Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6775|Comber, Northern Ireland
in real life the SVD has a x12 scope

Snake wrote:

If its karkand or mashtuur - dont play AT, you'd be more beneficial with the other classes unless the US have the refinery, in which case, 2 tanks and APC's to take out.

Every other map, AT is necessary, unless you're in a tank, in which case, an engineer. But even then, im often AT just for that additional shot if/when you lose out in a tank battle.
...now im beginning to see why AT is "rarely" played by a lot of people
I find it very useful to play AT on both maps at times.  With DAO12 you have an advantage in CQC. 

You are at a disadvantage against the medics, assult and spec ops guys on the ground.  but if your in a squad and working together, even they aren't that much of a problem.
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6748|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
The idea of giving the AT class a rifle or even a carbine is ridiculous, the idea of the 7 distinct classes in the game is that each one has a job to do as part of a TEAM. If the Anti-Tank guys can't do their jobs properly then its the fault of the Assault, Support and Medics in his squad who need to give him some cover. Just to make it clear -

Medic - Heal and revive friendlies and Light Infantry
Sniper - Long range fire support and reconnaissance
Assault - Name says it all, Heavy Infantry who should be first into the CP
Engineer - Vehicle driver/pilot, repairs friendlies, mines areas
Anti-tank - DESTROYS VEHICLES - thats it - no need to be taking on infantry in great numbers
Support - Provides heavy fire support and resupplies friendlies
Spec-Ops - Demolitions of enemy commander assets and jack-of-all-trades light infantry

The anti-tank kit would be completely overpowered if given anything but the current weapons, on a decent round on certain maps i can personally own pretty much anyone and anything with the DAO-12 kit. Given a decent assault rifle, the strength of the kit would be ridiculous - The person who had the idea of giving the AT kit an assault rifle with a scope is a penis - that would be combining all of the good parts of the Assault kit (body armour and assault rifle) with the good parts of the AT kit (ability to kill vehicles at range - something no other kit can do) as well as adding a scope to the rifle.

Do people ever think about what they are saying before they write these posts?
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6775|Comber, Northern Ireland
bullshit you can pwn on most maps with the DAO-12, you can only pwn in close quaters, so what happenes on wake island u set the tank on fire the guy jumps out and he knows where u are, he can easily hit u with his powerfull weapons but your stuck with a shotgun, its useless
+163|6683|Odessa, Ukraine

david363 wrote:

in real life the SVD has a x12 scope
Standart SVD scope is PSO-1 , x4
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6748|'Ull, Yorkshire, England

david363 wrote:

bullshit you can pwn on most maps with the DAO-12, you can only pwn in close quaters, so what happenes on wake island u set the tank on fire the guy jumps out and he knows where u are, he can easily hit u with his powerfull weapons but your stuck with a shotgun, its useless
Hate to do this to you mate but -

=FDX=VEga wrote:

The anti-tank kit would be completely overpowered if given anything but the current weapons, on a decent round on certain maps i can personally own pretty much anyone and anything with the DAO-12 kit.
Re-read what i said and you'll see that i said on a decent round on CERTAIN maps i can own pretty much anyone or anything. It also doesn't matter about what range i encounter someone, when you're good with the pistol it's easy to get kills out to 100m+, any further and you just seek cover or use the AT missile.

As i said before -

=FDX=VEga wrote:

Do people ever think about what they are saying before they write these posts?

Anti-Tank ≠ Über-pwnage class

The end.
Leader of [MacGP]
you can destroy a tank on 1 shot

PCShooterNoob wrote:

~dogpile87~ wrote:

at least his name tells all......NOOB.  normally i don't rip people but this is just retarded.  here is a link to his stats:  http://bf2s.com/player/67045114/ 
first of all you can't talk about the medic class b/c out of the 200 hours you have played, less than 3 of them have been as a medic so you obviously have not experience in the class at all. 
second, although you do have 35 hours as anti tank, only one of those has been with the smg so again you have to experience. 
and finally you have no room to talk so the next time you think about saying something don't.  learn to be good with what is given to you.
First...I don't use Medics often BECAUSE I feel like they're cheap and completely unchallenging to use.  Same reason I'll never unlock the PKM, and why I never use the sword in Halo 2.  With the medic kits, I get a point about every 5 seconds, and whenever I'm in trouble I can just whip out a G36E or L85 to mow down infantry like nothing.  I only play them when I'm in a squad in desperate need of a medic.  But of course you don't think medics are cheap...it's your most played kit and where the largest chunk of your kills and team points come from.  Yes, I am a noob at PC Shooters...I never had mommy and daddy's money to have a computer good enough to play them.  But don't be an asshole, or mistake my lack of experience with PC games, or integrity as a gamer as idiocy.  I got a gold star on my first or second day the first time I used a medic kit, and the first time I used a PKM I mowed down a squad of six people and took out a (Probably severely damaged) attack copter.  When I suck at a game and am able to do these things instantly, I realized that they were the easy way out, and sought other ways to play.  I like to be challenged, and that's why I don't have the medic hours, and that's why I use Anti-Tank.  I'll use the kit no matter what, and get good at it.  But there are plenty of reasons it's underpowered, AND plenty of ways to make it work.  Teamwork, as many people have said, being the main one.  But you can't control what your team does.

And Vampira, I know that there are places to hit all vehicles for quicker kills, thanks for presenting an intelligent counter argument.  But said vehicles can kill you in one hit, and often times, you have to fire and take cover quickly, so you don't always have the luxury of precise aiming, know what I mean?  Not to mention that blowing up supply crates tends to give away you position in a big way.   And you're absolutely right, 9 times our of 10, the vodnik or hummer is toast...but I honestly think it should be 10 times out of 10.  how can you logically call something an anti-TANK rocket if it can't even take out a light transport...?
ok first off, i know ima get that negative crap for this, but have u ever heard of diving? i often play against some of the best tankers in the world, (_H=A=R=N=E=S=S_, and some who play for CAL main teams) and for even them, it is extremely hard to hit someone who's good at diving/prone spamming. try it while reloading (get good at it first) and you'll see. even if they have your number, know exactly where you are, and are spraying your direction with machine gun fire, chances are youll be able to get off maybe 2 hits (hey, just enuff to kill it!).

Second, i agree with you, light armored transport vehicles SHOULD ALWAYS go down in 1 shot, and if you are good enough you can just take out the driver anyways, but those who can are few and far between, especially if the fucker your shooting at is doin 50 swerving every which way.

Third, if you think that you're amazing with the Medic/Support class, play against clannies. Better yet, go into the PTX karkand server and try to own with a g36e, l8 or even pkm. I can guarantee that the players there will completely lay you out without unlocks. (hopefully ill be there and take a crack at you myself).

About the "mommy and daddy's money" comment, I'd have to say most people here are maybe 15+, at that age (I hope) your parents don't buy every fucking thing for you, I mean c'mon.

If the AT class was given an assault rifle or even M4, 90% of those who play medic class would immediately switch to AT and those who are good with said Medic kits, would rape everything and everyone. Only thing that urks me about the AT class is there arent any smoke grenades. One would do more than enough, hell we might not even have to dive around while reloading, just pop that smoke and your set.

Snoopy94, you can only destroy a tank in one shot with
A) Another Tank
B) A TOW or HJ-8
C) A TV Missle
D) A Bomb From A Plane
E) A "Shot" From An AT Mine

I'm not sure what SRAW's or ERYX's your using, but no, the most damage you can do to a tank with an AT rocket is about 55-60%

I've heard that you can pop a tank in 1 shot from a shoulder-fired rocket if you hit the bottom.

But then...how often is a tank driver just gonna turn a tank on its side?
it doesnt work, at least not from what i've tested. ill go try it out again brb

yup, only does about 45% damage.

Last edited by Ben>You (2006-06-28 07:24:13)

Just a Q, but does it matter where you shoot those transports( Vodnik, HUMVEE) w/ the AT rocket?  I seem to get a lot of hits, with no burning engine...i mean, I'll hit 'em in the grill, the side, the front corner panel...they'll just keep on driving....heck, i'll even hit them directly in the back of the vehicle.  Any particular aimpoints that i should go for?

Oh, and so far as the rifle for the AT kit, it doesn't need one.  If you can't reach 'em with your DAO or P90, then hit 'em w/ a rocket.  OR just sprint towards them to get closer, that is one reason you have the heaviest body armor, in close the DAO is a high speed pwnge machine.

Last edited by Jaguar (2006-06-28 07:28:44)

+23|6801|SE Virgina
My favorite AT Rocket has to be the SF RPG.  Unguided and strong as hell.  Took an APC to burning engine with one diagonal rear shot.  Plus total skill kills since it is unguided.

Jag, http://www.secretsofbattlefield.com/ has some good info on AT, Vech Hit Points and weak spots.

lagerfool wrote:

My favorite AT Rocket has to be the SF RPG.  Unguided and strong as hell.  Took an APC to burning engine with one diagonal rear shot.  Plus total skill kills since it is unguided.

Jag, http://www.secretsofbattlefield.com/ has some good info on AT, Vech Hit Points and weak spots.
Thanks bro!

Ben>You wrote:

ok first off, i know ima get that negative crap for this, but have u ever heard of diving? i often play against some of the best tankers in the world, (_H=A=R=N=E=S=S_, and some who play for CAL main teams) and for even them, it is extremely hard to hit someone who's good at diving/prone spamming. try it while reloading (get good at it first) and you'll see. even if they have your number, know exactly where you are, and are spraying your direction with machine gun fire, chances are youll be able to get off maybe 2 hits (hey, just enuff to kill it!).

Second, i agree with you, light armored transport vehicles SHOULD ALWAYS go down in 1 shot, and if you are good enough you can just take out the driver anyways, but those who can are few and far between, especially if the fucker your shooting at is doin 50 swerving every which way.

Third, if you think that you're amazing with the Medic/Support class, play against clannies. Better yet, go into the PTX karkand server and try to own with a g36e, l8 or even pkm. I can guarantee that the players there will completely lay you out without unlocks. (hopefully ill be there and take a crack at you myself).

About the "mommy and daddy's money" comment, I'd have to say most people here are maybe 15+, at that age (I hope) your parents don't buy every fucking thing for you, I mean c'mon.

If the AT class was given an assault rifle or even M4, 90% of those who play medic class would immediately switch to AT and those who are good with said Medic kits, would rape everything and everyone. Only thing that urks me about the AT class is there arent any smoke grenades. One would do more than enough, hell we might not even have to dive around while reloading, just pop that smoke and your set.

Snoopy94, you can only destroy a tank in one shot with
A) Another Tank
B) A TOW or HJ-8
C) A TV Missle
D) A Bomb From A Plane
E) A "Shot" From An AT Mine

I'm not sure what SRAW's or ERYX's your using, but no, the most damage you can do to a tank with an AT rocket is about 55-60%
Good points there, actually.  I'm certainly not going to Neg Karma you for them.  As to the diving...I'm aware of it, but I don't do it, I don't believe it should exist in a game.  Any maneuver that makes you virtaully impossible to hit should simultaneously make it impossible to shoot, or even do ANYthing, for that matter.  As far as I'm concerned, it's only a stone's throw away from cheating.  Hell, I don't even bunny hop...just take the death like a man.

For the record, I never said I was OMG amazing as a medic or support whore.  In fact, the point of that comment was quite the opposite;  I'm not THAT good at Battlefield, or any PC shooter NOW.  So back then, the first damn day I played, there should have been no way POSSIBLE I did as consistently well as I did.  The fact that it happened tells me that those kits are overpowered.  I know they can be overcome, especially by experts, but any set that gives anyone THAT much of an advantage shouldn't exist.  I had never really PLAYED a PC Shooter before Battlefield 2...and using the medic kit I get gold and silver stars on the first day?  That tells me immediately that something is a miss.

And you're right to a point...changing the AT and medic rifles out would be an issue pretty quickly, but I still think there would be plenty of medics...I mean c'mon...you can get a shit ton of points just joining a squad as a medic and reviving or tossing packs wherever.  Not to mention self-healing.  I just feel that logically, Anti-Tank is a kit that will inherently be in the fight, and medics should NOT be...so why give medics the better guns?  Lastly, I've seen a ton of "OMG AT ISN'T FOR INFANTRY" posts, and I agree.  But the fact of the matter is, they're not that great for taking out vehicles, either...certainly not as great as vehicles are at taking THEM out.  And when you do...you get the same points as you would for anyone else taking out infantry.  With no way of getting teampoints, can you really call them balanced?  You can get points much faster with any other kit in the game except maybe engineer, who have to stand there for an eternity twisting a wrench for one measly point.  Both of these kits, and even assault to a point, need more incentive to be played, when so many other kits can rack up both kills AND team points with half the effort.
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
I think the dao-12 is fine, I could agree that the mp5 should be given to the medic, imo the medic is more usefull at assault than the assault class with the ak-101..

And btw.. the mec and pla tanks can be destroyed by one sraw/eryx rocket but I wont tell you how;)

Last edited by sgt.sonner (2006-06-28 23:56:42)

+190|6661|Home of the Escalade Herds
AT is fine as is, the SRAW is a one shot kill against infantry and if you miss you can pop out that DAO for CQB raping.

sgt.sonner wrote:

I think the dao-12 is fine, I could agree that the mp5 should be given to the medic, imo the medic is more usefull at assault than the assault class with the ak-101..

And btw.. the mec and pla tanks can be destroyed by one sraw/eryx rocket but I wont tell you how;)
hmm... ill have to test this... but quite frankly i think your on crack at the present moment ill do it tommorow and see how it goes, wanna gimme a hint on the general area of the sweet spot?

ehh... i cant find it!! hell, i cant even see any similarities between the MEC and PLA tank, other than that they have treads . i literally hit almost every spor i could find on both tanks.. took me almost an hour an a half and you CANT kill it in one shot from what i've seen. however, i tested the 1 shot kill to a tank w/ another tank, works like a charm

Last edited by Ben>You (2006-06-30 07:31:49)

Forget the M4, I love the M16. Im so good with the burst fire.
The Bunny That Doesnt Hop
+7|6631|Holland - Leiden
I dont think you shout give M16 or M4 to antitank. Everybody would be Antitank. Because you have a nice gun and antitank rocket. And btw, the mp5 and pp-19 are pretty nice, of course theyre not as good as they others, but when you know how to shoot with it they are pretty nice. And you could be right that medic is a little overpowered, but they need some more heavy guns then the submachineguns, because they need to be capable of defendig themselves. Medicclass would be boring with shitty weaps. They can only run around with medpacks and shockpaddles... That would be bad, because there wont be much medics around, wich totally sucks, because you have to wait every time you die
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6775|Comber, Northern Ireland
ok after seeing alot of neg posts about this,

what would you say to the L85 being given to the anti tank class?
Cold Fussion
72% alcohol
+63|6704|Sydney, Australia
Add a flashbang or smoke grenade too the kit. All it needs.

david363 wrote:

ok after seeing alot of neg posts about this,

what would you say to the L85 being given to the anti tank class?
lol even worse imo. again, medic whores would just be like "OmGSZZw2!<!1!!?@!@? T3h L8 = AT?!?! WOOTZORS YAYZ NOWZ I CANZ GET TEH ROCKTERTS AND TEH LEET UBER GUNZ LOLOLZ" it would be way to overpowered. In fact I know that i would just whore it up against infantry all day, and would end up getting amazing KD ratios, because once you get that first guy with the rocket, you just waste his buddies with the L8. Can't exactly do it that easy w/ the Mp5/PP-19.

Cold Fussion wrote:

Add a flashbang or smoke grenade too the kit. All it needs.
A lot of people are talking about the AT rocket like it's the best anti infantry weapon ever.  It's fun to use, and somewhat effective, but it's not THAT good.  It has to reload after every shot, you have to laser guide it on moving targets, it can't be used at close range very effectively, and only has the splash damage to kill 2 people or so tops, unless the enemy is practically dry humping each other.  Frag grenades are infinitely better against infantry..they have MUCH more splash damage, and can easily be put over/around obstacles.  Giving AT an actual assault rifle in conjunction with the rocket launcher wouldn't make them THAt much better against infantry than any other kit...except maybe engineer, for obvious reasons.  I do think medic and engineer guns should be switch, simply because medics already get tons of teampoints effortlessly.  But since medics would of course bitch...maybe just give the AT class frag grenades in addition to the rocket.

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