
Should EA delayed 2142?

No... I want it now!18%18% - 34
Yes, until BF2's fixed...21%21% - 40
Yes, until BF2's fixed and a few new maps are released.37%37% - 70
Yes, BF2 is great and I won't start from zero again11%11% - 22
Yes until I am a general !10%10% - 20
Total: 186
Lost My Connection Once Again
+19|6716|France / EspaƱa
What do you think about 2142 after all those BF2 incidents ?
why whould i buy bf 2142, when BF2 was crap until they started to fix it and havn't finished. EA and DICE's respect have dropped faster than Enron's money. although it looks good, really its just BF2 skined and new features added. then they add the whole new level of bugs. i ask myself why buy it? Mods are coming and BF2 can only get better.

Only thing I can say is people have to be insane to even consider buying 2142 after the farce of this last patch... update after update after update and all it does is progressivly develop more and more issues. 2142 will undoubtedly be precisely the same as its being coded by the same ppl on the same/similar engine.

Do yourself and your stress levels a favour n get QuakeWars or any other game but 2142

EDIT : or even better still wait for PoE 2 and save yourself $50

Last edited by TheEternalPessimist (2006-06-20 04:17:47)

im not buying, no wait i probably will....

but yes they should delay it until there are NO bugs/glitches/problems?CTD's/server crash's

so its be out 2018 then
+98|6890|netherlands, sweet lake city
what if you say: i don't want it because it's a mod and probably not worth the money  ....
and i lost faith because of bf2.... i rather switch to enemy territory...
and after that i'll see you back on bf3s.com
Will code HTML for food

.:silent-liquids:. wrote:

why whould i buy bf 2142..........its just new features added.
Sounds good to me.
Fantasma Parastasie
I don't like all the futuristic stuff.. If I want flashy lights I'll play UT2007, thanks! (wich I will)
+191|6779|The Netherlands
i hope you can transfur your accnt whit the points and unlocks ect
^ Don't think your G36C will be much use against a Mech.
I TK For Blackhawks
they are going to OPEN beta test it though? so that could sort some bugs
Canada's French Frog
+123|6778|Quebec city, Canada

niekjejeje wrote:

i hope you can transfur your accnt whit the points and unlocks ect
no you wont be able to do that

its another game, not an expansion and seriously, that wouldnt be fair for the new players

Last edited by -=raska=- (2006-06-20 04:48:28)

+12|6904|Perth, Western Australia
I've gotten bored with BF2, I'll happily welcome 2142 with open arms....if it's good, let's just wait n' see.
+12|6904|Perth, Western Australia

niekjejeje wrote:

i hope you can transfur your accnt whit the points and unlocks ect
Let's see what a PKM can do to 1 meter thick armor on a mech eh? You never know, maybe the pilot will commit suicide out of boredom .
Until they FIX the major bugs I want nothing to do with 2142. BUT I would rather them release a BUG FREE 2142 than another BF2 with BUGS GALORE!
To be honest, if  they can prove 2142 is gonna be worth the money we are paying for and not the time consumption it has been already downloading new patches to stop old bugs ruining gameplay, then i'm in, although i'd liek to see Bf2 running at it's full potential and get my full moneys worth out of it.

Kick His Ass!
+371|6846|Howell, Mi USA
I still feel like i haven't got everything out of Bf2 yet. I doubt ill be getting 2142 for a while.
Ill buy it. I reckon it would be class. They've spent loads of time on it so should be good!

*Points out to SIGNATURE*
+45|6737|Bristol, UK
Quake Wars is going to destroy 2142. And they may actually have decent patches!
+53|6891|Omaha, Nebraska
I really don't feel like playing for MOD they made. Quake Wars is looking better everyday... Plus I personally dont feel like this is a BF series type material... Just me though.
...performing headshots!
+46|6736|Hamburg / Germany

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

Only thing I can say is people have to be insane to even consider buying 2142 after the farce of this last patch... update after update after update and all it does is progressivly develop more and more issues. 2142 will undoubtedly be precisely the same as its being coded by the same ppl on the same/similar engine.

Do yourself and your stress levels a favour n get QuakeWars or any other game but 2142

EDIT : or even better still wait for PoE 2 and save yourself $50
+1 for that
+99|6788|New York
Its really just a big slap in the face to anyone suffering through BF2s numerous crashing lost connections. This game should have been fixed b4 they put resources together to make another game.  Think about how great BF2 would have been if alll that time and energy went into delivering to us a bug free BF2.  Yes BF2142 looks to be a great game  but so did BF2.  No EA will not get anymore of my money untill they fix THIS game. Its funny that a few weeks ago, there was talk about a boycott. Well the truth is for 2 days I was unable to play because I was sick of all the drops/ crashes and had to do  an uninstall/ reformatt/ reinstall and it was very time consuming. I am not going to have to consider doing this for 2 games as 1 is too much already. Up untill now I had been an avid supporter, buying SF and EF but thats where it stopped for me.  I will wait and see what this new patch does.

splixx wrote:

I really don't feel like playing for MOD they made. Quake Wars is looking better everyday... Plus I personally dont feel like this is a BF series type material... Just me though.
2142 is way too much science fiction, it fits better in the quake universe.

Battlefield; North-Korea perhaps a better alternative?
Such a stupid addition to the Battlefield series in my opinion. If I buy a futuristic game it will be Unreal Tournament 2007.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

I don't like all the futuristic stuff.. If I want flashy lights I'll play UT2007, thanks! (wich I will)
One thing i really hate is bunny hoping. imagine bunny hopping with rocket pack

**gone puke**

...err i hate those futiristic games 'cause they are all insanelly crazy and unreallistic.

I really think BF 2142 will not be that crappy kind of game.

For the bug, i'm optimistic. they take more time to polish the engine - yes, it's the same engine, but it should have less issue - i'm not saying theyr not gonna be some!!!!!!!!!!

Battlefield is my serie and will support 2142 because the core gameplay will be there

See ya!

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