+788|6802|Brisbane, Australia

Pffft playing karkand is nothing to be ashamed about, play the game however you like, aslong as its legit and its fun for you

I love playing medic on karkand, I love nade spamming, I have fun!

Another reason I play Sharqi/Karkand more is because those maps are

A) Fun for the Infantry!
B) Most common on 24/7 servers
+721|6727|the dank(super) side of Oregon
1000 hours in 3 months is fairly hardcore.  I've got 1300 hours in over 12 months now, and i play way too much.
+152|6673|London (At Heart)

*looks at his own time*...

Man, I need to not get a life.

a fly
+105|6790|The netherlands

Sarrk wrote:

Indeed, and if this player had "No life" how would he be existing?

Answer: He wouldnt be

So if he "Doesnt have a life"  and is not existing, how were those stats gained?

Answer: He does have a life, how he chooses to live it is different to most
look at me im smart   nah joking

BUT, dont be a 12 year old, no life = no SOCIAL life.
lead catcher
+4|6727|The Netherlands
dont hate the player hate the game
+77|6775|The Netherlands
ook al
He's Dutch, called Lord Of Weed and plays this game alot.....sounds about right!
Haha, lord of weed...
Rather lord of nerds.
ive played against him alot hes pretty good with the lmg's but spams grenades to hell

bobroonie.bda wrote:

=SA=VaSSiLi wrote:

Wow, yeah, I just checked his stats.. nades are almost half his kills.. I guess he plays support so he can resupply himself with MORE NADES WOOOHOO!


28,000 wow
thats all -=RD=-Volx  does as well check out his c4 kills / nade kills
volx was amazing with C4 throwing before 1.2 though, no spamming just complete and utter dominance. once he ran out he just whored up the g36c and didnt die for ages. but now, yeah he just nade spams, gg.
RPK-74 Whore
Ive seen that guy. Hes always on TBK karkand, Ive owned him most of the time.
AKA <{SoE}>Agamemnar

bobroonie.bda wrote:

AlphaMale wrote:

rogueguy wrote:

I've played with him numerous times, he's quite good.
How's he good he has a shitty 1.28 K.D ratio and a mediocre 2.74 spm
you shouldnt be to quick to point fingers.. your stats are not "up to par" either.. infact the only reason that they are even half way good is because your in some sort of vechicle most of the time.. which im willing to bet is the only reason your spm is 2.6... your kdr is 2.8 but you dont even have 1 kdr with infantry weapons that high..

I dont usually point out players, but you seem to be full of your self. Its not like lord of the weed posted his stats.. someone else did.. So why  flame him?
pot kettle black? Vehicles most of the time? I'm in vehicles for less than half my playtime and I wouldnt consider ground defense, AA and transport part of your little theory anyways.

Unlike you I play the game in it's entirety other than infantry maps.
why flame the guy who's stats it is ,the poor bloke didnt even post them and all you cunts are whineing at him i sugget you all stfu and leave the poor bloke alone ffs.

AlphaMale wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

AlphaMale wrote:

How's he good he has a shitty 1.28 K.D ratio and a mediocre 2.74 spm
you shouldnt be to quick to point fingers.. your stats are not "up to par" either.. infact the only reason that they are even half way good is because your in some sort of vechicle most of the time.. which im willing to bet is the only reason your spm is 2.6... your kdr is 2.8 but you dont even have 1 kdr with infantry weapons that high..

I dont usually point out players, but you seem to be full of your self. Its not like lord of the weed posted his stats.. someone else did.. So why  flame him?
pot kettle black? Vehicles most of the time? I'm in vehicles for less than half my playtime and I wouldnt consider ground defense, AA and transport part of your little theory anyways.

Unlike you I play the game in it's entirety other than infantry maps.
your kidding me right? I have more time on more maps on average then you. dont get me wrong not by much, and only on vanilla bf2. I dont really play BF2s or BF2AF. but to say  "unlike you i play the game in it's entirety other then infantry maps", is just trying to find something you can point a finger at. Anything else you want to compare?,46623591

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-06-18 14:10:50)

AKA <{SoE}>Agamemnar

bobroonie.bda wrote:

AlphaMale wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

you shouldnt be to quick to point fingers.. your stats are not "up to par" either.. infact the only reason that they are even half way good is because your in some sort of vechicle most of the time.. which im willing to bet is the only reason your spm is 2.6... your kdr is 2.8 but you dont even have 1 kdr with infantry weapons that high..

I dont usually point out players, but you seem to be full of your self. Its not like lord of the weed posted his stats.. someone else did.. So why  flame him?
pot kettle black? Vehicles most of the time? I'm in vehicles for less than half my playtime and I wouldnt consider ground defense, AA and transport part of your little theory anyways.

Unlike you I play the game in it's entirety other than infantry maps.
your kidding me right? I have more time on more maps on average then you. dont get me wrong not by much, and only on vanilla bf2. I dont really play BF2s or BF2AF. but to say  "unlike you i play the game in it's entirety other then infantry maps", is just trying to find something you can point a finger at. Anything else you want to compare?,46623591
You need some remedial grammar bro. Maybe you should spend less time playing BF2 and spending more time on your typing skills.

It's "you're" and "than".

Sure I'll compare the fact your awards suck, and the only reason my spm is kinda low is because my time spent as commander.

215k and not even a general. Seems like you're a one-trick pony. And nice armor whoring too.

Thanks for comparing stats though. Looks like I have more highlights than you... and just like you are better on the ground I am way better in vehicles.

You should play a bit more CS.

Last edited by AlphaMale (2006-06-18 18:23:39)

+11|6704|tking your ass
lol, people need to worry about themselves and not hate because one plays the game all day long.  Some people dont live with mommy and can do what they want when they want...
KARKAND!!! Over and over and over and over and over again and again and again.  For 10 hours a day???????

Chicks must really dig this dude.
i believe the name explains y and its just another -=RD=-Volx clone he plays on the same server to
Proud Infantry Whore

?? wrote:

i believe the name explains y and its just another -=RD=-Volx clone he plays on the same server to
yea all that lord of weed does is wing handgrenades and bunny hop. hes i noob in my opinion.
+917|6764|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I play with him on Tigerland Karkand server. He's good.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
+114|6897|England : East Yorkshire
just because People have more spare time then others, Ppl h8 them its not him who needs to get a life tus the other way round.

AlphaMale wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

AlphaMale wrote:

pot kettle black? Vehicles most of the time? I'm in vehicles for less than half my playtime and I wouldnt consider ground defense, AA and transport part of your little theory anyways.

Unlike you I play the game in it's entirety other than infantry maps.
your kidding me right? I have more time on more maps on average then you. dont get me wrong not by much, and only on vanilla bf2. I dont really play BF2s or BF2AF. but to say  "unlike you i play the game in it's entirety other then infantry maps", is just trying to find something you can point a finger at. Anything else you want to compare?,46623591
You need some remedial grammar bro. Maybe you should spend less time playing BF2 and spending more time on your typing skills.

It's "you're" and "than".

Sure I'll compare the fact your awards suck, and the only reason my spm is kinda low is because my time spent as commander.

215k and not even a general. Seems like you're a one-trick pony. And nice armor whoring too.

Thanks for comparing stats though. Looks like I have more highlights than you... and just like you are better on the ground I am way better in vehicles.

You should play a bit more CS.
my awards suck because i dont go for them.. i let them come on there own.. i dont decide to get expert badges or general.. and to say that i "can't" get in an armor, switch kits so i get my 100hrs and get 40 kills is ridiculous.. anyone can get expert in anything if its in armor or flying..

my grammer.. haha i type fast and dont really care to correct a few mistakes.. didnt know you were a english major..

yea your better then me in armor but i am way way better then you as infantry / capping flags / with any kit..

You need your armor or helo because your ground game is sub par... its understandable.. you most likely got all your expert badges in a helo or amor since well your infantry stats suck..

as for me being a 1 trick pony.. your the one that can only fly or tank.. thats it.. i can play any kit extremly well and have the kdr to prove it..

as for me being an armor whore.... 71% of all my kills come from infantry weapons.. so tell me again how am i an armor whore?

nice team kills.. almot 3000 sounds like a real armor whore.. team killing for your helo? or your tank? haha wow your pathetic... just another piece of shit that that can only be effective in something.. let me guess your the kind of player that sits around waiting for your armor / helo.. and if someone else comes along you kill them so you can get it..

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-06-18 19:04:31)

AKA <{SoE}>Agamemnar

bobroonie.bda wrote:

AlphaMale wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

your kidding me right? I have more time on more maps on average then you. dont get me wrong not by much, and only on vanilla bf2. I dont really play BF2s or BF2AF. but to say  "unlike you i play the game in it's entirety other then infantry maps", is just trying to find something you can point a finger at. Anything else you want to compare?,46623591
You need some remedial grammar bro. Maybe you should spend less time playing BF2 and spending more time on your typing skills.

It's "you're" and "than".

Sure I'll compare the fact your awards suck, and the only reason my spm is kinda low is because my time spent as commander.

215k and not even a general. Seems like you're a one-trick pony. And nice armor whoring too.

Thanks for comparing stats though. Looks like I have more highlights than you... and just like you are better on the ground I am way better in vehicles.

You should play a bit more CS.
my awards suck because i dont go for them.. i let them come on there own.. i dont decide to get expert badges or general.. and to say that i "can't" get in an armor, switch kits so i get my 100hrs and get 40 kills is ridiculous.. anyone can get expert in anything if its in armor or flying..

my grammer.. haha i type fast and dont really care to correct a few mistakes.. didnt know you were a english major..

yea your better then me in armor but i am way way better then you as infantry / capping flags / with any kit..

You need your armor or helo because your ground game is sub par... its understandable.. you most likely got all your expert badges in a helo or amor since well your infantry stats suck..

as for me being a 1 trick pony.. your the one that can only fly or tank.. thats it.. i can play any kit extremly well and have the kdr to prove it..

as for me being an armor whore.... 71% of all my kills come from infantry weapons.. so tell me again how am i an armor whore?

nice team kills.. almot 3000 sounds like a real armor whore.. team killing for your helo? or your tank? haha wow your pathetic... just another piece of shit that that can only be effective in something.. let me guess your the kind of player that sits around waiting for your armor / helo.. and if someone else comes along you kill them so you can get it..
Not really. If you commanded more than 8 hours you'd figure out artillery strikes make up 3k tks easy. If you don't like vehicles bitch go play CS:S. You seem to be better at groundpounding anyways.

My WLR > yours by a mile... so tell me, how effective am I for my team compared to your shitty groundpounding that hardly makes a difference?

I see you love to edit your posts... you should run your shit through spell-checking first because you have the grammar skills of a 12 year old.

Last edited by AlphaMale (2006-06-18 19:17:21)


AlphaMale wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

AlphaMale wrote:

You need some remedial grammar bro. Maybe you should spend less time playing BF2 and spending more time on your typing skills.

It's "you're" and "than".

Sure I'll compare the fact your awards suck, and the only reason my spm is kinda low is because my time spent as commander.

215k and not even a general. Seems like you're a one-trick pony. And nice armor whoring too.

Thanks for comparing stats though. Looks like I have more highlights than you... and just like you are better on the ground I am way better in vehicles.

You should play a bit more CS.
my awards suck because i dont go for them.. i let them come on there own.. i dont decide to get expert badges or general.. and to say that i "can't" get in an armor, switch kits so i get my 100hrs and get 40 kills is ridiculous.. anyone can get expert in anything if its in armor or flying..

my grammer.. haha i type fast and dont really care to correct a few mistakes.. didnt know you were a english major..

yea your better then me in armor but i am way way better then you as infantry / capping flags / with any kit..

You need your armor or helo because your ground game is sub par... its understandable.. you most likely got all your expert badges in a helo or amor since well your infantry stats suck..

as for me being a 1 trick pony.. your the one that can only fly or tank.. thats it.. i can play any kit extremly well and have the kdr to prove it..

as for me being an armor whore.... 71% of all my kills come from infantry weapons.. so tell me again how am i an armor whore?

nice team kills.. almot 3000 sounds like a real armor whore.. team killing for your helo? or your tank? haha wow your pathetic... just another piece of shit that that can only be effective in something.. let me guess your the kind of player that sits around waiting for your armor / helo.. and if someone else comes along you kill them so you can get it..
Not really. If you commanded more than 8 hours you'd figure out artillery strikes make up 3k tks easy. If you don't like vehicles bitch go play CS:S. You seem to be better at groundpounding anyways.

My WLR > yours by a mile... so tell me, how effective am I for my team compared to your shitty groundpounding that hardly makes a difference?
As for the WLR.. i tend to switch to the losing team to try and pull out the win.. You know to make it a bit harder.. test myself.. I dont play the game easy mode like you.... its cool.. i understand... who said i dont like vehicles? i just commented on how you need them, and i dont.. and the fact that you even bring up CS:S shows why you suck at infantry.. i bet you used to play CS alot right? Then you came to BF2 and realized "oh shit i have to lead my target?"..

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-06-18 19:20:09)

AKA <{SoE}>Agamemnar

bobroonie.bda wrote:

AlphaMale wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

my awards suck because i dont go for them.. i let them come on there own.. i dont decide to get expert badges or general.. and to say that i "can't" get in an armor, switch kits so i get my 100hrs and get 40 kills is ridiculous.. anyone can get expert in anything if its in armor or flying..

my grammer.. haha i type fast and dont really care to correct a few mistakes.. didnt know you were a english major..

yea your better then me in armor but i am way way better then you as infantry / capping flags / with any kit..

You need your armor or helo because your ground game is sub par... its understandable.. you most likely got all your expert badges in a helo or amor since well your infantry stats suck..

as for me being a 1 trick pony.. your the one that can only fly or tank.. thats it.. i can play any kit extremly well and have the kdr to prove it..

as for me being an armor whore.... 71% of all my kills come from infantry weapons.. so tell me again how am i an armor whore?

nice team kills.. almot 3000 sounds like a real armor whore.. team killing for your helo? or your tank? haha wow your pathetic... just another piece of shit that that can only be effective in something.. let me guess your the kind of player that sits around waiting for your armor / helo.. and if someone else comes along you kill them so you can get it..
Not really. If you commanded more than 8 hours you'd figure out artillery strikes make up 3k tks easy. If you don't like vehicles bitch go play CS:S. You seem to be better at groundpounding anyways.

My WLR > yours by a mile... so tell me, how effective am I for my team compared to your shitty groundpounding that hardly makes a difference?
As for the WLR.. i tend to switch to the losing team to try and pull out the win.. You know to make it a bit harder.. test myself.. I dont play the game easy mode like you.... its cool.. i understand... who said i dont like vehicles? i just commented on how you need them, and i dont.. and the fact that you even bring up CS:S shows why you suck at infantry.. i bet you used to play CS alot right? Then you came to BF2 and realized "oh shit i have to lead my target?"..
What the fuck are you talking about?

I never played CS in my life. Before this I played Halo 2.

And stop making excuses bitch. I fucking doubt you switch to the losing team to "make it harder". Load of crock you must play on a retard server. Fact is, if the commander point scheme wasn't fucked I'd have 233 588 global. You don't seem to realize this. Or maybe you do and are trying to make excuses.

Edit: Edit more noob.

Last edited by AlphaMale (2006-06-18 19:56:36)

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