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Definitive Guide To Armor Combat
I will be updating this guide as I think of more things.  Also I will include posts and pictures that add to this guide.  So please contribute your ideas and thought.  Also feel free to contradict me if you think that I am wrong!

Note: this is not a guide for Tank Whores.  I will not be going over strategies for increasing your kill totals.  Rather this guide is for how to fight in armor and how to use armor for your team’s success.

Armor is the most important element to winning in BF2.  Airplanes are more dominating than armor but they aren’t as essential to winning.  The reason for this is because planes aren’t going to help you cap or defend flags.  Therefore, if you see an empty APC, grab it.  You’ll be more effective than as a foot soldier, you’ll prevent the enemy from getting it, and you’ll be helping your team win.

Once you get into armor, your have a responsibility!  Everybody can’t drive a tank so if you are lucky enough to get one then you need to understand your role!!!  You have three basic responsibilities:

1) First is to engage other armor.  This is your first priority.  Armor will tear infantry to shreds.  Even if you die in the process, you need engage the enemy armor to give your teammates a chance.  Tank whores will often not do this which gives a bad name to those who truly enjoy armor combat.

2) Support. Your job is to support your team’s attempts to take enemy flags.  Don’t rush in because you will become a c4 sandwich.  Capping flags is not your job, you are not suited for this.  Many people complain that armor spawn rapes, but this is not the case.  The job of armor is to pound the flag and allow your infantry to move in.  Ignore those that complain that you are “raping” because you are not trying to cap the flag.  Basically they are asking you to make it real easy for them to kill you…

3) Defend!  I know this is not popular but somebody needs to defend those crucial flags. Most maps have spawn points where armor spawns.  Usually if you lose this, you will lose the game.  Defend these at all costs.  Armor is slow, don’t use it to joyride around the map.  This doesn't mean that all armor should defend!  But at least one armor unit should be assigned to a key base.

-Be an Engineer: If you’re going to use armor then for gods sake please be an engineer.  There is nothing worse than a sniper in a tank.

-Splash Damage: Both Tanks and APCs do a great amount of splash damage.  When fighting against infantry don’t aim directly for them with the cannon but at the wall behind them or the ground.  If a Spec Ops is rushing you and he’s too close to get a clean shot then aim at any object that is close to you and the splash damage will kill him.  If somebody is hiding behind a corner then pound the ground right next to the corner and you’ll often get a kill.  If you’ve played as infantry you know how people hide from tanks.  Using this knowledge you can get lots of kills where you shoot without seeing the enemy!

-Constant Motion: Armor should never stand still.  You don’t have good vision (especially tank) and are begging to become a C4 sandwich.  One of the greatest joys of a Spec Ops is to blow up a tank.  They will rush you relentlessly so always be in motion.

-Repair Yourself:  Two strategies for repairing your tank.  First, is to go prone and crawl underneath the front of the vehicle.  Then keep spinning around as you repair to ensure that nobody sneaks up on you and takes your tank.  Another strategy is to be in constant motion as you repair the tank so that nobody can get a good shot at you.  Always be ready to press the “e” button should you fall under enemy fire.  There is no greater sin than to be killed while repairing a tank and essentially gift wrapping it for your opponents. 

-Wrench Out: The engineer should always enter the tank holding his wrench.  The way armor combat works, you’ll often blow up that enemy tank as you are down to two bars and are starting to burn.  Having the wrench out makes the difference between death and being able to repair your tank back up to full health.

-Buddy Up: Armor should stick together, especially if there are engineers in the vehicles.  You will be less vulnerable to attack.  Also you will heal each other!  Don't stick too close or a jet will ruin the party!

-Don’t Cap Flags: Armor is not made for capping enemy flags.  You’re too slow and have too poor a field of vision to be able to protect yourself from enemies that are spawning around you.  The only time you should ever go in to cap a flag is if you are in the company of friendly infantry or if there is a UAV overhead.

-Momentum: Armor needs time to get going, especially on hills or rough terrain.  Once you stop it will take you a bit to take off again thereby leaving you pretty vulnerable.  If you stick to the roads, you will travel much better.

-UAV more important than Supply Crates: Too many people who use armor constantly call for supply crates.  Well, supply crates are fine especially if you’re not an engineer but they aren’t that useful when fighting against armor or antitank infantry.  Supply crates repair you too slowly to make a difference in a fierce fight.  What does make all the difference is UAV.  Call for it often if you are a tank.  The main weakness of armor is field of vision.  UAV puts eyes in the back of your head!!!

-Smoke: Overrated.  Use it when you’re in trouble but it often doesn’t do much good.  That enemy tank will still know where you are and the attack choppers don’t have much of a problem with it.  It is however fairly effective against anti-tank infantry but only if you use it early enough.  If you’re down to 25% health and use it then its too late.  Even if they don’t see you, they’ll get you.  Smoke can be effective against choppers, but usually its too late.

-Beware of TOW: These things are so powerful!!!  They kill APC in one shot and Tank in two!  When entering an enemy outpost, use your tank cannon to destroy the tow so as to prevent enemy infantry from taking you out.

-Don’t Use Armor to Destroy Enemy Assets: For those of you who haven’t tried, it takes forever to destroy arty or UAV with a tank.  Leave that work to Spec Ops, otherwise there will be problems with the Spec Ops Union.

-Tank Machine Guns: Tank has two types of machine guns.  First is for the driver (right click).  This machine gun is devastating.  It has a rapid rate of fire and is incredibly accurate even at long range.  Learn to use it and it will be even more effective vs. ground troops than the cannon.  The second is for the Machine Gunner.  I don’t recommend you spend much time as a machine gunner in a tank because if the driver is doing as he should and is constantly in motion, you aren’t going to hit much.  However, if the pilot stands still then you’re a sitting duck.  You can’t win…

-Passenger in APC: Don’t do it unless you need a ride.  The machine gun windows are weak because you have very limited field of vision.  Also, APC gets destroyed too easily to warrant a multiple fatalities.  If you want to rise along and shoot stuff try the black hawk.

-Artillery: A direct hit from artillery will destroy any armor.  However this is rare and splash damage isn’t so bad.  Artillery is often a godsend when you are surrounded by enemy forces.  Commanders, don’t be afraid to rain down artillery fire on friendly armor. 

-Transport is Heading Toward You: Assume that it’s a spec ops soldier with c4 loaded belly.  Drive backwards, directly away from him while trying to fire.  Remember that if the Spec Ops wants to live he will need to jump out and let the vehicle role towards you before he detonates.  By driving away from him, the only option you leave him is suicide bombing; plus you give yourself more time to kill him.

-Advice for Infantry: If you’ve read this far then you probably will understand that you shouldn’t stand behind the tank!!!!

-Know When to Retreat: In the words of the immortal Kenny Rogers: “You’ve got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em”.  Destroyed Armor is no good to your team.  Better to retreat and repair than to fight a losing battle.  Also, if your team has lost the spawn point where you got the armor, the other team will now have an extra armor unit to fight against you.

-Don't Steal: There is nothing more frustrating than having someone steal a vehicle you are repairing.  Please don't do this.  If you do, then I usually will hunt you down and stick a grenade up your butt.

-Tanks:  There are differences between the MEC, PLC, and USMC.  Although I spend a lot of time in armor, I haven’t bothered to figure out the differences.  Tank cannon fire needs to account for distance.  In other words the projectile will lose altitude over distance you need to learn how to aim higher at longer ranges.

-APC: All of these guys float.  Different rates of fire.  I prefer the quick fire APCs as they are more effective against ground troops.  APC Cannon fire does not lose altitude over distance so you are a very effective long range weapon.  The only thing you need to learn is how to lead your target as you fire.  Also, APC cannons overheat very quickly so learn how to fire in bursts.  You will get in many more shots through conservation than through rapid fire then wait for overheat.

-Vs. Anti Tank Kits: Anti-tank infantry are the single most dangerous element for armor.  They are small, they can hide, they strike for a lot of damage and you only have a split second to hit them before they hide again!!  When dealing with 2-3 anti-tank infantry that have mounted an organized attack on you, retreat.  There’s really not much you can do.  You may take out 1 or 2 but they’ll get you.  The best thing to do is retreat a safe distance and pound away from there so as to provide support for friendly infantry to attack.

-Vs. Spec Ops: be aware, they will run at you from all directions.  So long as you are in constant motion and are always looking around you will be fine.  Awareness is the key.

-Vs. Engineers: (contributed by Snakestyles) Mines, you can throw ur mines ontop of tanks and apc's and if they move its an insta-kill

-Vs. Infantry: SPLASH DAMAGE!!!!!!

-Tank vs. Tank:  Aim for the rear or for the forward treads.  Sometimes there are critical hits (one shot kills).  It happens, its not skill just chance. 

-Tank vs. AP-C: Be calm, the battle is in your favor.  Even if you take a first rocket hit from the APC, locate the APC and take your time to aim carefully.  If you miss on that first shot you are usually dead!!!  So make sure you hit him.  Take the cannon damage and hit him again.  His rocket takes a long time to reload so you shouldn’t have any problem just absorbing the damage and taking him out.  If you miss then he will reload that rocket and two rocket shots is usually enough to blow you up.

-APC vs. Tank: The only way you will ever win this encounter is with surprise.  As APC you are more maneuverable than the tank.  Use this to surprise the tank, make quick attacks then retreat.  The key is getting in the first surprise shot with your rocket then hiding long enough for your rocket to reload.  Don’t fire rocket then start pounding away with cannon because you will give away your position.  Fire rocket, retreat until your rocket is 75% reloaded and then go back into the fight.  Two rocket shots and continuous cannon fire after the second rocket are enough to take out a tank before he can kill you.

-APC vs. APC (by: Krappyappy): assuming that two full health APCs are directly facing each other [firing the opponent's front armor], it is cannon fire that determines the winner. you only get one rocket in the fight, the reload will not be completed before someone dies. you have to assume that both drivers will use the missle and both missles will hit - essentially, think of it like 'as soon as i enter into a APC vs APC fight, i've already lost one rocket's worth of health.' let's say that rocket does 75% damage. the remaining 25% has to be taken care of with the cannon. the smart APC driver starts firing his cannon as soon as he sees his opponent, meanwhile carefully aiming his missle to make sure that it hits. that way, his initial burst of cannon fire does the 25%, and the rocket will finish the enemy off. many people try to fire the missle as soon as they engage, but while guiding the rocket home, forget to keep up their cannon fire. in that case, even if you're the first to hit with the rocket, your opponent will beat you. why? he hit you with his cannon first, while you were worrying about the rocket. by the time your rocket did its 75% and you're starting to use your gun, he's already took you down to 60% and one rocket away from killing you.

-Armor vs. Helicopter: Bad news.  A good attack chopper will always beat a good armor pilot.  Your turret doesn’t aim that high.  You can try shooting them out of the sky but the bad news is that even a direct hit from your tank is not enough to destroy an attack chopper.  And a good chopper pilot/gunner will not let you get off that second shot.  The best defense is to hide.  Smoke helps but not that much.  If a chopper is in front of you and is lining up a shot, go towards him at a 45 degree angle.  NEVER drive away from him.  If he’s behind you then go dir-ectly backwards towards him.  Choppers have more trouble adjusting for objects that are close to them than those that are far way. 

If you do insist on shooting them down (contributed by Snakestyles): Dont bother with ur main gun or your "built-in" machine gun. The easiest way to take choppers down..and i have shot down tons, is by knowing what flight paths choppers usally take and using your mounted machine gun to shoot them down. If you see a smoking chopper thats heading back for repair get into the mounted gun and shoot at it. The trick it to not let it overheat and keep a good bead on it. You will know when its taking damage as that extra "X" will show up in your crosshair. For some reason all monuted machineguns do major damage to choppers in bf2. If your unlucky you will have a good chopper team that will bank quickly and TV-rocket you. The chances are more in your favour that the pilot will head for repair.Please dont be dumb and start shooting at choppers that are not smoking (damaged) as all that will happen is your fire will draw them to your position and you will get shot up.

-Armor vs. Airplane: Don’t worry about it.  You will die from these but there is nothing you can do about it.  They are fast and you are slow. Don’t spend your time trying to hit planes.  A general rule to know it that planes will often bomb spots where they know people will be instead of specific objects.  So stay away from the flags and other areas that make juicy targets for jets.

-vs. Mines: (contribution by: aardfrith) If the ground is level or sloping upwards, you can reverse until you get the mine in your sights and blow it away.  C4 doesn't explode if you shoot it.  However, if the mine is on a downward slope, your only choice is to get out and chuck grenades at it.

-vs. Transport: (contributed by: Pagan[CyC])   Any time you want to destroy a transport vehicle and be certain to get the kill(s), hit it with a couple of machine gun rounds first and then fire the main gun.  The main gun alone will destroy a transport, but only after a short delay which leaves time to escape.  If you hit it with a few machine gun rounds first, the main gun will blow it up immediately and you are guaranteed the kills.

-Other: Learn to shoot on the run.  This isn’t too hard to do.

by nebular:
- when your team is winning, try to hide somewhere and ambushs the first armor / APC that get in front of you for example in strike at karkand, when you are MEC in a T90, on the south base it's like that

                |            |
                |            |
                |            |
_________|            |
                        ||   |
                        ||   |
_________|       \/   |__________________
                |                                   <= X    |
                |                                              |
                |            ______________          |
                                                     |         |

<=X is you

||  is the enemy armor / APC

When it drive in front of you, just drive behind them and shot them in the back !! It's a very useful spot for armors

So as he said, defend flags from good spots smile

HIT POINTS (by Ludwig) this is extremely uselful to read!!!!  Thanks Ludwig
-a guide with tank hit points & a tank vs tank damage guide:

-the c4 damage guide to tank & others:

CONCLUSION: Many complain about Tank Whores, and rightfully so.  You should never TK someone to get a vehicle.  Your goal should never be kills or score.  As an armor driver you need to play your role.  Usually, armor is what decides who wins and who loses.  Also, because I hate those that TK for vehicles, if somebody TKs you then it is your responsibility to hunt then down for the rest of the round and make them regret it.  There is no room in armor combat for those few irresponsible assholes that take it upon themselves to ruin the game for everyone else.

Last edited by superfly_cox (2005-11-26 11:12:43)

Radioactive Glo
+130|7011|A Small Isle in the Tropics

superfly_cox wrote:

-Tanks:  There are differences between the MEC, PLC, and USMC.  Although I spend a lot of time in armor, I haven’t bothered to figure out the differences.  Tank cannon fire needs to account for distance.  In other words the projectile will lose altitude over distance you need to learn how to aim higher at longer ranges.
I may be wrong but I think the M1A1 reloads the gun slower than the other two.

superfly_cox wrote:

-Vs. Spec Ops: be aware, they will run at you from all directions.  So long as you are in constant motion and are always looking around you will be fine.  Awareness is the key.
The "C" key helps, as it allows you to see outside your tank. But its going to be tricky, and steering the tank from the outside looking in is tough, imho.

superfly_cox wrote:

-Armor vs. Helicopter: Bad news.  A good attack chopper will always beat a good armor pilot.  Your turret doesn’t aim that high.  You can try shooting them out of the sky but the bad news is that even a direct hit from your tank is not enough to destroy an attack chopper.  And a good chopper pilot/gunner will not let you get off that second shot.  The best defense is to hide.  Smoke helps but not that much.  If a chopper is in front of you and is lining up a shot, go towards him at a 45 degree angle.  NEVER drive away from him.  If he’s behind you then go dir-ectly backwards towards him.  Choppers have more trouble adjusting for objects that are close to them than those that are far way.
Been taking down attack helis, but its tricky and estimating shell trajectory takes tremendous skill. Took down 4 attack helis so far but the kills by them far outnumber it..obviously. But a frontal shot downs them more often than not, straight at the cockpit as that was how i got my 4.

good tips, superfly!

Last edited by mikeshw (2005-11-16 03:24:41)

nice one, few handy hints there
Nicely done I'll add something :

- when your team is winning, try to hide somewhere and ambushs the first armor / APC that get in front of you for example in strike at karkand, when you are MEC in a T90, on the south base it's like that

                |            |
                |            |
                |            |
_________|            |
                        ||   |
                        ||   |
_________|       \/   |__________________
                |                                   <= X    |
                |                                              |
                |            ______________          |
                                                     |         |

<=X is you

||  is the enemy armor / APC

When it drive in front of you, just drive behind them and shot them in the back !! It's a very useful spot for armors

So as he said, defend flags from good spots
good guide !
it should be added to the BF2 readme.txt

a good tank pilot is always ready to blow ennemy mines with main cannon.

1 mine (and only 1) can kill an armor, if you drive too close. Sometime you think you can avoid the mine, but no :  b00m

a guide with tank hit points & a tank vs tank damage guide

the c4 damage guide to tank & others
THX - interesting to read your long post! Think there are some useful tips to give a try - if i will GET a tank - LOL
Most times i join a server the tanks/APCs are "captured" always by the same people . Ditto for helis and jets .
BTW: "...Many complain about Tank Whores, and rightfully so...Your goal should never be kills or score..."
You haven't shot much with your small-arms yet - So your "good" Engineer-Kit-Rank is a result of tank-whoring - isn't it?
soup fly mod

Ludwig wrote:

good guide !
it should be added to the BF2 readme.txt

a good tank pilot is always ready to blow ennemy mines with main cannon.

1 mine (and only 1) can kill an armor, if you drive too close. Sometime you think you can avoid the mine, but no :  b00m

a guide with tank hit points & a tank vs tank damage guide

the c4 damage guide to tank & others
Great post.  I had seen that site but couldn't remember where.  Has been added to the guide!!  Thanks.

Ludwig wrote:

...1 mine (and only 1) can kill an armor, if you drive too close. Sometime you think you can avoid the mine, but no :  b00m...
In Karkand the mines are rel. easy to see - if the driver takes a look where he's driving to. Most of the mines are simply "blown" away by the APCs/tanks - except coming close enough towards the steel-horse and the driver/gunner does not see you. One in front and one behind - boom
soup fly mod

Hansim wrote:

THX - interesting to read your long post! Think there are some useful tips to give a try - if i will GET a tank - LOL
Most times i join a server the tanks/APCs are "captured" always by the same people . Ditto for helis and jets .
BTW: "...Many complain about Tank Whores, and rightfully so...Your goal should never be kills or score..."
You haven't shot much with your small-arms yet - So your "good" Engineer-Kit-Rank is a result of tank-whoring - isn't it?
I enjoy armor combat.  If this makes me a tank whore, then yes i guess I am.  However, note that my k/d ratio in tanks is far lower than it could be.  For instance, I went for my expert engineer badge last night (40 kills required) and I basically whored.  Sorry, but there's no other way to get that many kills.  I had no problem getting ridiculously high k/d rations of 20:1 in those matches.  But that is not how I usually play.  As I wrote, my first two responsibilities are to attack enemy armor and to defend key bases.

If you want to get armor then learn the spawn locations for each map.  Takes a while but once you get it, you will be able to spawn in the right place.

Last edited by superfly_cox (2005-11-16 03:41:37)

Δ > x > ¥
Agreed, ace guide.

On armour vs. attack heli, I agree that most of the time, you're dead meat.  However, last night I was bumming a ride with a newbie heli pilot and were up against a tank.  The tanker got a lucky shot off at the cockpit and managed to kill the pilot but I (as gunner) was left alive in the swiftly spiralling downwards chopper.  So it can work sometimes.

Armour vs. AT mine.  If the ground is level or sloping upwards, you can reverse until you get the mine in your sights and blow it away.  C4 doesn't explode if you shoot it.  However, if the mine is on a downward slope, your only choice is to get out and chuck grenades at it.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7017|Bryan/College Station, TX
A Welcome Post. Looking forward to the additions to it.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
soup fly mod

aardfrith wrote:

Agreed, ace guide.

On armour vs. attack heli, I agree that most of the time, you're dead meat.  However, last night I was bumming a ride with a newbie heli pilot and were up against a tank.  The tanker got a lucky shot off at the cockpit and managed to kill the pilot but I (as gunner) was left alive in the swiftly spiralling downwards chopper.  So it can work sometimes.

Armour vs. AT mine.  If the ground is level or sloping upwards, you can reverse until you get the mine in your sights and blow it away.  C4 doesn't explode if you shoot it.  However, if the mine is on a downward slope, your only choice is to get out and chuck grenades at it.
good post, added to the guide!  Thanks
Nice guide superfly!
You#re damn right about many things in the guide, I play also a lot in armor and have noticed many equal things as you!

superfly_cox wrote:

...I enjoy armor combat.  If this makes me a tank whore, then yes i guess I am.  However, not that my k/d ratio in tanks is far lower than it could be.  For instance, I went for my expert engineer badge last night (40 kills required) and I basically whored.  Sorry, but there's no other way to get that many kills.  I had no problem getting ridiculously high k/d rations of 20:1 in those matches.  But that is not how I usually play.  As I wrote, my first two responsibilities are to attack enemy armor and to defend key bases. If you want to get armor then learn the spawn locations for each map.  Takes a while but once you get it, you will be able to spawn in the right place.
THX - superfly_cox for your tips! I will give it definitively a try . In Karkand the tanks are only in the main-base - aren't they? And on many Karkand servers i've played so far, it was almost impossible to grab one - always the higher ranks got them...But Karkand appeals to me not as a real interesting battle-ground for intense tank-combat anyway - for that i like Gulf or other similar maps more.

During my army-time i was a "real" tank-commander of the German-tank Leopard1 (More precise, a platoon commander for four tanks) and we have had the luck to do a lot of combat training, including in Canada - CAT Trophy. Because this "old" tank hasn't had much electronic stuff, like laser-distance-metering etc. it was hard to get 1st-shot-hits.
As far as i have been able to see - the ballistic of the tanks is pleasant realistic in BF2. Just battled some rounds in Gulf of Oman - a real hard map for tank-commanders with the helis & jets - and had a lot of fun.
Especially the "long distance shots" with the enemy-tank moving - great! The "correction/prediciton angle" is very much the same as it used to be with that old Leopard1 .

So tanks - GoGoGo
Aussie Outlaw
I eat armor cadets for breakfast >:-D
Actually a TOW kills a tank in one hit if hit in the treads...aint it a bitch.
+66|7015|Missoula, MT
A TOW can also kill an attack chopper.  Pulled that off the other night myself.  Two kills in one.  Oh yeah. 
+17|6911|South Africa
Superfly-cox thanks for a great great i had to create a profile just so i could have my say. I love using tanks and play basically as you posted. There are two things i would like to add to your post.

1.) Mines, you can throw ur mines ontop of tanks and apc's and if they move its an insta-kill

2.) Tanks vs Attack-Choppers, attack choppers are very very easy to take down. Dont bother with ur main gun or your "built-in" machine gun. The easiest way to take choppers down..and i have shot down tons, is by knowing what flight paths choppers usally take and using your mounted machine gun to shoot them down. If you see a smoking chopper thats heading back for repair get into the mounted gun and shoot at it. The trick it to not let it overheat and keep a good bead on it. You will know when its taking damage as that extra "X" will show up in your crosshair. For some reason all mounted machineguns do major damage to choppers in bf2. If your unlucky you will have a good chopper team that will bank quickly and TV-rocket you. The chances are more in your favour that the pilot will head for repair.Please dont be dumb and start shooting at choppers that are not smoking (damaged) as all that will happen is your fire will draw them to your position and you will get shot up.

Last edited by Snakestyles (2005-12-13 00:28:45)

DAO12 Whore

superfly_cox wrote:

-Transport is Heading Toward You: Assume that it’s a spec ops soldier with c4 loaded belly.  Drive backwards, directly away from him while trying to fire.  Remember that if the Spec Ops wants to live he will need to jump out and let the vehicle role towards you before he detonates.  By driving away from him, the only option you leave him is suicide bombing; plus you give yourself more time to kill him.
Any time you want to destroy a transport vehicle and be certain to get the kill(s), hit it with a couple of machine gun rounds first and then fire the main gun.  The main gun alone will destroy a transport, but only after a short delay which leaves time to escape.  If you hit it with a few machine gun rounds first, the main gun will blow it up immediately and you are guaranteed the kills.
Horseman 77
The only real exception I take is Fighting other Armor. In Karkand for instance most USMC tanks die at the Endge of the city, bogged down with enemy tanks. being hammerd by anti tank Units who know you are going to Roll up there and Fight.

Armor is Fast and Mobile. I feel we always win when We Race through the Front and tear up the Enemy Rear.
Nothing Does this better than the Tank. You can take 2 or 3 hits and Find a spot to repair.

Once the Enemy knows he has a Tank in his Rear, ( there hard to miss ) His Forces will Disperss and try and watch Rear Bases. the Front flags roll up and you win.

The only Real Fool Proof defence against Tanks. Is Mines, Wich we all know you can not use in this game.
I Allways places Mines so Out Team Who can see them. Can Skirt them . Of course this Dosnt help. Its like the Dont even look. I wish I got a Secret Joy From Watch our tanks and APCs blow but I get pissed I wasted my mines.

Blow Bridges, mine Ramps and gaps. and Defend foward.
After I get A -5 score or Worse I figure "Assholes" and go Snipe
soup fly mod

Snakestyles wrote:

Superfly-cox thanks for a great great i had to create a profile just so i could have my say. I love using tanks and play basically as you posted. There are two things i would like to add to your post.

1.) Mines, you can throw ur mines ontop of tanks and apc's and if they move its an insta-kill

2.) Tanks vs Attack-Choppers, attack choppers are very very easy to take down. Dont bother with ur main gun or your "built-in" machine gun. The easiest way to take choppers down..and i have shot down tons, is by knowing what flight paths choppers usally take and using your mounted machine gun to shoot them down. If you see a smoking chopper thats heading back for repair get into the mounted gun and shoot at it. The trick it to not let it overheat and keep a good bead on it. You will know when its taking damage as that extra "X" will show up in your crosshair. For some reason all monuted machineguns do major damage to choppers in bf2. If your unlucky you will have a good chopper team that will bank quickly and TV-rocket you. The chances are more in your favour that the pilot will head for repair.Please dont be dumb and start shooting at choppers that are not smoking (damaged) as all that will happen is your fire will draw them to your position and you will get shot up.
thanks, has been added to the guide...keep em coming!
nice guide, had 3 helo kills once on a Wake map with the cannon, but they were 10 feet off the ground.  And the cobras didn't pay me much mind for some reason??  Too bad that isn't the norm. LOL
+27|6945|Atlanta, GA USA
Good guide.  I already do a lot of those things, and agree with pretty much all of it, although I generally prowl looking for other armor (getting any kills I can along the way) as opposed to defending flags. 
I never thought to shoot a transport with the MG first.  Good tip Pagan!
+7|6931|Boulder, CO
As long as you can see your target, fire your machine gun, whether or not it does damage it may server to confuse the other driver.

Watch your corners! A tank unaware is a dead tank. You should always try to stay near your infantry without getting so close that you end up backing over them. You're more likely to get uav support if you're supporting most of the troops, knowing how to read the uav for enemies is a necessity as well. Many deaths can be avoided by knowing where they are before they know where you are. So, avoid speeding around, infantry can hear your tank coming several blocks away.

Fighting armor on a different altitude: There are several points in maps where you may run into armor, and you can both see each other but not hit each other. Momentum comes into play here because when you move the tank lurches. Say you have a tank sitting atop a ramp waiting for you to expose a peice of your tank in his sights. You can't get a shot off on him without exposing yourself, so expose as little as possible. Move your tank right near the top of the ramp and backup before he can get a decent shot, the will make your tank lurch back and your turret will drop. In that split second you have to take your aim and fire. If done correctly you can take out a tank like this without taking damage. By giving your opposition the smallest target possible while giving yourself the opportunity to make dents you will have won the tank battle.

Also, you can see just as far in a tank as you can on foot. The machinegun on the tank is an extremely effective weapon against distant infantry. Combine this with the cannon's suppressive power you're able to effectively cripple the enemy's ability to mobilize.

I would also suggest turning your sensitivty to a level where you can aim extremely accurately then turn up your horizontal yaw. I can't tell you how many times I've killed inexperienced tanks with c4 while they were struggling to turn their turret fast enough to stop me. Yaw will allow you to turn the turret quickly while allowing you to aim effectively using small mouse movements.

I have more tips but I have to go. Perhaps ppl should figure this crap out for themselves anyway. Hey, I need targets too...
+1|6957|The Valley of the Sun
This is a great guide and I follow most of it to a tee.  All would be complainers that people who are primarily armor commanders have no skill, STFU!  I'm a tank commander not a tank whore, there is a difference.  Good tank commanders can make a difference in a game provided the air is not filled with expert attack helicopter pilots.

As a tank commander, their is nothing more satisfying than taking out an attack helicopter thats hunting you, or a jet making a bombing run straight at you only to find a large shell from the barrel of your gun right between his teeth.

I to am working on my expert engineer's badge and I was three kills shy from getting it lastnight.  I was also one repair shy of getting my veterans repair badge and I don't know if another opportunity will present itself.

Also too, I only look through the gun sight view, I use my logitech G5 mouse set on the fly at 1500 DPI  to spin my turret quickly as well as rocking my tank foward and back (many a roadkill!) if I'm capping a flag.  This has saved me big time on would be spec-op attacks.

Last edited by saltypeanuts (2005-11-16 12:01:27)

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