+151|6687|Forest Lake, Australia

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

Dhoar, I know you are obsessed with SPAM and all, but you cannot get peoples stats reset for excessive teamkilling.
You idiot!  If you took the time to look at the photos, you can see VERY bad RACISM!
Maybe there is a reason why they're always giving you shit. I remember one day i was on the same server as you. After i had got the tank for like the 4th straight round you complained. Then followed me around until i got out to repair. You promptly drove off with my tank and died as people that steal armour always do. YOu never seem to realise that the reason someone is hiding and repairing is because there is danger around the corner.
I never followed you around idiot!  You got out of the tank and I didn't realise you were there...It was by luck...And when you started saying I need a ride, it was too late for me to come back
It always amazes me when I find a thread like this, written by an idiot trying to complain about ppl who he believes are idiots.  SPAM has a clan of over 30 members.  He comes across a couple who own him and pawn him and he can't do anything about it, so he puts the whole clan down.

Here is something else to think about.  The next time you (Dhoar) and your friend Solidouss Snake come onto our forums and start abusing and swearing in the open forums (much like you appear to be trying not to here), we will take further action against you to have you either banned from any Australian BF2 ranked servers, or we may contact your ISP and have you disconnected (QLD TPG).  I really don't think the Internet Service Providers approve of people attempting to infiltrate a gaming clan by using false names (ZZZ---Spetsnaz).

I can't believe how childish you are.  Complaining and accusing a whole clan for a little tiff you have with 1 or 2 members.  Abviously Silver was right when he said you are just so taken by SPAM.  You obviously wanted to join, but of cause we wouldn't even consider someone the likes of you.

SPAM Clan Senior Captain

Last edited by SpamEagleye (2006-06-15 04:04:48)

the electric eel has got me by the brain banana

dhoar4 wrote:

Can someone please help me?  I don't know how to report people for disrupting gamelay and excessive teamkilling.  I have the screenshots, so would someone please be kind enough to take them to where they're needed to go?  The website is http://www.putfile.com/dhoar4
Good luck bro`
hello dhoar...
i find is strange that u would post up your few little screenshots when infact at last count i have 34 of both u and ure friend solidius_snake000 teamkilling, abusing and disrupting the gameplay of other people on the servers. in ure own screenshot it shows u teamkilling 2 other people also with the team damage comment underneath. I shall also send in my screenshots in the next few days including one from today where u abused our clan and made comments in regards to our members. i also have fraps of when u came into my squad a while back and told me you were going to hunt me down and find me along with other abuse. It might also interest you that we have records of the death threats which u posted on our forums directed towards one of our members.
+151|6687|Forest Lake, Australia

Please retain your self from abusive language! Thank you

Edited by Boris


Last edited by dhoar4 (2006-06-15 06:30:55)

+151|6687|Forest Lake, Australia
Notice how the two wankers signed up just to have a crack at me...Pathetic...And I never want to be in SPAM...Ever.  So save your breath with the rumours.  We're too good for SPAM
With language like that, I'm surprised that more ppl don't complain about you Dhoar.  Infact I'm surprised that the Admins in this forum don't kick you from the site.  My 8 year old son expresses himself better than you.  Oh sorry, maybe that was a little harsh (on my son), cause my cat expresses itself better than you.

I love how you blame our whole clan for your little spates.  Cant say that I can see my nick in any of these pictures.  Come to think of it, cant say that I have had the pleasure of playing on the same server as you.  Maybe one day soon...

Last edited by SpamEagleye (2006-06-15 09:26:52)

AKA: badhq
+937|6783|Derby, England

dhoar4 wrote:


Please retain your self from abusive language! Thank you

Edited by Boris

Please behave on forums and think before you post. Can we try and keep this civil ?

Thank you

Peace Boris
Okay just for clarification we ARE talking about a video game right???  Press charges....disconnect from internet...haha you guys throw empty threats around like a monkey tosses poop.  Do me a favor DO NOT COME TO SF we dont need your kind there....lots of racist in SF, lots of ownage in SF, Lots of swearing and yelling in SF, lots of Baserape in SF.....but yet no one cries like this.
+151|6687|Forest Lake, Australia
I don't think that post that got removed was that bad at all.  It was upfront and honest, which obviously no one is on here.  I'd really like to see if you spam bitches can talk trash to me if it was in person.  I highly doubt it.  Do me a favour, fuck off from these forums and go back to your own.
+151|6687|Forest Lake, Australia

dhoar4 wrote:


Please retain your self from abusive language! Thank you

Edited by Boris

And it's REFRAIN...Not retain
+8|6905|Battlefield in australia
ladies and gentlemen, PLEASE share the love!!!!

Its just a game. its just a game. ITS JUST A GAME!!!!!!

dhoar, grow up. people are obviously not interested in you complaining SOOOOOOO much. TK'ing happens, thats enevitable. deal with it. EVERYONE has TK'ed someone else at least once in the game (on purpose or mostly by accident)

if SPAM clan annoys you so much, play on another server...or if you MUST play on the same server as SPAM, go on the opposing side and kill the spam members all round long and get points for it too.

i have sound recording equpitment on my setup (the DJ thing) and i have on a number of occasions heard you hurl abuse over the VOIP when you join the squad i was in...and i have recorded it for future use.

but please dont ruin the game for others and accusing a WHOLE clan of cheating and disrupting YOUR game when you yourself are guilty of the same offenses. "let he who is without sin, throw the first grenade"

you have a problem and you need to seek proffessional help. i hope you dont speak to your mother with that mouth. either dont play, or take anger management classes.

captain, SPAM clan
+151|6687|Forest Lake, Australia

MikeBlades wrote:

ladies and gentlemen, PLEASE share the love!!!!

Its just a game. its just a game. ITS JUST A GAME!!!!!!

dhoar, grow up. people are obviously not interested in you complaining SOOOOOOO much. TK'ing happens, thats enevitable. deal with it. EVERYONE has TK'ed someone else at least once in the game (on purpose or mostly by accident)

if SPAM clan annoys you so much, play on another server...or if you MUST play on the same server as SPAM, go on the opposing side and kill the spam members all round long and get points for it too.

i have sound recording equpitment on my setup (the DJ thing) and i have on a number of occasions heard you hurl abuse over the VOIP when you join the squad i was in...and i have recorded it for future use.

but please dont ruin the game for others and accusing a WHOLE clan of cheating and disrupting YOUR game when you yourself are guilty of the same offenses. "let he who is without sin, throw the first grenade"

you have a problem and you need to seek proffessional help. i hope you dont speak to your mother with that mouth. either dont play, or take anger management classes.

captain, SPAM clan
Another idiot.  Unbelieveable. 
I have never said that you guys cheat.  I HAVE said that [d3m0]Fr33zE, Count.Venom, Jaybirrd, SyisRad, E-Pod, Deadly Opponent, Suicide and occasianally Meducca are extremley disrepectful.  And it started with Freeze and Venom.  I've read your rules to being in the Spam Clan, and it says tk on purpose will not be tolerated.  It has also said that abusive language/nature will not be tolerated and it doesn't matter who started it.  Please keep up with your rules so EVERYONE follows them.  It's not fair on everybody else that plays with or against them.  If you want more screenshots, I have them.  But do your job within SPAM
Get your body beat.

SpamEagleye wrote:

It always amazes me when I find a thread like this, written by an idiot trying to complain about ppl who he believes are idiots.  SPAM has a clan of over 30 members.  He comes across a couple who own him and pawn him and he can't do anything about it, so he puts the whole clan down..

SPAM Clan Senior Captain
i have seen many spam members doing the same to others who all they did was play the game and played it well. It was the other way round, spam getting owned, and spam figthing back with childish names, and then my fav, taken from another almighty AUS clan, spawn rape those players and even knive and revive to a degree. i remember the admin request in IRC well.

I have only had one runin with a spam member, I dont know what happened in this post, but seeing and hearing of your clans past behaviour, maybe this was in fact due to the actions of a spam player?

You'll find that generaly a few players in one clan act like tards, the whole clan act like tards.

Dhoar4, if they want to follow you around, go play internode. IF they hassel you, dont give them anything back. Screenshot them, screenshot the scoreboard to confirm the server and report them. Internode admins will take action. once again i stress not to do anything back while on node, you could find yourself in trouble also.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6732|Melbourne, Australia.
@Dhoar, for the very few times that someone has posted on our forums accusing SPAM of tking, we punished, to some extent, the person that TKed, the clan does follow the rules set by our captains, and you know nothing about what goes on behind the scenes at SPAM in order to keep the reputation of the clan a positive one. You seem to have a fetish with calling people idiots, everyone who is against you is an idiot in your eyes, really, like I said, get over yourself.

Krimson, I agree with one of your points, if one, or a few members act like tards, then it drags the reputation of the whole clan down as being 'base raping, spawn killing, insulting fags'. Its like that in everyday life -> 1 person does something, it drags alot of other people down too.
Get your body beat.

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

Krimson, I agree with one of your points, if one, or a few members act like tards, then it drags the reputation of the whole clan down as being 'base raping, spawn killing, insulting fags'. Its like that in everyday life -> 1 person does something, it drags alot of other people down too.
sometimes, a clan will have one dick in the clan, other times those dicks group togeather (i know very few spam members so i cant comment on the status of all your members)

I think what needs to happen is both sides apologise. When i had personal issues with another clan, after i cooled down, i apologised. Australia doesnt  have the mass clan serves like other countries do, so both sides will see  each other at some point.

Suck in your pride, deflate your heads and say sorry, put it behind you. The community is that small, so your gaming experience wont be as bad when you do come in contact.

Others may call me a wanker for saying that, but here that aint a choice pick of good ping servers like USA.

It takes more of a man to stand up and say sorry than one wanting to continue a fight.

saying sorry is good for the karma

Last edited by kontrolcrimson (2006-06-15 20:20:33)

maybe you should stop armor whoring and they will leave you alone .. all but one pic has you in armor how sad!!!
+151|6687|Forest Lake, Australia

kontrolcrimson wrote:

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

Krimson, I agree with one of your points, if one, or a few members act like tards, then it drags the reputation of the whole clan down as being 'base raping, spawn killing, insulting fags'. Its like that in everyday life -> 1 person does something, it drags alot of other people down too.
sometimes, a clan will have one dick in the clan, other times those dicks group togeather (i know very few spam members so i cant comment on the status of all your members)

I think what needs to happen is both sides apologise. When i had personal issues with another clan, after i cooled down, i apologised. Australia doesnt  have the mass clan serves like other countries do, so both sides will see  each other at some point.

Suck in your pride, deflate your heads and say sorry, put it behind you. The community is that small, so your gaming experience wont be as bad when you do come in contact.

Others may call me a wanker for saying that, but here that aint a choice pick of good ping servers like USA.

It takes more of a man to stand up and say sorry than one wanting to continue a fight.

saying sorry is good for the karma
I am honestly willing to say sorry, but I won't do it until [d3m0]Fr33zE is kicked out.  You say one person can drag a clan down.  That would be him. he is an absolute disgrace.  And if Count.Venom continues with his shit, he'll need to be taught a lesson as well.  I will only speak to the leader of SPAM.  I don't know who it is, and I don't care who it is.  As long as they are respectful and LISTEN to what I have to say, I don't have a problem with listening to them.  I'm sure there is some agreement that can be worked out, but I'm telling you right now, nothing will be worked out if [d3m0]Fr33zE is kept in your clan.  Get the leader of SPAM to ask for my email address and I can talk over MSN

Last edited by dhoar4 (2006-06-15 21:27:43)

+151|6687|Forest Lake, Australia

squeeky1025 wrote:

maybe you should stop armor whoring and they will leave you alone .. all but one pic has you in armor how sad!!!
HAHAHAHA...They only start with their shit when I'm in armour...Look at my armour stats compared to theirs.  Get a life mate.
Well what can I say, I was giving you a taste of your own. I was sitting there waiting for you to team kill me as I was waiting for the tank to respawn as I died and guess what DHOR team killed me for the tank, I have the screen shots, so I thought I will repay him.

AS a member of SPAM we have about 30+ screenies of this guy team killing us for ARMOUR and when we go commander.

We have had nothing but problems with him and his girlfriend solidus snake coming to our forums swearing there head off, so we banned them.

suicide*spam* wrote:

Well what can I say, I was giving you a taste of your own. I was sitting there waiting for you to team kill me as I was waiting for the tank to respawn as I died and guess what DHOR team killed me for the tank, I have the screen shots, so I thought I will repay him.

AS a member of SPAM we have about 30+ screenies of this guy team killing us for ARMOUR and when we go commander.

We have had nothing but problems with him and his girlfriend solidus snake coming to our forums swearing there head off, so we banned them.
see you are a ARMOR WHORE BITCH!!!
your complaining about that ....wow....and that girl in the pic with you and your bro is ass wipe ugly
+151|6687|Forest Lake, Australia

bigp66 wrote:

your complaining about that ....wow....and that girl in the pic with you and your bro is ass wipe ugly
What the fuck?  I know she's ugly...Now piss off
Well check my stats almost 1,000hrs and 100hrs in armour, Mmmm how does it work, how do I post screenies and I will post about 20 screenies of DHOR team killing me when I am a COMMANDer and reviving me and team killing me over till he got banned.
+151|6687|Forest Lake, Australia

suicide*spam* wrote:

Well what can I say, I was giving you a taste of your own. I was sitting there waiting for you to team kill me as I was waiting for the tank to respawn as I died and guess what DHOR team killed me for the tank, I have the screen shots, so I thought I will repay him.

AS a member of SPAM we have about 30+ screenies of this guy team killing us for ARMOUR and when we go commander.

We have had nothing but problems with him and his girlfriend solidus snake coming to our forums swearing there head off, so we banned them.
Jesus Christ.  You guys don't give up do you?  I just said I was willing to apologise as long as we can work something out, and this wanker comes on and tries to fuck it up.  I tk for vehicles AFTER [d3m0]Fr33zE and Count.Venom and Jaybirrd tk me for them.  THAT'S the reason why we hate your clan.  get the facts right before you start throwing shit around

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