
den3 wrote:

God, you are undoubtedly a freaking moron. There is no evidence that the planes that crashed into the WTC were not civilian planes, and the Pentagon was not attacked by a missle. How could it be attacked by a missle if the only militar aircraft had no ordinance on them, and there are no missle sites on the ground to do that, no place anywhere near D.C that could have lauched them, and if you watch the footage from the original Pentagon on 9/11 you would see that there was infact debris everywhere. This video was obviously changed and edited. God damn you are an idiot if you really think that. You need to be visiting sites that are not all left wing homos
First learn to spell better or atleast use the SPELL CHECKER that BFS2 provides.....and you know what
GOD didn't DAM the Beavers did.......I agree that the planes that hit the WTC were commercial flights
but the "Plane" that hit the the Pentagon is a different color horse!! I hope you noticed that there is NO
damage to the building CAUSED by the WINGS of the "Plane" just a BIG hole but then perhaps the wings just evaporated or maybe GOD made them despair to save lives or they just fell off?
And as to missile sites there several in the area? And those MILITARY Birds were packing, we also have extensive Surface to Air in and around the Pentagon and the White House for PROTECTION...
And your an Idiot for being such an INTOLERANT ASS what with invoking God and calling people "Homo's"......To bad your mother can't have a RETROACTIVE Abortion......

Last edited by Baron420 (2006-05-24 17:26:53)

+1|6586|Ontario, Canada
As i stated above, plus i think the movie says it too, Jet Fuel can't vapourize metal
+76|6814|Antwerp, Flanders

chaf3d wrote:

As i stated above, plus i think the movie says it too, Jet Fuel can't vapourize metal
Maybe it was a prototype plastic aircraft???
+68|6717|Reefersyde, CA

Horseman 77 wrote:

dankassasin42o wrote:

know why classified information is classified for 50yrs?      cuz most involved are dead after that 50yrs.  No one can be held responsible
horseman, id expect more then "wrong" to disprove something.  Your a seemingly intelligent person.  Explain?
Horseman 77
I forget why and when they declassify stuff but Rarely is it to due the guilty being dead.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6703|NT, like Mick Dundee

MorbidFetus wrote:

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

you guys didn't even watch the video. fact is, if it was staged then we're following an unjust cause in this war
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. It's been officially stated yet people dont care. Everyone's like "Oh well, can't quit now...". Hook. Line. Sinker.

*Oh, remember all those WMDs Rummy said he knew exactly where they were? And what about the "imminent threat"?

P.S. How many Contards voted for Bush because he was gonna end gay marriage and abortion?
Uhh... Elangbam is reffering to the war on Terrorism...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Horseman 77
Is there one country that has reaped a benefit from 911 in every way.

Do they have a very capable intelligence and covert ops capability?
We should just figure out what single country stood to gain and scrutinize them and their interactions with us throughout history.
Maybe they had a hand in it.
Junglist Massive

Horseman 77 wrote:

Is there one country that has reaped a benefit from 911 in every way.

Do they have a very capable intelligence and covert ops capability?
We should just figure out what single country stood to gain and scrutinize them and their interactions with us throughout history.
Maybe they had a hand in it.
It is a possibility that that MI5/6 had a part in it.
For those of you who feel something isn't right with the whole 9/11 story, give this essay a read: … iction.htm

It's long I know, but it's by far the most compelling independent investigation of 9/11 I have read or watched. More so than loose change.
+10|6816|Vila Real, Portugal
It's funny that when americans see this videos and studies of 9/11 they just tell they are all lies, most don't even go to the trouble of reading.

When president bush spokes to the nation they all what he's saying to be true and all he does is make a lie after another lie.

It's just incredible how the american people are so naive.

Question "Did the CIA gave money to the taliban?"
Aswer "Yes"

Question "What did iraq had to do with 9/11 mister bush?"
Aswer "Nothing"

Question "Does the CIA have secret prisions"
Aswer "That is ridiculous"
Later on
Aswer "Yes"

Question "Does iraq have weapons of mass destruction?"
Aswer "Oh ye they can kill us all with them"

Question "How much time do you think the war on iraq will last?"
Aswer "5 days, maybe 5weeks i dought 5months"
Over 5years

Question "Did the US shoot down 1terrorist airplane at 9/11?"
Aswer "Of course not"
Later on talking to the troops on iraq "We are fighting for the lifes lost in 9/11 like the plane we shoot down"

Speaking to the nation bush said "Our enemy's are inovated and resourcefull and so are we, they never start thinking of new ways to harm or country and our people and neither do we"

It's incredible how some times their tonges slip to the truth.

The quotes aren't these words but it just gives an ideia.

So americans question yourselfs if only terrorists are taken to prisions, one thing for sure i didn't wanna be a muslin in american now they are pointed as terrorists by the press. Is iran really trying to and capable of getting nukes in 15days like FOX not news says.

When the 2nd 9/11 comes to justify war on iran ask yourself if it was really the terrorists that did it.

Does american care about the soldiers dying in iraq? It doesn't look that way it's just incredible if i knew that portuguese were dying at an fabricated war i would join anti-war movements and try to finish it.
+65|6731|las vegas
- Many people in the WTC were warned not to go to work that day
- One Israelli IM company recieved a Text Message which warned them to leave the building about 4 hours before the attack.
- George Bush's brother, who was in charge of security at the WTC, was replaced on Sept 10, his replacement, who had some politcal fallout with President Bush started on Sept 11.
- The joint chiefs were scheduled to hold a meeting in the WTC on Sept 11, but had thier plans changed.
- Several prominant politicans were warned not to fly to NYC for several days before the attack.
- The owner of all the WTC buildings stated in a televised interview that WTC 7 did not collapse from fire, but      was brought down by demolition charges.

------- taken from a early post

ok present the evidence and proof for these things? thats right noone can.

i dont beilive what some dipshit 20 year old kids from ny did ina  documentary with a laptop.
taking bits of info and crap research from more crap leads and sources from the SHITE internet full of crap.

and i dont beilive every word the 9/11 commision forced the public(btw most 9/11 commsion docs u download off the net have been altered by die hard CT's to make people beilive their maniacal outrageous cries for attention)

bottom line is clinton knew ahead of time of these attacks, the paperwork got shuffed after his little missle attack on laden and boys. then old dubya came in and either ignored the facts presented, or was just too dumb along with the rest of the fucked up adminstration to do anything in time. so case in point. they did let it happen

but no we did not blow up are own buildings. IDIOTS!!!

It wouldn't matter ... are the we the sheep gonna pick up pitchforks and torches and storm the capital? ... me thinks not ...

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-09-07 04:26:34)

Great success!
+216|6615|Chandler, AZ

chaf3d wrote:

The only true fact the video mentioned were the burn temp of jet fuel, and the melting points of the WTC tower's building mateials.

chaf3d wrote:

As i stated above, plus i think the movie says it too, Jet Fuel can't vapourize metal
Well, no, it can't vaporize metal. But if you do a little investigation of your own, you can find plenty of pictures that show wreckage all over the lawn of the Pentagon. And in Loose Change the kid actually misidentifies a few parts. They WERE in fact the parts that should have been there.

In regard to the heat from the fuel not being enough to make the WTC structure molten, that's true. However, the heat IS enough to make the metal beams lose well over half of their integrity. That could also be discovered with around ten minutes of personal investigation. It wasn't enough to totally melt them, but it was certainly more than enough to weaken them to the point where they'd collapse.

The "Bombs" exploding out the sides of the building? Ever see a window pop when the insides of a building fell down into the floor that window was on? It's not that unrealistic to think that a building with that much mass, burning from the inside out, would collapse with all of the insides falling first, and toward the ground. If you could have seen the inside of the WTC in the seconds it was falling, I'd predict that you'd see the floors falling through each other much faster than you'd see the outside coming down. The reason being, the inside isn't reinforced floor-by-floor with steel like the outside is. However, given the extreme loss of integrity the building suffered, after it had become essentially hollowed out, it would be natural for the rest of the structure to fall with it a few seconds later. The WTC was probably practically hollowed from the impact point down before they fell entirely.
Calmer than you are.

mcminty wrote:

if you believe otherwise then you're an idiot, and arguing with me just proves that
I agree. After saying that, anyone who continues to argue with you is an idiot wasting his time. My goldfish will debate better than you.

And for the 10000th time... All you who don't believe your government is capable of deceiving you in that magnitude, have a read at the Northwoods Document and maybe you will get an idea of what these assholes are capable of. … hwoods.pdf
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6639|132 and Bush

Silly theorist never let a small thing like facts get in the way. … 517_132517 … 05191.html <-- nice little pod cast

No this isn't the same old Popular mechanics article. Take time to check the links first.

Last edited by Kmarion (2006-09-07 05:48:44)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
You guys are fucking idiots.

Jet fuel burns at around 1100-600 f

steel starts to loose its strenght to 50 percentafter that, so what do you think would happe to warped metal holdig millions of tons on top of it? ITS GOING TO COLLAPSE

want to know about the pentagon windows? OH GEE there  BOMB PROOF jesus. So if you people took the time to read the facts and not be sceptics youd see

It doesnt have to "melt " it to collapse it tarttos"

Last edited by SealXo (2006-09-07 08:34:44)

+304|6634|New York City baby.

TrollmeaT wrote:

The general population is too stupid or too lazy to do anything about it, are you going to change the govenment? I dont think so for in order to do so you have to be one of them, then you dont care about the people anymore.
I dont have to watch the video cause I've allready seen all of them for & against the war & all conspiracy theorys.

I personally dont care either way cause there is nothing in the world I can do about it, is there something you can do about it ? If so get too it please , we need action not words.
Give them AK-47s and everything can be settled.
My personal opinion? Use the GITMO to lock entire bush's administration and CIA chief officers.

Last edited by alpinestar (2006-09-07 08:42:52)

9/11 is like the parents in the Jon Bennet case, that little voice in the back of my head keeps saying "there is something wrong"
some of you are saying jetfuel cant melt metal... it doesnt need to melt metal... just needs to weaken its structure so it will collapse
I was the fourth gunman behind the grassy knoll.
Junglist Massive

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

some of you are saying jetfuel cant melt metal... it doesnt need to melt metal... just needs to weaken its structure so it will collapse
Although there wasn't jet fuel in WTC7.  There were some flammable materials and a diesel tank and a sign of a fire localised to a few floors (although not the floor where the main diesel tank was).  If a steel framed building were to collapse because of a fire there is no way to predict where it will fall, which is why a lot of effort goes into creating timed symetrical explosions during conventional demolition.  The building was half a mile tall and uncontrolled collapse could concevably have crushed or torn apart from splash any given location within that radius, including rescue teams working on the rubble and buildings which still had occupants.  Safety wise, either putting out the fire or performing a controlled demolition would have reduced the risk of further loss of life.  And remember that the last attack on the WTC attempted to use a domino effect, there's no way to predict what would have happened had that tower toppled onto surrounding buildings.

As far as I'm concerned if it was safely demolished with zero loss of life, they did the right thing.  But not acting at all or covering up their actions is very much the wrong thing.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6639|132 and Bush

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

some of you are saying jetfuel cant melt metal... it doesnt need to melt metal... just needs to weaken its structure so it will collapse
The problem with the tinfoil hat crowd is they take things at face value knowing full well that if the investigated further to understand how it happened they could be left with the horrible conclusion that it was indeed possible.
Listen to the pod cast to understand. Don't be scared. … 05191.html
As far as the pentagon
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6639|132 and Bush

OMG! stop the press did Osama bin Laden just take credit for it again ! … laden_tape
Xbone Stormsurgezz
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6804|Cambridge (UK)
The really sad truth behind all this is probably something along these lines:

1. Yes, it was a terrorist attack.
2. Yes, the US goverment knew about it.
3. Yes, the US governemt brought the towers and building 7 down themselves.


Well, I think future history will show that the US had intelligence probably something along the lines of "A terrorist or terrorists plan to hijack one or more passenger planes and fly it/them into one or more targets including the WTC, the Pentagon and/or the Whitehouse on or around a week either side of 9/11."
The WTC housed a lot of very sensitive information that any tom, dick or harry could have got access to after the disaster (with the towers still standing).
So, a plan was hatched to prime the towers for demolition before-hand - that way as soon as the survivors were out the towers could be brought down, burying and destroying all that paperwork and all those HDDs below a big pile of rubble.
However, the intelligence they had didn't give any clue as to the magnitude of what would happen and, sadly, on the day, someone paniced, hit the button and brought the towers down prematurely.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6639|132 and Bush

Xbone Stormsurgezz

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