+269|6730|Marlton, New Jersey.
http://images.google.com/images?q=road+ … &hl=en
just googled it, the "Road to Jalalabad" i think from what i see refers to the passage betweeh Kabul and the city Jalalabad, so what im asking is do you think it will be in the beginning of the road, near Kabul or towards the end, at Jalalabad...or maybe in the middle? and im some pics i see camels , Enemy camel spotted.
maybe it'sthe whole road?

That'd be gay. There had better be no tanks, jets or helos or any form of vehicle (wtf i want camels, that'd own)
Only camels, you can ride them you can shoot them and they explode.
+269|6730|Marlton, New Jersey.
that would be a long ass map then
unless they shortened it lol
+269|6730|Marlton, New Jersey.
EA/DICE said that the map will be all infantry, never said anything about camels though!

I hear some jeep racing!
PKM Whore
+16|6782|Prolly on wake.
they would have to throw us ground pounders a bone to make up for the raping you will take should you play an AF map. 
+269|6730|Marlton, New Jersey.

De_Jappe wrote:

I hear some jeep racing!
by jeep do you mean camel ?  MEC camel next to U.S. camel, they rev they're hooves at each other, and the race begins, leaving dust to follow their path

Last edited by eagles1106 (2006-06-16 23:58:26)

+269|6730|Marlton, New Jersey.
once again leave your damn name when you -1 me pussies, really i wont -1 you back or anything, just like to know who did it, in fact ill +1 you to prove that.  come forward who ever -1'ed me on this thread.
+269|6730|Marlton, New Jersey.

Terrible_chester wrote:

they would have to throw us ground pounders a bone to make up for the raping you will take should you play an AF map. 
yeah lol, sooo many tanks and the attack jets...
i can imagine the next ea message with map details,
pure infantry only,no vehicles
a medic & snipers paradise
true 100% view distance,NO FOG
then it turns out to be a plain,boring desert road with fuckall to see but sand & a shity flag at each end.

what i'm hoping fors a black hawk down style map,now that would be sweet as fuck being inf only as well.
+269|6730|Marlton, New Jersey.

-=5TON3D wrote:

i can imagine the next ea message with map details,
pure infantry only,no vehicles
a medic & snipers paradise
true 100% view distance,NO FOG
then it turns out to be a plain,boring desert road with fuckall to see but sand & a shity flag at each end.

what i'm hoping fors a black hawk down style map,now that would be sweet as fuck being inf only as well.
yeah, i would love even more urban maps then karkand like mogadishu in black hawk down
and road to jalalabad will be a team pointers paradise lol
i can finally revive,heal,ammo people without beinge
A.Blown up by armor
C.Owned by jeeps mg's
2142th Whore
jihad camels! now tats fun

derka derka

eagles1106 wrote:

yeah, i would love even more urban maps then karkand like mogadishu in black hawk down
and road to jalalabad will be a team pointers paradise lol
i can finally revive,heal,ammo people without beinge
A.Blown up by armor
C.Owned by jeeps mg's
lol i want the same thing,cant stand playing karkand no more (300hrs outa 1100 odds plenty lol),not when most deaths are from armor or the nubs using building glitches.
for past few weeks sharqi's my new karkand,very rare to get killed by a tank unless it spawn fucks me,
or i'm running around dodging gunfire & turn the corner & run into it.

just hope they put some thaught & effort into the map design.
end of the day whatever it turns out to be like long as its still gonna be inf only it'll be a refreshing change & a map to keep the ground pounders happy.
I knife Generals
+278|6683|Search Whore killing fields
The MEC has camels, USA has Chuck norris
Watch out for that claymore!
2142th Whore

DirtyMexican wrote:

The MEC has camels, USA has Chuck norris
and chinese have rickshaw which requires one slave whos the lowest rank in the server to pull it

Last edited by jkohlc (2006-06-17 04:39:05)

That 70's guy
+156|6677|Sydney, in 1978
terrible chester is right this is just some crappy add on map to make up for AF/1.3 patch (but seriosly it would take a fu**ing good map to make up for all the s**t the 1.3 patch created) but like i said in another post its probably gonna be a map for helicopter whores (tank whores love karkand, jet whores love wake island...) so yea it will probably be a map with 5 choppers for the USMC and a few camels for the MEC team becuase the maps arent allowed to be balanced (in case you havent noticed)
Cal players > BF2s
+40|6731|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U
hey eagles, how about u let some other ppl post and not post 3 times in a row, try that.  Btw jalalabad might have some jeeps and humvees on it just to get around more easily.  But ppl will still find a way to call ppl vehicle whores,"You jeep whore."  LOL

jkohlc wrote:

DirtyMexican wrote:

The MEC has camels, USA has Chuck norris
and chinese have rickshaw which requires one slave whos the lowest rank in the server to pull it
i killed rishaw
2142th Whore

tupla_s wrote:

http://www.spaceimaging.com/gallery/end … -21-99.jpg

Here's a big image of jalalabad
wtf? street fights?
it will have cars and most likely tanks, but one idea is to have flags and spots, inaccessable by tanks. to keep from tank rapage
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6821|Canberra, AUS

-=5TON3D wrote:

i can imagine the next ea message with map details,
pure infantry only,no vehicles
a medic & snipers paradise
true 100% view distance,NO FOG
then it turns out to be a plain,boring desert road with fuckall to see but sand & a shity flag at each end.

what i'm hoping fors a black hawk down style map,now that would be sweet as fuck being inf only as well.
IF its like that, and I say IF, then we'll know about it long before the patch is released (open beta)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
yeah,i deffinately wanna get my hands on the open beta,show dice's testers how to to actualy test something propperly,only thing is whatever bugs we do point out its still down to them to fix it or not,& going on their patch record so far i'm not expecting much in the way of bug fix's to happen lol.never know they might get it right this time *fingers crossed in hope*

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