This brings up an annoying moment I had once. 2 guys in some =GEA= clan named helinorth and u.raske were on my team. We were usmc and I grabbed the APC, helinorth got commander and was also in an apc while his fuck up buddy stands in front of mine. I say FUCK YOU and run his ass over and get tkd by his mate in the APC and they both end up in the apc. Sooner or later they start saying shit like "FUCK YOU NIGGER JEW" and "FUCKING POLE" and several other racist swears. The dumbass commander started spamming AFFIRMATIVE and NEGATIVE 100 times in a row and WOULDNT shut up. Everyone on our team hated those bastards but since there was no admin on and kickvote was off we couldnt do crap about it. Eventually they gave up and shut up but the commander still spammed the chat with NEGATIVE all the time and didnt do shit. He ended up with -18 team points from teamkilling everyone and his mate ended up with gold because he stole my apc. Servers really should have mutiny on even if kickvote isnt on because commanders are annoying fuckers sometimes. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/ … een069.jpg

Commanders should offcourse relay positions of enemy soldiers that aren't visible to normale infantry, but they shouldn't spam the same location 20 times in a row!

There are limits to reporting locations, they should only show the soldiers that impose a direct threat to your captured flags or teammates.

Last edited by Bernadictus (2006-06-27 06:11:31)

Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow

bobroonie.bda wrote:

you get pissed at commanders for not spotting. You get pissed when they do spot "once or twice" and someone doesnt pick up the guy at factory, and all your armor is gone. You bitch about to much spotting. wow you guys are a bunch of crying little bitches. At least he's doing his job.. Do yours and kill the guys he's spotting.. if there were no enemies to spot you wouldnt have that problem..

How many times have you had a commander that didnt spot like that but ended up lossing flags, because you had no idea the enemy was there. Only squad leaders can hear the comm over voip, so spotting for everyone helps alot.

I would much rather have a spotting comm then one that doesnt say shit and lets everything get by.. I dont need orders i need to know where the enemy is at all time.. And constant spotting of the armor on the map is extremly helpfull.

yes it can be a bit anoying but tking your commander thats only doing his best is a bitch move. its just as bad as tking for planes or armor. Did you help the team in any way by killing your commander? No you didnt. did the commander help the team by spotting the enemy? Yes he did. the comm can only do a few things and spotting is 85% of his job. and you cry because its annoying? wow your pathetic.
+190|6667|Home of the Escalade Herds
Spotting should be prioritized. I don't command much at all but when i have i spot armor first and then infantry that i feel pose a significant threat. That means infantry near my troops, approaching a flag and snipers. Spec ops near the base i take care of

Spotting useless infantry takes time and thats time you should be spending monitoring enemy movements, your troop movements, making sure your armor has supply drops available, keeping a heads up for artillery targets...probably some more to.

explosivo wrote:

Dont you fucking hate commanders that continuously

right! we fucking know, shut the fuck up.

i was on a round today where the commander just kept going on and fucking on, without one break.

it was doing my fucking head in big time.

i was going to mutiny, but for some reason the mutiny button wasn't there (whats up with that?)

if your commanding, shut the fuck up and get on with your job, DICK HEAD!
I wonder if people who hate this have ever commanded. Part of your job as commander is to spot the enemy for your team since you can see the whole map and where everyone is. Sometimes you are either out of UAV or it is busy somewhere else so the only way to put an enemy on your team's UAV is to spot them. Most commanders don't bother with this but I appreciate the ones who do.

If this is doing in your head big time then you should start strong pharmaceutical therapy which may give you the perspective that the whole world doesn't revolve around you, things may be happening for reasons you don't yet understand, and you should learn to adapt.

Free your mind and the rest will follow.
When commanding, I spot enemy troops that are not in UAV coverage that are a threat to friendlys.  When scannig, I look for snipers and try to warn my team of them.  You are a useless commander if your don't spot for your team. 

I don't try to spam "spottings," but the scan only last so long before the red dots fade.  Any one that has commanded can confirm this.  The commander helps his team out with art strikes, supplies, vehicle drops, and finally spotting.  Many threads about commanding on this web page mention, "Commands should spot enemies for their team."
i love when a commander can figure out how to guide you useing his microphone and then make your team win.

but that radiospamming is the worst thing in the game i think. it hurts in the ears when that fucking commander goes on with "enemy sniper spotted" and so on.
Pope of BF2s
+355|6668|Sea to globally-cooled sea

G3|Genius wrote:

I only spot the guys who are not covered by the UAV but who pose a threat to my infantry on the ground.  I see that as obligatory.  I also always spot the armor and the APC each time I scan because I know what it's like to be driving an armor and to all of a sudden have 1/2 hitpoints because their armor knew where I was, but I didn't notice because I was too busy gunning at a squad.  As a tank driver, when I hear "enemy armor spotted" I will shift gears to engage that armor because I know that if I don't, it will do damage.  That is why I always spot the armored vehicles when I'm commander.

anything more than that gets irritating.  That, and my wife wants to strangle me. 
Why did saying this deserve a -1 with the reason being "TWAT" ?? 
Fantasma Parastasie
I can appreciate a commander spotting infantry outside of UAV that are near teammates, or vehicles (especially on maps like Kubra Dam) but the constant 'ENEMY INFANTRY SPOTTED' kinda muffles the enemies footsteps wich is something I rely on outside of UAV

Sphinctometer wrote:

explosivo wrote:

Dont you fucking hate commanders that continuously

right! we fucking know, shut the fuck up.

i was on a round today where the commander just kept going on and fucking on, without one break.

it was doing my fucking head in big time.

i was going to mutiny, but for some reason the mutiny button wasn't there (whats up with that?)

if your commanding, shut the fuck up and get on with your job, DICK HEAD!
I wonder if people who hate this have ever commanded. Part of your job as commander is to spot the enemy for your team since you can see the whole map and where everyone is. Sometimes you are either out of UAV or it is busy somewhere else so the only way to put an enemy on your team's UAV is to spot them. Most commanders don't bother with this but I appreciate the ones who do.

If this is doing in your head big time then you should start strong pharmaceutical therapy which may give you the perspective that the whole world doesn't revolve around you, things may be happening for reasons you don't yet understand, and you should learn to adapt.

Free your mind and the rest will follow.
well he has his expert command on his sig, so i suppose he has.
bah ive been smurfed... again hahaha

Today 06:13:36      -1      Commanders that just wont shut up      TWAT

Yesterday 07:54:32      -1      Commanders that just wont shut up      TWAT

I'll get you meddaling kids (shaking fist)..
Phone Spammer
+207|6633|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

explosivo wrote:

Dont you fucking hate commanders that continuously

enemy infantry spotted
enemy infantry spotted
enemy infantry spotted
enemy infantry spotted
enemy infantry spotted
enemy infantry spotted

enemy armour spotted
enemy armour spotted
enemy armour spotted
enemy armour spotted
enemy armour spotted

right! we fucking know, shut the fuck up.

i was on a round today where the commander just kept going on and fucking on, without one break.

it was doing my fucking head in big time.

i was going to mutiny, but for some reason the mutiny button wasn't there (whats up with that?)

if your commanding, shut the fuck up and get on with your job, DICK HEAD!
It's people like you who walk into friendly artillary...
Phone Spammer
+207|6633|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

bobroonie.bda wrote:

bah ive been smurfed... again hahaha

Today 06:13:36      -1      Commanders that just wont shut up      TWAT

Yesterday 07:54:32      -1      Commanders that just wont shut up      TWAT

I'll get you meddaling kids (shaking fist)..
I got that one aswell.  Apparently a certain kiddie does not value the opinons of others.
It's a good day to die
+18|6703|Canada Eh?

Tyferra wrote:

Gah! I KNOW!
You can ask them nicely and they won't do a thing. You can swear at them and they take it as an invitation to double their efforts, you can mutiny against them and as we all know that has no effect.

If someone can think up a solid way to shut them the fuck up I would be forever greatful. They make my ears hurt.
Well what I will rarely do is I'll tk 'em. It'll give them a wake up call and then you tell them to stfu. It has worked for me a couple times. Even though I'm strongly against tking, I think we can all agree its one of those times to be allowed an exception.
Today 10:00:22      -1      Commanders that just wont shut up      Suck it noob.
Wow so mature. How do you even know what my stats are if I dont have a link to them? Suck my cock.

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