
Is Bushviper The Greatest Player!

Yes37%37% - 101
No62%62% - 167
Total: 268

The_Killer wrote:

I Really Dont Care It Is A Game
To post or not to post...
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
+24|6691|GREAT Britain
who cares, down with the leaderboard
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6882|Peoria, Illinois

N)!(NDarkDragon wrote:

I have seen BushViper play on a few servers and hes ALWAYS in armor. Whether this is to get that expert armor badge or just to get easy kills I dont know but why does he need that one badge why cant he just play on foot and gain the groundpounders respect?
Likely to get the badge. He's already earned respect on the ground.
Anyone who would kick BushViper out of their squad for a pubbie would be making a huge mistake.  He's great player, plays mostly pub servers, and does good on any map.  I think that's enough to qualify as one of the best players.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6829|Middle of nowhere

mrboogman wrote:

actually he's  (you are) pretty good on foot and it doesn't look like macro dolphin diving. I saw him and babyspinach on iron gator and played one round against him and one round with him due to the fact that he preferred to play US. They didn't lock the squad, so maybe they just didn't like you This round the only thing I have to criticize is that he switched teams to have an advantage, but I think this is what most of the top players do anyway (I think it's boring, but have fun the way you like). Anyway to me as an average player he appeared to be extremely fast and most of the time he killed me as I just started to go prone... (though I managed to kill him two times in a row which made me proud ). So respect to you and any other player that is faster than me (From my experience this must be over the half of the battlefield population but I am still enjoying the game )
i'm pretty sure he switched b/c he was trying to get his Navy Seal Medal (am i right?)

for the past week he's been trying to get the Rebels Medal (which he got last night)

and it wouldn't surprise me if he went for his Expert Armour next... only trouble with that is, people who play with him then will just see him for the Tank driver he is... not the great foot soldier
I Hate Claymores
I wouldnt say he's the best player since I havent faced every single player in BF2 but I will tell you he is pretty high on my list. I played against him on several occasions and on a single time with him on my team. Played against him in BF2 Vanilla in an air map and I gotta say he owned spent the whole round flying. My friend and I made a goal to shoot him down and we both succedded at least once. He is an awesome pilot. The other times I played agaisnt him were in SF once in Devil's Perch where a tag team of 4 Colonel's BushViper BabySpinach and someone else base camped/raped my team of privates and corporals. That round was a loss but the next round I managed to take the bronze. He is an awesome player I will give him that. Is he the best player? Probubly not, does he own? Definetly yes.
The Photographer.
+81|6856|Central Valley,California
For people who say he plays too much, he's played only 30 hours in the past 7 days.....
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6961|Marathon, Florida Keys
bushviper kicks ass in every aspect of the game, dont believe me? go see for yourself.
never played with/against him but i cant argue with his stats he is good."best" i dont know i know excelent players at certain thing like heli's and tanks
just needs his Eu ribbon and then hes well.. completed the game
[Bf.Nut] - No Use Talking

maef wrote:

I.M.I Militant wrote:

as the great polarbearz pointed out to me the greatest player is infact

LIME       followed closely by me =]
I said that in the last BushViper thread and I'd have said it again if you wouldn't have been faster!

Very true (except of the "followed closely by me =]" part )

Lime and BushViper are very close to each other according to the stats, but I somehow feel like Lime has the edge on him.
How can i be compared to a four-star general

Nyte wrote:

He is top-tier.  He's one of the very few I've met where I couldn't even manage to hit him.
Or rather, you chose not to hit him...........
You can't not like the guy for being in armor all the time. If you look at his awards, you can clearly tell why. If I only needed one more expert badge I would be on it 24/7.

BTW BushViper, why haven't you gotten your EF ribbon yet?
[email protected]
from what I know of Bush Viper on other BF games all he does is Spawn Camp...I don't know if it is true with BF2 because i have never been in game with him
macro dolphin flipper / fast loading tank whore

BCspeed34 wrote:

You can't not like the guy for being in armor all the time. If you look at his awards, you can clearly tell why. If I only needed one more expert badge I would be on it 24/7.

BTW BushViper, why haven't you gotten your EF ribbon yet?
I will be going for that last expert badge soon, then I should be the first player to have all awards (SF+EF+AF).  I think they removed the EF ribbon in the 1.3 patch.

[email protected] wrote:

from what I know of Bush Viper on other BF games all he does is Spawn Camp...I don't know if it is true with BF2 because i have never been in game with him
Don't believe everything you read on a gaming forum, cause the noobs like to over exaggerate.

Last edited by BushViper (2006-06-22 16:36:36)

+252|6856|Sextupling in Empire

Meh, I've played against bushy on night SF maps before(different account), and hes no more difficult than your above average player. The only difference is that someone ALWAYS comes to revive him. So, after a while I would kill him then wait for his medic to arrive then kill him too.

Deserves props, but not best player IMO.

If only voip would work for all of us .
(x-fi card/multiple re-installs didn't solve the prob)
Phone Spammer
+207|6742|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

VidSicious wrote:

I see BushViper and his asskick BabySpinach all the time on SF.  They form a squad of 2 and then lock it so no-one can join them and see what a bunch of lameass exploiters they are.
FALSE.  You are really a tub of shit, you know that?  We rarely lock our squads, and if we have, it was because no one in it was spawning on us or they were all snipers..  So don't be a lying tub of shit.

VidSicious wrote:

These guys have programmed in macros and go around the map flip flopping like fish (dolphin diving).  Exploiting the macro keys to dolphin dive around the whole map does not earn my respect.  Any fool can do that.
For the 100th goddamn time.  I DO NOT use macros.. How dumb are you? Do I have to take a fucking picture of my keyboard? WTF.

Saitek Eclipse
BushViper uses the same one.

VidSicious wrote:

Whenever I see him, he is dolphin diving up and down all around with Spinach next to him and if they get killed, they revive each other.
Wouldn't you revive your squad mate? Or has 314 hours as medic been completely wasted?

VidSicious wrote:

When they are not exploiting the prone-crouch-jump macro BS then they are whoring it up in armor.
Okay fucking hypocrite. Your favorite vehicle is armor... How are you going to justify calling someone a tank whore.... WTF.

VidSicious wrote:

I shot his lame ass this weekend, saw he was face up, then had him lick my balls repeatedly while T-bagging him.  I was on ventrillo with the admin of the server and they were going to ban him for being an exploiting prick, but when he touched my balls with his face, it was so funny to all of us watching his pathetic fish flopping that it became a sport to kill him and T-bag him.
You should keep the whole T-bag ball lick thing to yourself. Everyone here already knows you are gay.

VidSicious wrote:

BushViper is just the newest macro dolphin flipper / fast loading tank whore.

VidSicious wrote:

I would kick a selfish player like BushViper anyday from my squad and add a lowly private who wanted to have fun, play honorably, and enjoyed the teamwork.
Thats your mistake.

Now quit posting shit and go away.

OK? Thanks.
and by the way how is bushviper a tank whore if his favorite vehicle is a jet you dumb asses
bushviper is god he is way better than the guy whos numba 1....but i dont think you guys should brag i read the one about the armor thats pretty noobish...but anyway thankfully i never battled agianst him lol
yeah he is alot better than volx and firestorm
I r teh pwnzor?
+190|6776|Home of the Escalade Herds

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

bushviper kicks ass in every aspect of the game, dont believe me? go see for yourself.
Nothing to add really, the man kicks some serious ass.
You talkin' to me? Well I'm the only one here!
quote from my karma: "for saying macro dolphin diving - you're an idiot if you think that takes a macro - LT "

thanks for the -1, if you actually READ my post I said that what he does does NOT look like macro dolphin diving...

Last edited by mrboogman (2006-06-22 17:35:29)

Bushviper, you need a clan??

lol, I am serious.
ya was badsnipaday speaking english????? anyway he kicks ass but he is a huge tank whore....i mean 2 tank metals almost expert tank!!!! dude i know that means he is accomplished but god that is way 2 many tank kills...fight like a man...i mean im a noob and got a ways to go(gunnery sargeant) but i know when i see a tank whore!!! so if totally whore tanking means kicking ass then believe whatever you want too

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