+269|6620|Marlton, New Jersey.
alright, i go on wake 2 days ago, get in the j10 and start owning the living hell out of arty island and the carrier until one asshat proceeds to say "eagles attacking uncappables is stat padding, I will report you fucktard".  Wow, if this is true, Ea and Dice really need to fucking stop it, I mean, they make a game that has so many capabilities and obviously if the game lets you take a jet, fly anywhere you want and attack anywhere you want, why the fuck do Ea and Dice say its not allowed.  This is really pissing me off, so you dont fucking like it? Learn to get off the carrier idiot, when the round starts and the USMC spawn, take a blackhawk, get over 300 feet and bail over the island....I mean is it that hard..... Every time my team was on USMC we still won because we actually know how to cap.  Either: A.We would do the blackhawk thing or B.An f35 pilot would get a j10 on him and would bail (being smart and knowing that the J10s missiles would have owned him) onto a flag and cap it.  Then whenever the other team is put on USMC they still complain and bitch/moan about base rapers when obviously its not hard to cap when we did it just one round ago on USMC.
So im just sick of people that always bitch about reporting players to EA (OMG OH NOEZ YOUR GONNA REPORT ME!!!!) Get over it you just say you will to feel better about you sucking and getting owned.  And im sick of players complaining that its impossible to cap and shit, because it not.  And finally, I believe that players who insult other players and baserapers only insult to make themselves feel better that they're getting their asses whooped.  rant off.
Waste Kid
there will always be noobs complainin cos they got owned. if im getting owned, i move server. Problem solved....unless i get owned on tht server.
Oh the horrible irony of complaining about complainers. I can see the source of frustration though m'man. Sometimes I feel like my buddy and I are the only ones trying to cap flags.
+269|6620|Marlton, New Jersey.
exactly, theres this one player and I that were the only ones capping flags while the rest of our team was bitching and moaning about baserapers and shit
+164|6801|Normal, IL
ok, two posts i disagree with you on... well, the only point i disagree on is raping uncaps.... i never do and never will. not that i think it's a pussy thing to do, which it is, but i think that it makes for a better round for both sides to have an actual BATTLE instead of bomb, resupply, repeat..... i enjoy the battle action of the game, thats why i got it. The only time ill rape a main is if they did it to us the entire last round, or if they are doing it in the current round and both teams have an uncap, and it will only be for a minute then ill back off.... just to let them know two can play..... but, as you said, it's not against ea's rules as long as the server allows it.... so keep doing it if the server allows and if you play like that i suppose.....
Frosties > Cornflakes

You know, it doesnt take any skill to rape, kinda sick of these J-10 boys, who get a massive ego from their bombing runs.  However, technically, I guess you could argue it is stats padding, however ea havent reset anyone for rapin that carrier, or island.  So happy hunting i guess
If this was a real battle, do you think the planes would just sit and wait for the US to take over?

I think not.
+164|6801|Normal, IL

BCspeed34 wrote:

If this was a real battle, do you think the planes would just sit and wait for the US to take over?

I think not.
that's the statement i hear from most people who rape uncaps.... however, this isn't real life.... its a fucking game, and in a game, you participate to have fun, everyone does, so play in order to have fun, not pretending it's real life and a bigger score means a bigger penis. i just leave servers that have lots of raping, even if it's my team or not getting raped. i dont have fun either way.
fuck me if i'm wrong but doesn't the Uss Essex in Battlefield 2 come equipped with 2. i know 1 for sure Vulcan Mini-Gun and a small assortment of Stinger Missiles?.. if you sit back and think for just a few minutes that un caps were indeed ment to be attacked, please note on many uncaps the placement of a Tow missile system, and Mounted Machineguns.. they weren't put there just to take up space and to add to the "cool shit" factor. If some whackjob is attacking the carrier, hop into the Stinger/Vulcan AA assortment and shoot the bastard down or atleast attempt to.  Or you can spawn at the bottle of the Uss Essex and take a little boat trip to where you need to go, you can even swim if you are bored enough, and if you suck with the AA switch to a different server.  just my 2 cents
i hate you all
There is no such thing as baserape, it`s called  tactical suppression! EA approves of it as a part of the game too, you can never be reset for base rape. On many servers this is forbidden, thats up to those who run the servers, that`s just to keep the server "noob friendly".
In my opinion the "no base rape rule" is just as dumb as  "knife/pistols only", but EA wont do anything with either of those things.
If you join a server: Play by the rules unless the admins are using them for their own advantage. I base rape when my team have all the uncaps as long as i dont see any rule against it, or if i get a warning by the admin. The ones who complain about you base raping are the ones that are wrong.

Last edited by Fredrik (2006-07-03 18:07:09)

+44|6597|Team America!!!

DeadboyUSMC wrote:

I can see the source of frustration though m'man. Sometimes I feel like my buddy and I are the only ones trying to cap flags.
I have been on some small severs and i make my squad...which my friend and i are usually the only ones in it and nobody else will join...we run around taking as many spawn points and killin anyone we see...but nobody on are team seems to help us...we've all been there dude
Death StatPadder
+228|6805|Human Meat Shield
I agree with you [1FR]S3v... The carrier was meant to be attacked, but if 32 people are too busy waiting for aircrap they deserve to plummet to thier 15 seconds of disheartening morale. USMC is supposed to be a Team side whilst the China is basically all for one. But for the 2 x 4 Island you can't do shit from there besides getting tank bombed and sniped whilst a J-10 is MGing in the hell out of the TOW . But thats beside the point. We own a Wake server and hear crybabies all the time : "Dont arty the carrier" "Quit Baseraping" -- Hell I found a way for the artillery not to get me...there is an underside to the boat or stand close to the "main" boat, J10s wont be able to even get you from there, they would fly OOB just to come back. Anyway people dont realize the first 20 seconds for USMC is the most critical, boats should be in the water, chopper in the air following them; Hell when I do get a chance to fly the F35 I just hang around the carrier and get massive J10 kills because all they are thinking about is infantry.
+153|6784|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
Bla bla bla bla dont "rape the essex" bla bla bla bs bs bs bla bla...... its not fair, its not fun.. bla bla bla... well, if you see me with my back against you, dont shoot me, cause its not fair, i did not know you were behind me. Its not fun for me. Wait til i turn around so i have a chanse.... bla bla bla... its behind my back raping. Bs bs bs(!!!!!!) bla bla if you come running against me with a knife and stab me before i can get of one single shot, its not fair cause i did not have any chanse. You were too fast. Bla bla bla bs bs bs....If i come around a corner and you come with your car and run me down, its not fair. I did not see you, it was not fun for me. I had no chanse... bla bla bla. If i spawn and you happen to be near me, dont shoot, because i just spawned and its our only place left to spawn. Let me kill you and go and get a flag, or else its not fun!!!! And bs bs bs rape bs bs bs rape....
Have a nice day...
i hate you all

SteikeTa wrote:

Bla bla bla bla dont "rape the essex" bla bla bla bs bs bs bla bla...... its not fair, its not fun.. bla bla bla... well, if you see me with my back against you, dont shoot me, cause its not fair, i did not know you were behind me. Its not fun for me. Wait til i turn around so i have a chanse.... bla bla bla... its behind my back raping. Bs bs bs(!!!!!!) bla bla if you come running against me with a knife and stab me before i can get of one single shot, its not fair cause i did not have any chanse. You were too fast. Bla bla bla bs bs bs....If i come around a corner and you come with your car and run me down, its not fair. I did not see you, it was not fun for me. I had no chanse... bla bla bla. If i spawn and you happen to be near me, dont shoot, because i just spawned and its our only place left to spawn. Let me kill you and go and get a flag, or else its not fun!!!! And bs bs bs rape bs bs bs rape....
Have a nice day...
I bow to these words of wisdom :not worthy:

SteikeTa wrote:

Bla bla bla bla dont "rape the essex" bla bla bla bs bs bs bla bla...... its not fair, its not fun.. bla bla bla... well, if you see me with my back against you, dont shoot me, cause its not fair, i did not know you were behind me. Its not fun for me. Wait til i turn around so i have a chanse.... bla bla bla... its behind my back raping. Bs bs bs(!!!!!!) bla bla if you come running against me with a knife and stab me before i can get of one single shot, its not fair cause i did not have any chanse. You were too fast. Bla bla bla bs bs bs....If i come around a corner and you come with your car and run me down, its not fair. I did not see you, it was not fun for me. I had no chanse... bla bla bla. If i spawn and you happen to be near me, dont shoot, because i just spawned and its our only place left to spawn. Let me kill you and go and get a flag, or else its not fun!!!! And bs bs bs rape bs bs bs rape....
Have a nice day...
lLMAO Back raping.
Im with u if u were not supposed to attack uncaps why in hell do they all have defences???? no i use em. only time i get pissed is when im out capping still my whole team spawns there crying rape dumb {insert yer own bad word here}
The first true Sniper.
+95|6680|Cumberland, MD, USA
Shit happens. Deal with it. (Not towards the threadstarter, but to the people who bitch and whine about useless shit.)
The Cereal Killer
+201|6695| United States of America
im gonna go shoot RPG-7's at EA now kthxbai

DeadboyUSMC wrote:

Oh the horrible irony of complaining about complainers. I can see the source of frustration though m'man. Sometimes I feel like my buddy and I are the only ones trying to cap flags.
lol   he has a point

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