Anyone else think AA is just plain dumb?

The AA cannon itself sucks and is only usefull if your right next to a chopper and the missiles are a guaranteed kill these days. Flares do nothing from a chopper.

They should beef up the main cannon and nerf missiles vs choppers. Missiles vs jets are ok since jets have less counters...

+2|6990|San Jose, CA

Vitalii wrote:

Anyone else think AA is just plain dumb?

The AA cannon itself sucks and is only usefull if your right next to a chopper and the missiles are a guaranteed kill these days. Flares do nothing from a chopper.

They should beef up the main cannon and nerf missiles vs choppers. Missiles vs jets are ok since jets have less counters...
I haven't had much success in an AA.  I usually use the Stationary Surface to Air Missles.  I have more luck with them.
the AA gun. i just don't get it.... why is it that you need at least to direct hits with the AA gun on a chopper ( and still use 100hours for the shit to lock on) but only 1 tow missile to take down a shitty propelled birdy
It's great, just kill ground forces with it then

You will get the badge in gold
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I once killed a stolen F35B on Wake with just the chain gun from the AA site on the carrier. IT was teh hax
The AA tanks are pretty badass infantry killers...
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
Well in fact AA guns are pretty good now. You still can't just shoot and hit always, but if you have skill you can hit chopper with both missiles and drop chopper (I don't have that skill, but as I'm playing mostly in chopper I know how it works). And I'm been many times in chopper on gunner seat without pilot and before I'm switched position in chopper I'm launched flares and still AA can hit me even it's shooting me after I'm changed to gunner seat. AA shouldn't even take lock-on when you are gunner in chopper and there's no pilot.
Mouse315 Junkie

BlueScreen wrote:

AA shouldn't even take lock-on when you are gunner in chopper and there's no pilot.
I disagree with that.  If the helicopter is in the air, it should be able to be locked onto (including completely empty).  I have seen several people solo pilot and gun the helicopter, this would give them a huge advantage.  If you can master the spin of the helicopter, the pilot can use the TV missiles, as the helicopter will float for a while with no pilot.  This would encourage solo piloting, because you could drop locks instantly by switching back and forth, while still maintaining altitude.

BlueScreen wrote:

AA shouldn't even take lock-on when you are gunner in chopper and there's no pilot.
Poor solo tv pilot who cant fly and wants to be invincibile?

That doesn't even make sense, if the rotors are spinning the engine is on, why the fuck shouldnt it be lockable?
Missing, Presumed Dead

AA is absolutly brilliant. Im not a goot pilot at all, so I never fly. But its damn fun taking them down.
From my experience, it takes 3 direct hits from missiles to take down a heli, and 2 or 3 for a jet. Thats powerful is it? Thats an entire set of rockets, and you might as well fire the last one at the ground so you get a full set for the next target when it comes along.

The AA cannon is a superb infantry killer, and it also rips the hell into helis - when they are lining you up, fire it like crazy at them, and when they spin round in the air, they are more or less a sitting target. Aim for the cockpit - there goes the gunner. Its pretty much useless then. Although, the cannon is next to worthless against planes, and they will always get you - but when they are diving at you, put some shells into it. Ive taken em out a fair few times doing this (dying in the process, but thats no worry).

As for the missiles - get a lock on the heli, wait for the flares to go, relock and 4missiles at their fat ass, and thats 2 kills. Provided that the heli isnt going for you that is. With the planes, wait for them to turn away or get that lock on when they are diving at you. Since they are coming straight at you and are only concerned with dropping their payload - they aint gona be flaring. 2 missiles and some cannon shells, thats that plane gone.
Ive had many success with this on Smoke Screen, earning all of my AA awards on that map: all 3 badges and the ribbon. And my expert came from taking out helis and jets alone - didnt kill any infantry. Believe me, AA is really easy to master and is great fun. Get 2 of you together on a hill, both as engineers, then there aint much thats gona take you out from the air. Get a supply crate for ammo. Voila.

O, and another fun thing, is that the enemy commander will always UAV you when you are in AA (on smoke anyway), so just use the cannon and blow it out the sky

Last edited by Snake (2006-06-21 13:26:00)

Oh well, thx for the posts anyway

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