+32|6562|Augusta, Georgia
On our server, we do the same. If You refuse to get out, or tk us for a damn chopper, SEE YA!



We pay our hard earned money to play on our server. It is not that we are trying to be assholes. For ClanNBS,  we were tired of not being able to use helicopters on other clans' servers..... and rightly so. It was THEIR server. That is what the other clan was paying for (to use teh choppers), then they have the right if you ask me. So for us to get all the use out of a heli that we could possible get, we scraped up the money and got our own.

However, please dont think that our guys are heli-whores ALL the time. Just, most of the time.

I am not downing you dude, but look at it from the point of view of the guys paying through the nose to rent a server just to play.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
So rmilhous, password protect the server. You pay for a server so you can have a clan and have control over maps, games, ext. I hope your not paying money just to fly a copter.
I have the best suggestion of all;

Donate to their server, or join their clan.  Simple.  Our clan servers (we host alot of different games) are very expensive.  We get plenty of asshats dropping by.  Some people actually contribute and they are given priority over the noobs, asshats, and whiners.  "waaah, I wanna (insert gun, pilot, drive, fly, bomb, fart, etc)"  [admin] "no, stop whining and figure out another way to do what you want, we did...."

We are |RA|, we don't kick for useless shit.  maybe you were wronged, maybe you should've realized that they pay, they play.  You can join, donate, or go EA. 

Take it any way you like.

The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I don't get kicked alot and I've never been banned and I play alot of clan servers actually I think I only play clan servers. And only once I didn't get out of the helo cause as appose to typing nicely hey I want to ride with my buddy he started spaming the orders and that pissed me off. I am one of those few people who will let someone waiting for the helo before me go first if there's two there I will wait.

And we all paid to play
+38|6700|Phila, PA
+164|6799|Normal, IL
Let me be the first to welcome you to BF2. If this is your first time being kicked by an admin for a rediculous reason, you're in for a treat 'cause a lot of servers out there act that way!!!! And not just kick you, let me add, but on the way out the kick message is often accompanied with an "bye bitch!" or maybe even a "CYA!"!!!!! I only hope you look forward to getting kicked again for recockulous reasons as much as I do. In fact, i'm getting in right now and I hope to get kicked for killing an admin too much, or, if i can be so lucky, maybe for the infamous "high ping, admin decision", which is basically their way of copping out and not wanting to look like they actually kicked you cause you were mopping the floor with them cause last night their mom left nose prints on it, tell her thanks by the way. I'm an admin too and i know how difficult it can be to restrain yourself from kicking somebody because they are owning you, or flying "their" vehicles.... but it's only a game i tell myself, which keeps me smiling!!!!!!
PHPR Hunter
Just be a ground pounder and you don't have to deal with the issue.  Christ sakes it is just a game.
Pusher of sausages Down Hallways

PHPR Hunter wrote:

Just be a ground pounder and you don't have to deal with the issue.  Christ sakes it is just a game.
I was about to say the same.

Just fucking walk, it'll do your lungs good. Who knows, you may learn how to fight. Or just take the Vodnik, that gun is EVIL on that thing.
Leader of [MacGP]
srry but sont like whiners but srry
+8|6732|Mission Viejo, CA
If aircraft were not so overpowered and unbalancing then people would not kick or tk for them. Simple as that~

Cactusfist wrote:

PHPR Hunter wrote:

Just be a ground pounder and you don't have to deal with the issue.  Christ sakes it is just a game.
I was about to say the same.

Just fucking walk, it'll do your lungs good. Who knows, you may learn how to fight. Or just take the Vodnik, that gun is EVIL on that thing.
YES. Vodnik>Anything(cept tank/apc)
wow if they ask get out why make it into a big issue, nobody cares. its not like they will continue getting it all night, wait for the next round

why does everyone make the small issues into big ones? you have more than enough options
1. switch server
2. switch teams
3. get another vehicle
4. go help your team defend a flag
5. cap a flag
6. wait for it
7. go play another game, nobody is forcing you to play this one. as i recall we bought this game for fun, and your not having fun if your whining about it
Your welcome in my server.

I do not tolerate that vehicle bullshit.

First come first serve for vehicles.
+7|6559|St. Louis

Wicked97 wrote:

Your welcome in my server.

I do not tolerate that vehicle bullshit.

First come first serve for vehicles.
Thanks bud, I will join up in a few.
+18|6816|Your six is my twelve
As to the "Infamous kicked for high ping cover bull shit" that was mentioned above, go back into the server, take a screenshot of being kicked for high ping, and take a screenshot of you having a low ping.  You might be able to get both in one shot, I'm not sure if the score menu covers the whole screen or not.
In any case, go over to BFROE.com and report the server admin that kicked you, then show them the screenies. Justice will be done.

Last edited by [PHPR]-SpecialOps (2006-06-27 22:26:30)

Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6599|Area 51


But still admins should remember that without ppl like us there would be no need to have a server. are they going to pay all that money so they can just fly there chopper all day with noone in there just them self's what ever happened to fair play
You know that a clan usually doesnt consists out of just 3 members or less....
+7|6559|St. Louis

RDMC(2) wrote:


But still admins should remember that without ppl like us there would be no need to have a server. are they going to pay all that money so they can just fly there chopper all day with noone in there just them self's what ever happened to fair play
You know that a clan usually doesnt consists out of just 3 members or less....
Yea true but 3 is about the number of clan members that were there. At least on my team.
Syrup Man
Well, clan members usually have some sort of voice communication set up, which gives them a huge advantage over two random people.  As a pilot myself, it's frustrating when some random guy gets in to gun because 90% of the time, they are GOD AWFUL. Every time someone (other than my friend whom I'm talking to over TS) gets into the chopper with me, I generally assume they aren't great (granted I'm comparing them to my friend, who can almost hit a chopper behind us with a TV [exaggeration but he's REALLY good]).  I mean, nothing frustrates me more than a gunner who ONLY uses either gun or TV, when both weapons are extremely important to the chopper. I usually spam a few hop outs, but a single 'Negative' convinces me to give it a shot (aside from rounds where I'm having a bad day, at which point I see how many backflips I can pull off in a row from 200 feet [6 is my record ]).

Kicking is extreme though. Yeah.
Clans suck

why would you care enough to play on their cry baby server anyway

why would anyone other than member play on a server that dictates how and what you play

dont sound like fun to me  - less your one of dem 'get your rocks off on imaginary stats' clannies

edit: sounds to me like they were a couple of homosexuals looking for some chopper sex

anyone shoots at the chopper Im in cause they feel its theirs - get ready Im about to give a demonstration of the minigun

Last edited by YunDog (2006-06-27 22:51:24)

+48|6728|United States of America
If I become the pilot when I hop in a chopper that ive been flying with a clanmate in for a while and someone else hops in the gunner seat I wont take off until the gunner gets out, especially on my clans server. We pay for the server, we make the rules. I dont kick people for it, its a battle of patience.
+7|6559|St. Louis
Yea I understand to all you guys pleading the case of letting 2 guys work together. If I were in the game and I was in the gunner position and I got spammed with hop out, jump out etc, I would probably be more annoyed than inclined to get out (hence of course why I said Negative and got kicked). I guess if they said they work well togather and said plz get out. I would. But I know that I am a good gunner, and I wish some of you guys would give us a chance once in a while ( and I know some of you do, sometimes with no luck ).

Last edited by Kurlowski (2006-06-27 23:34:19)

I can understand that some like to work together in a chopper, it's definitely a plus for the team.   However, I don't buy the reasoning that because you pay for a server gives you any right to any of the assets.  The server is on a public domain. If you want just you and your clan mates to be able to use them, go to an unranked server domain or password the server and only allow who you want in there.  I am also an Admin,
if your gonna order people out of the choppers, the next thing will be ordering them out of tanks, apc, etc.
Give the guy a chance, you may find out he is a good gunner.  Maybe he just wants chance to get a few kills or earn a badge.  Don't get me wrong I can see both sides here, but the whole scenario sounds pretty childish.
someone call the carepolice
The surest way to get me to not move is to spam "bail out".  All you have to do is type "please get out so we can use ts" or something close to that.  I realize that wastes a bit of time when the chopper/tank/jet could have been fighting, but so does spamming "bail out" and expecting someone to do it.  I also don't care if you pay for the server...everyone has an equal chance at the vehicles.
I allways wait for people to fill my blackhawk and then I take off. If nobody wants to get in I just takeoff. But there is allways this person that wants to get a ride cuz he is late and have to drive back on the helipad.

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