Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6881|Honolulu, HI
You all know the feeling you get when a grenade blows up in a bad way, or a couple stray bullets end up not being as stray as you thought they would be   Used to be that you'd be forgiven as long as you didn't walk right up to the teammate and blow his brains out point-blank.  Nowadays...

Here's a fun story.  I played 3 rounds of Warlord this morning.  I was TK'd 5 times.  I got zero "Sorry" messages, and I forgave all 5.  I threw a bad grenade and got a TK in the first round, and then did it again in the third.  I immediately said "Sorry chief" twice each time.  But they were worthless anyhow, seeing as I was told "You were punished for a teamkill!" immediately afterwards.

So to recap, I punished 0 of 5 TKs, but 2 of my 2 were punished.

Argh...just felt like sharing.

Sorry, my bad
Sorry chief
Sorry, my bad
Sorry, my bad
Sorry chief

You were punished for a teamkill!
Fantasma Parastasie
Welcome to BF2

hmm... the stupidest TK-punish worthy thing I've ever done is to fly my MiG-29 at full speed through the lower dam tunnel on Kubra without checking for choppers first. Not only was there a chopper, but also a buggy and a tank. I went into the tunnel at 950 kp/h, slammed into the chopper, chopper fell on the buggy and my remains damaged the tank. They weren't very happy to say the least

Welcome to the Suck.
i frikin hate little faggots that punish for an accident

i ALLWAYS forgive unless i know for a fact the c*nt meant it
They're just crybabies that can't take one for the team. Some purposely try to ruin ur score kinda like when a jeep full of teamates ram ur tank and all 3 punish u. I've missed out on my people's medallion and navy cross due to idiots like that, next time i get to 100, i'm hiding till the round ends.
Flying with a mig, going for a re supply but then some fully loaded transport chopper just rushes in my way and boom, all punish just to kick me for the plane.
+101|6829|Southern California

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Welcome to BF2

hmm... the stupidest TK-punish worthy thing I've ever done is to fly my MiG-29 at full speed through the lower dam tunnel on Kubra without checking for choppers first. Not only was there a chopper, but also a buggy and a tank. I went into the tunnel at 950 kp/h, slammed into the chopper, chopper fell on the buggy and my remains damaged the tank. They weren't very happy to say the least
rofl that is the worst TK I have ever heard of!!!! instant kick? You got me beat I TKd 3 on a helo once. It was a stupid snapshot with my tank at an enemy AT and the helo was coming up over the hill behind him firing door guns. And I missed the AT gunner

sorry sorry

OpsChief Punished for a teamkill!
OpsChief Punished for a teamkill!
OpsChief Punished for a teamkill!

noooooooooooooo  I know they punished me before their bodies even hit the ground
+519|6774|Gold coast, Aus.
I unloked the shiny nw F2000....and because the noobtube looks exactly alike (apart from the crosshair) I walked into an allleyway at karkand with it out......and see 2 friendlies trying to kill one mec.... Real up-close, in ya face action and I tried to slot a shot in there....I hear a small *kluunk* sound and tked the friendlies and the bad guy with the noob tube

Last edited by gene_pool (2006-07-07 08:18:25)

Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6881|Honolulu, HI
Well, I'm not new to BF2, to say the least.  In my 80,000+ points of play time I have punished for exactly 2 teamkills.  Two.  That's as many as I was punished for this morning.

Gah...of course I've been punished many a time for TKs but come on.  If you're going to hit page down, at least think for half a second about what TK'd you and why he might have accidentally done it first.
Flying Solo
+98|6923|Canada, Ont
Round was over and we had all flags and we were looking for the last Man alive. I Spotted him and drive my tank towards him. A DPV Full of Friendlys Comes Roaring towards me and Slams into my Tank and I get 3 TKs, Two of them Punish me and I get Booted from the Server.

I think my Story takes the Cake.
The ones I remember that ticked me off:

Being a squad leader, shooting at an enemy with PKM, squad mate jumped in front, got downed in two hits with PKM, then punished.  Of course I told him he was an idiot over VOIP then booted him from the squad.

Once I was in a blackhawk on Wake, seated in the back.  As we were getting shot up, I bailed.  Somehow I got four TKs, and two of the idiots punished.  You'd think they'd know that we were getting shot up and it wasn't from a friendly.

In a buggy, I stopped to give someone a ride, however they still got enthusiastically in front of me as I slowed down, got TKed, then still punished.  Dude should've realized I was slowing down for him and he got in front of me.
I hate asshats that page down everytime. EVERYTIME. I wish they  were banned for an eternity from servers

my story;

Map: Wake Island
Server: 24/7 Wake/Karkand

so I'm in the J-10, going back to the ship for refuel. 2 people are in the combat chopper just hovering in the air over the US ESSEX. Anyway, I get some refuel, but I still needed 3 more missiles. so I go back, the CHOPPER flys right into me and they both punish me.

Last edited by HITANDGUN (2006-07-07 08:37:20)

Bash.org Junkie
No, I think sarge wins.
+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

this is what I don't understand all of us here say that we don't punish on accidents but we will punish on a true TK ( I'm the same - I won't punish when I know it was an accident or if it was my fault ) but with all these ppl that saying that don't punish why is their still so many punishments - I have seen guys that are regulars here and they have stated they only punish for true TK but then later on that day I have caught up with them in a server and watch them lay down in front of jet and then punish the guy when they got ran over and the same guy  jumped in front of a tank and punished the driver ( like the tank can stop on a dime when someone jumped out in front)
I realize alot of people don't read these threads or even vist these sites but I think its stupid to punish on accidents - there are a few servers that I'm a regular on and they have it set to auto punish it has its good side and has its bad side
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

thats one thing they should have dun in 1.4, taken out punishing.

its a waste. people abuse it. it supposed to be used if your teammate purposely punishes you, but if there's an accident and like said before, a stray bullet kills your teammate, it wasn't really your fault or your main intention. if you are killed accidentally i think people should be alot more mature and only punish for mistake made on purpose
the stupidest was back when people could punish when you dropped artillery...
+86|6797|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA
How about when you lay claymores near a flag to get the enemy and it goes off, killing the enemy and a teammate who was trying to kill him?  Punishing fags...I wish I could reach through my data line and choke the living shit out of the 10 year old...

Or yesterday, in a damn firefight in a tank, firing machine gun and tank rounds while moving, damn idiot runs in front of me and punishes for a tk!  WTF?  You see I'm fighting another tank, I'm moving, don't run in front of me!

Or, teammate is next to me, 3 nme soldiers go for flag so I lob a nade in...he runs in to have a 1 on 3 firefight with them as the nade goes off and punishes...at least I got 3 kills and a flag defend.  Still, he was a fuckwad...

you should be allowed to punish back for inappropriate punishing.
There is hope out there.  I played on a squad lastnight were i accidently naded about 3 of my teammates that round and they all forgave.  It was a night map and I also flatout shot and killed a teammate and he also took mercy.  And I thought i was the only one who forgave that kind of stuff.
I think the option to punish needs to remain... if it's removed and theres no deterent to TKing for vehicles then everyone will start doing it... hey, thats an idea... heres your punishment for a TK, you cannot board a vehicle for 2 minutes afterwards... I could live with that.

My worst TK story was on Mashtuur City, I was in a Tank and my squad mate was in the APC we head over the bridge towards the center of town with him in the lead and the US tank pops it's head around the corner and shoots at him, I'm an engineer so I move up to fix him up and he backs into me and blows up... punish... for the rest of the round I just ragged on him over VOIP... kept asking him if he was going to punish that US player for shooting him or if he should punish the commander for dropping artillery on him.
Fantasma Parastasie
ok, I think that people are kinda confused as to what a punish does:

It does NOT cost you points. a TK is 4 points, 6 if you shot them because you'll probably get a team damage first. punish or not, it doesn't matter.

The most a punish can do is get you kicked when a server has the 'kick on so many punishes' option enabled.

On the other hand it does tell you what kind of a person they are.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6847|Howell, Mi USA
Last week i was playing sniper on Karkstupid. within 10 mins i had 6 tk's from my claymores. complete morons on that server. i can understand maybe 1 or 2 but it seemed everytime i place a clay a teammate found it.

One idiot actually said "CBASS STOP TEAMKILLING ME" (like i was doing it on purpose)

My response " Y don't u open your eyes and fking watch out, red skullz aren't powerups u fking retarded fck"

after that me and my negative teamscore were booted for bad language.
The lord high master of pies
I was on a server (cant remember which) and it was on Wake and I was Chinese. I got into the tank at airfield and this person was a little sour that I got in it before him/her so he/she followed me verywhere in a buggy and kept driving into me, blowing up and forcing a TK. It was so annoying, I tried VoteKicking him/her and everything but there weren't enough votes, in the end I just had to leave as he/she wasn't being kicked. He/she was the most spoilt and self centred BF2er I have ever met. Anyway shouldn't this thread be in BF2 complaints

Last edited by [BBF]Snake (2006-07-07 09:46:10)

+101|6829|Southern California

SargeV1.4 wrote:

ok, I think that people are kinda confused as to what a punish does:

It does NOT cost you points. a TK is 4 points, 6 if you shot them because you'll probably get a team damage first. punish or not, it doesn't matter.

The most a punish can do is get you kicked when a server has the 'kick on so many punishes' option enabled.

On the other hand it does tell you what kind of a person they are.
m8 the punishing hurts much more than the -4  lol  it is a conviction without trial, judge and jury....the guy that added that part to the game must not be an American.  *sniff* 

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-07-07 09:58:55)

+101|6829|Southern California

[BBF]Snake wrote:

I was on a server (cant remember which) and it was on Wake and I was Chinese. I got into the tank at airfield and this person was a little sour that I got in it before him/her so he/she followed me verywhere in a buggy and kept driving into me, blowing up and forcing a TK. It was so annoying, I tried VoteKicking him/her and everything but there weren't enough votes, in the end I just had to leave as he/she wasn't being kicked. He/she was the most spoilt and self centred BF2er I have ever met. Anyway shouldn't this thread be in BF2 complaints
I think that same whore (of either gender as applicable in the aforementioned case) chased me around once.

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