Baltimore Blowfish

puckmercury wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Bla,bla,bla...go play a flight-sim then.
Exactly.  This game tries and succeeds (you bought and still play the game) to balance simulation with enjoyment.  IF you want uber realistic flight models and physics, go get Flight Sim 2004 ... hey, I hear FS X is being released soon, be sure and go get that one too.

This "simulation" bit is also going on here:  http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=29980
You're right, the game isn't about "uber-realistic flight models and physics", but it should be about having an equal chance against an aircraft if you're in an AA battery or a vehicle specifically designed to shoot down planes.  Why do you guys think people play city maps all the time?
+167|6662|Manitowoc, WI
@ original poster

you also forgot to mention the fact that the ceiling for jets is about 80,000 meters, not 500.  and in real life your plane isn't going to stall just because you aren't going full speed.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6570|Portland, OR USA
its just about tactics really.  When you get a lock on, don't fire all your shots instantly, because yeah - the chaff will nix it every time, wait or fire off one round to get the pilot to blow his load and fire again.  In reality planes have a number of advantages.  Similarly, I don't expect patch 1.4 to include a feature which gives snipers a chance in hell in close tank combat.  Yeah, you're gonna die.  As you should, get the fuck out of the way of that damn tank and go play Ewok in the bushes like you're supposed to.  If you don't want to be killed by a plane, listen for jet engines and stare at the sky alot, just don't start complaining about getting killed by the Ewok in the bushes...
Baltimore Blowfish

puckmercury wrote:

its just about tactics really.  When you get a lock on, don't fire all your shots instantly, because yeah - the chaff will nix it every time, wait or fire off one round to get the pilot to blow his load and fire again.  In reality planes have a number of advantages.  Similarly, I don't expect patch 1.4 to include a feature which gives snipers a chance in hell in close tank combat.  Yeah, you're gonna die.  As you should, get the fuck out of the way of that damn tank and go play Ewok in the bushes like you're supposed to.  If you don't want to be killed by a plane, listen for jet engines and stare at the sky alot, just don't start complaining about getting killed by the Ewok in the bushes...
True, true, it's just the plane back in 30 seconds with a full load and fully repaired is what grinds my gears...
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6570|Portland, OR USA
Same thing with the magical funbox that dispenses universal repair, ammo, and health to anything and everything within a 50 foot radius.  So infantry has the same advantage really, and it can come to them without them even having to move to the mystic runway.  I see your point, but I just look at it as an appropriate simplification for the fun of the game.

HaywoodJablowme wrote:

puckmercury wrote:

its just about tactics really.  When you get a lock on, don't fire all your shots instantly, because yeah - the chaff will nix it every time, wait or fire off one round to get the pilot to blow his load and fire again.  In reality planes have a number of advantages.  Similarly, I don't expect patch 1.4 to include a feature which gives snipers a chance in hell in close tank combat.  Yeah, you're gonna die.  As you should, get the fuck out of the way of that damn tank and go play Ewok in the bushes like you're supposed to.  If you don't want to be killed by a plane, listen for jet engines and stare at the sky alot, just don't start complaining about getting killed by the Ewok in the bushes...
True, true, it's just the plane back in 30 seconds with a full load and fully repaired is what grinds my gears...
Actually...it's always pissed me off how retarded the airstrips are. Even if you land, your jet won't get repaired unless find that little "niche" spot. So no...planes don't come back "fully repaired". The only way that happens is if they crash their jet and then get a new one.
Aspiring Objectivist
The Battlefield series is a relaxed realism combined arms shooter to make it fun, if the vehicles were all simed out then no one would use them cause they would get owned by infantry.
They followed the successful formula that made the first one so great.
Fantasma Parastasie
I completely dissagree with people who say "it's just a game, not a flight sim". The higher the learning curve, the  more fun it is for those who genuinly want to get good at it. Infantry isn't simplified in comparison to other games, now is it? We don't need auto-aim, we can't take rediculous ammounts of bullets. But yet other aspects are much more simple. The higher the learning curve, the more difference in skill there can be. Let's see:

1.12: missles didn't do jack shit. dogfighting was neccesary to bring other jets down. It was difficult, challenging, fun, and not impossible for the semi-experienced.

1.2: missles hit everything other than J-10's and F-18's (yes, F-18's. You can dodge EVERY missle in it, if you know how.) You need to be very skilled in quickly outmaneauvering your opponents or you're fucked. Dogfights between average players last no longer than 20 seconds. There is far less skill needed to fly and kill.

Now, I ask you: Wich was more fun?

More difficulty = higher learning curve = more fun in the long run
Expendable Miracle Worker
do you not understand how much that would slow down the game?  it would make it so that the jets aren't even fun...half the point of the jets are to take out armored vehicles on the ground and help the guys on the ground, this would be drastically reduced by making it a sim...but hey, if you want a sim, then why stop with the jets?  why not take away spawning, i mean how realistic is it to have multiple lives?  as mentioned before, make the apc's have to prep to go from land to water...hey, we might as well get rid of supply crates too, or make it so you have to open the crate and find what you are looking for, you know, at  the same time you are getting shot...or, have medics actually perform CPR...all the ammo packs that the support guys carry will have to go too, cuz nobody can carry unlimited ammo...the list goes on and on...the point is, it's a fast paced war GAME, it's not a simulator, if you want a simulator then go play something else, and quit whining already...
+190|6668|Home of the Escalade Herds
I know it's a 'game' but to me there has to be some sort of realism, especially in game that has so many other realistic elements (not being able to run 24/7, decently realistic amount of bullets before someone dies, ect ect).

IMO, there shouldn't be jets in bf2, it doesn't make any sense. The maps are way too small to appropriately make use of jets. The arcade jets that are ingame are just stupid.

I'm not asking for them to be removed, i just think it's too arcade like for my taste.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6634|Your attic

SargeV1.4 wrote:

I completely dissagree with people who say "it's just a game, not a flight sim". The higher the learning curve, the  more fun it is for those who genuinly want to get good at it. Infantry isn't simplified in comparison to other games, now is it? We don't need auto-aim, we can't take rediculous ammounts of bullets. But yet other aspects are much more simple. The higher the learning curve, the more difference in skill there can be. Let's see:

1.12: missles didn't do jack shit. dogfighting was neccesary to bring other jets down. It was difficult, challenging, fun, and not impossible for the semi-experienced.

1.2: missles hit everything other than J-10's and F-18's (yes, F-18's. You can dodge EVERY missle in it, if you know how.) You need to be very skilled in quickly outmaneauvering your opponents or you're fucked. Dogfights between average players last no longer than 20 seconds. There is far less skill needed to fly and kill.

Now, I ask you: Wich was more fun?

More difficulty = higher learning curve = more fun in the long run
I like that, I remember the days when it took skill to take people down, and it took skill not to get shot down by others with skill, the majority of pilots would just do the cirlce stuff, and that meant that missles wouldn't hit them, so you had to be clever about it. Now unless they're in a J-10 or now and then a F-18 it's a comfired kill everytime.
+18|6748|Victoria BC or Karkand
omfg it is about balance

Well at least they made the: "Fly over the airfield and get extra bombs and missiles in 2 seconds" like in real life!

I think they just try to balance it to make it able to kill and die in every plane. It's a game.

Although some tweaking is still necessar, I rather sit in a J-10 and fly with my eyes closed and being chased by 3 f35b's than sitting in a f35b and being chased by a j10 where you can only flare for a nice air-show to provide the ground troops some amusing lights.

moose_rider wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

+52|6776|Cambridge, England
jees the first post is saying that planes have got more going for them than they should have.

he says that half the manouvers people make to dodge AA missiles etc should cause a blackout i.e. the planes shouldnt be able to fly like that.

he says a plane cant take 2 hits from a stinger...again in favour of everybody who doesnt fly a jet.

Sure the ROF stuff is for balancing but i agree that the planes should be truer to real life.

ino if i want realism then i should join the army bla de bla. so hey why do u run out of sprint? why cant you take 5 mags to the head?? why does a head shot hurt more than a shot to a diff area??

point being they make some bits a lot more realistic than others. Again i agree that by making something more difficult to do well does make it more fun. how fun was "noob tubing" every "noob" could do it.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6608|Area 51

K8Kommunist wrote:

Whoever designed the aircraft in BF2 must've been stoned. Every aspect of aircraft avionics and weaponry is simplified, bastardized or cheapened to a ridiculous level. No plane will remain in the air after two strikes from a stinger, there's no way any modern plane would not have an FCC controlling bomb release, you don't need a radar lock to use sidewinders, manuevers half as extreme as the moves most BF2 pilots make would cause blackouts, niether the MiG-29 or F-35B carries 600rounds of cannon ammo, the ROF on the cannon is about a third of what it should be, absence of any form of radar, etc. Goes on and on. I'm not sure why dice decided to re-skin the aircraft from BF1942 and call them modern day...
Every heard of the phrase ''Its a game ''

spawnofthemist wrote:

its a game.
+557|6776|Oslo, Norway

moose_rider wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:


BolvisOculus wrote:

@ original poster

you also forgot to mention the fact that the ceiling for jets is about 80,000 meters, not 500.  and in real life your plane isn't going to stall just because you aren't going full speed.
Also forgot things like how jet cannons cannot damage tanks and will only do slight damage to APCs, how you can't select a targets to lock onto, the list goes on and on.
More realistic planes would not only make them more challenging to fly, but make the game more fun for the groundpounders and every other entity below the plane in the current BF2 foodchain by re-introducing the concept of balance.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6752|Wilmington, DE, US
omg supply crates can't load tanks ban it.

wake island is bigger that that.

K8Kommunist wrote:

Whoever designed the aircraft in BF2 must've been stoned. Every aspect of aircraft avionics and weaponry is simplified, bastardized or cheapened to a ridiculous level. No plane will remain in the air after two strikes from a stinger, there's no way any modern plane would not have an FCC controlling bomb release, you don't need a radar lock to use sidewinders, manuevers half as extreme as the moves most BF2 pilots make would cause blackouts, niether the MiG-29 or F-35B carries 600rounds of cannon ammo, the ROF on the cannon is about a third of what it should be, absence of any form of radar, etc. Goes on and on. I'm not sure why dice decided to re-skin the aircraft from BF1942 and call them modern day...
minus karma to you for being a dumb shit.....  its a GAME, assbandit, use your fuckin head, thats the pile o' crap on top your neck.  There is nothing about the game that is real, i mean gee mines that are so smart both tanks and or people on same side can't trip either of them....well duh.....  the list goes on and on...

FACE it , you are a dumb shit.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6752|Wilmington, DE, US
Help Gordon Freeman is ruining my realism.
CNN is reporting that BF2 is a game. Thats amazing.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6752|Wilmington, DE, US

{CN}420 wrote:

CNN is reporting that BF2 is a game. Thats amazing.
CNN is nothing but liberal lies. Duh.
Canada's French Frog
+123|6669|Quebec city, Canada
if the AA were like in real life, jets would have to fly at high altitude and I dont think that pilots in bf2 would have much fun

everything is simplified yes but as someone said, its for balance. according to your post, you wanna see aircrafts  weaker but.. if you want that, you need to provide them more realism (as you said) and you wouldnt get any chance to survive as a f15 fly over your head. then you would cry and come back here, saying that you cant survive being on ground.. and you would keep whining over and over

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