Rather then Post each shot over and over in diff.forums I linked them

http://www.warmachineclan.com/forums/sh … 10#post110

The Clan Is Game force And I was the only one they threated to kick I was flying around Bombing them.So I posted that I earned my badges .They should be so proud

This link now works Sory guys Permissions were off Try again it's worth it


Last edited by -=WM=-Racerx (2007-02-28 08:06:38)

+191|6777|The Netherlands
er... ther is not tread
Invalid Forum specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
+53|6889|Omaha, Nebraska
Can you copy paste? Says invalid forum...

ARG someone beat me!

Last edited by splixx (2006-06-18 06:43:03)

wow it's fixed You guys are fast
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6776|Britain and Damn proud of it!
Friendly bit of advice, most people on here don't give a rats ass if people are feeble enough to padd their stats, threads such as these are going to get you flamed, and as you have no doubt found out you will recieve - karma from the faceless ones (not that it matters)....

IMO statpadders are as you say scum, but if they wish to spend hours on end in a car in the middle of the ocean gaining those ever precious virtual repair points, let them.. evidently mommy and daddy did not pay them much attention when they were a child...

A mere Shadow|= wrote:

Friendly bit of advice, most people on here don't give a rats ass if people are feeble enough to padd their stats, threads such as these are going to get you flamed, and as you have no doubt found out you will recieve - karma from the faceless ones (not that it matters)....

IMO statpadders are as you say scum, but if they wish to spend hours on end in a car in the middle of the ocean gaining those ever precious virtual repair points, let them.. evidently mommy and daddy did not pay them much attention when they were a child...
Then they Won't even look at this post ,then will they.I'm a big boy Flame away.

I hate cheaters Period.....They ruin a good game Just posting this so Maybe people will stay away from thier server.
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6776|Britain and Damn proud of it!
On the contray,if you post a cheater server i will join and cause hell. Whilst i don't care if they stat pad i do find it amusing to go around in K&P only server with a tank, pisses the hell out of them and they start crying for the admin, who fortunately for me was not present, i ended up with a -24 score though cause i killed everything i saw...
+1,153|6780|Washington, DC

Your parents must be SO proud that you're volunteering to help a virtual community.
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6776|Britain and Damn proud of it!
Like, Totally, hey we could go around and help the VC together!!, and then you could come back to my place and i could braid your hair, then we could lie back on the couch and spoon..

Do you FEEL the sarcasm??

A mere Shadow|= wrote:

On the contray,if you post a cheater server i will join and cause hell. Whilst i don't care if they stat pad i do find it amusing to go around in K&P only server with a tank, pisses the hell out of them and they start crying for the admin, who fortunately for me was not present, i ended up with a -24 score though cause i killed everything i saw...
LOL, Now that's funny Yea I was killing them as well And I quit Before He could Actually kick me.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6707|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Just piss them off and report them, we dont need threads about them though.

Last edited by Zeon. (2006-06-18 07:49:17)

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