Wtf Padders!! Padders!!!
+18|6773|Boston, Massachusetts

some1 should ban him
Phone Spammer
+207|6744|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

TheGreatTykos wrote:

VidSicious wrote:

BushViper and his little asshat side kick BabySpinach.  Those guys are lame-ass dophin divers with the new macro keys flopping their little ghey asscheecks all around the map.  I killed Bushviper twice yesterday but it takes a clip as they are flip flopping around like fish out of water.  When I killed him and noticed he was face up, I ran over and let him sniff my balls repeatedly and T-bagged him.  You would think a guy in the top 10 could get some skillz and learn to fight like a real man instead of limp-wristed, tally-whacker.

I don't think you use macros tho.  You just play in a gay-esque sort of way.
Do I know you?? WTF...
+3|6876|Berea, OH
Wwooooaaaa big gulps, alright!

See ya later!
+917|6771|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I dont tihnk anyone is annoying, though I am sure someone returns the favor at me.

I dont let it bother me, unless in game they are some 1337 person who I cant kill, then I get mad. lol
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Phone Spammer
+207|6744|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

TheGreatTykos wrote:

Wwooooaaaa big gulps, alright!

See ya later!
+224|6837|Some where huntin in Wisconsin

Kmal1 wrote:

I dont let it bother me, unless in game they are some 1337 person who I cant kill, then I get mad. lol
your talking about me i knew it thanks for the compliment


<KoS>Audio wrote:

[TAF] ruether
Damn after hearing that piece of audio, i would have to agree.  Most annoying fuck ever.
My vote: Kmal1
I suspect something is amiss
hmm all those good J10 pilots.. ruin Wake, it can really be boring as infantry on wake when USMC never caps a flag

<KoS>Audio wrote:

[TAF] ruether
haha didnt you put that one post on him when he was screaming. its was great " take a breath of air and breath" it was pretty funny.
+55|6903|3 Miles west of smurf village

1927 wrote:

The most annoying player I came across was Nastie_Butler, not due to the cheating issue but due to the "hard" way he and his mates played.  You come across this bunch and you will be in trouble, but not as much trouble as they found themselves in.  Other than that there was a fella known as Snake2005 who would join myself and mates and contiune to take over the squad, "lets go here and lets go there" and then critisising others with "your pretty shit really".

A few people have annoyed me on this website but if you click the "x" at the very top right, the prolem seems to be left here and dosen't stay with you for the rest of the day.
But, 1927, you are a shit player.....thats why he told you that.  I'd like to meet this snake guy.  Sounds like my kind of player.  Driven to win, play hard, and recognizes a nub when he sees one.

PS.....I dont cheat...look my guid up and you will see I am clean.

PSS...trouble?....you mean stats wiped for kidnapping nubs like you?  The same players that owned you are still playing every night...stats or no stats....new accounts or old accounts.  They mean nothing.   We have grown into a strong community that is now notorious and you are still a lone nublet.
why do plp hate the BUTLER hes just 1337
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
c-note rules
AKA <{SoE}>Agamemnar
+69|6727|Fountain Valley,CA
http://youtube.com/watch?v=n1MtMcFzq2c& … rch=c-note
cnote huh

Last edited by ={OGC}=HK-47 (2006-06-21 19:26:08)

+1,128|6795|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
oh come on.. i've just done MORE THAN my fair share of pissing off and entire clan by headshotting them then saying:


and none of them have posted..


Last edited by spawnofthemist (2006-06-21 19:26:53)

AKA <{SoE}>Agamemnar

BushViper wrote:

TheGreatTykos wrote:

BushViper wrote:

Ya like my sig? lol
You seriously have no life.  You camp me and you're proud of it?  Way to go...

I'll make sure to take a screenshot every time I kill you by the way.  Since I care.
lol... ahh now don't be mad
He's right. 1700 = you don't have a life.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6702|Southeastern USA
the next poster
+1,128|6795|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

kr@cker wrote:

the next poster

someone hates me

Last edited by spawnofthemist (2006-06-21 19:33:32)

Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6826|Canada Eh?
Darth_Fleder for being smarter than me... and 26 years older than me
+17|6853|Raleigh, North Carolina

Herzog wrote:

Yeah, he gets my vote.  He tries to piss people off most of the time and he's pretty funny at times but for others, he's flat out annoying.  I dont' pay him any mind.  He usually plays EA US Official EC (which are the servers I play on).
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6905|Toronto, ON
No one is annoying. I like everyone.
Alpha as fuck.

Nyte wrote:

No one is annoying. I like everyone.
Lol, why do people hate you so much? You don't seem too bad.
I just found the most annoying guy ever on =POW= Rank Whores.   SIN_669.   

Non-stop shit-talking.  Sure there are a lot of people who talk a ton of smack.. but this guy was a bottomless pit of grade-4 level put downs after a death or kill.    I he killed you, obviously you got owned and took it up the ass.  People who killed him got the N-bomb dropped on them.  He died a lot... people were leaving the server as there was no admin around to kick this fool.  His KDR on the stats page is pretty bad, especially on the ground, but he was having a particularly bad night tonight managing to go like 2-5 and 20+ several rounds on a row.*

Absolutely worthless player.  The team he was on lost EVERY single round while I was there. I was there for probably 10 rounds.. his end-of-round score was double didgits once.   After listening to his BS for a few hours, I started talking back.. and it's not usually too hard to outsmart an ignorant 12 year old, and it wasn't... but he got angry and spent 3 rounds just coming after me.   Once I was commander on the same team as him, (we lost, btw), and he spent the whole round blowing up our team's vehicles.   The other two rounds he was commanding for the opposite team, doing nothing but using the UAV and the vehicle drop to try and kill me.  His team lost 250-ish to 0 (300:300 start) both rounds.

Avoid this reject at any cost.

*Edit:  Oh right, I mention his KDR mostly because after losing his two rounds commanding he tabbed out and looked up my stats.  Before I left the server I checked his, and on brief examination my stats were an awful lot better than his.

Last edited by G3157 (2006-06-21 22:44:41)

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