Kick His Ass!
+371|6848|Howell, Mi USA

usmarine2005 wrote:

Cbass wrote:

When u see a flagpole in someone's yard u watch to see if the enemy team is lowering it.
Or everytime I see your name I start saying lines from dumb & dumber.
lmao "Cbass n the guys said they'd pick up our tab"

        "Cbass said that?"

        "Well if that guy over there is Cbass....."
when im asked a question and reply with a ''okay'' i think before ''page up''

Last edited by [n00b]Tyler (2006-06-16 12:42:34)


Cbass wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Cbass wrote:

When u see a flagpole in someone's yard u watch to see if the enemy team is lowering it.
Or everytime I see your name I start saying lines from dumb & dumber.
lmao "Cbass n the guys said they'd pick up our tab"

        "Cbass said that?"

        "Well if that guy over there is Cbass....."
"Kick his ass CBass!"
+269|6737|Marlton, New Jersey.
your about to have sex and you say FIRE IN THE HOLE!
Aspiring Objectivist
Your having the round of your life & about to get an award you've been trying for all day, suddenly your bowels begin to press on your pee-pee from that 64 oz soda you just had to drink all of.
Instead of getting up to goto the bathroom you pee in the empty cup while still playing so you don't sabotage your round, unfortunately you didn't think you'd have to poo as well.
+48|6847|United States of America
You run infront of moving cars because the driver pissed you off and you want him to lose 4 points.

You're walking along then realise that 'OMFG WHERES MY CROSSHAIRS?', I actually thought that once.

That and you try to dolphin dive, yes I tried this too, my chest still hurts from falling and trying to get up and jump real fast.

You see a crowd of people and envision yourself throwing C4 in hopes that you get your badge.

OH and when you see someone on the street and you don't see a name tag and say to yourself 'stupid dice, still havn't fixed the name bug'

Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-06-17 00:40:25)


Kaosdad008 wrote:

I tried to change to a differnt seat in my truck.  I was driving.  The truck was moving.
LOL +1...that's too silly.
+3|6684|Milwaukee, WI
Pressing Q and trying to spot enemys in every game you play.
you lay AT mines randomly around town to catch random stragglers
yelling frag out during a baseball game
+488|6724|Portland, OR, USA

eagles1106 wrote:

your about to have sex and you say FIRE IN THE HOLE!
when do they say fire in the hole?

Last edited by CommieChipmunk (2006-06-17 00:53:59)

+28|6732|west yorkshire UK
when you get in a fight with 3 other guys and don't know where they are but they are all over town you start ringing people up for UAV support

I look for my minimap sometimes.

gene_pool wrote:

When you stroll down the road and go "Wow, these graphics are shit"
Oh god, I've actually done that.
+0|6682|Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
..... when u consider joining the army coz the graphics are better...
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6839|Hell's prison
Was driving with my wife to go out to eat the other day.  This kid (about 16) was in the highway lane next to me, she sped up to get in front of me to take the exit.  She cut into my lane a little too soon almost clipping my front bumper, before i could think about what I was doing or about to say, I stepped on the brakes real quick and said "Fuckin noob".  My wife looked at me like i had gone mad.  She was smart enough to just let it go and not even bother figuring out what i meant.

Was walking by the CES building on base and at 1630 daily they retire the colors, and I saw the American flag being lowered, and my middle finger (The W key) actually compressed in my hand like I was trying to make myself run forward.  All this while saluting the flag.
You memorize and can speak every armies language wether its spot, request, or command.
Example: MEC - Poompala = Throwing nades

CommieChipmunk wrote:

eagles1106 wrote:

your about to have sex and you say FIRE IN THE HOLE!
when do they say fire in the hole?
I think he plays Soldiers Of Fortune 2 to much.
After a 12 hour plane ride I looked up at some crane towers at the airport and no shit had a sniping flashback.

MrE`158 wrote:

Whenever you pass by a construction site, you scan the cranes for snipers.  ( I really do this.  It's a bit worrying...)
When somebody at work who plays and is a lower rank addresses you by name and you smack 'em round the chops exclaiming "You will address me as Sir soldier!"
+34|6682|I'm form Poland and I hate it
When you consider placing a claymore at the entrance of your room after being brutally woken up by your parents...
U.S. > Iran

Battlefield2Player wrote:

A goalie makes a great save and you wonder if he has on "aimbot".
Better yet, The goalie keeps missing and you wonder if the kicker and his team are haxors and have an aimbot

I was sitting in my basement last night watching Band Of Brothers on the 77 inch projection TV.   I was sitting in the lazy-boy drinking a few brain grenades (beer).  My buddy came over, who also plays BF2, and saw all the empty beer cans on the table and said "You are such a nade spammer."  I called him a fag and thru an empty at him.

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-06-17 10:10:20)

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