You know when your about to kill someone and a Huge lag spike comes along (Thanks 1.3) and a little sign says "there is a problem with your connection" alright, i want you to show me the worst possible time in Battlefiled that has happend to you!
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mine was when getting expert pistol, i heard the drums and just 1 second later problem with conection
the award updated anyway, didnt lose it
the award updated anyway, didnt lose it
Try and get a screen shot that would be better, I have a few but i don't have screen shots of them, ill try and get some more.
I was fighting yeah, and like, this giant sheep came on screen and it had a message from the developers on it that said, "'nade launcher this sheep and we'll give you a job as a developer for DICE! It's your chance to fix all the bugs and stuff!"
And on the truck the sheep was rolling on it said, "hit this board and win free sex with Jessica Alba".
I ignored the sheep and, aimed for the board, dreaming of those nights with Miss Alba, when
BAM Problem with your connection.
I think I burned down about 6 houses as a result.
And on the truck the sheep was rolling on it said, "hit this board and win free sex with Jessica Alba".
I ignored the sheep and, aimed for the board, dreaming of those nights with Miss Alba, when
BAM Problem with your connection.
I think I burned down about 6 houses as a result.
just now actually...getting ready to engage 4+ troops and a tank at square on karkand
Last edited by AK5489 (18 years, 8 months ago)
i lost expert pistol aqward and some nice gold stars(about 5)
no screenshots, but I was lined up perfectly for a headshot with an M95 yesterday and got a problem with the connection
About that screenshot. When you kill somebody, it says: You killed [player name] (+2)
When I kill somebody or get kill assist or whatever, it doesn't say (+2) or (+1), why not?
thats because you dont karma me back
no its coz of the pirate skills
Yesterday on Kubra i was flying the AH-1z. I let my gunner do most of teh killing kuz he was pretty good. I decided to kill an enemy tank while the tv missle was reloading, i pointed teh nose down and yea...... connection problem. It came back just as i hit teh ground and my gunner was bitching at me
"nice flying noob"
"nice flying noob"
i have a hilarious one:
it aint mine tho...

lmao, look at that guy, so unaware...
... well it had me in stitches!
it aint mine tho...

lmao, look at that guy, so unaware...
... well it had me in stitches!
had this round yesterday... SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME. I got connect probs as soon as I broke 110 points.

all my friends know the lowrider...

all my friends know the lowrider...

The best ones are when you're looking at a tank or something driving, the you get the connection problem, and it slides up into the air.
Hell man im a G2H server admin and it really pisses me off when our server crashes. In one day 2 days ago people were being generous coming in after it crashed coz i got it straight back up. As soon as the server gets enough people to start theres a problem with your connection. It goes back up gets enough people in the server again there is a problem with your connection. This happened 5 times in a row till i decided to shut down the server for quarter of an hour then it seemed to run quite well just a few lag spikes.
Broke 100 points on Midnight Sun with 150tickets left on the enemy team..."Connection Problem".
When I'm within ten tickets or so of winning as commander and I get kicked or lock up. Good-bye 2x points.
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