Before i start, if this has been posted, my bad, delete the thread.
First off, here's something you will all need to watch, find yourself 45minutes where the wife ain't going to interupt you, this is some cool info.
Found this video on another site I frequent, 41 minutes long but very informative about 1.4 and the upcoming 2142. … S_DICE.wmv
Community Update - 7/05/06
We are beginning the first phase of our 1.4 patch beta testing! This initial phase of testing will only include a small number of servers whose focus is to ensure stability in a live environment. At the completion of this phase we will be rapidly expanding the number of servers hosted to allow everyone an opportunity to review this latest patch.
I would like to stress that everyone who downloads the beta files should take the time to read the included text file so that you can properly safeguard your current BF2 install.
Also please note that EA Customer Service can not provide any support for issues related to the Beta Patch. I encourage everyone to log into the EA-Battlefield forums and participate on the 1.4 Patch Beta discussions that will cover both 1.4 issues, tuning changes, and new features.
Issue Reporting
Beta Full (522MB)
Beta Incrimental (138MB)
A few of the servers hosted will be set to the new ‘No Vehicles’ server setting that will allow players to focus on infantry vs infantry combat on all BF2 and Special Forces Maps. Other servers will include the new "Road to Jalalabad" map, sponsored by Comcast, which will allow US and MEC forces to engage in a new urban warfare environment!
Everyone here at EA and DICE look forward to working with the community to ensure this next patch is a solid step forward for the Battlefield Franchise.
-The Battlefield Team
What is changing:
* New map
* Infantry only setting
* Reversion: Allowing unlocks on unranked servers
* Fix/Reversion: We fixed the issue preventing mod teams from running multiple game modes in one map list.
* Tuning: We have lowered the number of players needed to start a ranked game.
* Tuning: We have made some modifications to the vehicle drop feature introduced in 1.3. These changes should reduce the overall impact of ‘cartillery’ on game play.
* Crash Fix: We have located and fixed a crash connected to 1.3.
F#cking yeah !!
First off, here's something you will all need to watch, find yourself 45minutes where the wife ain't going to interupt you, this is some cool info.
Found this video on another site I frequent, 41 minutes long but very informative about 1.4 and the upcoming 2142. … S_DICE.wmv
Community Update - 7/05/06
We are beginning the first phase of our 1.4 patch beta testing! This initial phase of testing will only include a small number of servers whose focus is to ensure stability in a live environment. At the completion of this phase we will be rapidly expanding the number of servers hosted to allow everyone an opportunity to review this latest patch.
I would like to stress that everyone who downloads the beta files should take the time to read the included text file so that you can properly safeguard your current BF2 install.
Also please note that EA Customer Service can not provide any support for issues related to the Beta Patch. I encourage everyone to log into the EA-Battlefield forums and participate on the 1.4 Patch Beta discussions that will cover both 1.4 issues, tuning changes, and new features.
Issue Reporting
Beta Full (522MB)
Beta Incrimental (138MB)
A few of the servers hosted will be set to the new ‘No Vehicles’ server setting that will allow players to focus on infantry vs infantry combat on all BF2 and Special Forces Maps. Other servers will include the new "Road to Jalalabad" map, sponsored by Comcast, which will allow US and MEC forces to engage in a new urban warfare environment!
Everyone here at EA and DICE look forward to working with the community to ensure this next patch is a solid step forward for the Battlefield Franchise.
-The Battlefield Team
What is changing:
* New map
* Infantry only setting
* Reversion: Allowing unlocks on unranked servers
* Fix/Reversion: We fixed the issue preventing mod teams from running multiple game modes in one map list.
* Tuning: We have lowered the number of players needed to start a ranked game.
* Tuning: We have made some modifications to the vehicle drop feature introduced in 1.3. These changes should reduce the overall impact of ‘cartillery’ on game play.
* Crash Fix: We have located and fixed a crash connected to 1.3.
F#cking yeah !!