
Who would you prefer to be the dominant superpower in the world?

China6%6% - 25
U.s.a.38%38% - 145
India1%1% - 4
Russia2%2% - 9
Brazil/Latin American Coalition1%1% - 6
E.u.23%23% - 88
Other11%11% - 43
Go Fuck Yourself13%13% - 52
Total: 372
Any of you swedes like the band Blindside? They're from Stockholm.  They were my fav band for a while.  I guess good things can come from those little neutral countries!
Thread Ender
+58|7037|New Hampshire

CameronPoe wrote:

easy-skanking wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

We will be returning to a multi-superpower world shortly.
define shortly ? 40 years ?
EU shouldnt even be on there you act as if the EU is some sort of cohesive power. The army is NATO ..the EU is little more than a market and currency system.

CmaeronPoe wrote:

At least China aren't imperialistic and tend to leave everyone else the fuck alone...
really? i think you chould ask korea japan hong kong taiwan and vietnam if they think china is a really nice group of folks that leaves "everyone the fuck alone"

ask south korea / japan / every other country we had a conflict with if the united states is an imperial power in thier country. give it a rest with the imperialistic crap..
I think you'll find China haven't done ANYTHING in recent history (~30/40 years at least) to suggest that they have imperialistic deisgns on any of the countries you mention. In fact - weren't China on the RECEIVING end of imperialism in WWII?

I will concede that China have issues in Tibet and Taiwan but I don't think the rest of the world need to be worried.

I put the EU as a choice .... for others - it's a POLL .... I don't believe they are or will be a superpower but hey - things change as time goes by. The EU may someday have an army and a consitution.
I'm not sure if this has been stated yet, (im too lazy to read through 4+ pages of comments) but China does have some quasi imperialistic visions for the future. 

Last year (2005) China tried to corner the US oil market - and succeeded.  A couple oil refineries went up for sale in Canada, and the US was expecting large companies like Shell or Mobil to buy them - which they didn't.  They ended up going to China, the highest bidder.  They wanted to exchange the refiners to the US for the Internet, some military technology, and other things.

Besides, China HATES Taiwan - you can't tell me they don't want to reclaim little China? lol
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Hey where is Syria?..lol
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The Lizzard

Horseman 77 wrote:

A few of our posters have no idea what the cold war was about.
USSR and most (but not all) Communist groups v US and allies.  No?

Horseman 77 wrote:

In truth the situation was so Daynamic in post USSR Europe many people have no idea who holds power where with what bounderies and with what form of goverment.
I'll presume "Daynamic" (with a capital D?) was a typo, and go on to point out that the only countries which have had really big changes in governmental system in post-USSR Europe are in Eastern Europe, and that Russia holds most of the power there (although that isn't much power IMHO), and that power in Europe in general doesn't lie in any one place like in North America, or, to a much lesser extent, Asia.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

Horseman 77 wrote:

xXSarnathXx wrote:

" There is a Special place in Hell for someone who will not take a side."
ah..... a special place in hell ....alas i dont believe in heaven and hell. .
The Quote is From Machiavelli,
Here is yet another quote.
" A Little education is a dangerous thing." lol
It's funny how you quote Machiavelli like you understand it when we all know that's not the case.
GunSlinger OIF II
is it just me or does it seem like people just get on here to talk shit. no debate. no serious talk. just flaming and attention grabbing.  Im guilty of it SOMETIMES but, eh, Horseman im trying to take your advice
Horseman 77

Ikarti wrote:

" A Little education is a dangerous thing."
It's funny how you quote Machiavelli like you understand it when we all know that's not the case.
Major Payne
Netherlands or an European country but certainly not us because they got a big ego 10.000 people shot each year isn't something to be proud off
Horseman 77

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

is it just me or does it seem like people just get on here to talk shit. no debate. no serious talk. just flaming and attention grabbing.  Im guilty of it SOMETIMES but, eh, Horseman im trying to take your advice
Thanks Gunslinger,  loved your photo's.  Your are a Classic case of a guy who can " Walk the Walk "

Keep it up. We all are in your debt wether we admit it or not.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7120|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Horseman 77 wrote:

Thanks Gunslinger,  loved your photo's.  Your are a Classic case of a guy who can " Walk the Walk "

Keep it up. We all are in your debt wether we admit it or not.
Agreed 100%
GunSlinger OIF II
Id really like to share my experiences in the military  in Iraq particular good and bad.  I know my writing is a bit rough around the edges but i feel like all these thoughts and memories are on the brink of exploding out of my mind.  Sometimes I feel like I come from an area of the country with the dumbest people in the world.  No body around can see past the weekend, know what I mean?  Only reason why I dont type a novel up on this mugg is because I know some members of our studio audience will type the same nonsense you could read in other thread as we see most the time . i say audience, because even though they may participate in the discussion, they add nothing productive to the argument just conjecture and whatever the opposite of objectivity is (brain fart right now) but yeah,  I really would like to share a full and unbiased account of my time in iraq.  Im not trying to blow my own horn here, but if it was a movie I think it would be in a lot of peoples top ten.  Because my time in iraq had very little to do with me as an indvidual and more to do with how my life and the lives of my buddies were intertrwined as if we were all the same single person from march 17 2004 till march 22 2005.  It was just so fucking crazy man, i never thought i would experience such a wide range of emotion and drama in that single year.  never would I have thought that I would be in those crazy situations, good and bad.  but hey if anyone intrested i would really like to share

gotta bounce to school

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-06-29 13:30:33)

Was your year anything like the movie "Jarhead"?
GunSlinger OIF II
the part about the cheating bitch was

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

the part about the cheating bitch was
Ouch. I know about five american women and I don't wonder... must be something to do with your water... 

Last edited by PekkaA (2006-06-29 20:29:17)

Id say russia but russias econom is declining
The Lizzard
I love how certain people on this forum (in this case Horseman/Gunslinger) spend half their time talking about how the people disagreeing with them bring nothing useful to the conversation.  Because that is useful?  How about you both grow up?  I can least a number of people who disagree with me on just about any topic you name who's opinions I value and respect.  Because, funnily enough, discussion means talking to people you disagree with, not just finding people you agree with and thumping each other's backs whilst going on about how clever you totally are, 'cos it's not like you just assume those who disagree with you or dumb or anything, it's a well known fact that they are.  I mean, they disagree with you, how could they know anything.
Horseman 77
bubalo Please leave me out of your insults " again "

This is how " Unlearned " you are.

Bubbalo wrote:

The point was that the US could strike the USSR with nukes, the USSR could not strike the US.
Yet being proven dead wrong in you point of view never slows your constant diatribe. Why ?

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-06-30 11:21:50)

The Lizzard
Could you point to where I said that, 'cos I can't find it.  Not saying I didn't say it, but kind of hard to defend it given that I don't know the context.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-07-01 01:20:53)

Horseman 77

Bubbalo wrote:

Could you point to where I said that, 'cos I can't find it.  Not saying I didn't say it, but kind of hard to defend it given that I don't know the context.
" Use search and find it yourself. "those were your words to me ( minus the insults ) when I asked you to post the link where I insulted you first.

I found the Link, Found the post where YOU INSULTED ME FIRST, the End.

Such statements are indefensible.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-07-01 07:09:41)

+44|6908|Europe and goddamn proud of it
Eu Ftw!!!
Horseman 77

Reaxzion wrote:

Eu Ftw!!!
what does this mean ? Please.
The Lizzard

Horseman 77 wrote:

" Use search and find it yourself. "those were your words to me ( minus the insults ) when I asked you to post the link where I insulted you first.

I found the Link, Found the post where YOU INSULTED ME FIRST, the End.

Such statements are indefensible.
You mean here, where I hunted down and found three instances in which you started flinging insults?  Really Horseman, I was gonna let it go, after you admitted you were wrong, and now you bring it back, only to be proven wrong.  All I did was ask for you to point out where I made the comment, and given how often you quote it you must know where it's from.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
I like chocolate milk
The Lizzard
Indeed, it is the drink of Greek gods.  But not Norse, they're Coke people.

kr@cker wrote:

I like chocolate milk
Me too, but I prefer warm chocolate milk

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