
Alexanderthegrape wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

They must be fairly familiar at this stage with the fact the Israeli government and military are pretty ruthless and intransigent when it comes to dealing with the Palestinians. If they think they can win concessions off the Israelis with their tactics then they must be stupid.
I am starting to wonder about your reasoning skills.
ALexander - my reasoning is just fine. Israel does NOT negotiate with kidnappers. I think this mornings headlines attest to that.
The English
The Israeli's are taking a hard line because the Jews have been kicked out of pretty much every country they've settled in any great number. They've managed to get this one and they don't want to let go. Begs the question: Why does everybody hate the Jews? Why do they incur such hate whenever they settle somewhere. I don't know enough Jews to be able to make a judgement, maybe someone can enlighten me?

CameronPoe wrote:

Whether or not this has a bearing on my views on the Israel-Palestine issue is irrelevant.
Not from my perspective. I know that some Irish Republicans regularly fly Palestinian flags and sympathize with Hamas. You may or may not but you come in with a predisposed opinion. I read your opinions about Ahmadinejad it just appears to me you support everything anti-Israel. I figure you wont agree tho and consider yourself open minded.

CameronPoe wrote:

What right, they might have asked, did these people have to come and settle in our land?
Aside from the fact that their ancestry come from there for thousands of years ? I would say Palestine's alliance with the axis powers. Palestine's role in aiding the Ottomans during world war 1 and the Nazis in World War 2. After WW1 the Ottomans lost Palestine to the British and the League of Nations and they subsequently with the authority that comes with their victory voted to create a Jewish home which was agreed upon by the Arabs.

Cameron Poe wrote:

Arab violence against Jewish migrations: the US is currently in the grip of an immigration crisis involving Mexico. They are going to take a hardliner knowing Bush and co. If people were migrating into my country en masse then I would consider combatting it myself somehow. What right have mexicans to migrate illegally to the US? What right had european jews to migrate to Palestine?
Hardly a crisis. this has been going on for a hundred years or more. The "hardline" dubyah will be taking is at most deporting illegal immigrants, which we do already. The operative word is ILLEGAL, Jewish migration was sponsored by the League of nations and Britain .. it was legal. The Palestinians forfeited their ability to determine laws and borders when they fought with the Ottomans and later the Nazis. Be angry at and blame  England even though you already do.

CameronPoe wrote:

The original fundamental crime Israel committed against the arabs was to dispossess hundred of thousands of arab men, women and children of their homes and farms and to send them into perpetual exile, without any reparations whatsoever.
I'm not sure there a nice and proper way to segregate a country. I'm pretty sure tho that the solution was not to simply endure Arab violence. I also don't know how they can be expected to give reparations to a people that they perceive as hostile towards them. How do you do house and build an economy for your self-proclaimed enemy? Thats where i see a definite boundary of intent that the Jews are willing to negotiate in order to find a peacefull end while the Palestinians see no other direction but kill Jews until they leave. Israel wasn't created because of Europe's crimes they migrated there well before WW2.

Zionists wanted a homeland that was in Palestine. Israel the state was created because the two cannot coexist peacefully two different subjects.

CameronPoe wrote:

PS The map is not fictional.
What i meant was that its a future projection that may or may not happen. I have no knowledge of the finer nuances in the border conflicts.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6786|Portland, OR USA
Right, no historical knowledge.  Don't you think the re-creation of the state in 1948 by the UN coincides nicely with the close of WWII?  It most certainly was re-instated as just that - an apology to try to make ammends.  I'm not speaking of worth, or value, or any such notion.  Merely a factual account of why it now exists.  Can it be argued that they earned it through the suffering of their people at the hands of Hitler?  Certainly.  Could it be equally argued that they lost it of their own accord, and as they didn't re-take it that they didn't "earn" it?  absolutely.  Personally, I subscribe to the former, but I made no statement to that effect in my previous posts.  Don't place opinions where there were none asserted.

easy-skanking wrote:

Not from my perspective. I know that some Irish Republicans regularly fly Palestinian flags and sympathize with Hamas. You may or may not but you come in with a predisposed opinion. I read your opinions about Ahmadinejad it just appears to me you support everything anti-Israel. I figure you wont agree tho and consider yourself open minded.
Sympathise with Hamas? Well I don't agree with Islamic fundamentalism (or fundamentalism of any kind) so I don't. Sympathise with Palestinian Nationalists? Yes. Support everything anti-Israel? No. You obviously have misread something or not read all of my posts on this matter. My position is this. It has to be conceded at this stage that the state of Israel is here to stay. The jews do need a homeland. It is an unfortunate quirk of fate for the arabs but that homeland, at this stage, should be what constitutes Israel under UN law, i.e. 'Israel' without ANY of Gaza, East Jerusalem, the West Bank or for that matter, the Syrian Golan Heights. Even Hamas themselves have now implicitly recognised that a state of Israel must exist. Given that reparations were paid by the Germans to the jews (and continue to be paid) I think it only fair and just that the millions of people who will never see their land and homes in Israel proper again should be compensated for their loss. All settlements within the occupied territories should be vacated and if a wall is to be built it should be built on Israeli land - not on land occupied by Israel. I have no problem with a wall as long as it is on turf they have internationally recognised sovereignty over. Full soveriegn control should be given to the Palestinians of all the occupied territories and they should be afforded all the resources they need to create a viable state. It should possibly be administered by the UN for a short while until things get up and running.

easy-skanking wrote:

Aside from the fact that their ancestry come from there for thousands of years ? I would say Palestine's alliance with the axis powers. Palestine's role in aiding the Ottomans during world war 1 and the Nazis in World War 2. After WW1 the Ottomans lost Palestine to the British and the League of Nations and they subsequently with the authority that comes with their victory voted to create a Jewish home which was agreed upon by the Arabs.
Elements within Palestine aligned themselves with the axis because they wanted the brits out. It wasn't for any fundamentally anti-jewish reasons. Arabs and jews had lived in relative harmony together al lover the middle east for long periods of time. Jewish immigration to Palestine prompted the violent response from the arabs - not some 'anti-jew' ideology.

THe League of Nations did not grant anyone the authority to create a jewish homeland. The UN discussed a partition plan but the arabs wouldn't agree to it. So no-one officially backed the jews until they had successfully established the state of Israel themselves. I don't think anyone or any international body should have to right to OK the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of people from their homes, which is what the jews needed to do to create Israel.

easy-skanking wrote:

Hardly a crisis. this has been going on for a hundred years or more. The "hardline" dubyah will be taking is at most deporting illegal immigrants, which we do already. The operative word is ILLEGAL, Jewish migration was sponsored by the League of nations and Britain .. it was legal. The Palestinians forfeited their ability to determine laws and borders when they fought with the Ottomans and later the Nazis. Be angry at and blame  England even though you already do.
I personally don't consider permanent jewish migration - at that time - to have been legal. I don't blame England for this one actually. I blame a mixture of things - arab military ineptitude, arab in-fighting, the lack of meaningful international support for a resolution to the jewish problem. The Brits pulled out because let's face it: why were they there anyway? To blame the Brits because they pulled out is a cop-out - they did not have any moral responsibility to resolve the situation as they did not take the region by conquest or have any desire to remain there.

I completely disagree with you on your point that the Palestinians forfeited their right to draw up borders and laws. It appears from your tone that you are as anti-Palestinian as you preceive me to be 'anti-Israeli'.

easy-skanking wrote:

I'm not sure there a nice and proper way to segregate a country. I'm pretty sure tho that the solution was not to simply endure Arab violence. I also don't know how they can be expected to give reparations to a people that they perceive as hostile towards them. How do you do house and build an economy for your self-proclaimed enemy? Thats where i see a definite boundary of intent that the Jews are willing to negotiate in order to find a peacefull end while the Palestinians see no other direction but kill Jews until they leave. Israel wasn't created because of Europe's crimes they migrated there well before WW2.

Zionists wanted a homeland that was in Palestine. Israel the state was created because the two cannot coexist peacefully two different subjects.
The solution would have been for the jews to return to their pre-Nazi homes. Not do the same to others as the nazis did to them. A jewish homeland carved out of Germany might even have been feasible given how much borders shifted post-WWII.

Skanking - most of the reparations would be being paid to people in Jordan, Tunisia, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Morocco, etc., not where the source of the violence is. I am speaking from a viewopint that does not consider Israeli national security issues on this point. I am just talking simply about what is right and what is wrong, that's all.

PS Pre-WWII migration to Israel by jews was negligible, especially when compared against migration during and after WWII.

PPS I don't think the Israelis make it any easier for Palestinians to make peace with them when they continue to cut into Palestinian owned land, destroy Palestinian communities and take actions to make sure an even greater state of Israel comes about. Various Palestinian factions have held lengthy enough ceasefires in the hope of peace at various points in time but Israeli atrocities usually make the ceasefire unworkable. The Israelis don't seem to want peace. They just want as much of the occupied territories as they can get their hands on.
So, we are all obviously never going to agree on who is responsible for what.

Given that, what should happen today? How does this conflict end in your opinion? Is there any way groups like Hamas and Fatah, Al Aqsa Martyrs, etc... can ever let Israel just be? Will Israelis continue to blast away for fear of terroris attacks?

How bout it people? Give me something ffs, right now I'm baffled on how this could be solved peaccefully.

CameronPoe wrote:

Elements within Palestine aligned themselves with the axis because they wanted the Brits out. It wasn't for any fundamentally anti-Jewish reasons.
It is in the qu'ran that Mohamed himself executed Jews for not defending Medina. Muslims regard Jews as lesser for not recognizing Mohammad as a prophet. They are innately anti-Jewish and it is a major reason Palestinians supported the axis power. Amin al-Husseini, one of the most famous anti-Semites and later Nazi, joined the Ottomans because he wanted the Brits out ? Is that why he joined the British army in 1918 ?

CameronPoe wrote:

THe League of Nations did not grant anyone the authority to create a jewish homeland.
yes they did … on%2C_1917

CameronPoe wrote:

I completely disagree with you on your point that the Palestinians forfeited their right to draw up borders and laws. It appears from your tone that you are as anti-Palestinian as you preceive me to be 'anti-Israeli'.
You're of course welcome to your opinion. My personal opinion is that they chose their alliances they were on the losing end. In wars and especially WW1 when you're on the losing end you paid with the loss of control of land govt etc.. and thats what happened.

CameronPoe wrote:

The solution would have been for the jews to return to their pre-Nazi homes.
well that would make some very awkward moments in the grocery store.

bob:hey bill hows it goin?
bill:not bad just getting some milk
bob:oh thats cool that all you came for?
bill:yeah why you're not thinking of killing me and my family and millions of other Jews are you?
bob:nono bill cmon that was last week dude were cool now, you're not still upset about that?

end scene

CameronPoe wrote:

PS Pre-WWII migration to Israel by jews was negligible, especially when compared against migration during and after WWII
1882 to 1903, 35,000
1904 to 1914, 40,000
1919 to 1923, 40,000
1924 to 1929, 82,000
1929 to 1939, 250,000

The mass migrations were not during ww2 it was AFTER the state of Israel was declared. however as you can see these migrations anything but "negligible"

Last edited by easy-skanking (2006-06-29 07:07:19)


easy-skanking wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Elements within Palestine aligned themselves with the axis because they wanted the Brits out. It wasn't for any fundamentally anti-Jewish reasons.
It is in the qu'ran that Mohamed himself executed Jews for not defending Medina. Muslims regard Jews as lesser for not recognizing Mohammad as a prophet. They are innately anti-Jewish and it is a major reason Palestinians supported the axis power. Amin al-Husseini, one of the most famous anti-Semites and later Nazi, joined the Ottomans because he wanted the Brits out ? Is that why he joined the British army in 1918 ?
You are pinning your entire set of arguments on the position taken by one man and several small groups of arabs. You are making generalisations about Palestinian arabs based on the actions of the few. Muslims are not innately anti-jewish. Islam talks of both jews and christians as 'people of the book', only that they have strayed along the way. There are even references in the Q'uran to the Israelites being God's chosen people. WHat the fuck does it matter if Mohammed executed some jews - that's his particular personal issue. You are taking an overly simplistic view of things. You seem to believe this is all fired by religious fervour. Some small minorities may hold this view but most were concerned with what they regarded as an 'invasion' of their land. You over-generalise when it comes to muslims.

CameronPoe wrote:

THe League of Nations did not grant anyone the authority to create a jewish homeland.
The Balfour Declaration was a letter dated November 2, 1917 from British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour, to Lord Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation, a private Zionist organization. The letter stated the position, agreed at a British Cabinet meeting on October 31, 1917, that the British government supported Zionist plans for a Jewish "national home" in Palestine, with the condition that nothing should be done which might prejudice the rights of existing communities there.

Note the emboldened text. Irrespective of whether foreign elements endorsed plans for a jewish homeland in palestine - what rights did they have to carve up the territory of others? None, IMO. That's like Russia deciding the Chechens should be granted a homeland in Florida because there are lots of them there!?!?!?!

Note also that the Balfour Declaration is just the british position, not the League of Nations position. Note also that the brits deliberately used the term 'homeland' as opposed to 'state' and spent decades denying that their intention was to grant the jews a state. Pwned youself in the manner you normally do - not reading your own links...LOL

The Sykes-Picot Agreement of May 16, 1916 was a secret understanding between the governments of Britain and France defining their respective spheres of post-World War I influence and control in the Middle East. The boundaries of this agreement still remain in much of the common border between Syria and Iraq.

Secret understanding? That sound like it had bags of international approval when it was originally signed!!! The fact is the Sykes-Picot agreement had nothing to do with the creation of a state of Israel but rather how the middle east should be carved up among western superpowers in the wake of the Ottoman Empire!!!! Pwned youself in the manner you normally do - not reading your own links...LOL

San Remo Conference? That just affirmed the terms of the Balfour Declaration and the Sykes-Picot Agreement. One agreement having the intention to create a jewish 'homeland' (not state - and remember 'with the condition that nothing should be done which might prejudice the rights of existing communities there') and the other having nothing to do with the topic we are arguing about!! Pwned youself in the manner you normally do - not reading your own links...LOL

easy-skanking wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

The solution would have been for the jews to return to their pre-Nazi homes.
well that would make some very awkward moments in the grocery store.

bob:hey bill hows it goin?
bill:not bad just getting some milk
bob:oh thats cool that all you came for?
bill:yeah why you're not thinking of killing me and my family and millions of other Jews are you?
bob:nono bill cmon that was last week dude were cool now, you're not still upset about that?

end scene
Awkward yes. So I guess you reckon it would have been better to run away from one problem to create another problem elsewhere.

Jerusalem Grocery Store
Yitschak: hey Mahmoud, how's it going?
Mahmoud: well some of your buddies burned my house and drove me into the desert but it's not so bad. How about you?
Yitschak: Well my wife was killed last week by a Palestinian sniper but you know, these things happen!

easy-skanking wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

PS Pre-WWII migration to Israel by jews was negligible, especially when compared against migration during and after WWII
1882 to 1903, 35,000
1904 to 1914, 40,000
1919 to 1923, 40,000
1924 to 1929, 82,000
1929 to 1939, 250,000

The mass migrations were not during ww2 it was AFTER the state of Israel was declared. however as you can see these migrations anything but "negligible"
Migration did continue during and after WWII although deemed completely illegal by the international community. I will concede that pre-WWII migration numbers are not 'neglible'. The fact that they aren't negligible doesn't make the increasing jewish presence there (at that time) any more justified nor did it entitle them to create a state on land they did not own. If that were the case then give Mexicans a statelet inside California!!!

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-06-29 08:10:59)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6860|132 and Bush

CameronPoe wrote:

The Palestinians should have just put a bullet in his head and be done with him. I don't know what they're at holding onto him.
Some sort of useless leverage I suppose.

Hasn't Palestine been borderline anarchy since most of the foreign aid has been cut off ?

I know that Since 1949 the US has given Israel a total of $84,854,827,200. The interest costs born by US taxpayers on behalf of Israel are $49,937,000,000 – making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $134,791,507,200 (more than $134 billion).

Last edited by Kmarion (2006-06-29 08:10:48)

Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

The Palestinians should have just put a bullet in his head and be done with him. I don't know what they're at holding onto him.
Some sort of useless leverage I suppose.

Hasn't Palestine been borderline anarchy since most of the foreign aid has been cut off ?

I know that Since 1949 the US has given Israel a total of $84,854,827,200. The interest costs born by US taxpayers on behalf of Israel are $49,937,000,000 – making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $134,791,507,200 (more than $134 billion).
Those numbers are frightening!!!!! What does the US owe to Israel??? Just goes to show who pulls the strings in the senate and congress....

Palestine has always been anarchic - the level of anarchy just varies....
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6860|132 and Bush

The problem I have with those numbers Cameron is that Isreal I believe is around the 16th wealthiest nation. I am also pretty sure that their population is around 6 million. That is not bad at all for a nation that size. It's very confusing to me as an American taxpayer.

Those numbers could be slightly off I haven't looked them up. But I know they are close.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+39|6953| … 1rank.html

Just says that Israel's GDP is ranked 54th. … 4rank.html

Per capita they are ranked 40th.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6860|132 and Bush

Havazn wrote: … 1rank.html

Just says that Israel's GDP is ranked 54th. … 4rank.html

Per capita they are ranked 40th.
Good Find.. This is some information that remebered seeing awhile ago

In addition, there is the more than $1.5 billion in private U.S. funds that go to Israel annually in the form of $1 billion in private tax-deductible donations and $500 million in Israeli bonds. The ability of Americans to make what amounts to tax-deductible contributions to a foreign government, made possible through a number of Jewish charities, does not exist with any other country. Nor do these figures include short- and long-term commercial loans from U.S. banks, which have been as high as $1 billion annually in recent years.

Total U.S. aid to Israel is approximately one-third of the American foreign-aid budget, even though Israel comprises just .001 percent of the world's population and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes. Indeed, Israel's GNP is higher than the combined GNP of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza. With a per capita income of about $14,000, Israel ranks as the sixteenth wealthiest country in the world; Israelis enjoy a higher per capita income than oil-rich Saudi Arabia and are only slightly less well-off than most Western European countries.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Havazn wrote: … 1rank.html

Just says that Israel's GDP is ranked 54th. … 4rank.html

Per capita they are ranked 40th.
Good Find.. This is some information that remebered seeing awhile ago

In addition, there is the more than $1.5 billion in private U.S. funds that go to Israel annually in the form of $1 billion in private tax-deductible donations and $500 million in Israeli bonds. The ability of Americans to make what amounts to tax-deductible contributions to a foreign government, made possible through a number of Jewish charities, does not exist with any other country. Nor do these figures include short- and long-term commercial loans from U.S. banks, which have been as high as $1 billion annually in recent years.

Total U.S. aid to Israel is approximately one-third of the American foreign-aid budget, even though Israel comprises just .001 percent of the world's population and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes. Indeed, Israel's GNP is higher than the combined GNP of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza. With a per capita income of about $14,000, Israel ranks as the sixteenth wealthiest country in the world; Israelis enjoy a higher per capita income than oil-rich Saudi Arabia and are only slightly less well-off than most Western European countries.
Kmarion - I think, as a US citizen (unlike me), you should start a separate thread here stating the facts and numbers and asking 'Why is my tax money propping up this distant foreign country?'. What benefit is there to the US taxpayer? As far as I can make out - none!
Calmer than you are.
CameronPoe vs the Israeli Lobby!!

dude i dont know where you find the strength to answer back to all those ignorant and misinformed people. Their stupidity is not even funny anymore... keep it up.

Zionist propaganda is catching up in the US isnt it?
Banned - for ever.
+231|6969|Wilmington, DE, US

USA needs to stop dumping money into Israel.

I mean, we've been dumping it into there for awhile so they could have Apaches to launch Hellfire missles into wheelchair bound men (I don't care if he was a terrorist or not, it's just excessive) and oppress the Palestinians, but we're also dumping it into Iraq and Afghanistan, and maybe if we're REALLY deserving, North Korea and Iran as well!

Last time I checked things like our public schools and healthcare kinda suck. Last time I checked New Orleans is still a wreck. Last time I checked we had a president in office that places his personal interests ahead of the nations. God bless America, right?

We claim to support democracy. Hamas was elected in a fair election, but we don't support them because that's BAD DEMOCRACY. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt tried to use the system to get elected and were outlawed because that's BAD DEMOCRACY. I thought I maybe heard something about revolts in Nepal because they wanted democracy? Well that's INSIGNIFICANT DEMOCRACY. I mean, really, who cares about Nepal. Do they have oil? Can my friends' companies profit from exploiting their resources?

Israel would not be so bold if they didn't have our support.

(I kinda went all over the place there but I'm tired. Besides, most of you right-wing/conservative/republican guys don't even read what I write since you automatically disagree and leave karma comments about pissing on Korans that get you banned.)
GunSlinger OIF II
i got a question? what makes zionists any better than a palestinian? why is there so much hate towards israel comming from this thread.  I think I could understand CameronPoes perspective, and maybe MAYBE if i was in his shoes I just might feel the same. but to me, it just seems like the age old rhetoric of blaming jews for things that are just out of your control.  so please, someone explain to me, as a people, what makes israelis worst than the palis?
GunSlinger OIF II
oh god we got somebody defending the egyptian muslim brotherhood, LOLROFL HOLYSHIT CACA POOPOO i cant believe im reading this LOL
Banned - for ever.
+231|6969|Wilmington, DE, US

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

oh god we got somebody defending the egyptian muslim brotherhood, LOLROFL HOLYSHIT CACA POOPOO i cant believe im reading this LOL
Who said I'm defending them? All I'm saying is how fucking hypocritical this country is. Shouldn't be a surprise, but aren't you the one that believes it's our duty to support the commander in chief no matter what?
GunSlinger OIF II
yeah, no matter what his last name may be.  The commander-in-chief in principal, is a representative of the electoral delegates and they are a representative for the people of the united states.  I may not agree with him but I understand things like loyalty and duty and I dont have a bloated perception of my place in the world

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-06-29 22:26:15)

+5,233|6788|Global Command
Thats why your a warrior and Ikartis a wuss, gs.
I was really enjoying this thread until he showed up and began polluting it.
Go away Ikartis, your frothing at the mouth, drooling diarrea of the keyboard is not needed here.
Thread Ender
+58|6983|New Hampshire
I think I have to side with Israel on this one - I just view them as more willing to negotiate than the Palestinians.  They did now what Bush did after September 11th - their enemies are quite similar.  Palestinian children are raised with rifles and taught to hate Jews - hell, some of 'em WANT to grow up to be martyrs. 

It was fundamentalists who kidnapped the Israeli soldier, and chances are they weren't/aren't going to give him up - I agree with Palestines decision to attack.  Hell, as of Thursday there were no casualties or injuries by the Israeli's against the Palestinians - yet.  I haven't checked that figure lately, it may have changed, but to do bombing runs and not hurt anyone is pretty impressive.

I'm hoping this is just a "shock and awe" campaign, and that Israel will have flexed it's muscle enough to show Palestine they're not fucking around - just like Israel vs. Egypt in the 6 day war.
Give it a rest with your pwnt shit Cameron.. are you 15 ?

CameronPoe wrote:

You are pinning your entire set of arguments on the position taken by one man and several small groups of Arabs
Amin al-Husseini was a leader not acting alone.. in ww1 Palestine was part of the Ottoman empire and they, aside from the thousands that joined the Ottoman army,  had an army and they contributed to the "army of Islam" 14000-25000 men. Then in ww2 al-Hussani again a leader this time on Hitlers side helped recruit some 21,000 Arabs for the SS + more unknown. You're kidding yourself if you think Islamic extremism is some isolated acts of a few in Palestine. They elected a terrorist group bent on the destruction of Israel as a govt. Every time you see a PLO and now Hamas rally thousand take to the street, it is widespread.

I've read all those articles, ill go through them slowly for you because it seems you cant quite comprehend their significance.

CameronPoe wrote:

that the British government supported Zionist plans for a Jewish "national home" in Palestine, with the condition that nothing should be done which might prejudice the rights of existing communities there.
They abided by that for 35 years but things change. They changed after Arab Islamic violence against them so its reasonable.

CameronPoe wrote:

Note also that the Balfour Declaration is just the British position, not the League of Nations position.
maybe you have difficulty Reading but the San Remo conference reviews the British policies in Palestine and gave them approval.... approval of the LEAGUE OF NATIONS

The conference broadly reaffirmed the terms of the Anglo-French Sykes-Picot Agreement of 16 May 1916 for the region's partition and the Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917,
nice selective reading tho..

CameronPoe wrote:

The fact is the Sykes-Picot agreement had nothing to do with the creation of a state of Israel
I never said it did it was simply an example of how Britain had control of Palestine.

Please keep your kiddie insults and pwnt banter out of here.

Last edited by easy-skanking (2006-06-29 21:59:25)

Banned - for ever.
+231|6969|Wilmington, DE, US

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Thats why your a warrior and Ikartis a wuss, gs.
I was really enjoying this thread until he showed up and began polluting it.
Go away Ikartis, your frothing at the mouth, drooling diarrea of the keyboard is not needed here.
Again Alexander, wherever you may place me on your sacred internet social ladder, I'll still be above you. Just look at the drivel you post yourself.

On a serious note, are you actually mentally handicapped?
+5,233|6788|Global Command

Ikarti wrote:

Again Alexander, wherever you may place me on your sacred internet social ladder, I'll still be above you. Just look at the drivel you post yourself.
The karma system, such as it is is the forums social ladder, and as the world can see i am well above you.

Ikarti wrote:

I hope these guys get beheaded on tape. Serves those fucks right.

Ikarti wrote:

Looks like they're dead...nothing about a beheading though. I'm disappointed.

Guess there's no reason for this topic anymore.
These are examples of why I lament your presence on this forums.
You are a hateful discrace to America, if thats where your actually from.

I would say go ahead and quote a post from me that would qualify as drivel, but you know what? I don't care about you. You go right ahead and keep leaving those cowardly karmas, I know it's you.  I consider a negative from you as a badge of honor as you are the lowest of scum to be found here.
Goodbye, I'll have nothing more to do or say with you. I will be, however quick to report any post you make hoping for the killing of anyone.

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