Can people actually read the ROE before posting here, most of the thing s people are complaining about are 'optional rules' that servers are allowed to use but are not the standard rules, these are up to the servers discression and if you dont like them find a server which doesnt have them.
These are rules that all administrators and players using ranked servers are expected to observe and are set by EA, BF2RS under the EULA/TOS/RSA/ROE.
§1.1 You may not arrange for the exchange or transfer of any pirated software or other contraband while you are on any Ranked Servers.
* § This would include the copy and distribution of copyrighted software or cd-keys
§1.2 You may not market, promote or advertise anything, or make any other form of solicitation (this does not apply to trusted partners and in game server messages) on any ranked servers.
* § Trusted Partners and Advertisers are excluded from this ruling.
§1.3 You may not change (hack) any core games files, load into memory or employ external programs or cheats for the purposes of giving yourself an unfair advantage over other players.
This would include but not limited to:
* § MSX and other 3rd party software.
* § Modification of weapons code, aka Tank turrets exploit.
* § CVAR hacks which would make players appear Neon
* § CVAR hacks that let players see thru walls or buildings
* § Mini-Map hack so all players are visible
* § Modification of Player Names which would alter their size or colors.
* § Items not included in this list would be up to EA & DICE to interpret.
§1.4 Server administrators may not change any game settings defined as standard for ranked servers (ticket ratios, server password, round time, etc.)
§1.5 Server administrators may not explicitly or implicitly (by actions) enforce restrictions on vehicles or weapons that players can use while on your server (e.g. knives only, aircraft prohibited except for clan members, etc.)
* § Infantry only Servers
* § Kicking Players who use vehicles or aircraft
* § Limiting certain vehicles or aircraft for non clan members
§1.6 Server administrators may not explicitly or implicitly (by actions) enforce restrictions on roles or kits that players can use while on your server.
This would include but not limited to:
* § Spec Ops
* § Squad Leader
* § Note.. Commander class can not be enforced due to the § 2.3 rule change
§1.7 Server administrators may not use non-standard (custom map packs) maps or modified versions of standard maps.
§1.8 Players may not use or exploit game mechanisms to artificially boost their score ("stats padding") and Server administrators may not knowingly allow or encourage this activity on their servers.
This would include but not limited to:
* § Knife-Pistol-Revive
* § Knife-Pistol only Servers
* § Knife only Servers
* § High Points Servers
* § Infantry only Servers
* § No Artillery or Armour Servers
* § Using Vehicles removed from battlefield for purposes of artificially inflating points
* § Turning boats upside down and repairing
* § Glitching inside buildings.
* § Modifying game files for vehicles and weapons.
* § Items not included in this list would be up to EA & DICE to interpret.
§1.9 Players may not Impersonate or abuse BF2RS ADMINS.
§1.10 Server administrators will not go to ANY public or clan ranked server and threaten or bully any clan or clan administrator.
* § Admins are to only observe and report back to their department head
* § Admins will not contact or interfere in clan ranked servers
* § Admins will at no time contact any trusted provider
* § Admins at no time will state rules if they see violations
* § Admins who do not follow this procedure will immediately be fired
* § These rules do not apply to contract servers we have with trusted providers
* § Min Players: 16
* § sv.password = empty string. Ranked servers may not be password protected. Ranked servers are intended to be available to all players.
* § sv.numPlayersNeededToStart = (6 for maxPlayers 16, 10 for 32, 10 for 64)
* § sv.spawnTime 15
* § sv.manDownTime 15
* § sv.ticketRatio 100
* § sv.teamRatioPercent 100
* § sv.punkBuster 1
* § Though it is not required, EA requests that all servers run Friendly Fire at 100% for all settings, including mines (sv.friendlyFireWithMines).
* § Ranked servers must be entirely "pure" with no customization outside of the default content shipped by DICE/EA. Ranked servers will not be allowed to run Mods or CustomMaps, as we cannot ensure the balance of these components. Custom maps are never permitted.
* § Option A: TK punish is optional for the player by using the pgup/pgdn voting system.
* § Option B: TK punish is to be set to automatic or on, but may not be set to off.
These are rules that EA official server administrators enforce to maintain friendly, disciplined servers and are in addition to the global rules defined above.
§2.1 You may not use any offensive or sexually explicit language in chat or voice mode.
§2.2 You may not use foul or slanderous language involving race, gender, sexual preference, religion or creed.
§2.3 You may not deliberately hinder your own team or acting in such as way as to cause team mates unavoidable deaths or team losses.
* § Commander flying or in a vehicle instead of commanding
* § Destruction of friendly vehicles
* § Excessive team killing
* § Team switching to gain medals or awards
You may not display abusive behaviour towards administrators. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly, you may lodge an appeal on the official forums
* § BF2 Ranked Servers Forums
* § King Dave
[email protected] Director
These are rules that are not enforced upon in EA’s public ranked servers but may be modified in privately rented ranked servers. These rules are decided by clan administrators for those servers and as long as they do not contradict any global rules enforced by EA are considered valid for those servers.
This would include but not limited to:
* § Artillery fire or bombing runs on main (uncapturable) bases may be prohibited.
* § Prolonged or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping).
* § Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Blackhawk whoring or flag hopping).
* § Impersonating clan members.
* § Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles.
* § Clans may change or customise rules, provided they don’t violate the above ROE rules.
Most people are complaining about section 2 and 3. 2 are for legal reasons and to stop assholes (as ive already posted) and are only
EA official servers. section 3 is server rules.
So only the rules in section 1 can be argued, If you dont like the other rules find another server, simple as that.
Last edited by DrunkFace (2006-06-26 23:30:13)