+156|6941|space command ur anus

Major_Spittle wrote:

herrr_smity wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

The only good commie is a dead commie.
the only good capitalist is a dead capitalist
More dead commies in history than Capitalist.  Also more wealthy Capitalist than commies.  In fact, it must really suck to be a commie.  Even commie women are ugly.  Why don't you go back to f*ckin' fish up there in Norway you wanna be commie fag.
why are you sooooo angry.

Last edited by herrr_smity (2006-06-15 17:22:46)

+276|6968|United States of America

herrr_smity wrote:

Major_Spittle wrote:

herrr_smity wrote:

the only good capitalist is a dead capitalist
More dead commies in history than Capitalist.  Also more wealthy Capitalist than commies.  In fact, it must really suck to be a commie.  Even commie women are ugly.  Why don't you go back to f*ckin' fish up there in Norway you wanna be commie fag.
why are you sooooo angry.
I don't know, ever since I got rid of my extended cable and lost South Park I haven't been quite right. fuk u commie, take away my South Park type faggot.
Tank Whore
If you were in a communist stats, Major_Spittle, South Park would be free.  Probably not as good, and not funny any more, but free to all comrades.
To the POS that neg Karma'd me saying "wtf is wrong with you?"

Nothing is wrong with me... I post again:

slo5oh wrote:

I thought this thread was going to go the other way... so I don't need to argue. 


People claim CNN is a liberal news site, but why would they post this if they were?
Because CNN is owned by the biggest commie loving, american hating, SOB that's donated way too much time to the UN aka the United - communist - Nations.  Fox news is a little better, but I never trust more than half of what I hear from anyone that thinks average citizens should not own guns.
How can anyone ever bitch over starving africans, parentless children in china, and living conditions in India in one breath and say we should leave Iraq alone????
We all sit over here in our air conditioned houses, cry about our taxes, scream at god wondering where the police are when some jerk kid cuts us off on the freeway and SERIOUSLY have NO IDEA what it's like in Iraq today, let alone what it was like under Sadam.
I wonder what Iraq would be like today had the muslims not run out, burn out, and kill most the christians 50 years ago.  I don't understand why so few people get it!

here's a good video featuring 3 refomed terrorists:

Perhaps you're a muslim that thinks I hate all muslims.  I don't.  My family was forced from Iraq in the 50s though because all "non muslims" were being hunted and killed.  The same shit that's happening in Sudan right now.  Shit, I should be happy about it, I have more real freedom than average Iraqis ever dreamed of.  It's nice not to worry every night that the police might break in my front door becuase I worship a differnt god and KILL ME... it's even better to know that anyone stupid enough to break into my house will be leaving with many holes in them, probably on a stretcher and not breating.
Now if you want to be less of a pussy....cat you can make a legit argument with something I said, otherwise STFU.  You can neg Karma me all day if you like... karma's never going to buy me lunch or give me head.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7120|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Seether wrote:

I'd say this would be a microcosm of the US, and the world as a whole, wouldn't you?  Even in the US, there is a very vocal majority which believes the war in Iraq is going badly, from a world perspective, it's safe to say the overwhelming majority believes the war in Iraq is going badly.  I'm not trying to necessarily subscribe to the "might makes right" philosophy, but I think it should at least be considered.
Calling this forum a microcosm of the U.S. is a bit of a stretch. The demographics here are not a true sample of the U.S. population. I would say that 75% here are under 25, 95% male. This is hardly a true representation of the likely voter or the population as a whole. I agree on the vocal issue but again differ on your assessment of majority. I point to today’s house vote where 42 Democrats broke with their party to support a Republican resolution on Iraq. I would also like to point that the resolution contained language that links the War on Terror to our involvement in Iraq. So much for your ‘overwhelming majority’.

Seether wrote:

And yes, I do personally believe the war is going badly, we were led there for illegitimate reasons, but I don't actually think it's right to cut and run at this point either.  I do think we should hold the current administration responsible for what they did, but sadly, the November 2004 elections didn't do that.
While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, I also disagree on that point as well. The war is going much better than you think. You are being fed a steady diet of doom and gloom by the mainstream media and from the hard left. Last night all three major networks led off with the story highlighting the number of soldiers who have lost their lives and relegated the document I have listed to bit reporting. When was the last time you heard of new schools being built? New hospitals? Good news of any sort coming from Iraq?

As for the so called ‘illegitimate’ reasons, you must disabused of that notion. It is a hangover from Democratic rhetoric that ‘Bush lied’, when in fact it was they were stretching the truth. I was even able to convince the estimable Marconius of this in another post…. See http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=10924&p=3 and http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=10924&p=4

Further support for the document lies in the recent raids performed since the butcher al-Zarqawi was sent to meet his maker.

AP wrote:

Post-al-Zarqawi raids kill 104 insurgents
Staff and agencies
15 June, 2006

By KIM GAMEL, Associated Press Writer 3 minutes ago
BAGHDAD, Iraq - American and Iraqi forces have carried out 452 raids since last week‘s killing of terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and 104 insurgents were killed during those actions, the U.S. military said Thursday.
He said 255 of the raids were joint operations, while 143 were carried out by Iraqi forces alone. The raids also resulted in the captures of 759 "anti-Iraqi elements."

© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
http://www.newsone.ca/ottawarecorder/st … ;id=195046
This rash of raids smack of having found other significant intel from the raid on Zarqawi’s ‘safehouse’.

As for the document being ‘convenient’, hell yes it is. How better to further demoralize your enemy then to parade such a document in their collective faces.

To majorspittle and herr_smitty and others involved, this thread wasn’t started to discuss the relative merits of capitalism vs. communism and while I have strong feelings on the issue, please use or start another thread to continue that discussion.
The English
I'd say the war was still going pretty badly...
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7120|Orlando, FL - Age 43

RicardoBlanco wrote:

I'd say the war was still going pretty badly...
OK....based upon what?
Decepticons forever!
u do know, war is propaganda, that document could just as easily have been planted by the US or UK. I always read news with criticism because journalists hardly ever get the full picture in their texts and its almost always lined in some political way.
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack
Horseman 77
War is War. Propaganda is a tool sometimes employed during War.
And I would have to say the war is going poorly. They are reduced to planting roadside bombs that kill their own people 9 times out of 10.

Their number two man was taken out. Its in the shitter I would say. They seem to know it. They aren't dumb they will soon go after weaker prey like they did with spain. It works in some cases.

Also we never said Liberal Media sources will burry or hide news Rather they spin it.

After the landslide 96 elections were Democrats lost a lot of ground they didn't deny it.

They did say  " the Electorate is Schizophrenic "

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-06-16 14:12:08)


Horseman 77 wrote:

War is War. Propaganda is a tool sometimes employed during War.
And I would have to say the war is going poorly. They are reduced to planting roadside bombs that kill their own people 9 times out of 10.

Their number two man was taken out. Its in the shitter I would say. They seem to know it. They aren't dumb they will soon go after weaker prey like they did with spain. It works in some cases.

Also we never said Liberal Media sources will burry or hide news Rather they spin it.

After the landslide 96 elections were Democrats lost a lot of ground they didn't deny it.

They did say  " the Electorate is Schizophrenic "
Okay, so we got the number 2 Al-Qaeda in Iraq guy. What about the other insurgent groups? Those that disagree with the formation of a Democratic government? The actual "insurgent" forces far outweigh the Foreign Fighter rolls, almost 10 to 1.

It's apparent you don't want to post facts or answer in anything less than cryptic rhetoric. Can you at least agree that the "liberal media" is used frequently by the conservative movement to introduce or spin stories thier direction? Every statement made by Administration officials, or Conservative/Republican politicians is carefully manicured to produce a specific reaction. That being said I should add this caveat, all politicians do this.

Did you take the time to check into the Iraqi Index on www.brookings.edu? Just curious, I think some of your statements could be revised and some could certainly be supported. However the Infrastructure in Iraq is simply not exceeding pre-war levels and in some areas has regressed past pre-war conditions. If we want to build a free stable Iraq there needs to be solid progression in availability to electricity, running water, adequate sewage services. There are also indicators that the violence in Iraq has heightened in the last few months leaving little evidence of a stablization of the Iraq security situation.

Finally....don't talk about my Jimmy. My jimmy is special in it's own way and I am not accustomed to strangers discussing my jimmy, especially men...and I am assuming that you are a man. Unless I start talking about other peoples Jimmys keep my jimmy out of your mind and posts. If you want a date I must appologize, I don't go out with other jimmy jerkers, it's vaginas or busts! or both!

The English

Darth_Fleder wrote:

RicardoBlanco wrote:

I'd say the war was still going pretty badly...
OK....based upon what?
err based on the fact that the americans are getting nailed everyday by a small minority of ill trained insurgents.. I could understand the losses if you were fighting a half decent army but you're not.

If the war was going well it'd be over..
The Lizzard

Horseman 77 wrote:

Their number two man was taken out.
There's evidence to suggest that Zarqawi had been offed before the US caught him, which would make sense (if he was no longer so important, he was unlikely to have been well hidden).

Bubbalo wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Their number two man was taken out.
There's evidence to suggest that Zarqawi had been offed before the US caught him, which would make sense (if he was no longer so important, he was unlikely to have been well hidden).
Well since the autopsy showed he died from bombs falling on his head could you please present the evidence that suggested he was killed before hand??
Lets hear some truth for once from those that are anti Bush or anti American who desperately want the war to be a failure, because if it succeeds that means they will have no choice but to acknowledge Bush in the positive.

That is why there are 2, 22 page threads on the death of Zarqawi full of debate. those that hate Bush WILL NOT give him credit for this mission even though Zarqawi death is a positive step in the right direction for peace in Iraq hands down.

I just hope you realize that your wishes of failure in this endeavor walks hand in hand with the deaths of our troops.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

lowing wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Their number two man was taken out.
There's evidence to suggest that Zarqawi had been offed before the US caught him, which would make sense (if he was no longer so important, he was unlikely to have been well hidden).
Well since the autopsy showed he died from bombs falling on his head could you please present the evidence that suggested he was killed before hand??
Oh you know, the fact that he was found barely alive but later died from his wounds that has been widely reported by not only OMG LIBERAL MEDIA CNN SATAN, but Fox News as well.

Ikarti wrote:

lowing wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

There's evidence to suggest that Zarqawi had been offed before the US caught him, which would make sense (if he was no longer so important, he was unlikely to have been well hidden).
Well since the autopsy showed he died from bombs falling on his head could you please present the evidence that suggested he was killed before hand??
Oh you know, the fact that he was found barely alive but later died from his wounds that has been widely reported by not only OMG LIBERAL MEDIA CNN SATAN, but Fox News as well.
Yeah, i know he lived a short time after the blast......happens a lot, people die from wounds they suffered hours before..what is your point and how does that show he was killed before we killed him??
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US
I never said anything about whether we killed him or not, or whether the iraqis. You were not clear in your post if you knew or not. My point was just to bring that to the topic in case you did not know.

Major_Spittle wrote:

Jeopardia_Ferdy wrote:

Sorry, I dont get it...the headline of this topic says something about the WAR in Iraq,
didnt the holy leader of the USA told the world the war in Iraq is over and that the USA won...(LOL)
Wow, you get US news in your Kangaroo country.  We don't get your news here, how strange.  Sucks being a nobody in a nobody country that your afraid to even claim.
Cute lil fellow,isnt he?

Big Kisses!

Last edited by Jeopardia_Ferdy (2006-06-17 08:25:26)

Pope of BF2s
+355|6939|Sea to globally-cooled sea

antin0de wrote:

How well do we trust the Iraqi National Security Advisor?  What's the likelihood that this document was actually found in al-Zarqawi's hideout, and not forged?  Not trying to pass the document off as a forgery, but I'm skeptical by nature.


People claim CNN is a liberal news site, but why would they post this if they were?
If it is authentic, what would CNN gain by not publishing it?  Even if they are liberal, that doesn't make them less American.  That it would, is a misconception that seems to be gaining popularity and must be corrected.

CNN would be stupid not to publish such an artifact, regardless of their political stance.  They're probably popping champagne corks in celebration of this web traffic boost.  And of the realization that victory in this much-contested conflict is not impossible.

Now, the possibility that it's a fabrication brings up so many other questions.  But that's just my skepticism talking.
I bet you weren't skeptical of Dan Rather's documents though
The Lizzard

lowing wrote:

Well since the autopsy showed he died from bombs falling on his head could you please present the evidence that suggested he was killed before hand??
Poor phrasing: what I meant was he may not have been at all important anymore.

Bubbalo wrote:

lowing wrote:

Well since the autopsy showed he died from bombs falling on his head could you please present the evidence that suggested he was killed before hand??
Poor phrasing: what I meant was he may not have been at all important anymore.
and why do you say that?? He seemed a pretty important target the day we killed his ass.

Sounds like sour grapes.......You know he was the leader of the Al Qaida in Iraq. And now that the US finally got him, you are going to say that he wasn't that important anyway..........lol...oooooooooooooooooooooook
The Lizzard
Even if he was the leader, he wasn't important.  Hunting down Osama is a waste of resources, kill him and someone will replace him.  The "Cut off the head and the body will die" mentality doesn't work with civilian armies.
The Man With the Golden AK
+21|6954|Gainesville, FL

Bubbalo wrote:

Even if he was the leader, he wasn't important.  Hunting down Osama is a waste of resources, kill him and someone will replace him.  The "Cut off the head and the body will die" mentality doesn't work with civilian armies.
This is a defeatist attitude and exactly what lowing was talking about. No matter what succes there is, people with your mindset simply try to trivialize it while magnifying perceived failures.
The Lizzard
So, arguing that the war is being fought the wrong way is defeatist?  Osama Bin Laden has very little control over anything, he basically just makes videos.  Why do you think he's so hard to find?

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