..if you dont like em...find another server. Lin locked my threads by the way...
The Lazy Genius
+14|6689|USA, CA

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

tgust5 wrote:

this server just kicked me for attacking the hotel

wtf is up with that?

i did kill {ta}firestorm 2 times right before i got kicked
perhaps you need to learn how to read english since it states on log in:
"sniff,sniff....cry some more!"
Funny facking shit, you mean to tell me that you cant camp teh hotel now!

I knew moongamers would turn into moonflamers!

That is the funniest shit i think i have ever heard!

They keep adding on the rules, and they keep attracting people with no skill!

Cry me a river, moonflamers!

Firestorm lol you shouldnt have posted anything, and just pretended you didnt now about something so GAY!
Its moon communism, lol
I had an issue with moongamers as well. My clan mates and I would play moongamers 2-3 times a week and the same admin would sit in the tank and command the whole damn round. People would ask for the tank and he would tell them, too bad get to before I do. I emailed (I didnt post in there forums becasue only crying ass babies post in others forums about this stuff) there leader and explained to him what happened and mentioned that it is against EA ROE (rule 2.3) for commanders to command from vehicles). I told him that the admin kicked my "for complaining". He emailed me back and said it is not aganinst the ROE and that it is there server and they can do what ever they want. Needless to say, we dont paly on there server any longer and tell everyone we talk to the same thing. It's to bad becaseu there are some good gamers there but there are PLENTY of other good servers to play in. Try the SSH server. I dont have the IP but great games and great admins. NO, I am not a SSH member.
bullseye (+)

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

rob777 wrote:

United States Of America
+101|6829|Southern California

mntranger wrote:

I had an issue with moongamers as well. My clan mates and I would play moongamers 2-3 times a week and the same admin would sit in the tank and command the whole damn round. People would ask for the tank and he would tell them, too bad get to before I do. I emailed (I didnt post in there forums becasue only crying ass babies post in others forums about this stuff) there leader and explained to him what happened and mentioned that it is against EA ROE (rule 2.3) for commanders to command from vehicles). I told him that the admin kicked my "for complaining". He emailed me back and said it is not aganinst the ROE and that it is there server and they can do what ever they want. Needless to say, we dont paly on there server any longer and tell everyone we talk to the same thing. It's to bad becaseu there are some good gamers there but there are PLENTY of other good servers to play in. Try the SSH server. I dont have the IP but great games and great admins. NO, I am not a SSH member.
Moongamers has concluded their server falls under the private rules only even though the last private rule is that you may not violate Ranked Server rules above lol  They have said they are going to review the ROE in an Admin meeting.

Ranger, you other comment is interesting, very interesting.

The Moongamers rules preventing spawncaping by armor in 3 circled zones in the alleys around the hotel. The idea is not to keep armor away from driving into the areas but to keep them from firing into them spawnkilling soldiers. That said - if a USMC commander fires artillery from armor and kills people spawning in those 3 circles is he violating his own armor spawncamping rules? The game data capture says yes. When in a vehicle as commander where do your arty kills get added? lol hmmmm

Now if the USMC commander is allowed to use the tank this way and prefers to, and someone else gets the tank first, creating a rule to easily to kick them creates a conflict of interest for an admin commanding.

have we just discovered the tip of the iceberg? or is this everything....
fun server, usually some pretty good players and good rounds to be had
Meh IMO servers with these no base raping rules promote whiners.
Sheesh, I bet if the stats were not tracked people wouldnt be as worried about dieing, "OH NOESSss MY K : D"

I usually choose not to play these servers especially wake ones with that rule as its so Fkn boring.
At least you can make it to the damn island when the other team is base raping the carrier.
Also majority of the time the enemy is so intent of killing spawn points its easy to slip by and through to a unguarded area, well i have found it is..

As above spawn else where.
Join another server or evade the enemy.
Only whiners and carebears like rules like this.
Ive played on the moongamers servers several times it seems that they have a good group of people that play on em i dont see what the big deal is

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

tgust5 wrote:

this server just kicked me for attacking the hotel

wtf is up with that?

i did kill {ta}firestorm 2 times right before i got kicked
perhaps you need to learn how to read english since it states on log in:
"sniff,sniff....cry some more!"
he..he... isnt a robot!
he actually lives and talks liek a real person

hello mr.firestorm
+38|6819|Phila, PA

killer21 wrote:

Why do server have the pussy rule of no spawn camping?  How gay is that?  If you don't like getting raped, get a flag.  It appears MoonGamers have a collection of retards who think being an admin is the best thing in life.  lol .
Pardon my French sir, but you are a fucking retard. MoonGamers is a community, means: we listen to our members. When majority of members is asking for same thing to be changed, we look into it.
+38|6819|Phila, PA

Titan|FS| wrote:

ok..i agree this server realy does suck donkey dick, i mean the admins even break the rules all the time which i think is ironic.

i agree there are other servers to go too that dont have the lame ass rules that a 12 year old noob came up with because he was getting his ass handed to him.  Plus those other servers dont crash every 10 minutes because they have a cheap ass sever. (i know the new patch does make servers crash but not as bad as moongamers servers they crash all the time)

I was also banned from there server because i had just a litle disagreement with the fucknut firestorm....the funny thing was when he banned me on his message he told me to "GROW UP."  Now i thought i was having a disagreement with and adult but i guess not, wow i did not know you had 12 year olds as admins on your server moongamers, two thumbs up what a classy server.

And my final thought on firestorm is this dude go get some pussy you have 2600 hours on this game, get out of your parents basement get a life or something..damn
Would you be so kind and post some prof of admins breaking rules?
Touches Himself At Night.
All I can say is with the spawncamping taken out then the MEC actually have a chance of winning

All you guys complaining about the rules and they are there for your benefit.

If you want to be killed everytime you spawn at the hotel by the same person in armor, fine, go to another server.

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