probably got a good 1000+ logged into cs from when i used to play it
CS for 5 years, left it for AA. left AA for bf2...
Played Delta Force, DF2, BHD, Joint Ops, then BF2. The only thing I wish BF2 had that Nova games feature is the ability to swim underwater. Easy way to sneak up on the enemy.

gun.KingRat wrote:

Played Delta Force, DF2, BHD, Joint Ops, then BF2. The only thing I wish BF2 had that Nova games feature is the ability to swim underwater. Easy way to sneak up on the enemy.
...... and stingers, javelins, motorcycles, different variations of little birds, and you had to go to a spawn point in order to get ammo.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6693|The Lost Highway
Homostrike sucks. I'm a an ex-Day of Defeat junkie.
Failure By Design
+39|6699|Cardiff, Wales, Uk.
Im from Counterstike indeed, moved to BF2 mainly because i was a bit bored of CS and looking for something a little different, i go back on CS quite a bit to play with my clan/community on there.. but BF2 is my main focal point now, just is better in my opinion.
Grew up on BF1942, then to DC when it came out.  Does any1 remember being able to deploy sandbags as an assault soldier on DC?
Lots of COD...Halo...CS.S...back in the Day
Get your body beat.
mmm UT99.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|6872|Las Vegas
Played a few rounds one time and didn't really like it.  Never went back.
+12|6710|whitehorse, yukon
a long long time ago there was golden eye.... haha.  that got me started, then old school cs.  it was crazy fun, then cs:s for a long time, then since bf2.... well i uninstalled cs:s to make bf2 run nicer, and otherwise just try to bring cs:s players to the dark side.  i think bf2 has a way more dynamic game play.  even the huge levels.  cs is like fighting in a funnel.  bf2 is to cs what cs is to quake 1.
Bullet Magnet
+14|6716|A good vantage point...
Played CS:S for a while (about a year) and floated around the Zombie Servers mostly, but got sick of that and went to BF1942 for a short stint (tried playing on dial-up... ) - then upgraded connection and came to BF2.
It's a good day to die
+18|6813|Canada Eh?

docnutz wrote:

graduate of COD,

i bought COD2 at the same time that i got BF2 but its been collectin dust ever since!
Same... they ruined the multiplayer with CoD2, CoD:UO was awsome multiplayer
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6827|Canada Eh?
I miss Call of Duty, too bad I lost my copy, CoD Multiplayer was sweetness... Maybe I should buy CoD 2?

I only started playing CS:S a couple months after I got BF2, I play it on occasion, 10 minutes to a half hour at a time, but it will never replace BF2

According to my X-Fire stats I played 43 hours of CS:S and 283 hours of Battlefield 2
What made COD multiplayer so good? I could never get into it. loved the single player though
Baltimore Blowfish

Towelly wrote:

manitobapaintballa wrote:

goldeneye the only game that kicks bf2's ass
The first great FPS that I ever played, first game to have hit loacted damage I think (ie you hit a dude in the head he takes more damage then if you hit him the left little toe)
But yea, I played CS from 1.6 to CZ (never have and never will play source) I still play now and then, but it's no where near as good as BF2 with or without random server crashes.
Yeah goldeneye rocked, but with a controller blows, played everything since Rainbow 6, loved every fps but never played one for over a year like I have with BF2.  And I will NOT buy 2142.  That futuristic shit can lick my taint....
.:XDR:. is a multi-gaming clan so I still play CSS, COD, CODUO and COD2.
Ready for combat
+211|6748|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
goldeneye was the best game i have ever played, besides bf2. multiplayer was simple but awsome. thank god someone is re doing it for the source engine
meh quakeworld
+39|6912|B O S T ON area

swandive76 wrote:

What made COD multiplayer so good? I could never get into it. loved the single player though
Hell yea!  The makers of MOHAA left EA and went to Activision to make COD 

I used to play halo for PC too, loved the vehicles esp the warthog!!!  Hated the Banshee whores 

Never played CS, just used it as the base for the Day Of Defeat mode
PR Only
+70|6797|United States - Illinois
I played CS from Beta 5.2 to Beta 7.1 then v 1.0 to CS:S.  Then i played BF1942.  Then went back to CS. Then went to WoW(till i couldn't take playing for HOURS upon HOURS to advance).  Then DoD to DoD: Source.  And now im here PLaying Bf2

Can anyone beat me in playing before beta 5.2  seems like most people are saying they started in the version stage.
+125|6731|Rochester NY USA
I am a Graduate from BHD. Then went to JO and it just sucked.
I played cs from beta 5.2 aswell, played most versions until source was released, haven't played it much.
+129|6720|Bristol UK
i played cs from the start with HL and then all the other blue shift opp force even team fortress and then i started on HLs and CSs but since bf2 i havnt played them at all. so sad
U.S. > Iran

usmarine2005 wrote:

I always wanted to buy it, but every time I am at Best Buy, I look at the back of the box and it just doesn't appeal to me.  I am a graduate of Joint Operations, Typhoon Rising.
Im with you on this....never played CS or any form of it.  First FPS I played was Heretec and Doom...yes the original....Wolfenstein was pretty decent as well back in the day.  Later in life, before BF2, I graduated from COD, and Vietcong.

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