Touches Himself At Night.

Klaarg wrote:

JimmyBotswana wrote:

I agree with the author. I have been kicked from there before for taking the tank at the beginning of the match and driving to the east side of the alleys where people spawn at hotel and killing like 2 or 3 people and moving on. They call that spawncamping. I would never camp there it's retarded if you sit there and shoot everyone who walks by you are going to get blown up very quickly even if only 1 person on the whole team knows what to do. You shoot who you see and keep moving if you are any good at armor. Unless you have UAV, then you are golden to sit and shoot whoever you see. But it is not spawncamping at the beginning of the match. Your team is trying to cap the flag and those spots are where loads of enemies are. Even if you haven't spawned there you are likely to be in the action around there. So what you can kill them but not the ones who just spawned? You have to let them get away so they have a chance to kill you? That's a tank's job, it wasn't invented to shoot pretty flowers at everyone who walks by. It was invented to tear you to shreds. And when it does its job, people scream spawncamping. No it's called Flag Pounding, it's what armor is supposed to do, so our team can advance and capture a position.
Wow, your amazing grasp of yhe situation and then completely ignoring it in your answer, is something to see...
I wouldn't worry about this Jimmy knob. After seeing his sig from a few weeks back it turned out he thought he was special for killing Firestorm. In defense of Moongamers you really do have to be a part of the communtiy to get the best experience. Coming onto the server and immediatly BH/DD, censor bypassing, Tking for jets, raping the airfield or doing things to hinder other users gameplay should not and will nto be tolerated.....So if you would read the rules at … opic=10020 then you would have a much better idea of what not to do. However if you would like to post in the unban forums and tell evey admin how they're 12 and crap then feel free. We're always looking for a good laugh

Last edited by Sgt.Davi (2006-06-24 02:47:36)

Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6816|Groningen, The Netherlands

Fuzzball_the_Shooter wrote:

LOL! I got - karma from some moongamer fag. Haha!
lol, how is that possible

but your sig, how can you be a medic aviator
is that like flying over a teammate 50 times to get him back to full health

-=FS=-andrew wrote:

all the admins there try their best. they don't have enough admins to monitor everything that goes on.  Moongamers has 4 BF2 servers like ryan said.. but they also have some CS:S, COD2 and BF1942 servers. MOST the admins they have, admin more then the BF2 servers. They give up their time to to run these servers to give people a place to play.. they do not kick because they get killed over and over. IF an admin did do that, they would lose the admin powers. They all have reasons. If you break a rule they will kick you.. plain and simple.. Not all. are bad.. Join teamspeak and forums, get to know them before you judge them
What kind of bs is this.
From this link: … &cat=1
I count 82 admins. Not only that I'll add maybe at least 10 more who didn't list their picture.
A good majority of these admins are BF2 Admins. Assuming you do have 82 admins divided by 4 servers, 20.5 admins per server. So what is considered as enough admins?


Looking at it, RAW has not sure if they still do, 4 x 64 slots Karkand. I haven't seen a single admin in there, nor have a seen any trouble makers. And the only admin I've ever seen is the Auto-Admin.
Noobie1 Canoli

chinesemaster006 wrote:

-=FS=-andrew wrote:

all the admins there try their best. they don't have enough admins to monitor everything that goes on.  Moongamers has 4 BF2 servers like ryan said.. but they also have some CS:S, COD2 and BF1942 servers. MOST the admins they have, admin more then the BF2 servers. They give up their time to to run these servers to give people a place to play.. they do not kick because they get killed over and over. IF an admin did do that, they would lose the admin powers. They all have reasons. If you break a rule they will kick you.. plain and simple.. Not all. are bad.. Join teamspeak and forums, get to know them before you judge them
What kind of bs is this.
From this link: … &cat=1
I count 82 admins. Not only that I'll add maybe at least 10 more who didn't list their picture.
A good majority of these admins are BF2 Admins. Assuming you do have 82 admins divided by 4 servers, 20.5 admins per server. So what is considered as enough admins?


Looking at it, RAW has not sure if they still do, 4 x 64 slots Karkand. I haven't seen a single admin in there, nor have a seen any trouble makers. And the only admin I've ever seen is the Auto-Admin.
You should know well that Admins not up to standards don't last long at Moongamers Chinesemaster.
What does this have to do with the quotations.
Dont go there ever... quote pyramid beings here
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6744|Reisterstown, MD

People who abuse their power need to be relieved of it.  I've seen several threads about MoonGamers.  I stopped by there once just to see what was going on and all I saw was people getting banned left and right.  It seems the admins there are more interested in kicking people than having fun.  Why have a server/s when 90 percent of the people get kicked because they don't follow idiotic rules like "don't take a tank from an admin" or whatever.  How gay is that?  The servers that have pussy rules such as "no spawn camping" are the ones that really need the help because they couldn't survive otherwise.  Here comes the neg karma(I really don't care) from the people who love and cherish these weak servers.

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Dont go there ever

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