+2,382|6832|The North, beyond the wall.
Ingame this ricky guy thats a 3 star general and has his own AF server.
I can't think of anyone in the forums,definatly not usmarine he seems funny.
The other day I met some "=[4th]= team.... something" - guy, from their clan who just had to be alone in """HIS""" chopper in Dalian Plant. And he said: "u r useless" when I had stolen """HIS""" chopper, even thoe he did get some kills. Just because I dont spend my life in a virtual chopper all days, he didnt have to call me useless. So now I am suspicious to the =[4th]= clan. Wonder what =[4th]=SlayThem will say.................?
a mad scotsman because his favorite victim is me, just kidding though.

stryyker wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

I tend to knife vehicle whores in the face and steal their ride. =p    And by vehicle whores I don't mean people who're flying a tank for a whole round... I mean guys who'll join a server and expect choice of vehicle for their entire stay on the server.

I spent a few hours on a server with [LoG]-=Spikey=- and his girlfriend yesterday, and they kept team switching from map to map to be on the side that got a more comfortable position to rape from and/or easiest access to a heli.  (SAS on Ghost Town, Spetz on Surge, SAS on Warlord for LAV-Hotel-rape)  If someone would take their chopper they'd literally stand on the pad for an entire round (which they did for a whole round of Surge) waiting to get it back.  They'd shoot at people to TK them, and when the person shot back and won they'd start crying on an admin's sleeve about gettnig TK'd for a vehicle.  If you got in their vehicle they'd start whining about how you took 'their' vehicle.  Dude's infantry KDR is 0.6

It's any player like that that imo ruins this game.

Last edited by G3157 (2006-06-20 09:34:24)

Self Proclaimed A10 Whore

<KoS>Audio wrote:

[TAF] ruether
ROFL I remember that.  I agree.
+224|6839|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
ummm i have a whole 30 person list here but yea i just woke up so i aint gunna type it all, but there is my 2 best friends who randomly tk me and then i team switch and yea shank those fuck monkeys but its alll goood!
Kpo10-pfc but a fucking good sniper

Last edited by Tushers (2006-06-20 11:00:29)


usmarine2005 wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

is drunk and crazy

ghettoperson wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

usmarine is a nice guy.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|6919|Toronto Canada
yerded or alexander the grape
Vela Incident
+1,652|6721|NYC / Hamburg

Jenspm wrote:

[[[@LPH@]]]Cobra... What a n00b
no [[[@LPH@]]]Omega is even worse

but my fave most hated would be ninja because he always beats me to answering the tech questions

i'm j/k. just a joke
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
Back from the Dead.
Sigmaz. Don't know if anybody has ever played against him. GL whore, and a bunnyhopping fanatic in the days before the "fix".
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6681|Portland, OR USA

G3157 wrote:

I tend to knife vehicle whores in the face and steal their ride. =p    And by vehicle whores I don't mean people who're flying a tank for a whole round... I mean guys who'll join a server and expect choice of vehicle for their entire stay on the server.
Dude, if they're flying tanks they deserve the ride ...

I'm too frosh to dislike anyone ... except RTG_ILLUSION ...
not always PWD, but usually.
+95|6690|Carlsbad, CA, USA

Black Vaine
+43|6776|K-Town, Sweden
SysTray, Mele4Nyc, and ambv900 ( caught cheating ) ... I hope they die...
Waste Kid
I Love all the people from BF2s, i think they r all great.....Apart from one guy. He's called summat like "Ipwnnubz" And he created the post about people that dont have a KD ratio of 2 or higher shouldnt be allowed to post. I laughed so hard and gave him a fistfull of Neg. Karma and said his condom size was Xtra Non-Existant
For BF2 its gotta be GODJOEY. The guys a pleb.

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

-The negative karma wimps

-DoNotTK and Noobmurderer

-Plane TKers

-TK inducers (they should all be wiped)

But there's one guy who stands out from the lot. He was in an old clan of mine. His username:


He was an annoying, self-absorbed kid from Connecticut who warranted his own removal from the clan after he banned me from my teampseak and removed my SA. Then he threatened me over XFire that he would 'fucking kick my ass' and that he would do some retarded shit like ship me off to Mexico. When I told him to settle this like a civil being, he proceded to curse and insult me. Dumbass. Later on he got reset for padding (his original name was -=WsK=-KiLL3R). Oh and the best part was after that: one day one of my clan members told me he tried to recruit them into his clan. I went into his TS and started asking him why the fuck he can't get his own members and has to recruit others. Can't remember what he replied with, but then he challenged my clan to a 5v5 saying "I'll finally beat you" because apparently I think I'm "always right". We were gonna use the standard TWL 5v5 Infantry rules, it was on Karkand. They ended up using unlocks AND arty, and we still kicked their asses back to the stone age. He accused one guy of mine of hacking, and another guy of mine who said "gg" over xfire somehow provoked the kid into verbally assaulting him. It was quite funny...
OMG is this a small world or what... Kill3r_Pwnz used to be in my clan before we all got reset. Was called =WaO= it was a padding clan . He is VERY VERY annoying and all he does is constantly repeat the word "Wow". I banned him from TS once cause he wouldn't shut the hell up.
Aww... no one mentioned me :'(
Waste Kid
Sgt. Gene is the best! :p

E7IX3R wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

usmarine is a nice guy.
I know, but he appears to want the attention.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6960|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Darth_Fleder wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

That's the most retarded thing I've ever read. And don't try to take that to your credit for being sarcastic. The fact that you think that sarcasm illustrates a point is so flawed.
That's pretty funny coming from you, Ikarti.

Ikarti in  wrote:

I think .50 cal should be ok as long as its only used on US troops.

Ikarti in  wrote:

The troops deserve every IED they get.

Ikarti in  wrote:

I hope these guys get beheaded on tape. Serves those fucks right.
I rest my case.
+917|6772|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Darth_Fleder wrote:


Darth_Fleder wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

That's the most retarded thing I've ever read. And don't try to take that to your credit for being sarcastic. The fact that you think that sarcasm illustrates a point is so flawed.
That's pretty funny coming from you, Ikarti.

Ikarti in  wrote:

I think .50 cal should be ok as long as its only used on US troops.

Ikarti in  wrote:

The troops deserve every IED they get.

Ikarti in  wrote:

I hope these guys get beheaded on tape. Serves those fucks right.
I rest my case.
Holy shit what a fuckface!!!

My vote is for him.

Last edited by Kmal1 (2006-06-20 11:54:15)

Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Vela Incident
+1,652|6721|NYC / Hamburg

ok i have one... some guy is giving me dayly -1 beacause i am a "spoiled kid" or "rich kid". Who are you? Speak up! dont be a chicken.

And BTW: i am not rich. I usually dont spend anything but once in 2-3 years i buy a new pc.
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6963|Marathon, Florida Keys

switchbladezz wrote:

stryyker wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

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