i hate dicks like this, i was in this clan server, which clan's name is 1SFG, the title of the server clearly says to read the rules before playing as well as the server msg clearly stating one of their rules....no monopoly on vehicle.

so i get in and its gulf of oman, i got put on the US side so i spawn on the carrier hoping to get the cobra, but while on the carrier waiting i get shot at by this AT that managed to get on the carrier, so i climb up the ladders to kill him, which i did, then i parachuted down to the cobra spawn to see that an 1SFG clan member and someone thats in his squad had come to camp for the cobra since they got shot down.

the admin spams the NO button to me, but ignore him, since the server msg does say no monopoly, so the cobra spawns and i get the gunners position, the admin doesnt take off and tells me to get out b/c they were first in line to the cobra, i argue with him telling him the reason why he was in line first was b/c i did the team a favor and climbed up to kill the guy.  The other people on the team was also saying "wtf, the server msg says no monopoly" and the 1SFG member just says hey i dont need this shit rite now, im the admin, ill do what i want, so he kicks me from the server....

total BS, so a warning to you all, the clan 1SFG is full of d*cks that cant even follow their own rules.
Pew Pew!
+216|6994|San Francisco


Seriously though, if you don't like the way they run their server then just go play elsewhere. Try some EA Official Servers.
+4|6928|Copenhagen, Denmark
a bit whining, but i sympathize with your cause. Haven't felt the ignorance of goofy and stupid admins yet, but it will surly come
yea this is why i tend to stay out of squad servers, you usually run into a pack of them and can't do anything you want
that was the first and last time i went on their server, if they cant even follow their own rules, then im not going to waste my time on a server like that.

EA servers = bah ^^
BF2s EU Server Admin
+67|6934|Hanging onto the UAV
It's their server: they pay for it. As such, they can do as they please.
Yup, there's are a lot of server's, or people that run thier server this way. Its sad, it's like they must of been beaten up a lot in high school. They have to have control over something. Thank god or forums like this. A place to put these asshats in check sooner or later they will be spending 175 - 250 for thier server which no one plays on.
This is slightly different than the corrupt admins, but enough to cause to me to add my complaint.  Was playing a Sharqi round last night and the opposing team had 6 or 7 =4th= guys on it.  They were all dolphin diving like crazy and I'll admit I was helpless against it.  Not sure if it's clan wide or a small group of bad apples but it frustrated me enough to leave the server.  The one name that stuck in my mind was =4th=elbowlove or something close to that.  He had 4 or 5 kills in a row on me in a 5 minute span, every single one a dolphin dive.

I know it's not officially against the rules, but hopefully somebody from that clan takes note, because IMO this hurts their image.
The sever for digital Anarchy is nearly the same..  they love (especially in the Sharqui Pensula map), fly over to  the MEC base, kill everyone and sit there and camp at the base and spawn kill anyone going for the MEC heli.  Then, when bored enough, they get both heli and fly over w/ both of them.  Then, once it's shot down, they start it all over again...

Needless to say I don't play on there any more... bunch of arses... 

I also agree for the 1SFG server...  a bunch of vehicle whores on the Kirkland map..  nice thing though, I got my Explosive Ordinance badge killing em up last night... then left!!!!

[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier

Michael82 wrote:

a bit whining, but i sympathize with your cause. Haven't felt the ignorance of goofy and stupid admins yet, but it will surly come
Same, I've yet to see any 8-year-old admins, which leads me to believe they are quite rare and restores some of my faith in humanity.

Last edited by [Ahazi] Kaika (2005-11-15 07:58:16)

+2|6907|Houston, Texas
Yeah, these knuckle heads kicked me one time for winning.  I was commandering and my side was winning.  Well the second round the map was ending and in the last 50 tickets i started to get those mutiny request votes.  I was like whats the deal guys, we wasted them, i didn't tk anyone w/ arty.  Then boom i was kicked for 1 minute admin decision from game, went straight back in and one of those guys were commander.  needless to say he was medic whoring the whole round already had a 90+ score now it is x2.  I think EA Ranked servers should have the same set of rules and thats the end of it.  You tk more than 3 times your gone, cuss, your gone.  ping over 200  your gone.
+0|6905|Sacramento, CA
eh... me and bunch of my clan mates got banned from another clan server becaue we were owning the  hell out of them... but whatever... you live you learn then you get luvs.
Faith +1
I would have let them get in it... then shot the bastards down with the AA guns, left and went somewhere else.
+8|6913|Kannapolis,North Carolina

AnarkyXtra wrote:

It's their server: they pay for it. As such, they can do as they please.

DMFDxUconn wrote:

AnarkyXtra wrote:

It's their server: they pay for it. As such, they can do as they please.
incorrect, i believe you revoke your rights to be an asshole when you agree to be a ranked server.  you are now affecting everyone's stats by abusing your admin rights.  you want to whore then keep your server unranked
Base Rapist
I don't know if Ranked servers have regulations, but I think they very well should implement something to prevent Ranked server admins abusing.

I am fine for rules promoting squads and teamwork, but some of the rules and admins on ranked servers are way out there. There should be one set of clearly defined rules and all ranked servers should have to follow them in some way.
Just registered here at BF2S-Forum, 'till now i was just a "reader" on a regular and daily basis...

I am playing BF2 currently "just for fun" in my spare time, since i have a regular job. But due to the great and skilled work of the BF2S-Crew i got also VERY fascinated by the STATS function here @BF2S. It was and still is very interesting to check the various player-lifes or a specific player-history.

@swiftyy: I totally agree to your posting - personally. This is exactly what has happened also to me on their server. But, as a consequence i just logged off their server and played on another one.

Personally i don't play on CLAN-Servers or servers, where i do see a lot of people with the same Prefix in the name. New players or hobby-players like me, can't compete with SUCH players. Maybe, not because a lack of skills - i've played other personal shooters as well and i am able to hit my target with a gun - but because of the inconsiderateness of those players.

Look e.g. at the stats of 1SFG-RONlN.

Armor      119:47:12      17,430      1,806      9.65      792      73
and that in Karkand - cheap!

Any questions?

So my advice would be: Don't be the "cannon fodder" for their Stats padding - just my 2cents.
(Sorry, for my bad english)
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6956|Marathon, Florida Keys
i got kicked from there server also, on kubra dam they stole our bomber, and im waiting for the mig, patiently waiting so i can get up and shoot them down, then it spawns, and some nub ass shoots me out with a m95 and takes off, i dident say anything since it was a admin of theirs. Well he crashes his plane in 15 seconds flat and by the time ive respawned hes 10 feet behind me, so go to where the jet will spawn, and hold down E "incase you dont know this, holding down E will enable you to get in a vehicle the parsecond it spawns" and i get in. I put the pedal to the medal while royall king dumbass is shooting his m95 at me. Im up and 30 seconds later i blow up the captured bomber. Then w00t!!!! banned from server Reason: tking for vehicle.
this posting isnt really about whining, since there are so many other servers out there to play on, its to let ppl know about a clan server that has bad apples in it, especially the clan members.

as for digital Anarchy, i was there one time, after i got in played for about 10 mins, saw that the digital Anarchy that were in the helicopter had over 150+ points and all they did was camp the spawn, i left, simple as that.

admins of servers that abuse "their rights" is the same thing as stat padders....didnt someone post a SS of a clan that had a server which they only let their members in to play on mashtuur, where they just fly chopters around pharming points all day? sure its their right to do it since its their server, but seriously, EA has to do something about this.

i could easily open my own server and just become a stat padder if i wanted to...but where is the fun in that...abusing clan servers deserves to be pointed out, the more ppl know about it, the more likely less and less ppl will join their server to play.

like i said, a clan server that cant even follow their own rules, but are selfish in their own cause, should be pointed out so less ppl will play on their server.
+0|6913|Trondheim, Norway

DeltaForceWarrior wrote:

DMFDxUconn wrote:

AnarkyXtra wrote:

It's their server: they pay for it. As such, they can do as they please.
incorrect, i believe you revoke your rights to be an asshole when you agree to be a ranked server.  you are now affecting everyone's stats by abusing your admin rights.  you want to whore then keep your server unranked
*claps his hands*

swiftyy wrote:

i hate dicks like this, i was in this clan server, which clan's name is 1SFG, the
title of the server clearly says to read the rules before playing as well as the server msg clearly
stating one of their rules....no monopoly on vehicle.
Let me guess, you never went to the site and actually read the rules. That is what I thought.

so i get in and its gulf of oman, i got put on the US side so i spawn on the carrier hoping
to get the cobra, but while on the carrier waiting i get shot at by this AT that managed to get on
the carrier, so i climb up the ladders to kill him, which i did, then i parachuted down to the cobra
spawn to see that an 1SFG clan member and someone thats in his squad had come to camp for
the cobra since they got shot down.
I hate it when that happens. I can’t count how many times I’ve left the driver seat of a vehicle to
repair it and have someone hijack it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve landed a helo to pick
someone up so someone else jumps in it. It’s called a game.

the admin spams the NO button to me, but ignore him, since the server msg does say no
monopoly, so the cobra spawns and i get the gunners position, the admin doesnt take off and tells
me to get out b/c they were first in line to the cobra, i argue with him telling him the reason why
he was in line first was b/c i did the team a favor and climbed up to kill the guy.  The other
people on the team was also saying "wtf, the server msg says no monopoly" and the 1SFG
member just says hey i dont need this shit rite now, im the admin, ill do what i want, so he kicks
me from the server....
So he was to spam “Get in”? It’s always good to ignore an admin. So far you have not made your
point about monopolizing. Was this person constantly taking the cobra every respawn, or were
you? It’d be nice to have screenshots of your allegations, as it would be something more than

total BS, so a warning to you all, the clan 1SFG is full of d*cks that cant even follow their
own rules.
We are in fact in possession of XY-chromosomes. Very good. Thank you for your assessment of
the squad.

Bottom line, as others have already stated: if you do not like the server and leave. There are
plenty of other servers. For every whiner we get ten others that say they love the server. Perhaps
more people need the experience an administrating a server, just so they can see for themselves
how many idiots well come to test their patience. Good luck.

DeltaForceWarrior wrote:

DMFDxUconn wrote:

AnarkyXtra wrote:

It's their server: they pay for it. As such, they can do as they please.
incorrect, i believe you revoke your rights to be an asshole when you agree to be a ranked server.  you are now affecting everyone's stats by abusing your admin rights.  you want to whore then keep your server unranked
Neither does an admin forefeit their obligation to address assholes in the server. You too are affecting everyone's stats by abusing the game, i.e. intentional tking, point-farming, etc. You want to be an ass, then do it while playing against bots.
Corrosion Inhibitor
isnt it great when ppl dredge up 2 month old threads....
Yeah, it took a while for any of the 1SFG to notice. Heheh. Ahh well, maybe it should have been "never" rather than "late?" 
+2|6907|Houston, Texas
You should play on our server, our clan hates vehicles.  Only grab them if nobody else gets them.


we only kick for excessive tking and high pings.

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