Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
that's rather irrelevant as it is reason and does not support Ikarti
Banned - for ever.
+231|6862|Wilmington, DE, US
completely out of left field there, white pride world wide. I found a website you might like. It's called

There. That's equally as left field.

Last edited by Ikarti (2006-07-03 22:26:35)


Ikarti wrote:

lowing wrote:

BN wrote:

well there are several people on this board who blame Clinton for 9/11. Sounds like a right wing conspiracy theory to me.

On a lighter note. See what the Secret Service are up to:

great use of man power.
umm Clinton's actions or lack of it is to blame for 911. Since 911 was long in the planning stages under the Clinton administration and the terrorists did not know Bush was going to be the next president, it is safe to assume that irregardless as to who the sitting president was, 911 was going to happen. The man was in office for 8 years prior to 911, Bush was there 8 months for christ sake and you want to pin this on him???
That's rather irrelevant considering Bush had warnings on the guys before the attacks.
irrelevant huh??.........well that is pretty convenient now isn't it.........An argument stating everything Clinton knew, or did or didn't do for a decade,  is irrelevant and everything Bush knew or did or didn't do for his first 100 days in office he should be nailed to the cross over.

Ya know just because the presidents change, it doesn't mean the whole world resets......the effects of  president's actions for better or for worse, impacts the nation long after he leaves office. But you really wanna contend that Clinton is blameless in all of this? Wow!!

Last edited by lowing (2006-07-03 22:33:22)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA

kr@cker wrote:

it's not our job to discredit Al-Quaeda for the Muslim world, it's the job of the Muslims, like the christians discredited the Klan after it became a racist organization (Nathan Bedford Forrest was concerned with states rights when he founded it, and disbanded it when it became centered on race) after it decided to run around with christian flags and other christian symbols, it sickens me to think that students are going to school wearing green armbands (a symbol of militant islam, most notably Hamas and the PLO) and claiming right to free speech and such, yet the ten commandments cannot even be displayed in a historical context, when the first four words are "thou shalt not kill", and no I'm not a Christian, I have major issues with god (if there is one) due to some events in my personal life, I'm just objective enough to be nauseated by the double standard and hypocrisy forced down my throat in the name of cultural tolerance
so because I talk about how the klan was knocked down by the religion it lays claim to, I'm now racist?
thanks for illustrating just how narrow your mind is
Banned - for ever.
+231|6862|Wilmington, DE, US

lowing wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

lowing wrote:

umm Clinton's actions or lack of it is to blame for 911. Since 911 was long in the planning stages under the Clinton administration and the terrorists did not know Bush was going to be the next president, it is safe to assume that irregardless as to who the sitting president was, 911 was going to happen. The man was in office for 8 years prior to 911, Bush was there 8 months for christ sake and you want to pin this on him???
That's rather irrelevant considering Bush had warnings on the guys before the attacks.
irrelevant huh??.........well that is pretty convenient now isn't it.........An argument stating everything Clinton knew or did or didn't for a decade do is irrelevant and everything Bush knew or did or didn't do for his first 100 days in office he should be nailed to the cross over.

Ya know just because the presidents change, it doesn't mean the whole world resets......the effects of  president's actions for better or for worse, impacts the nation long after he leaves office. But you really wanna contend that Clinton is blameless in all of this? Wow!!
I never said he was blameless, but you want to absolve all blame from your beloved Bush by pinning it on Clinton. Which you are accusing me of doing, albeit vice versa. ISN'T ZAT VEIRD?

Ikarti wrote:

lowing wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

That's rather irrelevant considering Bush had warnings on the guys before the attacks.
irrelevant huh??.........well that is pretty convenient now isn't it.........An argument stating everything Clinton knew or did or didn't for a decade do is irrelevant and everything Bush knew or did or didn't do for his first 100 days in office he should be nailed to the cross over.

Ya know just because the presidents change, it doesn't mean the whole world resets......the effects of  president's actions for better or for worse, impacts the nation long after he leaves office. But you really wanna contend that Clinton is blameless in all of this? Wow!!
I never said he was blameless, but you want to absolve all blame from your beloved Bush by pinning it on Clinton. Which you are accusing me of doing, albeit vice versa. ISN'T ZAT VEIRD?
Ok fair enough............but I will not agree that Clinton's decade is less responsible for 911 than Bush's 100 days. How bout you??
Banned - for ever.
+231|6862|Wilmington, DE, US

kr@cker wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

it's not our job to discredit Al-Quaeda for the Muslim world, it's the job of the Muslims, like the christians discredited the Klan after it became a racist organization (Nathan Bedford Forrest was concerned with states rights when he founded it, and disbanded it when it became centered on race) after it decided to run around with christian flags and other christian symbols, it sickens me to think that students are going to school wearing green armbands (a symbol of militant islam, most notably Hamas and the PLO) and claiming right to free speech and such, yet the ten commandments cannot even be displayed in a historical context, when the first four words are "thou shalt not kill", and no I'm not a Christian, I have major issues with god (if there is one) due to some events in my personal life, I'm just objective enough to be nauseated by the double standard and hypocrisy forced down my throat in the name of cultural tolerance
so because I talk about how the klan was knocked down by the religion it lays claim to, I'm now racist?
thanks for illustrating just how narrow your mind is
All your regarding something race remotely are thinly veiled. Excellent example was the New Orleans thread. Everytime someone calls you on it you call them narrow minded, because no one can afford to carry the label of racist.

So go ahead and be "pro-white." That's as interchangible with racist as intelligent design is with creationism. It's ashame we're a dying race, isn't it?
Banned - for ever.
+231|6862|Wilmington, DE, US

lowing wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

lowing wrote:

irrelevant huh??.........well that is pretty convenient now isn't it.........An argument stating everything Clinton knew or did or didn't for a decade do is irrelevant and everything Bush knew or did or didn't do for his first 100 days in office he should be nailed to the cross over.

Ya know just because the presidents change, it doesn't mean the whole world resets......the effects of  president's actions for better or for worse, impacts the nation long after he leaves office. But you really wanna contend that Clinton is blameless in all of this? Wow!!
I never said he was blameless, but you want to absolve all blame from your beloved Bush by pinning it on Clinton. Which you are accusing me of doing, albeit vice versa. ISN'T ZAT VEIRD?
Ok fair enough............but I will not agree that Clinton's decade is less responsible for 911 than Bush's 100 days. How bout you??
Then we'll agree to disagree on that. You can look at it like that, but ultimately the blame is going to rest on whoever was in charge at the time, warnings or not. We can't go back and blame everyone before us. Blame Jefferson and Washington and all them for forming the US because if they didn't there wouldn't be any WTC and the US wouldn't have ever been involved in the Middle East and upset Mr. bin Laden.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
do a search for Jamie Garelik, you'll find that when she was working for Clinton she wrote a memo in which she planned a barrier preventing the various foreign and domestic intel agencies of the US from communicating with each other, Clinton approved it, each agency had a piece of the Al-Quaeda picture but were prevented from putting the puzzle together by a specific decree from the White House itself, in addition to the fact that Bush met with the director of the FBI more times in one year than Bill had during both his terms, and was attempting to streamline interagency communication before 9-11. Not to mention the 3 times that UBL was offered directly to Clinton.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA

Ikarti wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

it's not our job to discredit Al-Quaeda for the Muslim world, it's the job of the Muslims, like the christians discredited the Klan after it became a racist organization (Nathan Bedford Forrest was concerned with states rights when he founded it, and disbanded it when it became centered on race) after it decided to run around with christian flags and other christian symbols, it sickens me to think that students are going to school wearing green armbands (a symbol of militant islam, most notably Hamas and the PLO) and claiming right to free speech and such, yet the ten commandments cannot even be displayed in a historical context, when the first four words are "thou shalt not kill", and no I'm not a Christian, I have major issues with god (if there is one) due to some events in my personal life, I'm just objective enough to be nauseated by the double standard and hypocrisy forced down my throat in the name of cultural tolerance
so because I talk about how the klan was knocked down by the religion it lays claim to, I'm now racist?
thanks for illustrating just how narrow your mind is
All your regarding something race remotely are thinly veiled. Excellent example was the New Orleans thread. Everytime someone calls you on it you call them narrow minded, because no one can afford to carry the label of racist.

So go ahead and be "pro-white." That's as interchangible with racist as intelligent design is with creationism. It's ashame we're a dying race, isn't it?
There was a direct correlation, militant Islam = kill whitey, militant Christianity = kill brownie, christianity dropped the crusades millenia ago, how about Islam do the same?

Please point out where I made a racist statement in the NO thread, I may not be politically correct, in fact I'm proud that I'm not, but I'm not racist.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6862|Wilmington, DE, US

kr@cker wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

so because I talk about how the klan was knocked down by the religion it lays claim to, I'm now racist?
thanks for illustrating just how narrow your mind is
All your regarding something race remotely are thinly veiled. Excellent example was the New Orleans thread. Everytime someone calls you on it you call them narrow minded, because no one can afford to carry the label of racist.

So go ahead and be "pro-white." That's as interchangible with racist as intelligent design is with creationism. It's ashame we're a dying race, isn't it?
There was a direct correlation, militant Islam = kill whitey, militant Christianity = kill brownie, christianity dropped the crusades millenia ago, how about Islam do the same?

Please point out where I made a racist statement in the NO thread, I may not be politically correct, in fact I'm proud that I'm not, but I'm not racist.
Christianity hasn't dropped the Crusades, especially when you use that term as you declare war on a Muslim country. Far different from embarking on a great crusade against the Nazis.

In the NO thread, full well knowing the majority of the people people in NO are black, you called them something along the lines of "all freeloading whores" and then...

Oh wait, this has already been brought up. You know full well what I'm talking about. I'm not playing games about this nor am I going to waste my time. You are a racist. Call me narrow minded and deflect it as much as you want, but I wouldn't be surprised if you're hiding behind the "white nationalist" banner as well. You know, instead of going out there and saying the world would be a better place if only whites were around, you keep it to yourself while talking about how fantastic whites are.

And no, I don't think black pride is ok either. Racial pride is stupid.

Ikarti wrote:

lowing wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

I never said he was blameless, but you want to absolve all blame from your beloved Bush by pinning it on Clinton. Which you are accusing me of doing, albeit vice versa. ISN'T ZAT VEIRD?
Ok fair enough............but I will not agree that Clinton's decade is less responsible for 911 than Bush's 100 days. How bout you??
Then we'll agree to disagree on that. You can look at it like that, but ultimately the blame is going to rest on whoever was in charge at the time, warnings or not. We can't go back and blame everyone before us. Blame Jefferson and Washington and all them for forming the US because if they didn't there wouldn't be any WTC and the US wouldn't have ever been involved in the Middle East and upset Mr. bin Laden.
You have taken my statement a bit to far about a presidents legacy. You know what I meant, and you know it is true.

But sure we will just agree to disagree.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
again, your the only one implying that they are freeloading whores because they are black, I couldn't give 2 shits what color their skin is, but I'm not going to not say something because someone is of a certain ethnicity, assigning certain protections to a group is just as prejudiced as assigning blame, I called them freeloading whores because their voting records and policies over the past few decades have turned it into a city that sits around and waits for someone else to show up and do everything for them, they could be plaid people for all I care, and thanks for posting that link, I wanted to but didn't want to dig it up....

nice qualifier at the end, almost makes the point that your even handed in your thinking, except that black people have every right to be as proud of their ancestors as anyone else...

your confusing not being politically correct with being racist, a result of 40 years of revisionism
Banned - for ever.
+231|6862|Wilmington, DE, US

kr@cker wrote:

again, your the only one implying that they are freeloading whores because they are black, I couldn't give 2 shits what color their skin is, but I'm not going to not say something because someone is of a certain ethnicity, assigning certain protections to a group is just as prejudiced as assigning blame, I called them freeloading whores because their voting records and policies over the past few decades have turned it into a city that sits around and waits for someone else to show up and do everything for them, they could be plaid people for all I care, and thanks for posting that link, I wanted to but didn't want to dig it up....

nice qualifier at the end, almost makes the point that your even handed in your thinking, except that black people have every right to be as proud of their ancestors as anyone else...

your confusing not being politically correct with being racist, a result of 40 years of revisionism
Whatever you say, Aryan overlord.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
your rebuttal was amazing

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-04 00:26:05)

Banned - for ever.
+231|6862|Wilmington, DE, US
Thank you. You're just going to keep dancing around the issue and playing word games. You're not going to convince me otherwise that you're ignorant trailer trash at this point.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
this implies that white people are trailer trash
and what's wrong with living in a trailer, your domicilist!!

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-04 00:30:28)

Banned - for ever.
+231|6862|Wilmington, DE, US
Hey,'re the only one implying they're trailer trash because their white...

I'm done dancing. It's been lovely.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
thank you for proving my point, I just used the same argument as your NO reference, now I must Macarena

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-04 06:03:05)

Calmer than you are.
Our friend kr@cker here is proud cause his mommy and daddy happen to be white. Newsflash: You had nothing to do with that so stop being proud of something you didnt achieve / were not responsible for / has nothing to do with your abilities as a person. That's just plain stupid. Pride has nothing to do with race or any aquirable characteristics for that matter. You're using the wrong word here..
And although I have nothing against you, I do have something against stupidity. And that does NOT make me a racist.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
never said you were, I'm proud of being white, not the skin tone, the whole Anglo-Saxon thing, the culture, the Scotch-Irish-German thing, the art, the music, the architecture and such that it has brought to the world, I live within walking distance of some huge ancient indian burial mounds, every year the descendants of these tribes come to celebrate their Indian heritage, they didn't choose to be born Indian, are you saying they're stupid for being proud of their past? Their art/religion/culture, even closer is the Harriet Tubman museum, they hold pan-african festivals doing the same, are they stupid? Say it out loud so you can hear how stupid that sounds.
Horseman 77
warnings, rite " they are planning a major strike " That should have told anyone who needed to know everything in detail.

The only people who knew everything in detail ( besides the Lead Hijackers ) was the israeli massad, it was not in their intrest to warn us.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-07-04 09:10:22)

Calmer than you are.
white is not a culture. its not a kind of art or music or architecture. White has brought nothing to the world and neither has black or red or yellow. I am greek and i am white. Are you celebrating the greeks' achievements as well? Or just the anglo-saxon thing and the irish-german thing? There is NO white culture. You made that up just now cause you know your sig just pisses people off and that's what you really want.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
did you know that white people invented sunlight? Greece has alot of sunlight
Horseman 77

Bubbalo wrote:

Horseman: Could you please link to where I said that so I can read the whole post including the leadup?
As to the other quote, I'm sorry I missed it.  It happens.  I still find it highly suspicious that she didn't come forward earlier.
I led you through the process step by step and you missed it again. Can you? do you read ?

If you fail to tell me where I've said this, which I feel is a highly reasonable request, I will ask for moderator intervention on the grounds that you are harassing me.
Here is your advice to me when I asked you the same question...

" use search " and read page by page like I had to to find every single post where you started with your unwanted insults. Only to have you say

" I never said I didn't insult you first " when I did find every single one of them.

Get a mod. thats the intellectual equivalent of calling your mommy so it figures you'd pull it.

for some one who accuses others of being slow on the uptake you are in a class by yourself.
I feel like I am trying to define voltage to a aboriginal tribesman.

one more time.

Horseman 77 wrote:

1. Paula Jones was suing him for deformation of character.
2. Lewinsky was called as a Witness. He tried to get her to change her story.
3. Then he lied about it under oath.

Thats three steps you had to follow, Tell us where you got lost?

Bubbalo wrote:

The part where Paula Jones waited till he was President to go to court, for one.
Basically clinton said during his campaign to be president in 1991 " I never cheated on hillary "

Some one knew he dated Paula Jones and asked her about it, she said " Yes I went out with him. "

He said " If you drag a $100 dollar bill thru a trailer park you are bound to get some one to say anything. "

She said " You are a lair and now you must publicly apologize "

Do you get it now, or are you deliberately pretending to be an insipid, immature, ostentatious, little child in some misguided effort to create repetitive, circular arguments in every single thread?

Note to all: if bubalo says something dumb and you quote him, he will get a mod. RoflmaoF

watch for my ban from the Liberal left, voice of reason, tolerance, open discourse, etc !

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-07-04 09:14:46)

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