spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack
Okay, I'm going to apologize in advance to those hardy souls who will actually read this.  This is the least I felt could be said on this matter without over-oversimplifying.  It's all mine, so I'll enjoy any disagreement as long as it's reasoned, and doesn't require me to reiterate what's already here...

I see a lot of people on here arguing about whether this or that is biased left or right, and can therefore be ignored by reasonable people.  It seems many arguments here end up supposedly coming down to this and I think it's a cop-out.  I have two things (plus a summary) to say about this -- skip down to "Absolute vs Relative" or "The Middle Wins Again", if you're ADD.

Economic and Social policy are like Apples and Oranges

   Margaret Thatcher was to the right of Hitler.  Before you stop reading this stupid bullshit, consider only domestic economic policy under each leader.  Thatcher's are clearly the further "right" of the two.  Of course, this doesn't mean the first sentence is true overall, but it's not 100% false either.  It's impossible to not see this as a serious weakness in the one-dimensional left/right model, if your goals tend toward meaningful representation of reality, rather than the means for manipulating huge numbers of largely disenfranchised voters.

   Any time you talk as if a single line defines the range of possible political thought, James Carville and Karl Rove hi-five each other and go to bed early, because their jobs could not be any fucking easier.  So what's the solution?  Another axis, duh(If this blatant recourse to "Sciencism" disturbs you, I suggest you stop reading right now -- the work of improving quality-of-life is "in-progress" here and it's not yet time to decide whether Zeus or Vishnu gets the credit for it.  Laters.)

   Some people will have seen before.  For those that haven't, check it out.  It's far from perfect, but it's a damn sight more useful than One Stupid Dimension To Rule Them All.  Take the test and post your results, unless you live in a country where truthfully expressing your views is frowned upon, in which case STFU and/or kill yourself.  See?  I'm sensitive to other traditions!

   But why stop at two dimensions?  Maybe we need three dimensions to properly chart human political belief.  Or four.  There are a number of issues arising from the complexity of political thinking, so check this out, if you have the time and energy.  It links to other sources, and it's a bit long, but I guarantee you'll come away with a better sense of which concepts people tend to group, and which -- in your opinion -- are better dealt with separately.

Absolute vs Relative

   This is where I seem to contradict everything I just wrote.  For those that skipped ahead, I just talked about a few types of  absolutist methods of representing the entirety of political thought.  They are all predicated on defining every political belief a person can hold, from extreme(s) to extreme(s), and everything in between.  This is what I mean by absolutist method, and it's a cornerstone of the empirical tradition.

   If, OTOH, you do not care to subject your thinking to any kind of scientific rigour, then what remains can only be subjective relativism -- in other words, "left" and "right" solely relative to you and your conception of such.  I personally don't have any real problem with this, unless it's being presented as something more concrete, as indicated by the use of words such as "fact" or "objective".

   All I'm saying is, when presenting your views as "factual" or "objective", you should be prepared for a shitstorm of requests for "data" and "evidence" from people who believe those words actually mean something.  If all you can do in such situations is point to opinions you share, it hurts your case.  It might even hurt your credibility to the point where even your more reasonable comments will henceforth go ignored.

Just my opinion, of course. 

The Middle Wins Again

   Where is the political centre?  This one question alone cannot be objectively addressed without identifying all extremes, the distribution of views in between, and -- for those who read the first part -- all of that for each axis, as well as what axes are used/defined at all.  In other words, it's hideously complicated.  Safe to say, that when 99% of people talk about the political middle, they really mean "me".

   Sure, most of us identify with some partisan label or another, but we still tend to see ourselves as among the more reasonable of our ilk.  If only more people could be like us, calmly taking the middle path between rabid extremists who would have us tilt dangerously one way or the other.  It's all about stability, isn't it?  And yet, although our opinions may change over time, we only ever become "more centrist".

   This single weakness is probably what makes people so very easy to manipulate on a mass scale.  If we're all tilting "middlewards", then whoever defines and most loudly claims the middle has a great deal of "invisible" influence.

   Galileo battled the greatest authority of his time to better define the centre of everything, according to free thought and observation.  That his theory of heliocentrism turned out to be almost as flawed as geocentrism should teach us something about the importance of context, and its inexorable tendency to expand over time.

   The middle of "everything" depends on how you draw its boundaries.  Nothing should trip your bullshit detectors faster than an earnest attempt to seize the middle, without first defining the range.  (Please note that I stand behind my opinion without feeling the need to do so myself.  I may in fact be in the middle, but the odds against it are overwhelming.)


Last edited by spastic bullet (2006-06-24 22:49:27)

Aspiring Objectivist
Yes I have believed for a long time that we need to re-do the worlds governments to make it for the people again, apathy has ruled for too long.

Ok did the test heres what I came up with

whoops guess I cant link it straight off the site.

Last edited by TrollmeaT (2006-06-24 23:46:30)

spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack
In the interests of glasnost, I'll get the ball rolling here...

Was there ever any doubt?    Click the pic to do the test.  It takes about 5 minutes.
Here is mine.

Last edited by Havazn (2006-06-24 22:56:14)

Thread Ender
+58|6983|New Hampshire
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -4.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.26

I'm fuckin' Gandhi - lawl.

As for being left/right, it's also relative on time period.  150 years ago, left was right and vice versa (political party name-wise at least).  The GOP used to be what the Democrats are today and vice versa.

As for our current system, it's unfortunate that it's nearly impossible for a middle of the road candidate to be nominated.  It costs millions of dollars to run for President, and hundreds of thousands to run for Congress or Senate - and with the latter two, most of your time in office will be spent searching for funds to run for your next term.  Without the backing of a national party, you're almost sure as shit not going to get any higher in government then MAYBE the state house of reps or senate (exclude Vermont and their namby pamby Independent Senator - jk guys ).

However, who's to say more than 2 parties is any more useful?  Take a look at France for instance - they change their government very often and currently have I believe 20 separate political parties.

The only problem with our current political system is that people have become so wrapped up in party politics that we're losing site of what is most important.  Religion plays a large part in this, because, although "church and state are separate", our laws are based on what's morally right and generally morals are dictated through religion.  It's impossible to proceed in law and policy making without having SOME religious aspect influence these decisions.

I think the way we should go about politics is get rid of the funding requirements required to run.  Any jerkoff who puts up a sign or does a solo TV ad should be disqualified.  Maybe this way we can get more people in office then middle aged wealthy white men with corporate ties and interests.

Or, we could disband the party system altogether and go on what really matters - ideas.  But then again, when was the last time a politician followed through on most of their promises?
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack
-6.88 Economic, wtf?  Were you cribbing my answers?  Or is Larry Campbell putting commie-juice in the water?!

Btw, you are an authoritarian little Eichmann who would have been manning the gates at Dachau in another time and place!  Crypto-fascist!    [/sarcasm]

EDIT: Clarity FTW!

Last edited by spastic bullet (2006-06-24 23:11:50)


spastic bullet wrote:

-6.88 Economic, wtf?  Were you cribbing my answers?  Or is Larry Campbell putting commie-juice in the water?!

Btw, you are an authoritarian little Eichmann who would have been manning the gates at Dachau in another time and place!  Crypto-fascist!    [/sarcasm]

EDIT: Clarity FTW!

Well I do believe some control needs to be exerted in order for humanity to survive into the next centuary. But I'm not sure how I got such a high score on the Authoritarian scale...perhaps I misread a couple questions.

Our scores parallel our reason to live here I suppose. Van FTW.

Last edited by Havazn (2006-06-24 23:23:39)

spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack

TehSeraphim wrote:

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -4.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.26

I'm fuckin' Gandhi - lawl.

As for being left/right, it's also relative on time period.  150 years ago, left was right and vice versa (political party name-wise at least).  The GOP used to be what the Democrats are today and vice versa.

As for our current system, it's unfortunate that it's nearly impossible for a middle of the road candidate to be nominated.  It costs millions of dollars to run for President, and hundreds of thousands to run for Congress or Senate - and with the latter two, most of your time in office will be spent searching for funds to run for your next term.  Without the backing of a national party, you're almost sure as shit not going to get any higher in government then MAYBE the state house of reps or senate (exclude Vermont and their namby pamby Independent Senator - jk guys ).

However, who's to say more than 2 parties is any more useful?  Take a look at France for instance - they change their government very often and currently have I believe 20 separate political parties.

The only problem with our current political system is that people have become so wrapped up in party politics that we're losing site of what is most important.  Religion plays a large part in this, because, although "church and state are separate", our laws are based on what's morally right and generally morals are dictated through religion.  It's impossible to proceed in law and policy making without having SOME religious aspect influence these decisions.

I think the way we should go about politics is get rid of the funding requirements required to run.  Any jerkoff who puts up a sign or does a solo TV ad should be disqualified.  Maybe this way we can get more people in office then middle aged wealthy white men with corporate ties and interests.

Or, we could disband the party system altogether and go on what really matters - ideas.  But then again, when was the last time a politician followed through on most of their promises?
Totally agree about funding, especially the part about needing to focus on that while in office.  If that doesn't skew your priorities, I don't know what does.  I kinda hoped teh interweb would be the start of a more broad-based hype-factory, reducing the need to spend tons of dough on campaigning, but it seems some people are just as keen as ever to get news piped straight to their spinal column.  Meh.

Personally, I think more than two political parties is a must.  Otherwise, it's just goodcop-badcop on a national level.  "Don't make me havta hurt 'em..."

But yeah thanks, Gandhi!  *snicker* 
Thread Ender
+58|6983|New Hampshire
Quick sidebar -

Do you think Gandhi would play BF2 if he were alive today?

Furthermore, do you think he'd use the knife the most?

I think so - I bet it'd get his skinny little jollies off.

TehSeraphim wrote:

I think the way we should go about politics is get rid of the funding requirements required to run.  Any jerkoff who puts up a sign or does a solo TV ad should be disqualified.  Maybe this way we can get more people in office then middle aged wealthy white men with corporate ties and interests.
Agree, on top of this however, our politcal systems should not be based a party's agenda and promises where we vote them in hoping they keep those promises. A party's platform should be ideals and values, and more decision making should be done by the people. Right now we vote in whom we believe will make the best decisions and then forget about it until the next election. This is not democracy.

Last edited by Havazn (2006-06-24 23:30:19)

Calmer than you are.
looks like everyone's a Ghandi according to this test...
+2,925|6814 … ;soc=-5.13


Moderate leftist, moderate libertarian.

Economic Left/Right: -3.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.13

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-06-26 05:35:11)

+156|6887|space command ur anus
Here's me: … ;soc=-2.51

Economic Left/Right: -5.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.51

I like this survey.
I also like this thread. Props to spastic bullet for establishing it.
I suspect that the reason all of us are getting Ghandi is that lefty-lefties are the sort of people who are interested in and can read spastic bullet's rant (no offense, SB). There is some intense right-wingery on BF2S.

Hey. Let me pass on a metaphor that some of you may have heard me say before. I didn't make it up, it comes from a little book about the French philosopher Jacques Derrida. It's not an exact quote. Anyway, maybe you'll find it useful in talking to people who think "left------------right" is a fully reasonable way to think about the world.

A choice between Democrat and Republican is like a choice between Pepsi and Coke.

Peace y'all

Last edited by bruisehound (2006-06-25 07:49:39)

Resident Emo Hater
+139|6934|Moscow, Russia
This one's mine: … ;soc=-3.49

Economic Left/Right: -3.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.49

This is basically cause I strongly hated large corporations and said porn should be legalized lol.

Edit: wrong link.

Last edited by Wasder (2006-06-25 09:49:08)

You with the face!
Here is mine
Economic L/R -3.63
Social L/A 1.23

I guess, I am a little more authoritarian.

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-06-26 08:52:43)


spastic bullet wrote:

Okay, I'm going to apologize in advance to those hardy souls who will actually read this.  This is the least I felt could be said on this matter without over-oversimplifying.  It's all mine, so I'll enjoy any disagreement as long as it's reasoned, and doesn't require me to reiterate what's already here...

I see a lot of people on here arguing about whether this or that is biased left or right, and can therefore be ignored by reasonable people.  It seems many arguments here end up supposedly coming down to this and I think it's a cop-out.  I have two things (plus a summary) to say about this -- skip down to "Absolute vs Relative" or "The Middle Wins Again", if you're ADD.

Economic and Social policy are like Apples and Oranges

   Margaret Thatcher was to the right of Hitler.  Before you stop reading this stupid bullshit, consider only domestic economic policy under each leader.  Thatcher's are clearly the further "right" of the two.  Of course, this doesn't mean the first sentence is true overall, but it's not 100% false either.  It's impossible to not see this as a serious weakness in the one-dimensional left/right model, if your goals tend toward meaningful representation of reality, rather than the means for manipulating huge numbers of largely disenfranchised voters.

   Any time you talk as if a single line defines the range of possible political thought, James Carville and Karl Rove hi-five each other and go to bed early, because their jobs could not be any fucking easier.  So what's the solution?  Another axis, duh(If this blatant recourse to "Sciencism" disturbs you, I suggest you stop reading right now -- the work of improving quality-of-life is "in-progress" here and it's not yet time to decide whether Zeus or Vishnu gets the credit for it.  Laters.)

   Some people will have seen before.  For those that haven't, check it out.  It's far from perfect, but it's a damn sight more useful than One Stupid Dimension To Rule Them All.  Take the test and post your results, unless you live in a country where truthfully expressing your views is frowned upon, in which case STFU and/or kill yourself.  See?  I'm sensitive to other traditions!

   But why stop at two dimensions?  Maybe we need three dimensions to properly chart human political belief.  Or four.  There are a number of issues arising from the complexity of political thinking, so check this out, if you have the time and energy.  It links to other sources, and it's a bit long, but I guarantee you'll come away with a better sense of which concepts people tend to group, and which -- in your opinion -- are better dealt with separately.

Absolute vs Relative

   This is where I seem to contradict everything I just wrote.  For those that skipped ahead, I just talked about a few types of  absolutist methods of representing the entirety of political thought.  They are all predicated on defining every political belief a person can hold, from extreme(s) to extreme(s), and everything in between.  This is what I mean by absolutist method, and it's a cornerstone of the empirical tradition.

   If, OTOH, you do not care to subject your thinking to any kind of scientific rigour, then what remains can only be subjective relativism -- in other words, "left" and "right" solely relative to you and your conception of such.  I personally don't have any real problem with this, unless it's being presented as something more concrete, as indicated by the use of words such as "fact" or "objective".

   All I'm saying is, when presenting your views as "factual" or "objective", you should be prepared for a shitstorm of requests for "data" and "evidence" from people who believe those words actually mean something.  If all you can do in such situations is point to opinions you share, it hurts your case.  It might even hurt your credibility to the point where even your more reasonable comments will henceforth go ignored.

Just my opinion, of course. 

The Middle Wins Again

   Where is the political centre?  This one question alone cannot be objectively addressed without identifying all extremes, the distribution of views in between, and -- for those who read the first part -- all of that for each axis, as well as what axes are used/defined at all.  In other words, it's hideously complicated.  Safe to say, that when 99% of people talk about the political middle, they really mean "me".

   Sure, most of us identify with some partisan label or another, but we still tend to see ourselves as among the more reasonable of our ilk.  If only more people could be like us, calmly taking the middle path between rabid extremists who would have us tilt dangerously one way or the other.  It's all about stability, isn't it?  And yet, although our opinions may change over time, we only ever become "more centrist".

   This single weakness is probably what makes people so very easy to manipulate on a mass scale.  If we're all tilting "middlewards", then whoever defines and most loudly claims the middle has a great deal of "invisible" influence.

   Galileo battled the greatest authority of his time to better define the centre of everything, according to free thought and observation.  That his theory of heliocentrism turned out to be almost as flawed as geocentrism should teach us something about the importance of context, and its inexorable tendency to expand over time.

   The middle of "everything" depends on how you draw its boundaries.  Nothing should trip your bullshit detectors faster than an earnest attempt to seize the middle, without first defining the range.  (Please note that I stand behind my opinion without feeling the need to do so myself.  I may in fact be in the middle, but the odds against it are overwhelming.)

you dumb LIBERAL!!!!!!!!111

j/k  good post I agree
+28|6903 … p;soc=0.21 somebody tell me what this means lol
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack
It means you're closer to "the middle" than almost everybody else so far.

Go here and scroll down to see the two charts with famous politicos for comparison.  There's a fair bit of clustering on the bottom one, so it can be hard to tell which name goes with which dot.

So far, it seems nobody is well-represented by the leadership in their country.

Last edited by spastic bullet (2006-06-25 20:31:31)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6934|Canberra, AUS
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -3.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.97
I don't think I need to say anything.

Last edited by Spark (2006-06-26 03:51:13)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+24|6793|Sweden is banned from hell ;)
That was an interesting test: My figures:

Economic Left/Right: -2.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.97

You with the face!
I did a little more test taking on-line, and found a couple interesting sites.  (typology section)
I'm an upbeat by their standards.
(Take the long test!) I scored Right 2 and up 1.5

I really do not know the validity of either of these sights, but they seemed reasonably accurate.

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2006-06-26 14:20:48)

I got -5.somethins for both axes.

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6808|Southeastern USA
well some of the questions were written with an obvious bias, probably becasue whoever created this was a Berkley hippy, I don't have the bandwidth at work to bring them up in another window and post them...
but anyway, seems ol Blair and I have alot in common

econ: L/R 6.38
Social: L/A 1.79
not that this surprises any of you...

I usually end up more libertarian, but like I said some questions seemed biased

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-03 08:05:17)

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