Bringing Sexy Back
Rumsfeld: Flight 93

In a candid moment in front of U.S. troops, Donald Rumsfeld strays from the official story of heroic passengers flying fight 93 into the ground by saying it was "shot down."

Slip of the tongue? or a schoolboy error?

This can only fuel the conspiracy theories being thrown around for the last few years.

Waste Kid

im sure quite a few people have seen that. Very suspicious.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6711|Southeastern USA
Ha Ha! This'll Be Fun!!

Where's BM?

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-07 15:32:45)

The Cereal Killer
+201|6820| United States of America
hmmmm an American plane shot down over Americian soil?........ yeah right

Last edited by tvmissleman (2006-07-07 15:32:08)

Fantasma Parastasie
There's so much conflicting evidence on this matter that I've given up trying to form an actual opinion on it.
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack
Seemed like just a slip of the tongue.  I don't believe the loosechange stuff, but I do think they probably shot down Flight 93 -- who wouldn't do the same in those circumstances?

Last edited by spastic bullet (2006-07-07 15:35:31)

Well, if they did shoot it down, I wouldnt be surprised. Bothered, yes. Surprised, no.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6851|Tampa Bay Florida
Don't really mind that if they shot it down, but if they did, why cover it up?  There's no real reason for covering up a shoot down, especially one which was part of the 9/11 plot

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-07-07 16:01:07)

"It's Recharging!"
This is so old. Welcome to last week.
+147|6844|Canada wrote:

Rumsfeld: Flight 93

In a candid moment in front of U.S. troops, Donald Rumsfeld strays from the official story of heroic passengers flying fight 93 into the ground by saying it was "shot down." … ight93.jpg

Slip of the tongue? or a schoolboy error?

This can only fuel the conspiracy theories being thrown around for the last few years.

Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6847|Hell's prison
Loose Change is a photoshopped edited crock of shit.  The original tapes didnt have any of that bullshit on there. Proof?  Sure lemme call my friends at FOX news, CNN and NBC and they'll send em right over.  The vids have been doctored so much by now the real truth is shrouded in crud.  Sorry my two cents.

tvmissleman wrote:

hmmmm an American plane shot down over Americian soil?........ yeah right
by Americans Nonetheless
the only reason to cover it up would be if it was shot down by US planes
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6689|Portland, OR USA

Last2Stand wrote:

Well, if they did shoot it down, I wouldnt be surprised. Bothered, yes. Surprised, no.
I'm not sure I'd be bothered.  It would be unfortunatel, but when weighed against the likely alternative, I would do the same.  I'm not saying it DID happen, but if it did I would certainly support it.  The choice was 150 dead or thousands dead.  What call would you make?  "Let God sort it out?"  "Not our place to play God?"  He helps those who help themselves.

Yeah, it was definitely shot down, don't you guys know? Some guy in Pennsylvania had a random Stinger and decided "That plane must have terrorists in it, I think I'll shoot it down".


I sure hope it was a slip of the tongue...
I called bullshit immediately after hearing the "women and children take down multiple knife wielding trained close combat professionals, while attacking one at a time through a narrow isle" story.
I thought it was pretty much common knowledge that it was shot down...?
Not that shooting it down was a bad thing-what needed to be done, was done, at the minimum possible loss of life.

Last edited by K8Kommunist (2006-07-07 18:45:31)

+276|6816|United States of America

K8Kommunist wrote:

I called bullshit immediately after hearing the "women and children take down multiple knife wielding trained close combat professionals, while attacking one at a time through a narrow isle" story.
I thought it was pretty much common knowledge that it was shot down...?
Not that shooting it down was a bad thing-what needed to be done, was done, at the minimum possible loss of life.
You are a retard and know nothing.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6711|Southeastern USA
Chuck Norris was alarmed over the first 3 plane strikes, so he flew to PA, pointed his finger at the plane, and yelled "BANG", and it was destroyed.
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack
Chuck Norris does not get "alarmed".  He can wipe out galaxies without even going to DEFCON 4.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6851|Tampa Bay Florida

SGT_Squirtle wrote:

the only reason to cover it up would be if it was shot down by US planes
But that makes no sense.  Bush was criticized for NOT shooting down the other planes.  Therefore, they would probably not cover it up.  That's why I think it's a slip of the tongue
The Cereal Killer
+201|6820| United States of America

Spumantiii wrote:

tvmissleman wrote:

hmmmm an American plane shot down over Americian soil?........ yeah right
by Americans Nonetheless
i can just see it now : wtfomfgbbqhax that plane! w3 mu5t t3h pwnz0riz3 t3h pl4nz3 t3h ar3 full of t3rrori57s! W3 WILL pwnze j00!!!!!

Major_Spittle wrote:

K8Kommunist wrote:

I called bullshit immediately after hearing the "women and children take down multiple knife wielding trained close combat professionals, while attacking one at a time through a narrow isle" story.
I thought it was pretty much common knowledge that it was shot down...?
Not that shooting it down was a bad thing-what needed to be done, was done, at the minimum possible loss of life.
You are a retard and know nothing.
Big talk coming from someone who cannot piece together a 7 word sentence.
"You are a retard who knows nothing"
+127|6820|WPB, FL. USA
I continue to hear and read a lot of speculation about Flt. 93 and I've come to the conclusion that people will always speculate and at times convince themselves of what they want their version of the truth to be - all is fine and well with human nature.  However, the facts from all investigations, federal and private, have concluded that it went "NOSE DOWN" into the field and "ALL" components were found, to any certain degree,  in the debris field from the wreckage.  Further tests and studies have shown "no traces" of any type of characteristics associated with a pre-explosion {common term - "shot down"}.

Certain facts do occur with the shooting down of an aircraft; 1} Heat seeking missiles will attack the heat from the fan jet, cause an explosion, and the crash debris field would be extensive.  2} Gunning a plane down would cause extensive damage and highly traceable signs of projectile penetration.

In all facts - the debris field was consistent with a nose down high impact {engines attached and running} crash, there was no evidence or independent reports by anyone of bullets holes, and there have been no pieces of the plane found anywhere outside of the crash site.  Considering a lot of independent investigators tried to find the smoking gun to support the shooting down of Flt. 93, for many good and not so good reasons, there are no facts or evidence to support the downing of the plane.  Also, civilians were some of the first on the seen and not one fact could be found that proves there was any attempt to suppress or cover-up any evidence that anything other than the fact the plane went down nose first into the field occurred.

As far as Sect. Rumsfeld's comment - what does he have to say?

God rest their soles and may their family and friends have the burden of their deaths lifted from their hearts,
A respectful American.
Baltimore Blowfish

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

I continue to hear and read a lot of speculation about Flt. 93 and I've come to the conclusion that people will always speculate and at times convince themselves of what they want their version of the truth to be - all is fine and well with human nature.  However, the facts from all investigations, federal and private, have concluded that it went "NOSE DOWN" into the field and "ALL" components were found, to any certain degree,  in the debris field from the wreckage.  Further tests and studies have shown "no traces" of any type of characteristics associated with a pre-explosion {common term - "shot down"}.

Certain facts do occur with the shooting down of an aircraft; 1} Heat seeking missiles will attack the heat from the fan jet, cause an explosion, and the crash debris field would be extensive.  2} Gunning a plane down would cause extensive damage and highly traceable signs of projectile penetration.

In all facts - the debris field was consistent with a nose down high impact {engines attached and running} crash, there was no evidence or independent reports by anyone of bullets holes, and there have been no pieces of the plane found anywhere outside of the crash site.  Considering a lot of independent investigators tried to find the smoking gun to support the shooting down of Flt. 93, for many good and not so good reasons, there are no facts or evidence to support the downing of the plane.  Also, civilians were some of the first on the seen and not one fact could be found that proves there was any attempt to suppress or cover-up any evidence that anything other than the fact the plane went down nose first into the field occurred.

As far as Sect. Rumsfeld's comment - what does he have to say?

God rest their soles and may their family and friends have the burden of their deaths lifted from their hearts,
A respectful American.
The crash debris field would be extensive, right?  There was debris and engine parts found up to a mile away from the crash site.  And yes civilians were some of the first on the "seen" (spelled scene), and have given testimony on camera that the wreckage they found there was shredded bits of metal, no identifiable plane wreckage, a trough in the ground maybe 30 feet long,  and only a few small body parts.  If the plane crashed into an abandoned field, there would be a mass of wreckage with at least a few intact bodies on the scene, most likely quite a few.  Don't forget about the many eyewitnesses in the area who saw a low-flying plane in the area at the time of the crash.
Calmer than you are.
Forget the videos on loosechange and the like, those might have been tampered with by anyone. (Not my opinion but anyhow...)

The real question is why the US Government refuses to go public with the information they have. For example, there are videos of that plane crashing into the Pentagon which they refuse - for NO good reason - to show. Same goes for that passenger plane that was shot down. No videos, no pictures, nothing! Its not like any important information about the "terrorists" (or whatever) is gonna be revealed by showing us pictures of debris from the plane crash...
Especially that plane on the Pentagon... Is it possible there is no footage of it crashing?? Its the Pentagon we're talking about remember??

go ahead and give me -karma but state your name and opinion you  ("asshat" I know who you are u ignorant pussy)

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