+244|6837|arica harbour

Pleiam wrote:

24/7 Lost Soulz Ranked Server  should be added to EA's list of servers to drop for ranking.

I was banned not during the game but after I left from slaughtering the clan members in a fair fight. I received the Good Conduct medal while playing so I know it was ranked. EA should do something about ADMIN abuse. Also I joined when they were playing Karkand and somehow they got on top of the hotel where there is no ladder. Cheaters.
The thought occured to me to try and alter my IP address into rotating numbers so I can join their server and kill the admins many times destroying their stats like they have by banning me but then I would be just like them. Bunch of punks.

Here is a list of punks I ran across so far either by their whining or tk's: Wayne117, cim69boca, Barbareks.

One time I was Commander and winning and Barbareks was on my team and he tked me twice.  I then logged in as a different username and tked him with a shotgun to the face as he was running towards me.
I know exactly what you mean with lost soulz and their hotel roof exploit. i have personally seen it myslelf, in addition to their damage mod haxs. I know that clan front back. There nothing but a bunch of smacktards, hackers, noob tubers, grenade spamers, and biggest of all, they spawn kill with tanks like there is no tomorrow.

I told their admns/ leader they need to change their name from lost soulz to lazy shitbags.

I avoid their server at all cost. If i ever see a LS in another server, i rank on his ass like mad.

Try CBBF ( code blue battle field ) clan. i like their servers and they are at least respectful for the most part.
mad scotsman
i just left a clan because it was starting to get full of asshats,,stargate clan,,SG_CMD, they are kicking people for saying things like noob ffs, you  cant swear on ts, you all HAVE TO PLAY on the same team, most are shit players and get OWNED constantly , and you cant even change teams, you have to deal with their fuking lameness and try not to swear on TS, i mean WTF.

3 guys ran it, two if them were great, 1 was an asshat that didnt even play bf2 but seemed to think he knew what was best for the bf2 division and appointed the two biggest retards you will ever meet in game as GDL (games divisiob leader) and they fuked up big time,,,alll they got was complaints,,,after a while of this shit, i was asked to take over the division to help run the server properly,(i was admin already and NEVER had one complaint against me) but still, people were to be kicked for noob, ffs and so on and they fuktard noobs that geaded it before would be my assistants.....

pphhhffff, i declined and resigned due to being a clan of asshats,,(mostly)...so i told two of the leaders and they decided it was best for them to go to, because the other leader was making a big mistake with the running of the server, so they took their server (sg3(a) ranked ) for bf2 and got another teamspeak then i gathered the cream of the crop from sg cmd and started a new clan last week.75th regiment,,75threg.com.

and i can honestly say iv never enjoyed bf2 so much while being in a clan, we can do wtf we want in team speak and in game (as long as it doesnt break ROE) and you dont get treated like a fuking kid.

moral of the story is,,,stargate clan are the biggest bunch of noob retards youll meet in game and none have played outside the sg cmd buuble so they dont have a clue about the community.

and the best , by far is our new clan because we are a great group of lads (girls welcome too) who just play for a laugh and enjoy it.

sorry for the novel but these guys had had me complaining about the way they did things for months now and didnt listen till it was too late, so fuck them noobs..

75threg.com rules...watch this space lol

Ottomania wrote:

bamboo cmmandos, kick for every reason such as bailing out from a burning jet
I feel your pain
NBK clan. They will ban you if you get in a vehicle without asking them

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