The Cereal Killer
+201|6967| United States of America
im from the United States of America and this is what i think about guns : GUNS FTW!!!!
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6983|Canada Eh?
I appologize if somebody wrote something similar to what I'm about to post, But its late and I didn't feel like reading 4 pages of postings.

Illegalizing guns will not stop gun crimes, as most gun crimes happen to be with stolen or illegally acquired guns. And most gun owners happen to be very safety conscious. I'd post more details, But I hate writting.

Nighty Night.
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6900|Scarborough Yorkshire England

Fred[OZ75] wrote:

Jinto-sk wrote:

Off topic sorry peeps

Dude Australia is the most venomous place in the world so the bush is very dangerous
Compared to the UK "bush" I'm sure it does seem that way.
No seriously it IS the most venomous place in the world, not many things that bite your face off but it has the largest number of poisonous animals in the world
+110|6897|United States of America
Allot of people in this thread keep saying that the law on guns was written a long time ago and laws change.  Well here in the United States of America we do have many laws on the books that govern the use and possession of guns, be it pistol or rifle, but they are missing one very,very important point...

Is Freedom of Speech a Law?  No, it is a right and there are many laws that govern that right
Is the  4th amendment a law against unreasonable search and seizures. No, it is a right and there are many laws that govern that right.
Is the 2nd amendment a law allowing us to keep and bear arms? No, it is a right and there are many laws that govern that right

There is quite a bit of difference between laws and rights.
The first ten amendments to the constitution are not laws but rights that are not given to us by our constitution, they are rights that we are born with.
Jihad Jeep Driver
+19|7068|Perth, Western Australia

JG1567JG wrote:

There is quite a bit of difference between laws and rights.
The first ten amendments to the constitution are not laws but rights that are not given to us by our constitution, they are rights that we are born with.
Without a government and a system of laws rights are meaningless, no one is born with rights. Only does one have any rights if they are protected by a system of laws.

A Constitution of any country is meant to set down the bear minimum of legal standing and no laws passed can infringe on this minimum (IE being unconstitutional). Most countries also have methods for a government to change there constitution so even they ain't set in stone.

The UK actually has no constitution at all, they have such a long standing system of common law (well they did invent the idea) that in itself it acts like a constitution.

Last edited by Fred[OZ75] (2006-06-24 16:44:49)

+9|6880|West Deptford, NJ

Fred[OZ75] wrote:

JG1567JG wrote:

There is quite a bit of difference between laws and rights.
The first ten amendments to the constitution are not laws but rights that are not given to us by our constitution, they are rights that we are born with.
Without a government and a system of laws rights are meaningless, no one is born with rights. Only does one have any rights if they are protected by a system of laws.

A Constitution of any country is meant to set down the bear minimum of legal standing and no laws passed can infringe on this minimum (IE being unconstitutional). Most countries also have methods for a government to change there constitution so even they ain't set in stone.

The UK actually has no constitution at all, they have such a long standing system of common law (well they did invent the idea) that in itself it acts like a constitution.
You've got it backwards. The thinking behind the American Constitution was that we are born with certain inalienable rights that can never be taken from us legally. They can be stamped out by tyrants and despots, but they are still rights, even if we cannot enjoy them. Systems of laws protect nothing in and of themselves, they merely state legalities. It is up to the People to safeguard Liberty.

The First Amendment was put in place to assure we could hold whatever opinion we choose on a subject.

The Second was originally to both guard the First, as well as preserve Liberty. The second part of that has become somewhat blurred over the centuries, but it is still there. The Militia is still present, available to be called up at a moment's notice. THAT ensures Liberty, for without an armed populace, what would prevent George W and his cronies from refusing to abdicate their positions come 2008? Not Congress. Not the Judiciary. Not the Army. That task falls to the People.
Horseman 77
" Gun laws were written a long time ago " So was the First amendment ! We should interpret the 2cnd like we do the first. Our founding fathers had amazing foresight, But the didn't foresee Ethnic cleansing, Death camps and all the other Ills that befell Europe in the last 50 years, Had they, they would have probably made it the first amendment.
Jihad Jeep Driver
+19|7068|Perth, Western Australia

MurPHy wrote:

You've got it backwards. The thinking behind the American Constitution was that we are born with certain inalienable rights that can never be taken from us legally. They can be stamped out by tyrants and despots, but they are still rights, even if we cannot enjoy them. Systems of laws protect nothing in and of themselves, they merely state legalities. It is up to the People to safeguard Liberty.

The First Amendment was put in place to assure we could hold whatever opinion we choose on a subject.

The Second was originally to both guard the First, as well as preserve Liberty. The second part of that has become somewhat blurred over the centuries, but it is still there. The Militia is still present, available to be called up at a moment's notice. THAT ensures Liberty, for without an armed populace, what would prevent George W and his cronies from refusing to abdicate their positions come 2008? Not Congress. Not the Judiciary. Not the Army. That task falls to the People.
The US constitution can be changed by an act of the US government, there is no such thing as inalienable rights. Without a system of laws which in fact give those "rights" you have no rights what-so-ever.

As en example, GW and friends do not give up power and stay on with control of the military what rights do you now hold?... none, I'm sure you would be locked up for speaking your mind especially if it was against GW, you would probably be shot for starting a militia against the rule of GW. No system of laws protecting those rights mean YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!!!

"Natural law" and "rights" are legal entities which soon fall down as soon as there is no legal system to protect them.
Jihad Jeep Driver
+19|7068|Perth, Western Australia

Horseman 77 wrote:

" Gun laws were written a long time ago " So was the First amendment ! We should interpret the 2cnd like we do the first. Our founding fathers had amazing foresight, But the didn't foresee Ethnic cleansing, Death camps and all the other Ills that befell Europe in the last 50 years, Had they, they would have probably made it the first amendment.
The right to bear arms bit was written when all that was around where muskets and swords as personal weapons... not ak-47s and RPGs. The law was written about technology not a protection under law, technology changes even legal rights change (or should people still be slaves?)

Gun Control has nothing to do with a right to bear arms, gun control could actually mean no one is allowed anything but muskets and swords and it would fall within the original meaning of this "right".

Last edited by Fred[OZ75] (2006-06-25 16:15:45)

+9|6880|West Deptford, NJ

Fred[OZ75] wrote:

MurPHy wrote:

You've got it backwards. The thinking behind the American Constitution was that we are born with certain inalienable rights that can never be taken from us legally. They can be stamped out by tyrants and despots, but they are still rights, even if we cannot enjoy them. Systems of laws protect nothing in and of themselves, they merely state legalities. It is up to the People to safeguard Liberty.

The First Amendment was put in place to assure we could hold whatever opinion we choose on a subject.

The Second was originally to both guard the First, as well as preserve Liberty. The second part of that has become somewhat blurred over the centuries, but it is still there. The Militia is still present, available to be called up at a moment's notice. THAT ensures Liberty, for without an armed populace, what would prevent George W and his cronies from refusing to abdicate their positions come 2008? Not Congress. Not the Judiciary. Not the Army. That task falls to the People.
The US constitution can be changed by an act of the US government, there is no such thing as inalienable rights. Without a system of laws which in fact give those "rights" you have no rights what-so-ever.

As en example, GW and friends do not give up power and stay on with control of the military what rights do you now hold?... none, I'm sure you would be locked up for speaking your mind especially if it was against GW, you would probably be shot for starting a militia against the rule of GW. No system of laws protecting those rights mean YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!!!

"Natural law" and "rights" are legal entities which soon fall down as soon as there is no legal system to protect them.
Laws do not give rights. That is a fallacy. Laws can only ensure they be maintained and upheld. The Constitution can be changed by an act of Congress, so theoretically speaking, they could outlaw the first 10 amendments. Will such a thing ever occur? Not in my lifetime.

As for your example, you're forgetting that the Militia is already present. Every capable man who owns a firearm is part of the militia. Would they win against Bush overtaking the government? If the Army does not support him, yes. I believe the majority of the armed forces would not support such a manuver, and would defend the People.
Jihad Jeep Driver
+19|7068|Perth, Western Australia

If I came across you in the middle of nowhere and I have a big gun and you don't what rights do you have except to do what-ever I say or die?

Fred[OZ75] wrote:


If I came across you in the middle of nowhere and I have a big gun and you don't what rights do you have except to do what-ever I say or die?
I think that if MurPHy lives in the US and has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, then he has a chance of saying no and putting a bullet through your head.

Also I believe that the bill of rights will not be changed, and that guns are good for home defense. I have one twelve gauge shotgun, one single shot 22, and a semi-auto 22 that jams after 5 shots.

I do not believe that assault rifles, or RPG's or any of those kinds of weapons are good for home defense, and have no real purpose being carried around by people on the streets.

I am also an individual with access to the internet. If i was properly motivated, say i became psychopathic, I could take my parents keys and credit card, buy some fertilizer, and go make a bomb to blow up my school.

(no this is not bullshit, i quickly googled "Anarchist Cookbook", and with a quick ctrl + f found the section on how to make a crappy fertilizer bomb)
(scanned the rest of said document, holy S*^% the internet is a dangerous thing to have access to if that stuff is true and works)
(I am not psychopathic)
Also I doubt the armed forces would back Bush if he tried this theoretical take-over. Mainly because the majority are rednecks and people who would support owning firearms. (I am technically a redneck so don't flame me, and I said MAJORITY so don't flame me about that either.)

All in all I support owning firearms, and even carrying concealed farms. As long as you have to register your firearm, and take a safety class.

Has anyone read the book "A State of Disobedience"? Although it is significantly biased in favor of the right-wing parties, it was a good book.

Last edited by ninjabot (2006-06-25 21:52:15)

=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6859|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

MurPHy wrote:

As for your example, you're forgetting that the Militia is already present. Every capable man who owns a firearm is part of the militia. Would they win against Bush overtaking the government? If the Army does not support him, yes. I believe the majority of the armed forces would not support such a manuver, and would defend the People.
So, let me get this straight.  You're basing your pro-guns argument on the basis that you might have to overthrow you government one day?  That's nearly as bad as the "Dog ate my homework" excuse I used when I was at school. 

I mean, can you seriously tell me that is why you own a gun?  For a country that bangs on about liberty and freedom all the time (land of the free and all that...), that is a very paranoid stance to take.

Besides if Tony Blair decided not to step down, the Police would just throw him out and the same would happen to George Bush.  You see the flaw in your argument is that if Bush were to mount any kind of serious threat he would need to control the army and the police (this is how dictators work and keep power) but you just said they would support the people, so what would happen?  Would Bush just lock  himself in the White House and refuse to leave?  How exactly would he retain any power over you if he did go mad and refuse to step down? 

If on the other hand, if the army/police did follow orders from Bush, then you're pissy little Magnums aren't gonna do anything against the army.

You know you're argument is bollocks and I'm convinced it is a wind-up....
+110|6897|United States of America
I own a gun because of my sig
+110|6897|United States of America

Fred[OZ75] wrote:


If I came across you in the middle of nowhere and I have a big gun and you don't what rights do you have except to do what-ever I say or die?
You could not have stated what the second amendment is about any better than that.

He who has the gun has the freedom of speech.  When our government takes them away we will have to do whatever they say or die.

Thanks for making our point more clear.
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack
When I hear the word "culture", I reach for my Logitech G7.
+24|6843|Sweden is banned from hell ;)
Hi Everyone.

Really intreresting topic and views, especially for a Scandinavian as me.

In Sweden it is not considered as a right to own, carry or even shoot a gun/rifle/AT/whatever.. Some people of course have rifles and guns even here, but there are strict regulations upon how to deal with these "arms".

First, to even get a permit, you are evaluated. So it is not OK to have a firearm for "protection" (even if it came to a possible war, of course they might be used..).

Secondly, use of this firearm is OK at shooting ranges or if you have a piece of land for hunting, so even in Sweden. But if you whould use it for "personal protection" and shoot somebody - you would get a prison sentence.

Third - the only ones that has anything above a pistol/ single shot rifle here in Sweden are people in the reserve (Military). Our "State"/Country reasons that why would you really need an AK-47 at home anyway, and so do I too.

This is just a brief point of view. I guess that in the US you have different views upon use of firearms.
That might be OK "over there", but please keep that view over there as well.

Have a nice day and hopefully if you not shot each other to death, we can speak again.


I like shooting aswell. Sometimes I go to a range and practice Clay Pidgeon Shooting - really fun indeed.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6859|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
Murphy, how would you feel about a Muslim building a bomb in his US home and saying he won't use it unless he is attacked (thus, for his protection).  Would you defend his right or would you support him being thrown in Guantanamo.

P.S Any punk can shoot a gun, it's takes a real man to use his bare hands...grow a spine America.
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6900|Scarborough Yorkshire England
Loving the debate peeps    Keep it comin

I'm neither for or against guns (well must admit I am glad it is not a large thing here in the uk but it is getting there)

Anyway a few things I've noticed

A gun for home prtection I agree with. so maybe ther should be a law that you can own a gun on your premises, but it is illegal to carry it off your own property

The argument about a gun for protection against invasion, sorry load of rubbish - that is what the armed forces are for, US has one of the larger armies of the world so that argument doesn't sit with me

Anyway keep the debate coming, it is really interesting to see people's views from around the world
+102|7011|New York

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

Murphy, how would you feel about a Muslim building a bomb in his US home and saying he won't use it unless he is attacked (thus, for his protection).  Would you defend his right or would you support him being thrown in Guantanamo.

P.S Any punk can shoot a gun, it's takes a real man to use his bare hands...grow a spine America.
PS your just pissed your government took yours away and let the criminals still have access to them. What you going to do when one of those rampid gangs of kids(yes i know all about the trouble they cause on a daily basis from friends in the UK) comes into your house brandishing a pistol? You going to Kung Fu them to death while there harming your family?

As a 3rd degree black belt, i had to actually file papers for being one. I will land in prison just as fast as i would with a gun. I am considered to be excessive against any normal punk whome would break in and i had to go hand to  hand. My military training is also in question if i so choose to use my hands.

When i shot and killed the carjacker in the mobilmart that had my wife and kids hostage in the car trying to pull away, i was justified according to the courts in the way i handled the situation. i used equal force, he just wasnt quick enough. On a side note, if you dont shoot to kill in a defense situation, you WILL be arrested and probably sued by the surviving victem. That was told to me DIRECTLY by the responding officers and the Judge.
Horseman 77

Fred[OZ75] wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

" Gun laws were written a long time ago " So was the First amendment ! We should interpret the 2cnd like we do the first. Our founding fathers had amazing foresight, But the didn't foresee Ethnic cleansing, Death camps and all the other Ills that befell Europe in the last 50 years, Had they, they would have probably made it the first amendment.
The right to bear arms bit was written when all that was around where muskets and swords as personal weapons... not ak-47s and RPGs. The law was written about technology not a protection under law, technology changes even legal rights change (or should people still be slaves?)

Gun Control has nothing to do with a right to bear arms, gun control could actually mean no one is allowed anything but muskets and swords and it would fall within the original meaning of this "right".
So utterly lost and out of his depth that I can give no response, I am speechless at the level of knowledge that school systems provide. I weep for their future.

By this thought process Radio would not be protected by the 1st amendment.

I just can not believe I read that. I really cant. 
Please tell me you are 7 years old, It is the only redeeming reply I can think of.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Fred[OZ75] wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

" Gun laws were written a long time ago " So was the First amendment ! We should interpret the 2cnd like we do the first. Our founding fathers had amazing foresight, But the didn't foresee Ethnic cleansing, Death camps and all the other Ills that befell Europe in the last 50 years, Had they, they would have probably made it the first amendment.
The right to bear arms bit was written when all that was around where muskets and swords as personal weapons... not ak-47s and RPGs. The law was written about technology not a protection under law, technology changes even legal rights change (or should people still be slaves?)

Gun Control has nothing to do with a right to bear arms, gun control could actually mean no one is allowed anything but muskets and swords and it would fall within the original meaning of this "right".
So utterly lost and out of his depth that I can give no response, I am speechless at the level of knowledge that school systems provide. I weep for their future.

By this thought process Radio would not be protected by the 1st amendment.

I just can not believe I read that. I really cant. 
Please tell me you are 7 years old, It is the only redeeming reply I can think of.
I'm gonna have to agree. Circle gets the square.

TV and the Internet are no longer afforded protection under the 1st Amendment, seeing as that wasn't the original freedom of expression the founding fathers spoke of.
Horseman 77

MurPHy wrote:

As for your example, you're forgetting that the Militia is already present. Every capable man who owns a firearm is part of the militia. Would they win against Bush overtaking the government? If the Army does not support him, yes. I believe the majority of the armed forces would not support such a manuver, and would defend the People.
This is so true, Especially when you consider the type of people who serve and conversely those who do not.

Shortly after the Waco Massacre The US Air Force lost a fully armed A10 in a refueling accident.

Under the effects of Hypoxia, " the pilot just Flew off ".

Immediate speculation was the pilot could have taken off with it to retaliate out of sympathy for the lives lost at the church in Waco, clinton and his administration were visibly shaken at the thought.

They had no Faith in their own armed forces. People who have no loyalty or Integrity can not image the Trait existing in others. ( how would you describe colors to some one born blind ? )  No doubt this is why the Democrats tried to stop the Military vote from being counted in any close election.

As unpalatable as it sounds, The Second Amendment is last ditch insurance that the Government can not make you enter a gas chamber with out a fight on its hands.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-06-26 15:54:03)

You with the face!
Just a thought here...
When the Second Amendment was written, any modern gun (of the late 1700s) was as good or better than military issue muskets.  The weapons of the citizens were on par with those of the military.  If the government became unreasonable, an entity the size of a state held a good chance of winning a civil war...given that a sizable portion of the public supported it.  This situation no longer exists. 

I am not advocating that citizens go out and purchase machine guns and anti-tank weapons.  I just found it interesting that, when the Second Amendment was written, a group of citizens could have overthrown the government if necessary.  That is, likely, no longer the case.

Fortunately, there probably will never be a despotic US regime to overthrow...thanks to the foresight and hard work of the founding fathers.

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-06-26 08:51:04)

Horseman 77

RAIMIUS wrote:

Just a thought here...
When the Second Amendment was written, any modern gun (of the late 1700s) was as good or better than military issue muskets.  The weapons of the citizens were on par with those of the military.  If the government became unreasonable, an entity the size of a state held a good chance of winning a civil war...given that a sizable portion of the public supported it.  This situation no longer exists. 

I am not advocating that citizens go out and purchase machine guns and anti-tank weapons.  I just found it interesting that, when the Second Amendment was written, a group of citizens could have overthrown the government if necessary.  That is, likely, no longer the case.

Fortunately, there probably will never be a despotic US regime to overthrow...thanks to the foresight and hard work of the founding fathers.
Thank you !

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