
Is it fair to be kicked/banned for what happened here.

Yes34%34% - 83
No65%65% - 159
Total: 242

OpsChief wrote:

Lin wrote:

Yes, and you apparently got yourself banned from ours. We don't ban for minor crap like that, so my guess is that like most players who get their toys taken away, you were probably doing more than your story would imply. That is what we find 90% of the time when we review logs, etc. After all...it wouldn't make you look good in this thread if you admitted to doing more than what you're admitting to, would it?

For the record and then I'm done here...we don't allow base camping because we want the game to remain FUN. Some like that, some don't...no big deal. We define base camping as shooting from vehicles. It is legal to base camp using infantry, commander arty, and you can certainly squish (run over) players in vehicles. We also allow ghetto ladas.

Server rules can be found on our web site.

The operative word you used is "guess". Yes you are guessing (or where when you wrote this) and basing the rest of your comments on your guess!!! Have you any facts specific to this complaint to post? I was booted from moongamers for far far less than this guys claimed offense. I suggest it is better to investigate and get facts first then make your opinion known. As good as moongamers is, and it is good for some, it isn't perfect and being populated by humans so demands verification before judgement is rendered.
The fact is they do not have actual facts. When asked, they will totally go off topic or no answer.  Here is a thread that my clan mate told me to look at a while back.

http://www.moongamers.com/forum/index.p … opic=13666

My clan mate posted a picture of him being switched by the server, and he was on my team after the server switched him. This screenshot (http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/7714 … 1226ae.png) clearly shows the text: "You were moved to the other team by the server", and the reason he wanted me to type was to show that he was moved to my team (<Commander> prefix only shows when you Team Text). You can clearly see he got switched at the final ticket, and the next round started, sometime later while he was idle, he got banned for teamswitching. Whilst the fact that Moongamers admins act upon their own will and the Core don't give a shit. Please take note, he was banned by Firestorm for Teamswitching. Moongamers themselves couldn't find a counter for this, screenshots don't lie. Did Firestorm have actual proof of him teamswitching? Nope, I do not see legitimate proof, and at the end, Lin totally changes subjects and says the ban was for a 4 month old inappropriate language offense. My clanmate Unforseen barely ever uses text chat ever since he joined our clan, as we use Teamspeak instead. Evidence that he swore? None as well.

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Your rules are a bunch of BS.  I voted no, "no baserape" rules are only there to protect n00bs who can't play the game and must hide behind self-made barriers.  This is a game, yes, thats why I hate cheaters.  But this is a WAR game.  Kill or be killed, if you have to have rules to protect you then stop playing the game because you suck.

    Oh, and guess what?  DICE put commander assets in uncappables.  DICE made uncappables attackable.  DICE even programed the bots to attack uncaps.
Totally agree, and which is why 3 Volpi members on the same team were considered as "Teamstacking", 3 out of in that time 60 players is teamstacking, geez I wonder why 6 =THB= members wasn't considered teamstacking... The only reason we played there, was because we made a handful of friends on that server and that is how our clan was born. That is also where we met another great clan that goes by =THB=. Now that everyone has outside contact with each other getting banned from that server basically means nothing to us anymore.

Their reputation in the community is already shit, so let it be more shitty as more complaints and nagging role in.
The screen shot your mate offered as evidence was taken 40 minutes or more before he was kicked, so it's not proof of anything other than you and your clan trying to get back at MoonGamers for kicking and banning you guys for multiple infractions over a long period.  The clan ban is nobodies fault but you and your members.  If anyone has a bad rep in the BF2 community, it is you and your clan.  Honestly, I thought you guys were fun to play against, when you weren't  being jerks and causing problems...  Too bad you decided that the latter was where you wanted to spend more of your gaming time....
+101|6828|Southern California
It seems two main points were made here. One, there are servers with rules that not everyone agrees with, Second is ALL Admins will be inconsistent to some degree when snap subjective judgements are required.

The solution is to find a server with your favorite rules, the fewer rules the fewer judgements needed, and so fewer mistakes or inconsistencies are made. The fewer Admin interventions the happier Admins are and less likely to use the AdminGodKill gun. The problem is fewer rules mean a harder game...

There are only three core rules to BF2:
1. Respect Others (includes profanity, racism, false accusations and abuse of power, etc..)
2. Don't Cheat (inlcudes hacking, exploits, stat padding, etc..)
3. Be a Team Player (BF2 has Orders so go along with it and due to the limited extra assets sharing the toys is required, etc..)

I am sure that all other rules are self-inflicted wounds by EAs ROE or Server unique rules.

>>>EA/Dice Code your ROE into the game<<<

Good Luck and Have Fun

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-07-02 00:09:14)

Prove to me that it was 40 minutes earlier, there is no evidence whatsoever, as well where is the evidence that he teamswitched, don't see none as well. Therefore the ban was unjustified as well as totally ignoring evidence from a player himself. Causing problems, more detail needed... if you call winning by means of teamwork causing problems, or playing as a unit a problem... then maybe you need some friends to play with you... How do I have a bad rep, there is no support for that argument as well. If you consider Moongamers as a source, then you have selected a shitty one, there are more complaints about them than praises.

Last edited by chinesemaster006 (2006-07-01 19:43:54)

+101|6828|Southern California

Klaarg wrote:

I think it's safe to say, players who enjoy base raping are trying to make up for any of the following:

No "real" friends
no girlfriend
small genitalia(see above)
no skill
no values
no sense of fair play
not enough attention from parents
not breast fed enough as an infant
or no idea that if you keep it up long enough, the game stops being fun and people stop playing it.

It boils down to the simple fact that if your style of game play is cheating, base raping, glitching or using anything other than what's considered fair, you seriously need therapy of some kind.  You feel inferior in some way and using these methods makes you feel superior for a short time.  If you also hurt small animals or children, you have a wonderful future in the career field of being a psychopath.  At the very least, you might consider trying to fix what you can about yourself...
wth??? I must have missed this post b4...    way off m8 - this is disappointing. BF2 ain't PACMAN!!!

It's like this...one day a bunch of counter-strike players somehow wandered into a Total War and World of Warcraft game without leaving CS. Suddenly there were too many things to do for one player! That's why there is teamwork, that's why there are clans. BF2 in its original release, pre-ROE retrograde days is brilliant and at least a three dimensional game (I think more like 5). CS, Far Cry and most previous shooter games are only two dimensions by comparison.

This is a wargame bro. The application of the Arts and Sciences of War dictate that you fight the enemy in Battle Space not on a Linear Battlefield. To win you must destroy his ability to fight, to resupply, to reinforce, to make timely decisions, his will to fight. The personal stats focus of this game cloud this issue quite a bit I think.

What people are missing and many don't like (which is OK with me) is playing the Strategic level built-in to BF2 - the majority simply want to spawn at the Hotel, run forward killing everything that moves, get pwned, respawn and do it again until they are a General with a chest full of shiny warbadges. If the rules of a server shape the battle to allow that then it is argueably a violation of the GLobal ROE. But hey, First Person Shooter players have alot of trouble in the non-linear battlefield and that just fine. We have plenty of servers with fences around the playground for the Expert Shooter players.

But for Expert BF2 players? Give me the strategic, 360 degree, non-linear battlefield servers where there are only three rules: Be a Team Player, Don't Cheat, Respect Others. If you lose your base, you're screwed! If EA/Dice gives points for using a vehicle as a weapon then how can ramming be wrong? Spawn-camping whiners are just abusing good Admins to kill the people the whiner couldn't!!! Come on Admins it is the statwhores who created the "no spawncamping rule" not the game design.

*Just in case nobody noticed including EA/Dice BF2 is not an FPS. It is a hybrid of FPS/RTS/RPG.

Good Luck and Have Fun

**man I gotta go lol but I will come back and finish this later....
I'm talking about servers with specific, posted rules in that response...  Not vanilla BF2.

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