this server just kicked me for attacking the hotel

wtf is up with that?

i killed 2 people while i was driving through the hotel to go to suburbs   i wasnt camping.
the reason i got kicked was      "you can not attack the hotel base with any EQUIPMENT at any time"

Last edited by tgust5 (2006-07-06 08:50:32)

+159|6731|behind you
thats server sux, go to moders karkand much better, even though i never play at karkand anymore (havent played it for like 3 months) it use to be my fav server, u should try it

tgust5 wrote:

this server just kicked me for attacking the hotel

wtf is up with that?

i did kill {ta}firestorm 2 times right before i got kicked
perhaps you need to learn how to read english since it states on log in:
"sniff,sniff....cry some more!"
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6826|Canada Eh?
I hear so many of these stories, yet I never witness any of it when I play on the MoonGamers server
+159|6731|behind you

Vampira_NB wrote:

I hear so many of these stories, yet I never witness any of it when I play on the MoonGamers server
true words my friend
It's sexy time!!
+11|6659|toronto canada

rob777 wrote:

Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6826|Canada Eh?
Pfff, Canada pwns you FireStorm!
yall think you're all that and a bag of shoes...
Professional Medic Whore
Is it considered spawn camping with armor if you sit the tank on the main road by the two Gas Station spawnpoints? (Looking for an Admin to answer)
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Try not playing 24/7 karkand and full rotation?

specialistx2324 wrote:

ta firestorm is the biggest smacktard in the whole world.  enough said.

i got kicked from moongamers because i killed him 3 times
ahhh if only i had a dime for every story teller i would be Mr.Trump Jr.

Phoenix2 wrote:

Is it considered spawn camping with armor if you sit the tank on the main road by the two Gas Station spawnpoints? (Looking for an Admin to answer) road is ok,its the alleys we keep camper free.
+306|6820|Austin, TX

wow that's retarded. "No camping there because we are skured to get owned and we will just make a stupid rule about it". Grow some nuts, get some C4 and take that bastard out instead of getting all power hungry.
+38|6818|Phila, PA

$harp$h00ter wrote:

Vampira_NB wrote:

I hear so many of these stories, yet I never witness any of it when I play on the MoonGamers server
true words my friend
dude you need to make up your mind, first you say it sucks, and then you contradict your own words by your last reply.
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6826|Canada Eh?
And the admins arent such pricks, I was spawncamping the Hotel alleyway and I was given a clear warning.
+16|6798|Alberta, Canada

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

Phoenix2 wrote:

Is it considered spawn camping with armor if you sit the tank on the main road by the two Gas Station spawnpoints? (Looking for an Admin to answer) road is ok,its the alleys we keep camper free.
I agree there, with keeping the alley clean.  Server rules are there for a reason, people just dont understand that.  But on a second note i got kicked from there once a while back for "HIGH PING"  right after i killed 3 guys with P-90 with a ping of 47?  LOL but oh well i musa killed the wrong dude or something.  I dont hold a grudge though people have bad days i guess.  Neways dont listen to all the complainers about keeping ur server clean.  Thay just get mad cause they cant get points the easy way....

Last edited by ReGmAn78 (2006-07-05 22:03:35)

+38|6818|Phila, PA

duk0r wrote:

wow that's retarded. "No camping there because we are skured to get owned and we will just make a stupid rule about it". Grow some nuts, get some C4 and take that bastard out instead of getting all power hungry.
First everyone complained that people spawn camp hotel alleys, and we should have a rule about NO Spawn Camping.  After the rule was made. You people bitch about it again. WTF?

Personally i hate when three retards in armor w/engi kits surround the hotel and camp it. I've seen USMC Team loose because of that many times. Yes i know that you can spawn anywhere else with AT kit and blow up the armor, but when its your last flag or they are all Engies and stick together, you cant do shit. While with this rule the MEC Team still has a chance. Honestly, i would love if there would be an infantry only map, I've heard they might put it in new patch. I hope so.
+101|6828|Southern California

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

tgust5 wrote:

this server just kicked me for attacking the hotel

wtf is up with that?

i did kill {ta}firestorm 2 times right before i got kicked
perhaps you need to learn how to read english since it states on log in:
"sniff,sniff....cry some more!"
lol  you poor guys must be totally stressed out trying to enforce that rule.
+38|6818|Phila, PA

ReGmAn78 wrote:

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

Phoenix2 wrote:

Is it considered spawn camping with armor if you sit the tank on the main road by the two Gas Station spawnpoints? (Looking for an Admin to answer) road is ok,its the alleys we keep camper free.
I agree there, with keeping the alley clean.  Server rules are there for a reason, people just don't understand that.  But on a second note i got kicked from there once a while back for "HIGH PING"  right after i killed 3 guys with P-90 with a ping of 47?  LOL but oh well i musa killed the wrong dude or something.  I dont hold a grudge though people have bad days i guess.  Neways dont listen to all the complainers about keeping ur server clean.  Thay just get mad cause they cant get points the easy way....
It is possible that you were kicked by mistake. People fuck up, you know. I kicked a wrong player once, he came back, i apologized, apology was accepted, no grudge, we kept playing like nothing happened.
+38|6818|Phila, PA

OpsChief wrote:

{TA}FireStorm wrote:

tgust5 wrote:

this server just kicked me for attacking the hotel

wtf is up with that?

i did kill {ta}firestorm 2 times right before i got kicked
perhaps you need to learn how to read english since it states on log in:
"sniff,sniff....cry some more!"
lol  you poor guys must be totally stressed out trying to enforce that rule.
not really, i just spam the No camping message 3-6 times every couple of minutes, the special people get a personal warning. and if they ignore it, they get kicked. Trust me, people learn, for most warning is enough. I personally keep an eye on the chat and map to see if my team is spawn camping, or if anyone bitches, if the flag belongs to my team, i just ghost for a few seconds every time i die. Most players know the rules, so if someone breaks them, they spam the message themselves.
+38|6818|Phila, PA

Vampira_NB wrote:

And the admins arent such pricks, I was spawncamping the Hotel alleyway and I was given a clear warning.
I'm glad that at least one person keeps an eye on messages. Thanks.
+101|6828|Southern California

tgust5 wrote:

this server just kicked me for attacking the hotel

wtf is up with that?

i did kill {ta}firestorm 2 times right before i got kicked
-1 for no searching

there must be 50 threads on moongamers' notorious spawn fences. You must have known something was wrong when you started pwning everything that moved and they were lost as to how to kill you.  Just play somewhere else and leave them alone.

skill or be pwned

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-07-05 22:46:36)

Was ist Loos?
y dont u just spawn elsewhere, or get ur own tank and take em out. theres no restriction on where u can spawn. if theres a tank at the hotel spawn at the square and c4 or erryx him. quite making these stupid rules {ta}

edit: since when does firestorm post here? my guess, its an imposter.

Last edited by destruktion_6143 (2006-07-05 22:37:13)

+101|6828|Southern California

Kolhozik wrote:

Vampira_NB wrote:

And the admins arent such pricks, I was spawncamping the Hotel alleyway and I was given a clear warning.
I'm glad that at least one person keeps an eye on messages. Thanks.
I had been playing as a regular for many months there and didn't know the rule had been added. But that didn't matter I wasn't camping, I was driving like a bat outa hell (that weighs 70 tons) and I wasn't given a warning. I just had a sudden out-of-game experience because the 120mm was too much for an AT gunner admin to eat, who by the way was allowed to shoot at me first from behind his playground fence as I drove by. But hey he's an admin and deserves our trust. We admins know we never make mistakes.

It's true there are a bunch of nice people at moongamers and alot of good players. Its just that the MoonGamers Karkand rules that lay down spawn fences to protect the sheep butchers and point farmers from the big bad wolves are like trying to wear a condom thats 2 sizes too small. So rather than trying to upset the kiddies playground I went elsewhere.

If you like armor free zones go to moongamers

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