
Spumantiii wrote:

wait...  Every presidential term in history has seen job growth.
           Every presidential term in history has seen housing development
on a side note, I'm sure housing IS booming after all those houses were blown away in the south.  That doesn't count.

Gas prices are lower than you think.  Look at prices for Iraqis.
Look at the price of gas in Venezuelz, where gas companies were nationalized and the people get the gas cheap
3 cents    a litre       no shit  @12 cents a gallon for you non metrics
If it wasn't for that pipeline and American oil companies that took over in Iraq, your gas, believe it or not might be cheaper.  It allows for a total monopoly of the oil by American dollars.  And you know that it's in nobody's best interest, especially Cheney/Bush's to let you have it cheap.  The cost of the oil coming oit of Iraq has been heavily inflated.  Owners of the oil companies there have made RECORD profits  (RECORD:  Highest money intake for oil in history..  Believe it)

It's not popular fashion to defend yourself against an onslaught of deception, lowing, that's called human nature.
Yes you're absolutely right, I've used my political tilt to get laid so many times, especially the part where I make fun of Bushisms....    Riiiight.

Maybe you missed where I stated before that Iraq was NOT  and IS NOT the only country to be breaking UN resolutions.  By that logic America is just as guilty by using wmd weapons in Iraq.  The list is huge.  The only fucking reason that war was started was to claim those oilfields for American companies to pay for the stupid spending Bush has done.  Tell me having airplanes with laser beams attached to their heads is NOT a waste of fucking money, jesus christ you watched too much GIJOE

If Venezuela stepped out a little sooner, it might be thier "terrorist fascist" "anti-american" "regime" country being attacked for their oil.      In Sudan the UN resolutions are being broken but there is no INTEREST to go there, since the oil companies there are ALREADY AMERICAN, do you see a pattern forming yet?

The UN forbids the illegal icarceration of so called terrorists, they may not be terrorists.
The UN forbids the use of wmds yet UK and USA use them in damn near every weapon possible ( depleted uranium ammo)
there is a difference between breaking UN resolutions and breaking a cease fire.Iraq is guilty of the latter, show me where the US and the UK uses WMD to go out and commit genocide? Cuz I can show you where our enemies have done it.

As far the getting laid comment, it was sarcasm dip shit.

As far as it being popular to hate Bush.......I live in a country where more people voted for American Idol than voted in the presidential elections. Do not try and tell me that these snot nosed children know anything about what is going on in the world, let alone can talk intelligently about it. They hate Bush because it is cool to hate authority, and that is as deep as they go.

As far as the worlds oil goes.......I said it before and I will say it again.......If we really wanted their oil we could have kept it 60 years ago and again 15 years ago, instead of giving these lands back to their citizens.

Oil prices are up because the oil supplies are threatened by rogue leaders. Prices went up after '91 when the war started nothing new is taking place. Sorry but their are no big conspiracies for you to sink your teeth into.

Sorry for taking so long to get back to ya, I am just now getting off my ban. lol

GATOR591957 wrote:

Trooper_Collider wrote:

The only thing I'm saying is that Bush is the Commander in Chief; that's the truth and I don't care if he really sucks nor he's a lying sack of sh*t as his daddy! The fact is that he's the leader of our troops and we have to support them! If u don't like it go hug a tree and take a bath, hippies!!

Semper Fi!
So let me get this straight.  In your mind you can't support the troops and disapprove of the commander in chief?
Sorry, let's take this a step down.  You have a commander in the field who has made several missteps causing harm to his own troops.  Your theory is just leave him there for another two years?
OK, can you imagine the disorientation, confusion and discomfort that you can cause to the troops if you disagree with the Chain of Command? Do you imagine the consequences in the field if the Chain of Command it's harmed in anyway? Well, you may translate it as more dead people; people uncappable of following orders, of respecting their superiors etc. surely are gonna get killed. We dont need anyone saying to men on duty : "hey, your Commander sucks!" So, in order to support the troops you must support the Chain of Command, is not a matter if you agree or not, as the song (Over There) says:
"Is not ours to reason why"
Anyway, all soldiers are aware that Bush and this war (OIF) s*cks, but go ahead, be my guest and go telling that to them!

Semper Fi!

Last edited by Trooper_Collider (2006-06-25 20:41:19)


Trooper_Collider wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

Trooper_Collider wrote:

The only thing I'm saying is that Bush is the Commander in Chief; that's the truth and I don't care if he really sucks nor he's a lying sack of sh*t as his daddy! The fact is that he's the leader of our troops and we have to support them! If u don't like it go hug a tree and take a bath, hippies!!

Semper Fi!
So let me get this straight.  In your mind you can't support the troops and disapprove of the commander in chief?
Sorry, let's take this a step down.  You have a commander in the field who has made several missteps causing harm to his own troops.  Your theory is just leave him there for another two years?
OK, can you imagine the disorientation, confusion and discomfort that you can cause to the troops if you disagree with the Chain of Command? Do you imagine the consequences in the field if the Chain of Command it's harmed in anyway? Well, you may translate it as more dead people; people uncappable of following orders, of respecting their superiors etc. surely are gonna get killed. We don't need anyone saying to men on duty : "hey, your Commander sucks!" So, in order to support the troops you must support the Chain of Command, is not a matter if you agree or not, as the song (Over There) says:
"Is not ours to reason why"
Anyway, all soldiers are aware that Bush and this war (OIF) s*cks, but go ahead, be my guest and go telling that to them!

Semper Fi!
If you believe the Military on the ground believes Bush is calling the strategical shots in this war, I feel sorry for you.  The President is Commander in Chief like the Queen of England.  Strictly a figurehead.  Is it wrong to question the leadership of our nation?  No, it is our right and responsibility to.  This BS will continue until the people of this nation stand up and say "hey enough is enough"  Bush has taken away your civil liberties, taken away a surplus in our economy and plunged us into a 44 trillion dollar debt.  How much more will it take????

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
Theodore Roosevelt

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-06-26 15:32:23)


GATOR591957 wrote:

Trooper_Collider wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

So let me get this straight.  In your mind you can't support the troops and disapprove of the commander in chief?
Sorry, let's take this a step down.  You have a commander in the field who has made several missteps causing harm to his own troops.  Your theory is just leave him there for another two years?
OK, can you imagine the disorientation, confusion and discomfort that you can cause to the troops if you disagree with the Chain of Command? Do you imagine the consequences in the field if the Chain of Command it's harmed in anyway? Well, you may translate it as more dead people; people uncappable of following orders, of respecting their superiors etc. surely are gonna get killed. We don't need anyone saying to men on duty : "hey, your Commander sucks!" So, in order to support the troops you must support the Chain of Command, is not a matter if you agree or not, as the song (Over There) says:
"Is not ours to reason why"
Anyway, all soldiers are aware that Bush and this war (OIF) s*cks, but go ahead, be my guest and go telling that to them!

Semper Fi!
If you believe the Military on the ground believes Bush is calling the strategical shots in this war, I feel sorry for you.  The President is Commander in Chief like the Queen of England.  Strictly a figurehead.  Is it wrong to question the leadership of our nation?  No, it is our right and responsibility to.  This BS will continue until the people of this nation stand up and say "hey enough is enough"  Bush has taken away your civil liberties, taken away a surplus in our economy and plunged us into a 44 trillion dollar debt.  How much more will it take????

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
Theodore Roosevelt
44 trillion??? Facts please......
GunSlinger OIF II
the United States has ZERO control over the Iraqi oil industry, i just thought id say that again.
Thread Ender
+58|6885|New Hampshire
I declare shannanigans!

lowing wrote:

As far as the worlds oil goes.......I said it before and I will say it again.......If we really wanted their oil we could have kept it 60 years ago and again 15 years ago, instead of giving these lands back to their citizens.

Oil prices are up because the oil supplies are threatened by rogue leaders. Prices went up after '91 when the war started nothing new is taking place. Sorry but their are no big conspiracies for you to sink your teeth into.

Sorry for taking so long to get back to ya, I am just now getting off my ban. lol
I decided to look into it some more:
'Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st Century'
http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf … le3535.htm

The Future Of Freedom Foundation wrote:

The world demand for dollars and the worldwide use of the dollar have served as an important cushion to maintain the value of the dollar on foreign-exchange markets, which has enabled the U.S. government to print money and run trade deficits that might otherwise have put downward pressure on the international exchange rate of the greenback.

The demand for dollars has also enabled Washington to fund the federal budget deficits of the past because foreigners have used the dollars they own to purchase U.S. Treasury securities. With so many dollars in use for so many international transactions, parking some of those dollars back in the United States in the form of U.S. government securities for a period of time has usually seemed the safest, easiest, and most logical way of putting one’s cash to work.

lowing is right that it has happened before (oil prices getting high)

FEASTA wrote:

Since so many foreign-owned dollars are not spent on American goods and services, the US is able to run a huge trade deficit year after year without apparently any major economic consequences. The most recently published figures, for example, show that in November of last year US imports were worth 48% more than US exports*1. No other country can run such a large trade deficit with impunity. The financial media tell us the US is acting as the 'consumer of last resort' and the implication is that we should be thankful, but a more enlightening description of this state of affairs would be to say that it is getting a massive interest-free loan from the rest of the world.

While the US' position may seem inviolable, one should remember that the more you have, the more you have to lose. And recently there have been signs of how, for the first time in a long time, the US may be beginning to lose.

One of the stated economic objectives, and perhaps the primary objective, when setting up the euro was to turn it into a reserve currency to challenge the dollar so that Europe too could get something for nothing.

This however would be a disaster for the US. Not only would they lose a large part of their annual subsidy of effectively free goods and services, but countries switching to euro reserves from dollar reserves would bring down the value of the US currency.
http://usgovinfo.about.com/library/week … arcost.htm said:

Could Iraqi Oil Help Pay Some Costs?
In its estimates, CBO also analyzed the suggested possibility that proceeds from sales of Iraqi oil could be used to offset the costs of rebuilding damaged infrastructure and occupation of Iraq. CBO found this idea not to be a reasonable option because:

"Iraq is already a major exporter of oil and until recently has been producing at close to its peak sustainable production capacity of 2.8 million barrels a day.

"Currently, about 80 percent of Iraq's oil production is being used to purchase imports under the United Nations Oil for Food Program or for domestic consumption. And, in the near term, Iraqi oil exports cannot be expanded without large-scale investment and development of infrastructure. Thus, the primary source of additional funds for reconstructing Iraq would be the proceeds from the legitimate sale of the approximately 400,000 BPD that are currently smuggled out of the country to pay for the importation of items that violate United Nations sanctions.

"Assuming that a post-conflict Iraq complied with all U.N. resolutions and removed the basis for the current economic sanctions, and assuming also that its oil production infrastructure was undamaged, Iraq could pay for reconstruction costs by using funds generated from that 400,000 BPD of oil and still have enough to pay for its country's current level of imports. At today's oil prices, production at that level would amount to approximately $3 billion a year."
well we know those funds were corrupt, and which  company did the reconstruction of the refineries and built the pipeline?

the priority is to keep the oil flowing, more of it, and in USD and with US parts and labor.  The above outlines the benefits for having the oil transactions in USD

US exports *1:    'Trade Deficit Surges to a Record High', Reuters, (January 17, 2003),     http://www.centredaily.com/mld/centreda … 70891.htm.  dead link.
http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArtic … LANCES.xml

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-06-27 04:53:32)


CC-Marley wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

Trooper_Collider wrote:

OK, can you imagine the disorientation, confusion and discomfort that you can cause to the troops if you disagree with the Chain of Command? Do you imagine the consequences in the field if the Chain of Command it's harmed in anyway? Well, you may translate it as more dead people; people uncappable of following orders, of respecting their superiors etc. surely are gonna get killed. We don't need anyone saying to men on duty : "hey, your Commander sucks!" So, in order to support the troops you must support the Chain of Command, is not a matter if you agree or not, as the song (Over There) says:
"Is not ours to reason why"
Anyway, all soldiers are aware that Bush and this war (OIF) s*cks, but go ahead, be my guest and go telling that to them!

Semper Fi!
If you believe the Military on the ground believes Bush is calling the strategical shots in this war, I feel sorry for you.  The President is Commander in Chief like the Queen of England.  Strictly a figurehead.  Is it wrong to question the leadership of our nation?  No, it is our right and responsibility to.  This BS will continue until the people of this nation stand up and say "hey enough is enough"  Bush has taken away your civil liberties, taken away a surplus in our economy and plunged us into a 44 trillion dollar debt.  How much more will it take????

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
Theodore Roosevelt
44 trillion??? Facts please......
I made a tragic mistake.  The debt is only 8 trillion and increasing  1.74 billion per day.  Please forgive my ignorance.



Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-06-27 08:35:19)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6711|Southeastern USA
the total debt is not the responsibility of the president alone, all money comes through congress

kr@cker wrote:

the total debt is not the responsibility of the president alone, all money comes through congress
It is also easy clinton to save money clinton when you don't clinton spend any clinton on national defense clinton or a strong clinton military.
+18|6811|Boca Raton,Florida
hey guys why did bill clinton get a belly ring???

its a joke ill tell ya the answer when someone replies!

specxops wrote:

hey guys why did bill clinton get a belly ring???

its a joke ill tell ya the answer when someone replies!
lol ok I am replying........why did bill clinton get a belly ring?
+18|6811|Boca Raton,Florida
CUZ george bush has a dick chaney!

specxops wrote:

CUZ george bush has a dick chaney!
+18|6811|Boca Raton,Florida
whats its hilarious isnt it i hope you guys get it

kr@cker wrote:

the total debt is not the responsibility of the president alone, all money comes through congress
Which is also Republican led...
Holy Crap...this is SUCH a liberal/idiot forum.  He has done nothing illegal thus he cannot be impeached!  MSN is quite liberal...the only thing I use them for are stock market quotes.
The Lizzard
If it's so Liberal, why don't you just go away.  Please.

(Besides which, Clinton essentially got impeached for something that wasn't illegal)
Bubbalo, I have a feeling that soon, you and your whole family will be going down.
The Lizzard
Well thankyou for the warning.  If I need anymore help, will any psychic do, or is there a specific one you recommend?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6711|Southeastern USA
ok bubbalo, let's try to keep it civil and I'll start posting with you again,

popular spin is.......Clinton was impeached for committing adultery (which is actually illegal in many states, not sure about D.C.)
reality is...........Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, he is essentially the highest ranking policeman in the US and as such perjury is one of the most extreme offenses he could have committed
The Lizzard
Somebody just suggested that harm will soon come to my family, and you're telling me to keep it civil?  Words fail me........

And I know that he was impeached for perjury, but what he lied about was the cheating itself.  It seems a pretty silly distinction to me.  I also find you definition of him as the highest ranking policeman in the US.......curious.  I understand that the President is CiC of the Army, but can he also outrank any policeman?  If so, how would he be arrested?  Would that be FBI turf?
Horseman 77
BububuBubalooooooooooo ! lol
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6711|Southeastern USA
he is the head of the executive branch as well as CiC,

judicial branch judges the laws
legislative branch creates the laws
executive branch enforces the laws

never thought about who would arrest him though, actually I guess it would just depend on what law he broke, hell I suppose if he broke a hunting law like shooting a doe in buck season even a game warden could arrest him, though that would either be career suicide or the greatest thing the warden ever did

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-01 09:29:52)

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