Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7027|Las Vegas
Sorry, just need to vent.

Things were going smooth for an hour then the server crash bug struck.
Fine.  I joined a different server and immediately got the join bug.
Cursed a bit, and started the game back up.
Joined the Rubber Ducky server only to find out I had the private bug.  Fine.....whatever.
10 seconds later my own teammate shoots me in the face as I'm giving him ammo. 
Why?  He said I had the red/blue bug.
Moments later I had the "I can't deal with this anymore" bug and shut down the game in frustration.

This is really starting to bug me.  I should probably take some time off of this game before I completely hate it.

You know. I was under the impression that games got better over time but I suppose some companies do things differently.  Must be pretty embarrasing to admit you are a DICE coder eh?

ShotYourSix wrote:

This is really starting to bug me.
Pun intended?
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7027|Las Vegas

liquidat0r wrote:

ShotYourSix wrote:

This is really starting to bug me.
Pun intended?
Yes, my razor sharp wit is difficult to contain at times....
omfgzor not another omfgzor complain thread about the omfgzor lastest patch please omfgzor use the freaking search button
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7027|Las Vegas
Sorry to disappoint you buddy......but I feel better.

Thanks for listening.....

[netsas]knight wrote:

omfgzor not another omfgzor complain thread about the omfgzor lastest patch please omfgzor use the freaking search button

ShotYourSix wrote:

Sorry, just need to vent.
omfgzor calm down, he just needed to get it out of his system as it was really starting to bug him. lol

Last edited by liquidat0r (2006-06-16 03:26:22)


liquidat0r wrote:

[netsas]knight wrote:

omfgzor not another omfgzor complain thread about the omfgzor lastest patch please omfgzor use the freaking search button

ShotYourSix wrote:

Sorry, just need to vent.
omfgzor calm down, he just needed to get it out of his system as it was really starting to bug him. lol
lollecaust omfgzor thank god its omfgzor friday
Big Ed Mustafa
+11|6841|Northern N.S.W Australia

ShotYourSix wrote:

Sorry, just need to vent.

Things were going smooth for an hour then the server crash bug struck.
Fine.  I joined a different server and immediately got the join bug.
Cursed a bit, and started the game back up.
Joined the Rubber Ducky server only to find out I had the private bug.  Fine.....whatever.
10 seconds later my own teammate shoots me in the face as I'm giving him ammo. 
Why?  He said I had the red/blue bug.
Moments later I had the "I can't deal with this anymore" bug and shut down the game in frustration.

This is really starting to bug me.  I should probably take some time off of this game before I completely hate it.

You know. I was under the impression that games got better over time but I suppose some companies do things differently.  Must be pretty embarrasing to admit you are a DICE coder eh?
Yep, this latest patch can be rather annoying ie; "PROBLEM WITH YOUR CONNECTION" and crashing too your desktop just as you hit the join server button and the other 2000 problems you encounter while playing, I have to walk away in sheer frustration sometimes, but I always return to battle on again, just dont take it too seriously hopefully EA/Dice will fix this travesty and patch the game properly with 1.4 ??
ive got a red tag bug,does anybody knows what to do about it??
i got kicked for it while it is not my fault that 1.3 sucks.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7027|Las Vegas
As far as I know the tag color bug is completely random.  It comes and goes at will.  It is generally not persistant though, meaning that if you have it one round, it will probably be gone the next.
I knife Generals
+278|6845|Search Whore killing fields
Ive gotten a orange name color befor. So i just shot it and killed what ever it was. Kind of weird
I think I found a work around for the Join Server Crash bug.   I think it has something to do with RAM  but if you join a server and wait for like a good 20 seconds before actually hitting the JOIN button,  it will join without crashing.    Once I went from 1 to 3 gigs of RAM, I no longer have the problem.
+788|6963|Brisbane, Australia

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Yeah. The night, two nights ago when I went for my Sgt Major, My game crashed 6 times, internode servers died 5 times, I had 50096 points and still no Sgt Major, reconnected, crashed, rebooted game logged in to server, joined game, crash, restart, login, join server, pistol some random noob, WOOT promotion, disconnect, no unlocks reconnect to another server, crash, reboot game, reconnect to server play for another hour, disconnect and get unlocks finally. Reconnect to another server and try to use sniper rifle, as soon as I hit join game, crash. Rage quit, back to CSS.
Play on gamearena sometime buddy, I havent noticed your were aussie, Ive gone loads of rounds without servers melting down on me, plus Having 64 people on a 32 Player Karkand with 99 RBR [Rounds Before Reload] its always fun!!
patchy patchy

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