Banned - for ever.
+231|6780|Wilmington, DE, US
We're there already. And what's with you guys calling everyone who disagrees with you liberals. I've been called a liberal up and down but I think I hold some pretty unliberal views...just seems the liberals here are a lot smarter than the conservatives.
Back from the Dead.
I won't comment greatly, for fear of an undesirable rant. SO I'll just say this. He is our president. Like it or not, this country is built on support. Like him or not, its your duity to support our efforts for the better good. He should finish the term he has.
If your a little bit liberal , you are too liberal.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6780|Wilmington, DE, US

BigmacK192 wrote:

I won't comment greatly, for fear of an undesirable rant. SO I'll just say this. He is our president. Like it or not, this country is built on support. Like him or not, its your duity to support our efforts for the better good. He should finish the term he has.
Actually it's not. Blindly supporting the president is NOT what this country is built on.

Deathscope wrote:

If your a little bit liberal , you are too liberal.
Let's sit in front of the computer and make grunting noises, shall we?

BigmacK192 wrote:

I won't comment greatly, for fear of an undesirable rant. SO I'll just say this. He is our president. Like it or not, this country is built on support. Like him or not, its your duity to support our efforts for the better good. He should finish the term he has.
Why?  So you want everyone to bury their head in the sand and live life for another two years.  No matter how many liberties we lose, how far the country slips.  Just put up and shut up?  Sorry that is not the American way.  You either do the job or get out!
Yeah I don't agree with just accepting everything our leaders do simply because we are stuck with them.  If they are screwing up we should put pressure on them to do the right thing.  I just don't believe the current President has done enough to be dissatisfied with, especially to warrent impeachment.

Deathscope wrote:

Yeah I don't agree with just accepting everything our leaders do simply because we are stuck with them.  If they are screwing up we should put pressure on them to do the right thing.  I just don't believe the current President has done enough to be dissatisfied with, especially to warrent impeachment.
I disagree.  Name another President that went to war on false terms.  Name another President who's administration outed CIA agents.  Name another President who knowingly spied on the American people.  Shall I go on?

War should be, and always has been the last resort prior to this administration.   Putting the lives of our most treasured gifts, our children, at stake should be taken seriously.  Something which I believe this administration has failed miserably to see.  2500 deaths is one thing, does anyone have a number on the soldiers who have had limbs amputated from the IED's.  I've heard thousands, but do not have the facts.

Bottom line, is the US does not currently have a system in place other than the Impeachment process to remove a sitting President for failing to do the job he was empowered to do.  Thus his incompetence and poor judgment warrant an Impeachment!

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-06-20 11:46:52)

You with the face!
Let's see, there was the Spanish-American War, the Mexican-American War...The government went to war on VERY questionable pretenses in both of those.  (Lincoln lost his seat in Congress because he objected to the Mexican-American War!)  The US has screwed over a few military and intelligence officials in its time.  Civil rights activists were spied on during the '60s by the FBI.  In short, the US government has and continues to make mistakes.  GWB's mistakes are nothing unprecedented.

If you feel that a President should be removed for poor judgment, you should be advocating new legislation rather than twisting the current laws to suit your agenda.
Please review my previous posts in this thread on no confidence votes.

You site several instances, this president has done all of the above in 6 yrs.

Here I'll help you...

I believe he is certainly eligible for impeachment.  For several of the previously stated reasons.

I also believe the British have the best practice for removing an incompetent leader.  You Brits feel free to correct me. My understanding is there is a no confidence vote that can be brought against the prime minister.  Not sure how often but I believe Blair has been through four or five so far.  I believe this should be established in the US and called the GW Vote.

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-06-20 12:38:41)

You with the face!
No confidence votes are fine, but you also advocated impeachment for something that is not a crime.
The only thing I'm saying is that Bush is the Commander in Chief; that's the truth and I don't care if he really sucks nor he's a lying sack of sh*t as his daddy! The fact is that he's the leader of our troops and we have to support them! If u don't like it go hug a tree and take a bath, hippies!!

Semper Fi!

Trooper_Collider wrote:

The only thing I'm saying is that Bush is the Commander in Chief; that's the truth and I don't care if he really sucks nor he's a lying sack of sh*t as his daddy! The fact is that he's the leader of our troops and we have to support them! If u don't like it go hug a tree and take a bath, hippies!!

Semper Fi!
So let me get this straight.  In your mind you can't support the troops and disapprove of the commander in chief?
Sorry, let's take this a step down.  You have a commander in the field who has made several missteps causing harm to his own troops.  Your theory is just leave him there for another two years?

RAIMIUS wrote:

No confidence votes are fine, but you also advocated impeachment for something that is not a crime.
Again, in my limited knowlege of the process, impeachment is the only process we currently have.  In my mind incompetence at his level is a crime.
One going to war was the last resort, second it is my understanding that the government is not listening to phone calls it is simply looking at data which shows where calls are being made to, but we here don't know any better.  We really don't know what the government is doing , so unless we get the facts we shouldn't hold that against them.  Our troops are not children , they are grown adults who make there owns decisions and when at war troops will die, but a large majority of the troops over there believe in the cause.  We should continue to fight over in Iraq until we are victorous instead of doing what the enemy wants us to do and that is to leave.  The terrorist know the American ppl back at home are weak and they would love for us to leave, it's the only way they will win.  We will win this war if we stay committed and it's better that we lose thousands of troops than lose this war.  We went to war to find WMD's and we did not , but we did take saddam out of power, we are killing Al-Qaeda members, and setting up a democracy in that region.  What false terms?  Our intelligence agency along with many others said Saddam had them, so what were we supposed to do?  You can say our intelligence along with Russian and British intelligence failed ,but i don't think you can say President Bush made a bad call or that he lied.  All i have to say is that if you don't believe in Jesus Christ you will believe anything.
smells like wee wee

BigmacK192 wrote:

I won't comment greatly, for fear of an undesirable rant. SO I'll just say this. He is our president. Like it or not, this country is built on support. Like him or not, its your duity to support our efforts for the better good. He should finish the term he has.
Hitler would have loved you!
Expendable Miracle Worker
bush isn't the brightest bulb in the box, but the economy is definatley doing very well...oh yeah, liberals are stupid
+252|6776|Sextupling in Empire

Liberals aren't stupid -  just idealists, not realists.
the  present American economy:

http://www.economist.com/opinion/displa … id=5385434
http://www.kippescommodities.com/images … _index.jpg
http://www.americanprogress.org/site/ap … ;b=1706375
http://www.americanprogress.org/atf/cf/ … S_JUNE.PDF

tell me that your economy is working with that 44 trillion dollar  total debt.
that's 147,312 dollars for every man woman and child in America believe it or not.
The Canadian dollar is at a staggering 50+ year high against the American dollar at 89 cents, following a few weeks over 90 cents.  In 2000 the exchange was under 73 cents.

oh yeah, anything other than conservative, apparently is stupid.  Please do everyone a favor and surgically remove your brain from inside your ass.  Take a look at the world around you.

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-06-20 22:47:30)


Deathscope wrote:

One going to war was the last resort, second it is my understanding that the government is not listening to phone calls it is simply looking at data which shows where calls are being made to, but we here don't know any better.  We really don't know what the government is doing , so unless we get the facts we shouldn't hold that against them.  Our troops are not children , they are grown adults who make there owns decisions and when at war troops will die, but a large majority of the troops over there believe in the cause.  We should continue to fight over in Iraq until we are victorous instead of doing what the enemy wants us to do and that is to leave.  The terrorist know the American ppl back at home are weak and they would love for us to leave, it's the only way they will win.  We will win this war if we stay committed and it's better that we lose thousands of troops than lose this war.  We went to war to find WMD's and we did not , but we did take saddam out of power, we are killing Al-Qaeda members, and setting up a democracy in that region.  What false terms?  Our intelligence agency along with many others said Saddam had them, so what were we supposed to do?  You can say our intelligence along with Russian and British intelligence failed ,but i don't think you can say President Bush made a bad call or that he lied.  All i have to say is that if you don't believe in Jesus Christ you will believe anything.
This is an easy one.  You said it in your post.  WMD's, that was the first reason, second came they were training Al Queda, oops no training camps here.  Third, Saddam was an evil person.  Well if we are using his evil as a precedent then we should have been in Africa long before Iraq.  Those my friend are false terms.  That is lying to the American people.  That is putting our children at risk for a reason that is well below the line that should be drawn for sending our children to war.  I can say children due to my age.  I don't think of them as children but they are our future and should be treated as such. 

This war as you call it was not in Iraq.  The fight with Al Queda is spread out all over the world.  Philippines, Iran, etc.  We centralized it by invading a foreign country, and infuriating the Muslims by doing so.  How would we react if Russia thought GW was out of his goard and decided it was time to invade the USA.  Not that it would happen, but how would we as a country feel and to what extents would we go to get them out. 

President Bush as Commander in Chief made the call and it was wrong on all three reasons as stated above.  The title of this thread is, does his actions warrant impeachment.  I say without a doubt yes.  With a 33% approval rating I believe there are several other Americans who believe in our troops, yet find the Commander incompetent.

On a final note you say our troops are not children.  Thy are not children but there are several thousands of them that saw the military as a way to supplement their income via the National Guard.  I'm sure if you ask those troops if they ever in their wildest dreams thought they would be called into active duty I feel I can safely say 90% did not think that would ever happen.

And for God's sake tell me why Jesus Christ has anything to do with this debate.  I believe in God, but that does not make me any more or less gullible than the next person.  With a statement like that I really have to examine your motives here.

||BFA||xZeler8 wrote:

bush isn't the brightest bulb in the box, but the economy is definatley doing very well...oh yeah, liberals are stupid
Pardon me, have you looked at our county's deficit lately??? Where have you been??  Remember when this President took office he had a surplus.  Also remember he promised the oil from Iraq would pay for the war.   Yet another lie!
Man there are a lot of dumb f@#;s on this board! The American economy doing well! LOLOL Seriously, Deathscope and llBFAllxZeler8, keep talking, you guys are too funny.
But anyway, here's the bottom line; Clinton, who most people think did pretty well in office, gets impeached for getting his dick sucked. Bush however, leads you into two wars, running up a massive deficeit in the process, would rather strum guitar than help people in New Orleans, wants to turn the clock back a hundred years and teach Intelligent Design in schools, leaks the name of an undercover CIA agent, etc etc etc.
Also, on another note what is with all the liberal bashing around here? I'm a Liberal and damn proud of it. Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Pol Pot. All of them were right wing, ie, NOT LIBERAL. (I think you can see where I'm going with this)
Oh, and Deathscope, stop preaching over Jesus Christ and get some pussy, for everyones sake.
2 Timothy 3:13
"But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."


Last edited by Deathscope (2006-06-21 15:04:26)

+8|6842|Virginia, United States
I agree with scope. I mean how could you not.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6765|San Francisco
I don't want Bush to be ejected from office, though a lot of his administration will be uncovered if he actually heads into impeachment proceedings.  If he is ejected, then we had Pres. Cheney, and then the Senate pro tem after that...

The only thing we can do is knock out the right-wing/republican control in the House and Senate, or at least just one of the wings and we can force Bush into a Lame Duck presidency until 2008.

Deathscope wrote:

2 Timothy 3:13
"But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."

Ok, I think I'm just gonna put that under "Hatemail"

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