I think Marconious put it best, great post. But as a mac person I have to type something...
I use a mac and a PC everyday, mac at home and work to make money and get work done. PC to play games. My PC: 2.61GHz AMD 64 FX-55, 2g of ram, 7800 video...mac is only a 1GHz (G4), 256 video, 2G of ram.
The mac still rips large print files just as fast as the PC (not talking about little baby web images in RGB at 72ppi, I mean the REAL files, large format 315MB+ CMYK files with hundreds of layers,masks, plenty of channels... all the fun stuff), handles fonts much better (still use postscript in the design world) shows my color much better, and lets me get done faster than my PC. I started on PCs and can not see how anyone can "work" off them in PRINT design. If I run Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, any web browser and email software, as well as suitcase, my PC -as strong as it is- crashes or drags along. The same programs running in OSX on my mac, no problem at all.
Ironicly, if I am only using dreamweaver or flash, I actually like my PC better... but I still create all my images on my mac then bring them over. And I am primaraly a print designer, don't do web work often.
I only play with video (on the mac) so I can't comment on that with any real info.
I'm a designer, I don't know computers or care to learn. Its not what I went to school for. I just want to create my artwork and cash my check, so I use a mac. When I want to play games you have to use a PC, the mac has "some" great games, but you have to wait till they get ported (year or two later) but once out they look great! And rarely (in my opinion) do they crash or cause problems. But especially if you want to play online, PC wins. But in order to enjoy all the fun, bills have to be paid and nothing does that better than my mac.
Oh... how do you turn off a Windows PC?... you click on the START button...?
Windows Vista is "said" to be better... Then when can we see it? I bet it looks a lot like OSX. Redmond start your photocopiers...
Last edited by pndragon26 (18 years, 7 months ago)