I am British!
+124|7001|England and damn proud
middle=in/out vehicles
Middle scroll= weapon select
forward=throw kit

All my FPS games are set to this...also arrow keys FTW

c0mplex1ty wrote:

c0mplex1ty wrote:

my left mouse button shoots and my right mouse button aims.
oh i also have an on-the-fly sensitivity changer with my MX1000 and G5.  never used it once, except during startups because it always resets itself to LOW...
How do you change the sensitivity on the fly with your Mx1000? I use this but didn't think it was capable of doing that on the fly...?

left - shoot
right -secondary action/zoom
middle- enter/exit
forward thumb-reload
backward thumb-nades
middle thumb- Teamspeak/Vent toggle
scroll wheel - weapons select
scroll button down -squad VoIP
scroll button up- not used

I need to refine it I think.

Last edited by Badcomp (2006-06-19 07:40:14)

soup fly mod

ShotYourSix wrote:

My forward button toggles the main map on and off, and the back button change the map size of both the mini-map and main map.  I like being able to assess the map screens quickly and easily without having to reach across the keyboard to do so (especially useful while flying the chopper).
good job!  this is a sign of an intelligent player.  people so utterly and completly underuse their maps...especially the minimaps!!  i salute you shotyoursix +1
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6956|Wigan. Manchester. England.
i use my back side button for weapon 6 such as revive kit, 1st side button is crouch and click of the croll is my pistol.
MX1000 (I don't believe it has on the fly sensitivity)

back thumb button = Pistol
forward thumb button = knife
mouse wheel click = Primary

I thought about mapping the up and down button around the mouse wheel, but think I might end up clicking them accidently while scrolling mouse wheel or something.

Last edited by vqsnapp (2006-06-19 08:15:44)

Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7038|Las Vegas

superfly_cox wrote:

ShotYourSix wrote:

My forward button toggles the main map on and off, and the back button change the map size of both the mini-map and main map.  I like being able to assess the map screens quickly and easily without having to reach across the keyboard to do so (especially useful while flying the chopper).
good job!  this is a sign of an intelligent player.  people so utterly and completly underuse their maps...especially the minimaps!!  i salute you shotyoursix +1
Thanks man.  Some of you should really give this setup a would be amazed at what it will do for your situational awareness.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7038|Las Vegas

TrueArchon wrote:

Hardcore gamers would cry (and not in a good way) if they knew my keyboard and mouse configurations.
Actually, i'm in the mood for a good cry.  So how's about sharing the methods to your madness?
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6913|Las Vegas, NV USA

ShotYourSix wrote:

TrueArchon wrote:

Hardcore gamers would cry (and not in a good way) if they knew my keyboard and mouse configurations.
Actually, i'm in the mood for a good cry.  So how's about sharing the methods to your madness?
Okay.... but don't say that I didn't warn you...

On the mouse (and not a gaming one):

LB:  Fire.
RB:  Move Forward (infantry)/Alternate Fire (vehicles).
Wheel:  Scroll weapons.
Wheel Button:  Reload.

Now the fun part, the keyboard (and only a few examples):

w:  Forward (vehicles only).
a:  Left (vehicles only).
s:  Back (vehicles only).
d:  Right (vehicles only).
b:  Sprint.
n:  Jump.
m:  Strafe Left (infantry only).
,:  Back (infantry only).
.:  Strafte Right (infantry only).
/:  Crouch
Rt. Alt:  Weapon Zoom.
Space Bar:  Swap to main kit weapon (also 3).
;:  Prone.
Rt. Shift:  Pistol.

It gets even odder with the other functions as well.

This is a configuration I learned during the RTCW days, but with the introduction of vehicles in the Bf series, I had to learn the keys for them as well.  I just never meshed them together somewhere along the way.  :shrug:
Eluded Fate
pretty standard here, with my G5...

LMB = Fire
RMB = Aim
Left Button = Crouch
Wheel Button = Prone
Wheel Scroll = Weapon select

Been thinking of what to do with the Left and Right scroll, but not even sure they're mappable.  If they are, might try left for parachute and right for map.

Key board config is default, but the ESDF config sounds interesting.
set your body ablaze

TrueArchon wrote:

[completely unorthodox keyboard configuration]
Holy crap dude, how do you play?

uber73 wrote:

Logitec G5

thumb button - comm rose
lmb - fire
rmb - aim
wheel press - kit alt equip (defrib etc)
wheel left - main weapon
wheel right - pistol

on my left hand is where the magic is made tho...
i use Nostromo Speedpad n52  - the MOST IMPORTANT piece of kit ALL FPS gamers need!!
I also recently started using the n52 ( I finally got an XP64 beta driver for it).  Takes some getting used to though after using the keyboard all this time.  Keys are a bit too close to each other versus my keyboard.  Got fragged quite a few times fudging with the keys.  But the DPad is an awesome addition.  How have you mapped the n52?

As for my mouse, using the Mx518.
lmb - fire
rmb - zoom
wheel press - nightvision
wheel scroll - weapon select
Main Thumb button - weapon 3 (used to be prone prior to the n52)
small thumb button - pistol
MX Laser ( I think it maybe a 1000 )...

Back button- Prone
Wheel Scroll- Weapons cycle

But I can not get any of my oother buttons to program..Like..side wheel left/ up/down...And my center button in between my forward and back buttons...very annoying..

thedoo2 wrote:

Been thinking of what to do with the Left and Right scroll, but not even sure they're mappable.  If they are, might try left for parachute and right for map.
I've been wondering the same thing, too.
Whirlybird Guy
+20|6867|Windermere, GB
I havn't massed with much.

But my mouse is by Microsoft so the scroller is one of those silly smooth ones.

So I use the number keys for weapons.
i have voip mapped to my left side button
I have a G5.

My one thumb button is my TS button, scroll click is my main weapon, scroll left is my knife, and scroll right is my pistol.
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6913|Las Vegas, NV USA

xintegrityx wrote:

TrueArchon wrote:

[completely unorthodox keyboard configuration]
Holy crap dude, how do you play?
LOL.  I manage.

Most people I know, find the right mouse button being configured for forward movement to be the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back" when I tell them my configuration.  However, I do like being able to let my left hand rest on the bottom of the keyboard for the majority of the time that I play, and having every finger (and thumb) resting on a key that I constantly use.

That aside, I'm definitely aware that it's almost considered taboo to get away from the A, S, D, W standard of gaming. 

ShotYourSix wrote:

Anybody figured out how to map the Up/Down Left/Right buttons around the wheel on an MX1000?  I can not get these to map with anything I've tried......
I use Logitech Setpoint 2.60 Software, all buttons can be assigned to act as 'keystroke'. Works fine for me.

RMB=alt fire

back thumb=prone/stand
middle thumb=knife
forward thumb=pistol

back MMB=parachute
forward MMB=grenade
tiltwheel (left and right)=main weapon

In game settings:
ground pounding low sensitivity
armor/vehicles high sensitivity

Happy Hunting

Last edited by Whiskey_Actual (2006-06-20 07:09:13)

The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Quick question for all the G5 users :
How do you assign your scroll wheel left and right buttons in the game ?

I tried it before in the options menu, but it´s not working (all the others buttons work fine , though)

sidenote : I uninstalled the G5 mouse software. Maybe that´s the problem ?
Try installing setpoint 2.60 and assign the buttons to your liking.

Happy Hunting

edit: took out the double tags

Last edited by Whiskey_Actual (2006-06-20 07:09:46)


Whiskey_Actual wrote:

Try installing setpoint 2.60 and assign the buttons to your liking.
I have SetPoint 2.60 installed and it still doesn't work for me. Do you have any other ideas?

Maybe it's somewhere in your game settings through SetPoint? What all do you have checked in there?

Last edited by bubbass (2006-06-20 07:45:21)

Fantasma Parastasie
Mouse 4 (first thumb button): Prone.
Mouse 5: (second thumb button): reload
mouse 3: (scrollwheel click): Sprint

setpoint sounds very handy as I've got another 3 buttons unused! Will try it now

Got a copperhead,

2 left side buttons are prone and parachute (i hate havin it on 9 and im always jumpin off stuff :p lol )

2 right side are dpi up and down

rest are default shoot - weapon switch - scope/ironsights

bubbass wrote:

Whiskey_Actual wrote:

Try installing setpoint 2.60 and assign the buttons to your liking.
I have SetPoint 2.60 installed and it still doesn't work for me. Do you have any other ideas?

Maybe it's somewhere in your game settings through SetPoint? What all do you have checked in there?
Start Mouse Settings

Select Mouse Button Settings (1)

Select the button you want to assign in Select Button (2)

In Select Task (3) select Keystroke Assignment

In Specify Keystroke (3a) enter the key (i.e. 4 for grenade)

I am at work at the moment so I cannot check if I have any other options checked. I do know that in game your options are very limited.

Hope this helps, Happy Hunting

Whiskey_Actual wrote:

Start Mouse Settings

Select Mouse Button Settings (1)

Select the button you want to assign in Select Button (2)

In Select Task (3) select Keystroke Assignment

In Specify Keystroke (3a) enter the key (i.e. 4 for grenade)

I am at work at the moment so I cannot check if I have any other options checked. I do know that in game your options are very limited.

Hope this helps, Happy Hunting
I understand all of that, I was just wondering what you have enabled in your "Mouse Game Settings" through SetPoint.

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