is drunk and crazy
I cant stand it. I absolutely loathe it and anyone that uses it. Kills are cheap and easy with the PKM. They are the vultures of the BF2 world.

You're a sniper and you see a guy 100m away, you drop to take aim, see him also drop and you're dead before you've even zoomed in. I rarely see any players ranked higher than a 2nd luit. continuously using the support kit.

I just earned around 490 points in 5 rounds just ground pounding as a medic, each round I had more kills than anyone else and more teamwork points than anyone else. Most of the time I died it was because of a support guy or a claymore. Any nub can pick up a support gun and tear through a whole squad in a few seconds.

Everytime I get killed by a support gun a feeling of pure hatred fills my mind. I must eliminate the support noob and fight the good fight!
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6670|New Hampshire, USA
Nope, not me
you were owning the server ??
you need to stop playing on noob server LOL
Platinum Star whore
+365|6717|Middle of nowhere
"Does anyone else hate the support kit?"
<---- what do you think?

Last edited by genius_man16 (2006-06-27 21:18:25)

E7IX3R wrote:

I cant stand it. I absolutely loathe it and anyone that uses it. Kills are cheap and easy with the PKM. They are the vultures of the BF2 world.

You're a sniper and you see a guy 100m away, you drop to take aim, see him also drop and you're dead before you've even zoomed in. I rarely see any players ranked higher than a 2nd luit. continuously using the support kit.

I just earned around 490 points in 5 rounds just ground pounding as a medic, each round I had more kills than anyone else and more teamwork points than anyone else. Most of the time I died it was because of a support guy or a claymore. Any nub can pick up a support gun and tear through a whole squad in a few seconds.

Everytime I get killed by a support gun a feeling of pure hatred fills my mind. I must eliminate the support noob and fight the good fight!
Shut the fuck up and go to sleep. I'm a medic player but I can damn well tell you that I need support guys beside me to give me ammo.

Unlocks are stupid, the PKM is stupid, want a real gun? Use the fucking RPK-74 as support, and AK-101 as the medic/assault.
Naw, my buddy plays support a lot. It's nice to have a guy clean up after me when I play sniper. Anything beyond 100m is mine, anything closer I've probably already hit once and is easy pickings for my buddy.
Nub is pronounced much differently than "noob"... FYI.
is drunk and crazy

Crawdaddy79 wrote:

Nub is pronounced much differently than "noob"... FYI.
I know how to pronounce nub. Nub, noob, smurf, all the same thing.
so your not mad at the support class, just unlocks. yeah, unlocks suck
Platinum Star whore
+365|6717|Middle of nowhere

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Unlocks are stupid, the PKM is stupid, want a real gun? Use the fucking RPK-74 as support, and AK-101 as the medic/assault.
why are unlocks stupid?  They're there, use 'em.  It's doesn't make you a better player if you use the RPK-74 as opposed to the PKM, or if you use the AK-101 as opposed to the G36E or F2000

That's like saying, i have 2 pairs of shorts.  But one of them was a present, so i won't wear it
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6620|Melbourne, Australia.
i dont hate the support kit...I don't like the PKM though
U.S. > Iran
I like support....i just hate getting killed by the PKM all the time lol.  And its strange to see a team of all snipers, support, and 1 spec ops guy.

Hell no, support kit rocks.

Easy teamwork points (I got my vet support in maybe...2-3 minutes on a 64 server) and lots o kill!

RPK-74 is my bitch, and the PKM just below that.

I haven't mastered the MG36 though
+271|6795|United States of America
M249 is the best, followed by MG36, then RPK-74. And everything else sucks.
every kit and every gun is not only useful but can be played a bit differently. Your complaint has no real logic.

kinda like if i said.. i was just kicking ass as a spec op on foot killing every body but medics with that ak 101.. that gun sucks.. its cheap as hell.. every time i seen a medic i would just die.. we would drop at the same time and he would kill me in 1 shot.. bla bla bla... doesnt make any sense right..

support kits are very useful and im glade when i'm an AT that people are support around me to hook up the ammo... all the support guns rock. and just like any other kit support has its pros and cons.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6604|Area 51
WHEN will the bitchin eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer stop? Jeesh, its like never good right, first people complain, the support kit is underrated!!, patch later, the support kit is overrated!!! STFU and play, and if you can't live with that, then you can F*CK off
Cursed You
I got my new BR today on WNx using the PKM.  Went 50:38 I did. 

Personally, I like the PKM, not because of the damage, I never thought about that when I first picked it.  But I used it one time and the rounds are slow firing but they aint that slow.  I feel like I have a bit more control over where the bullet is going (even while considering bullet drop).  I like support, its easy points because no one plays it on whatever team Im on.  Theyre always wanting ammo, I mean toss a grenade and I can get 1 point, you can probably take a swing with a knife and I'll still get a resupply. 

All the support guns are good, except PLA's, but I just like the PKM cause it feels like an L85 with 100 carrot sized bullets.

Dont read meh post.
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|6733|Vancouver BC Canada
mmmmmm full auto sniper rifle.......
Don't make me toothpick you.
+31|6744|The beautiful hills of Sharqi
Ok, These kits have certain versatilities in certain maps, and certain LOCATIONS on the map.

Say you are on warlord inside the house, trying to take the 3rd level, you want something with good stopping power and a large magazine, go for PKM....

And also....If you think everything 100M beyond is sniper meat, learn how to close range, it is actually easier closer since you dont have to learn how to lead your shots as far...

+2|6588|Bay Area
The support kit is reasonably balanced IMO.  The delay on the L/MGMs offers plenty of time for you to dispatch the user with almost any rifle/carbine at medium/long range while only recieving 1 or 2 well placed return shots; at least in my experience.  And personally, I'm much rather be on the recieving end of a PKM than the RPK-74.
+488|6609|Portland, OR, USA
pkm was amazing but now it feels feels like i'm shooting a flower.. so i dont use support much anymore
2142th Whore
i just hate the colour.

E7IX3R wrote:

Crawdaddy79 wrote:

Nub is pronounced much differently than "noob"... FYI.
I know how to pronounce nub. Nub, noob, smurf, all the same thing.
Soup Boy
+32|6645|Stockholm, Sweden
This is a stupid discussion. Come on, there isn't a kit you can use or a weapon you can use without being called n00b anymore. if you're a medic people are gonna say your getting cheap points by reviving people all the time and throwing around medpacks. if you're support, well you heard it your self, you just a noob with a big gun. Anti-tank, 7 year olds. spec-ops C4 terrorists. sniper, cowards etc etc.

Whats the deal?! Is the only way to be a real bf2 player to go around with the knife and slaughter ppl?

Get it together guys, every kit has a special purpose and is good in different ways. dont go around hating people for being better than you/ getting better scores than you and then blaming it on their kit or weapon.
Cal players > BF2s
+40|6624|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U
Support takes a good amount of skill to use.  U cant just aim, hold the trigger, and start pounding away.  U have to pump it to make sure it doesnt overheat and try to keep your sustained fire accurate.  Nothin easier to kill than a noob with an MG just firing away like an idiot.

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