+1,153|6777|Washington, DC

Sgt_MaxChronopadder idled in servers with no idle kick. His awards hold no honor.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6704|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
They aren't the best in the world. Most of them have their own way of making points easy. Like {TA}Firestorm who was obviously on Moongamers as Commander of the winning team (Don't worry I shot him in the face tea bagged him though ), Volx used to be the ultimate C4 bunny hopper from my experience, etc.
Hockey Nut
+243|6676|Boston, MA

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

This is a stupid post.  The top players don't exploit the point system, they just know how to play the game and get lots of points quickly.  I have gotten 3700 points in one day without cheating/exploiting of any kind, its not that hard mate.
That's just insane.
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6808|Groningen, The Netherlands

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

This is a stupid post.  The top players don't exploit the point system, they just know how to play the game and get lots of points quickly.  I have gotten 3700 points in one day without cheating/exploiting of any kind, its not that hard mate.
wow, 3700 in a day 0.o impressive
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6820|Canada Eh?
Wow, I liked the part about the better job/education. Why the fuck does that need to be mentioned? They obviously know they don't play to impress people in their everyday lives, They play because they enjoy it, I'm quite certain none of them ever planned on getting in the top 10. That and I know that at least one (FireStorm) is a retiree, Which is why he plays so much, because he can afford to
+1,153|6777|Washington, DC

Shadow_OwNz wrote:

You sicken me. I'm allergic to peanuts.

=p dude how did you go from a private from January to a Colonel so quick?
i really dont know... xD

liquidat0r wrote:

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

This is a stupid post.
quote pyramin time!
is drunk and crazy

liquidat0r wrote:

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

This is a stupid post.
I'm English, not British!
+113|6917|Rotherham, England
Doctorfruitloop likes pies
i think we should be allowed to eat baby penguins
Phone Spammer
+207|6737|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

liquidat0r wrote:

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

This is a stupid post.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6737|Your attic
Who cares, if you look down on the Top 10 so much, why bother to type out yet ANOTHER post about them, we've heard enough. Maybe BF2 is there life, maybe they have nothing else, but why should that effect you??

Goggle a guy called Johnathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel, he's as addicted to games as they get, and guess how much he earned last year in prize money alone?? 400K, thats only prize money then he has all his sponsership stuff with creative and the like, if you earn over 400K a year then you can gladly slag him off as well. So before you go saying that gaming can't earn you a living please do your research.

I'm beginning to get really annoyed at why everyone seems to need to find fault with everyone else these days, its a game ffs, if they enjoy it enough to play 2000 hours, let them, has it ever or will it ever effect you?
all i can say is wow who really gives a shit bout them...they do what they wanna do i dont think ur gonna stop them
+7|6937|Colorado Springs
i think this is a good post and it is something that people should probably realize is that they have no life and being in the top 10 gets you nowhere good post +1 karma for you!
this so called "special commentary" is very true regarding that awards and points don't count in real life, but i would be a bit more careful in case of accusing someone of hacking unless you have some evidence...

but this commentary is not special since there are thousands of similar posts on this forum. OK, it's everybody's right to share his opinion, but announcing it as a "must read" is ridiculous...

these threads have been existing since was number 1 with about 200k points, now it's the same with volx, always the same arguments, you just have to exchange the nicks... very boring
i bet the top 10 guys be masterbading while playing lol

liquidat0r wrote:

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

This is a stupid post.
"It's Recharging!"

acidkiller187 wrote:

I have three nipples
Capt. Foley
+155|6734|Allentown, PA, USA

Sgt.Davi wrote:

Ninja_Monkey wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:


Capt. Foley
+155|6734|Allentown, PA, USA
If anyone dosent have a life its you for being obsessed with them.
anyone gona go for Top 10 in BF2142?
+6|6678|Maryland, USA

Vampira_NB wrote:

Wow, I liked the part about the better job/education. Why the fuck does that need to be mentioned? They obviously know they don't play to impress people in their everyday lives, They play because they enjoy it, I'm quite certain none of them ever planned on getting in the top 10. That and I know that at least one (FireStorm) is a retiree, Which is why he plays so much, because he can afford to
I agree.  They enjoy the game, which is the same reason I play.  According to specialistx2345, being in the top 10 won't earn them $400K and is a waste of time, but posting a bashing commentary thread about them isn't worthless or a waste of time.

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