
Deathscope wrote:

2 Timothy 3:13
"But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."

Also, WTF does that actually mean? anyone? is it code for, "Deathscope is mentally retarded"?

Deathscope wrote:

2 Timothy 3:13
"But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."

Code: Bush and Cheney are bad (Evil men) and getting worse.  Deceiving and being deceived (Press conferences)  I.E. Job well done, "Brownie you've done a hell of a job" etc. etc. etc.

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-06-21 15:51:16)

Don't hate liberals, hate liberalism
Genesis 3:1

Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?


I'm right cuz god said so.  The end.  No argument.  You're all wrong, cuz I'm right, end of discussion.
please, Deathscope, explain in your own words what is wrong with liberalism, and what's right about conservatism.  This oughta be good.  Keep in mind that you are entitled to your opinion but don't throw mud and not have any kind of reasoning for it.   Jesus was a liberal after all, and was persecuted by conservative values.  Explain.

Austin 3:16

It ain't over till I said it's over
don't make me open up a can of whoopass


Bong 4:20

<gurgle gurgle gurgle>

Green Party

about as much sense in those

don't hate people, hate stupid people

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-06-21 17:27:54)

+53|6810|Omaha, Nebraska
Did I read right someone said the economy is doing well? LOL

Turn off FOX NEWS!

What good fortune for those in power that the people do not think.” ~Adolf Hitler.

Last edited by splixx (2006-06-22 06:44:26)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6621|Southeastern USA
economy since 2000:

several world record stock market closings ( they said 10,000 would never be acheived, and it closed over 10,000 within a few months of 9-11)
30 straight months of job growth
+2,ooo,ooo new jobs in the past 2 and a half years
a housing boom that has been off and on the past 5 years
the fed has had a hard time reigning in inflation, a side effect typical of longterm economic growth
unempoyment rate currently at 4.6%, sometimes as low as 4.2%, for perspective Clintons average was 5.1%
tax cuts have resulted in an increase in percentage of tax revenue collected due to it ( the tax cuts) being re-invested
"gas prices are so ridiculous"--when adjusted for inflation they are still not as high as the prices of the late 70's (except, I believe, one or two states that have since enacted stupid-high state taxes per gallon)

edit: another unsigned unexplained neg! I'm doing something right!

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-06-22 07:19:07)

+53|6810|Omaha, Nebraska
Kracker that is very intersting. I am curious on some of these though...

economy since 2000:

several world record stock market closings ( they said 10,000 would never be acheived, and it closed over 10,000 within a few months of 9-11) -- I must say the stock market is not that good yet anyways. Still waiting for these great jumps they are talking about.

30 straight months of job growth - What type of jobs? Are these the $10 hour jobs Bush talked about 2 years ago? Or where is this data that backs up this claim? I don't doubt there are more jobs but what type of jobs? Since I have seen this free trade gaining speed the I.T. field keeps dropping....and dropping. I do see more jobs at burger king and mcdonald type jobs so I can see the growth here.

+2,ooo,ooo new jobs in the past 2 and a half years -- Again can you post some links to these claims? Just curious I would like to do a little more research.

a housing boom that has been off and on the past 5 years -- There has been no boom in the last 2 years with houses. I know this at least in the midwest things are terrible. There is a housing bubble and it is a buyers market yes. But people here are dropping their houses $25-$30,000 just to get rid of them. Again I must ask where you are pulling this information I would like to do more research. I can easily watch TV and hear the spam how everything is better but when I see real life situations I know different.

the fed has had a hard time reigning in inflation, a side effect typical of longterm economic growth
unempoyment rate currently at 4.6%, sometimes as low as 4.2%, for perspective Clintons average was 5.1%
tax cuts have resulted in an increase in percentage of tax revenue collected due to it ( the tax cuts) being re-invested -- Once again inflation is gaining speed. I must admit I need to read and do a little more research but I see it this going way higher then Clinton's period.

"gas prices are so ridiculous"--when adjusted for inflation they are still not as high as the prices of the late 70's (except, I believe, one or two states that have since enacted stupid-high state taxes per gallon)

We are being robbed and I think most already know that.

I would like to do a little more research in those claims... Please post.. thanks.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6621|Southeastern USA
I'm on dial up at work and am going from memory fo recent press conferences and such, I'll try to post some links today or tomorrow when I'm at home
+53|6810|Omaha, Nebraska

kr@cker wrote:

I'm on dial up at work and am going from memory fo recent press conferences and such, I'll try to post some links today or tomorrow when I'm at home
That's cool thanks.. I am always interested and like to read up on who says what... Personally I look around today in this city and see more and more business closings and the housing market is terrible. I know jobs might be up but those jobs pay $10 an hour or less. Just curious.

Dialup? ARG!

kr@cker wrote:

economy since 2000:

several world record stock market closings ( they said 10,000 would never be acheived, and it closed over 10,000 within a few months of 9-11)
30 straight months of job growth
+2,ooo,ooo new jobs in the past 2 and a half years
a housing boom that has been off and on the past 5 years
the fed has had a hard time reigning in inflation, a side effect typical of longterm economic growth
unempoyment rate currently at 4.6%, sometimes as low as 4.2%, for perspective Clintons average was 5.1%
tax cuts have resulted in an increase in percentage of tax revenue collected due to it ( the tax cuts) being re-invested
"gas prices are so ridiculous"--when adjusted for inflation they are still not as high as the prices of the late 70's (except, I believe, one or two states that have since enacted stupid-high state taxes per gallon)

edit: another unsigned unexplained neg! I'm doing something right!
Deficit in the year 2000: ooops sorry we had a surplus. 

Deficit 2006: 521 billion dollars.  You can shade it anyway you want the fact remains we are paying our way on borrowed money.  Not a good way to run anything, let alone a country.  PLS, remember GW said the oil in Iraq would pay for the war.  Before you go to , yea but 911 happened. … index.html

GATOR591957 wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

economy since 2000:

several world record stock market closings ( they said 10,000 would never be acheived, and it closed over 10,000 within a few months of 9-11)
30 straight months of job growth
+2,ooo,ooo new jobs in the past 2 and a half years
a housing boom that has been off and on the past 5 years
the fed has had a hard time reigning in inflation, a side effect typical of longterm economic growth
unempoyment rate currently at 4.6%, sometimes as low as 4.2%, for perspective Clintons average was 5.1%
tax cuts have resulted in an increase in percentage of tax revenue collected due to it ( the tax cuts) being re-invested
"gas prices are so ridiculous"--when adjusted for inflation they are still not as high as the prices of the late 70's (except, I believe, one or two states that have since enacted stupid-high state taxes per gallon)

edit: another unsigned unexplained neg! I'm doing something right!
Deficit in the year 2000: ooops sorry we had a surplus. 

Deficit 2006: 521 billion dollars.  You can shade it anyway you want the fact remains we are paying our way on borrowed money.  Not a good way to run anything, let alone a country.  PLS, remember GW said the oil in Iraq would pay for the war.  Before you go to , yea but 911 happened. … index.html
I don't see anywhere on this link where it says Iraq was supposed to pay with oil.  I see that we are investing in new energy sources, like hybrid batteries, in order to not be dependent on our enemies for oil.

messfeeder wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

economy since 2000:

several world record stock market closings ( they said 10,000 would never be acheived, and it closed over 10,000 within a few months of 9-11)
30 straight months of job growth
+2,ooo,ooo new jobs in the past 2 and a half years
a housing boom that has been off and on the past 5 years
the fed has had a hard time reigning in inflation, a side effect typical of longterm economic growth
unempoyment rate currently at 4.6%, sometimes as low as 4.2%, for perspective Clintons average was 5.1%
tax cuts have resulted in an increase in percentage of tax revenue collected due to it ( the tax cuts) being re-invested
"gas prices are so ridiculous"--when adjusted for inflation they are still not as high as the prices of the late 70's (except, I believe, one or two states that have since enacted stupid-high state taxes per gallon)

edit: another unsigned unexplained neg! I'm doing something right!
Deficit in the year 2000: ooops sorry we had a surplus. 

Deficit 2006: 521 billion dollars.  You can shade it anyway you want the fact remains we are paying our way on borrowed money.  Not a good way to run anything, let alone a country.  PLS, remember GW said the oil in Iraq would pay for the war.  Before you go to , yea but 911 happened. … index.html
I don't see anywhere on this link where it says Iraq was supposed to pay with oil.  I see that we are investing in new energy sources, like hybrid batteries, in order to not be dependent on our enemies for oil.
I used the link for the deficit numbers.  I wanted to use the Whitehouse's own numbers.  I'm sure the actual numbers are much higher.  GW said the money from Iraq's oil would be used to assist in paying for the war I believe in one of his state of the union addresses.  I'm sure others have the exact quote.
Expendable Miracle Worker

GATOR591957 wrote:

||BFA||xZeler8 wrote:

bush isn't the brightest bulb in the box, but the economy is definatley doing very well...oh yeah, liberals are stupid
Pardon me, have you looked at our county's deficit lately??? Where have you been??  Remember when this President took office he had a surplus.  Also remember he promised the oil from Iraq would pay for the war.   Yet another lie!
yay, a surplus, then we went to war...where do you think that money is coming from...give me a break...i can understand where the less informed media driven liberal push comes from, but the fact is, those of us that have been there done that and will do it again actually see the reality of what is/was going on there...if you want to twist half truths and make up absolute fabrications then so be it, but do everyone a favor and don't try and push them on to other more impressionable people it just multiplies the problem
Expendable Miracle Worker

ashkal wrote:

Man there are a lot of dumb f@#;s on this board! The American economy doing well! LOLOL Seriously, Deathscope and llBFAllxZeler8, keep talking, you guys are too funny.
But anyway, here's the bottom line; Clinton, who most people think did pretty well in office, gets impeached for getting his dick sucked. Bush however, leads you into two wars, running up a massive deficeit in the process, would rather strum guitar than help people in New Orleans, wants to turn the clock back a hundred years and teach Intelligent Design in schools, leaks the name of an undercover CIA agent, etc etc etc.
Also, on another note what is with all the liberal bashing around here? I'm a Liberal and damn proud of it. Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Pol Pot. All of them were right wing, ie, NOT LIBERAL. (I think you can see where I'm going with this)
Oh, and Deathscope, stop preaching over Jesus Christ and get some pussy, for everyones sake.
well, i started into this thread just messing around because i know how people get uptight in these types of topics (as very well displayed by the liberal negative karma, hah another stab) but here goes...war = money (not really much more to say about that)...tell me you aren't one of the "Bush hates black people because of what happened in New Orleans" people, that is just down right ridiculous...he has appointed people to handle those types of situations, and they should be handled by the time he gets involved (because the Lord knows the US president isn't busy) but unfortunately his appointed person/people dropped the ball, does it make him look bad, of course, is it his fault, get real (I had a BORING day today, I might as well blame it on Bush, it makes just as much sense)...the intellegent design thing, i really can't comment on because i'm not sure what you are talking about...and i don't know about you but I don't remember an undercover CIA agents name ever coming out of Bush's mouth, but once again it's convenient so lets all get on the bandwagon and blame Bush...i mean seriously, this is all beyond ridiculous...
Expendable Miracle Worker

GATOR591957 wrote:

messfeeder wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

Deficit in the year 2000: ooops sorry we had a surplus. 

Deficit 2006: 521 billion dollars.  You can shade it anyway you want the fact remains we are paying our way on borrowed money.  Not a good way to run anything, let alone a country.  PLS, remember GW said the oil in Iraq would pay for the war.  Before you go to , yea but 911 happened. … index.html
I don't see anywhere on this link where it says Iraq was supposed to pay with oil.  I see that we are investing in new energy sources, like hybrid batteries, in order to not be dependent on our enemies for oil.
I used the link for the deficit numbers.  I wanted to use the Whitehouse's own numbers.  I'm sure the actual numbers are much higher.  GW said the money from Iraq's oil would be used to assist in paying for the war I believe in one of his state of the union addresses.  I'm sure others have the exact quote.
how about a link to something with some credibility, because I smell another crock of H.S. stewing

Last edited by ||BFA||xZeler8 (2006-06-22 14:49:01)

Expendable Miracle Worker

splixx wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

I'm on dial up at work and am going from memory fo recent press conferences and such, I'll try to post some links today or tomorrow when I'm at home
That's cool thanks.. I am always interested and like to read up on who says what... Personally I look around today in this city and see more and more business closings and the housing market is terrible. I know jobs might be up but those jobs pay $10 an hour or less. Just curious.

Dialup? ARG!
where do you live?!?!  housing market has been on fire across the nation...and the business closings are all wal-marts fault 

||BFA||xZeler8 wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

||BFA||xZeler8 wrote:

bush isn't the brightest bulb in the box, but the economy is definatley doing very well...oh yeah, liberals are stupid
Pardon me, have you looked at our county's deficit lately??? Where have you been??  Remember when this President took office he had a surplus.  Also remember he promised the oil from Iraq would pay for the war.   Yet another lie!
yay, a surplus, then we went to war...where do you think that money is coming from...give me a break...i can understand where the less informed media driven liberal push comes from, but the fact is, those of us that have been there done that and will do it again actually see the reality of what is/was going on there...if you want to twist half truths and make up absolute fabrications then so be it, but do everyone a favor and don't try and push them on to other more impressionable people it just multiplies the problem
I respect the fact that you've been there and done that.  We have not spent 521 million dollars on the war.  The money being used for the war is going to the contractors as much as it is the military.  The important thing here is should you have had to?  The original question in the thread is do Bush's actions justify impeachment.  I urge you to look back on some of the statements made by the president.  These are not edited speeches.

GATOR591957 wrote:

Trooper_Collider wrote:

Stay out of Bush. He's the Commander In Chief wether u like it or not.

Semper Fi!
Yes, and that mentality led Germany into WWII.  If you were a Marine you follow "legal" orders.  Not blindly.
Any chance that he isn't following his orders "blindly"? That maybe his eyes are wide open to the events that has engulfed our nation for the past 15 years and has decided that he will do something about it, instead of sit back, NOT do a GOD DAMN THING except bitch about those that chose to do something.

GATOR591957 wrote:

Trooper_Collider wrote:

The only thing I'm saying is that Bush is the Commander in Chief; that's the truth and I don't care if he really sucks nor he's a lying sack of sh*t as his daddy! The fact is that he's the leader of our troops and we have to support them! If u don't like it go hug a tree and take a bath, hippies!!

Semper Fi!
So let me get this straight.  In your mind you can't support the troops and disapprove of the commander in chief?
Sorry, let's take this a step down.  You have a commander in the field who has made several missteps causing harm to his own troops.  Your theory is just leave him there for another two years?
So tell us why you don't support the president?. Tell us what you would have liked to have happened post 911 and all during the decade that that Iraq was breaking the cease fire resolutions. Tell us how the economy is shitty. Tell us what your plan is to keep gas prices down to .86 cents a gallon. Don't just bitch and throw out blanket statements about how Bush sucks, what is the liberal's plan for our country?

I also am seeing that with the high school and college children on here, that hating Bush is more of a fashion than anything else. It is cool to hate the govt. now so it seems. They won't let the facts confuse them, their minds are made up and by hating Bush they are more popular and stand a better chance of getting laid. lol
wait...  Every presidential term in history has seen job growth.
           Every presidential term in history has seen housing development
on a side note, I'm sure housing IS booming after all those houses were blown away in the south.  That doesn't count.

Gas prices are lower than you think.  Look at prices for Iraqis.
Look at the price of gas in Venezuelz, where gas companies were nationalized and the people get the gas cheap
3 cents    a litre       no shit  @12 cents a gallon for you non metrics
If it wasn't for that pipeline and American oil companies that took over in Iraq, your gas, believe it or not might be cheaper.  It allows for a total monopoly of the oil by American dollars.  And you know that it's in nobody's best interest, especially Cheney/Bush's to let you have it cheap.  The cost of the oil coming oit of Iraq has been heavily inflated.  Owners of the oil companies there have made RECORD profits  (RECORD:  Highest money intake for oil in history..  Believe it)

It's not popular fashion to defend yourself against an onslaught of deception, lowing, that's called human nature.
Yes you're absolutely right, I've used my political tilt to get laid so many times, especially the part where I make fun of Bushisms....    Riiiight.

Maybe you missed where I stated before that Iraq was NOT  and IS NOT the only country to be breaking UN resolutions.  By that logic America is just as guilty by using wmd weapons in Iraq.  The list is huge.  The only fucking reason that war was started was to claim those oilfields for American companies to pay for the stupid spending Bush has done.  Tell me having airplanes with laser beams attached to their heads is NOT a waste of fucking money, jesus christ you watched too much GIJOE

If Venezuela stepped out a little sooner, it might be thier "terrorist fascist" "anti-american" "regime" country being attacked for their oil.      In Sudan the UN resolutions are being broken but there is no INTEREST to go there, since the oil companies there are ALREADY AMERICAN, do you see a pattern forming yet?

The UN forbids the illegal icarceration of so called terrorists, they may not be terrorists.
The UN forbids the use of wmds yet UK and USA use them in damn near every weapon possible ( depleted uranium ammo)

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-06-22 17:09:19)

smells like wee wee

lowing wrote:

[ Tell us what you would have liked to have happened post 911
For starters: Not have your commander in chief reading a book about goats

2nd: Find the people responsible. 1 person has been brought to trial. Hardly a decent success rate.

3rd: prevent 911
smells like wee wee

Spumantiii wrote:

The UN forbids the illegal icarceration of so called terrorists, they may not be terrorists.
The UN forbids the use of wmds yet UK and USA use them in damn near every weapon possible ( depleted uranium ammo)
What is the definition of a WMD? Sounds like a broad spectrum of weapons that most countries have.

Wasn't White Phos and Napalm used at Fallujah? Are they WMD's?

PS Isnt the USA the only country to be warned by the world court for engaging in terrorism?
Aspiring Objectivist
no I do not, but I do beleive that we need to reconstruct our government from the ground up & make it for the people again.

lowing wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

Trooper_Collider wrote:

The only thing I'm saying is that Bush is the Commander in Chief; that's the truth and I don't care if he really sucks nor he's a lying sack of sh*t as his daddy! The fact is that he's the leader of our troops and we have to support them! If u don't like it go hug a tree and take a bath, hippies!!

Semper Fi!
So let me get this straight.  In your mind you can't support the troops and disapprove of the commander in chief?
Sorry, let's take this a step down.  You have a commander in the field who has made several missteps causing harm to his own troops.  Your theory is just leave him there for another two years?
So tell us why you don't support the president?. Tell us what you would have liked to have happened post 911 and all during the decade that that Iraq was breaking the cease fire resolutions. Tell us how the economy is shitty. Tell us what your plan is to keep gas prices down to .86 cents a gallon. Don't just bitch and throw out blanket statements about how Bush sucks, what is the liberal's plan for our country?

I also am seeing that with the high school and college children on here, that hating Bush is more of a fashion than anything else. It is cool to hate the govt. now so it seems. They won't let the facts confuse them, their minds are made up and by hating Bush they are more popular and stand a better chance of getting laid. lol
I do not support this President and his administration for many reasons.  #1 Corruption #2 Lies #3 Ignorance.

First point: Look at the number of people in his cabinet that have been brought up on charges.  You can say what you want about the CIA outings, but you and I both know Bush knew about it, and most likely ordered it.  Even if he didn't, he is responsible for his cabinet.  He picked them and should have had a code of conduct for them.  Halliburton, need I say more.

Second point:
Please read through these speeches and look at what was said and what really happened.  These statements are on the funding for the Iraq war. … d=funding%

Third point:  You cannot tell me when the President speaks the rest of the world sits up and listens with respect.  He makes all Americans look like backwoods hillbillies.  Some of which are my relatives but that's another point.

The economy, I believe that was answered in a previous post or two before mine.  Quite well I might add.

What would I liked to have seen done post 9/11.  I WOULD HAVE LIKED TO SEE THE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR 9/11 HELD ACCOUNTABLE.  Al Queda was not being trained in Iraq as we were told by this President.  Bin Laden is still at large!!!!

If you are going to use Iraq not following UN resolutions as a reason for invading their country.  Well my friend we are in violation of UN resolutions.  So maybe we should be prepared for attack.

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