I could not care less

I only know that he was a real asshat on this forum.
soup fly mod

themanmythlegend wrote:

ok im here to speak on behalf of guppy99_00. he said he was banned unfairly and by playing with him the past couple of months i would have to agree. his story is that he TKed before the round started which i find nothing wrong with that everyone TKs before a round starts. i agree he broke some rules on these forums but that doesnt make him a bad video gamer. he apologyzed for the stuff he did on here, and im sure he hasnt come back and treated you all the same way. well i love playing with guppy and would like to play on your server to but since hes not allowed we never head to your server anyways.  but would love to play with both of yall sometime. thank you thats my story dont - karma me for speaking on behalf of someone
nobody gets kicked or banned for tk'ing before a round starts.  we all do it and other crazy stuff to pass the time.  if that is his story then it doesn't seem plausible. 

however, i am a believer in second chances so i would support lifting his ban if mr guppy acknowledges his poor behavior on this forum and the server and pledges to abide by the rules.

my two cents
I could not care less

themanmythlegend wrote:

he already apologyzed on these forums and no one accepted it. but he always follows server rules thats one thing he does. he said he will follow server rules but for the forums he already apologyzed more than once.
I have not seen an apologize from him.
I wonder why....
I could not care less

So why doesn't he get in here him self??
soup fly mod

Mr. themanmythlegend...i think we all know you're guppy.

1)you have no stats,
2)your name isn't linked to an account
3)you registed three days ago
4)you have been guppy lobbying since then. 

maybe if mr guppy were to join TS and make a verbal appology to some of the guys he pissed off, then we would know he meant it.  does anybody remember what he was banned from the server for?

with that being said, I am for second chances.  make your apology truthful, sincere and most importantly admit what you did and i'll talk to the admins about an unban.

Last edited by superfly_cox (2006-07-04 07:16:23)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7151|Cologne, Germany

well, normaly, bans on the forums and on the server are not connected. It's simply a coincidence in this case that he also violated server rules.

I am also a firm believer in second chances and would vote for lifting the ban. You should tell him though that we are watching him and that any further rule violation will result in a final permaban.

who banned guppy initially ?
I could not care less

It might have been me,i don't know.
Cool member
tell him to come back then.

Last edited by theDude5B (2006-07-04 07:53:34)

soup fly mod

themanmythlegend wrote:

well i wish i was guppy have you seen his stats. but for reals erabbit8 is my name i suck bad. guppy is out of a computer right now hes moving places, and i made it so he can come and play in your server once he gets his PC up. which might be in a couple of weeks. i used to go to his house and play there all the time and we would get drunk and play all night on saturdays and fridays. but no im not guppy you asked for his apology i looked it up and there it is. if i was guppy i would of -karma you for accusing. jk but ill let him know once his PC is up

oh and about admitting he said ask the person who banned him he did nothing wrong but TK before the round started thats all he did wrong, ask around no one will know why he got banned. he thinks is because of these forums.
you wrote:
"ok i was playing with a guy wearing this tag a couple of nights ago. they seem real organized..."

however this erabbit8 hasn't been online since june 6th:

not to mention that you're spamming stupid threads all over the forum.

u write like guppy, you smell like guppy and you lie like guppy.  sorry not buying it.


Last edited by superfly_cox (2006-07-04 08:30:20)

+383|7029|The Netherlands
Mmm something smells a bit fishy here. Lets ask alpha to check the ip's of both accounts to see if they match.

Last edited by General-Echo (2006-07-04 10:36:25)


superfly_cox wrote:

themanmythlegend wrote:

well i wish i was guppy have you seen his stats. but for reals erabbit8 is my name i suck bad. guppy is out of a computer right now hes moving places, and i made it so he can come and play in your server once he gets his PC up. which might be in a couple of weeks. i used to go to his house and play there all the time and we would get drunk and play all night on saturdays and fridays. but no im not guppy you asked for his apology i looked it up and there it is. if i was guppy i would of -karma you for accusing. jk but ill let him know once his PC is up

oh and about admitting he said ask the person who banned him he did nothing wrong but TK before the round started thats all he did wrong, ask around no one will know why he got banned. he thinks is because of these forums.
you wrote:
"ok i was playing with a guy wearing this tag a couple of nights ago. they seem real organized..."

however this erabbit8 hasn't been online since june 6th:

not to mention that you're spamming stupid threads all over the forum.

u write like guppy, you smell like guppy and you lie like guppy.  sorry not buying it.

LOL good observation but not really. i am not guppy and you right i havent been playing for a while because my computer sucks alot. im glad i can use regular interenet. the only time i play is when guppy was on TS or when i went to his house. he hasnt been around lately so i never had a chance to ask about his clan, and i wanted to join. ok can the real ERABBIT8 step up. no one in this place can step up using that account since its no ones but me. and if i was guppy my kill/death ration wouldnt be that bad and my spm would be a little better if that was a newer account, can you people please stop with the accusations please. i am not him. i am only here to speak in behalf of him. sorry if my computer sucks and i dont want to get pissed of at lag. keep on searching for answers you will find nothing but guesses

Last edited by themanmythlegend (2006-07-04 12:11:47)


Alpha or Schuss, can you cross-check his IP with Guppy's?
wow you are dedicated in making me guppy, why is that. i told you erabbit8 people stop with the accusations. if im not guppy i get a kill you all for free card in a game whenever i do join in alright!!
Major Payne
hey i just owned you a minute ago in a server lol

themanmythlegend wrote:

wow you are dedicated in making me guppy, why is that. i told you erabbit8 people stop with the accusations. if im not guppy i get a kill you all for free card in a game whenever i do join in alright!! go on thinking that...
lol alright enough of this ill see you on the playing field one day whenever i fix this slow pc, but ill have guppy come in personally on TS to apologyze man sorry for the confusion

I don't know if I have to post it here but:

Earlier today (few houres back) while we were playing sharqi, Rastapopoulos and I got in the mec chopper. This guy named darkman99999 couldn't stand it so he shot an AT missile towards us. rasta, my pilote, did what every pilote would do, turn around to repair. Darkman99999 fires another missile and we both die.
So oke, we respawn, have the chopper again and Darkman fires another AT, so (and shame on me) I teamkilled him on purpose, but I must say that was the first time I ever did that. Then he switched teams and started teamkilling there. He had -21 points when I said he would be banned and he left the server on his own. (Yeah I know I have no admin powers but some people think all bf2s members have hehe )

Anyway, is it possible to ban him on the bf2s eu server, or could you put him at least on some list so you could watch him next time he is on the server (cause you don't have real proof except for my word).
BF2s EU Server Admin (RETIRED)
+330|6972|The Netherlands
Ok good to post it here De_Jappe
Sorry there was no admin online  (cause of World Cup)

But on name only we cannot ban.
We'll keep an eye out for him
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7151|Cologne, Germany

themanmythlegend wrote:

lol alright enough of this ill see you on the playing field one day whenever i fix this slow pc, but ill have guppy come in personally on TS to apologyze man sorry for the confusion
that'd be best I'd say. If guppy's PC is really broken, lifiting his ban wouldn't help him anyway at the moment.

Then again, even if someone calling himself guppy turns up in TS and apologizes, how do we know it's really him ? You know, it's the internet, names mean nothing.

Because of that and because of the fact he is making such an effort to get unbanned on some random server in a videogame, I'd vote for lifting the ban anyhow. We can still re-ban him if he violates the rules again.
I could not care less

B.Schuss wrote:

themanmythlegend wrote:

lol alright enough of this ill see you on the playing field one day whenever i fix this slow pc, but ill have guppy come in personally on TS to apologyze man sorry for the confusion
that'd be best I'd say. If guppy's PC is really broken, lifiting his ban wouldn't help him anyway at the moment.

Then again, even if someone calling himself guppy turns up in TS and apologizes, how do we know it's really him ? You know, it's the internet, names mean nothing.

Because of that and because of the fact he is making such an effort to get unbanned on some random server in a videogame, I'd vote for lifting the ban anyhow. We can still re-ban him if he violates the rules again.
Sure,make it happen schuss.

Lt.Goldman wrote:

Ok good to post it here De_Jappe
Sorry there was no admin online  (cause of World Cup)

But on name only we cannot ban.
We'll keep an eye out for him
oke thanks goldman!
And sad Germany lost, didn't really expected that. But then again, if you reach semi-finals, and if you are from italy, you are never bad...
BF2s EU Server Admin (RETIRED)
+330|6972|The Netherlands
There was absolute chaos on the BF2s EU server when I logged in into BF2cc

Log of what was going on before I joined (no admin online)

- 5 guys with more than 4 teamkills

[Buffer] [20:54:27] uQ.bf2 SargeV1.4 -> you fucking asshole
[Buffer] [20:57:37] [BF2s] Evil-Fruits|ST4R ->  shut up avoacdo
[Buffer] [21:01:50] [BF2s] Evil-Fruits|ST4R -> n00b why u ass
[Buffer] [21:03:01] |12-$|*Vassili -> *§1MORT§0*fuck toi
[Buffer] [21:04:37] [BF2s] Evil-Fruits|ST4R ->  god dam

I logged in to BF2cc

[21:05:43] Lex_T -> owned asshole!
[21:07:12] M<>J<>Ris^N -> u fuc kin dic k
[21:07:29] M<>J<>Ris^N -> for fookin chopper u cunt
[21:07:47] Therien -> fucking sick of this.. every fucking time i have to g
[21:08:32] M<>J<>Ris^N -> fuckin prick tk me again al tk u every fuc kin round spastic kid
[21:09:03] M<>J<>Ris^N -> thats right keep mouth shut too
[21:09:41] [BF2s] Evil-Fruits|ST4R -> god dam every time u lock i die ffs
[21:10:18] M<>J<>Ris^N -> omg noob fookin city
[21:11:38] M<>J<>Ris^N -> [cb] = pricks
[21:12:17] ArticCoolingUK -> bitch
[21:12:37] M<>J<>Ris^N -> lol prick
[21:12:41] Excorio -> gvd!!
[21:14:10] WeWereSoliders -> that guy is pissin gme off
[21:14:53] Lex_T -> i'll tk u back u stinking maggot!!!!
[21:15:22] batsignature -> yea its like kidporn

After I warned a few guys with a personal typed message, it still continued.
So PAUSED the server to WARN all of them

[Admin: Lt.Goldman] .           TO ALL    STOP TEAMKILLING  AND  SWEARING  OR BE KICKED  !!
[Admin: Lt.Goldman] .           TO ALL    STOP TEAMKILLING  AND  SWEARING  OR BE KICKED  !!
[Admin: Lt.Goldman] .           TO ALL    STOP TEAMKILLING  AND  SWEARING  OR BE KICKED  !!
[Admin: Lt.Goldman] .           TO ALL    STOP TEAMKILLING  AND  SWEARING  OR BE KICKED  !!

Because of the server PAUSE, everyone must have seen this.  no excuse

Sadly WITHIN 1 MINUTE it continued:
[21:16:44] *[CB]*Bikette67 -> comander fuck
[21:17:12] [UCF]Pink -> fucking noob
[21:20:28] Maran-Sniper -> go fu ck urself

So I kicked these guys

And then... this happened:

[21:18:23] *[CB]* LeFuret[CH] -> Admin is a fucker!
[21:20:10] [CDM] UCF_Dauntless -> lame fucking admin
[21:22:13] M<>J<>Ris^N -> fuckin admins are shit


Do NOT tell me you did not know !
And DON'T tell me you thought the BF2cc program ?? did it on it's own !
Cause if you thought so... why did you reply with the above messages then ????

Last edited by Lt.Goldman (2006-07-07 13:18:23)


Someone mind telling me why I was banned for "Watch your language"

Would be nice to know...

I did say "f**king" but that was because my clanmate got kicked for "watch your language" as well as about 10-12 other guys.

and he diddnt even type a word His name is "[UCF]Pink" can you please show me the log of what he said?

[UCF]Dauntless wrote:

Someone mind telling me why I was banned for "Watch your language"
Goldman just did...

I diddnt see any server messages.

I was at the begining of the round, but I couldn't leave the squad I was in, so I left and re-joined when I got back, i said fucking admin or something because it seemed everyone was being kicked for no reason...
Including my clanmate as i said before.

It was his first time on the server and I told him its a cool place, nice guys etc. and 10 miniutes in, that happens...

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