
Is it fair to be kicked/banned for what happened here.

Yes34%34% - 83
No65%65% - 159
Total: 242
Finnish commander whore
Stealing plane from enemy uncap is worst baseraping u can do.

Jussimies wrote:

Stealing plane from enemy uncap is worst baseraping u can do.
Why,  his opponents were dumb enough to let it be on the ground where it could be stolen in the first place.  The SU-30/SU-34 is the best bomber in the game.  They are better than the F-15 imho. 

He was killing a guy trying to prevent him from stealing the plane.  That's self defense.
The first true Sniper.
+95|6681|Cumberland, MD, USA
In my eyes it's fine for you to do waht you did; it's self-defense killing someone who is about to kill you. It's perfectly fine to steal vehicles in most servers; I haven't ran into one that didn't allow it. I think it's super dumb to not allow it.
Former Karkand Addict
+32|6621|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Yes, the admin had every right to kick/ban because you are not allowed to use vehicle weapons in the uncaps, but you are allowed to kill the enemy with vehicle contact like wing clipping.  The admins there once again prove they are some of the best.

Jussimies wrote:

Stealing plane from enemy uncap is worst baseraping u can do.
That's not base raping...  You are allowed to steal vehicles, you just can't shoot their weapons until you have left the uncapable base.  Stealing vehicles is great fun and should always be allowed...
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6832|Idaho, USA / Age 30
You shouldn't have been kicked.  That is just ridiculous.

PFCStenzel wrote:

You shouldn't have been kicked.  That is just ridiculous.
He should have been kicked, as it was AGAINST THE RULES TO FIRE A VEHICLE MOUNTED WEAPON INSIDE THE UNCAPABLE BASE!  Geesh you people are stupid.  Learn to friggin' read and remember, YOU aren't the final say, the rules and Admins are... o_O

Klaarg wrote:

PFCStenzel wrote:

You shouldn't have been kicked.  That is just ridiculous.
He should have been kicked, as it was AGAINST THE RULES TO FIRE A VEHICLE MOUNTED WEAPON INSIDE THE UNCAPABLE BASE!  Geesh you people are stupid.  Learn to friggin' read and remember, YOU aren't the final say, the rules and Admins are... o_O
So he's supposed to let an admin kill him without trying to defend himself?  I'll remember that if you if you come into a server I admin and kill me with a vehicle in an uncap.

I think the spawn camping/spawn raping rules apply to something like the following.  Continously entering uncap bases without first capturing all the other flags.  Killing people as soon as they spawn without them having a chance to move, let alone aim a weapon.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-06-15 03:42:57)


DSRTurtle wrote:

Klaarg wrote:

PFCStenzel wrote:

You shouldn't have been kicked.  That is just ridiculous.
He should have been kicked, as it was AGAINST THE RULES TO FIRE A VEHICLE MOUNTED WEAPON INSIDE THE UN CAPABLE BASE!  Geesh you people are stupid.  Learn to friggin' read and remember, YOU aren't the final say, the rules and Admins are... o_O
So he's supposed to let an admin kill him without trying to defend himself?  I'll remember that if you if you come into a server I admin and kill me with a vehicle in an uncap.

I think the spawn camping/spawn raping rules apply to something like the following.  Continuously entering uncap bases without first capturing all the other flags.  Killing people as soon as they spawn without them having a chance to move, let alone aim a weapon.
First off, spawn camping as infantry IS ALLOWED and I think you think TOO MUCH, because you are not involved in the mentioned server and you obviously don't know the rules there.  The rule is simple and there's no room for debate.  You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to fire a vehicle mounted weapon into or inside the uncaps, if you are the enemy.  It's that simple.  No defending yourself or any other bullshit excuse.  THERE IS NO FIRING ALLOWED from a vehicle mounted weapon.  You can snipe, C-4, use your hand held machine guns or rocket launchers or grenades all day if you wish.  That means a plane can't bomb or machine gun the Essex or the main MEC base.  The plane CAN wingtip or ram, if he desires, just no weapons fire.  You can use boats or LAVs to GET to the Essex, you just can't fire on it with their weapons.  Once on the Essex, you can't jump in a Blackhawk, Attack Chopper or Jet and shoot the men or equipment, but you can steal and fly off in them.  You can steal equipment from the main MEC base, but the firing of vehicle mounted weapons, INCLUDING A/A is forbidden.  If you are in a jet, flying over the main MEC base or the Essex, you can fire on air born planes and choppers, so long as they aren't in the process of taking off and have had a chance to complete a left or right turn.  In the case of the chopper taking off, it should be clear of the deck of the ship and be over the water when you fire on it, after it's take-off.  The reasons for these rules are simply to not allow those with much better systems and skills, to always immediately have the game winning advantage, thereby stacking the teams for an unfair game, which ends the round too soon and takes the fun out of the game for half the players.  If your idea of fun is mommy and daddy buying you the best system money can buy and coming to servers to rape bases and unfairly beat out those that aren't as fortunate as you, then move along.  We'd like everyone to get a chance to enjoy the game.  Not just those who have fast computers, nice hacks and great gaming skills.  If you can't see the sense in that, then go play Unreal Tournament or some other ego boosting gore fest, with no real sense of team work or fair play...
It's funny, the guy who started this post gets it now and abides by the rules.  The rest of you are arguing for no reason, since you don't know the rules and obviously just think your opinion is more important than the actual rules that have been put in place.  It's simple, follow the rules and have fun or get warned, then kicked and eventually banned...  But, EA has plenty of servers for you to play on, so save yourself the trouble and go there first, if you feel you can't abide by the rules...

Last edited by Klaarg (2006-06-15 12:58:42)

Nuke Um Good
+12|6778|San Clemente

Lin wrote:

Yes, and you apparently got yourself banned from ours. We don't ban for minor crap like that, so my guess is that like most players who get their toys taken away, you were probably doing more than your story would imply. That is what we find 90% of the time when we review logs, etc. After all...it wouldn't make you look good in this thread if you admitted to doing more than what you're admitting to, would it?

For the record and then I'm done here...we don't allow base camping because we want the game to remain FUN. Some like that, some don't...no big deal. We define base camping as shooting from vehicles. It is legal to base camp using infantry, commander arty, and you can certainly squish (run over) players in vehicles. We also allow ghetto ladas.

Server rules can be found on our web site.

Like anyones gunna go to this fag's server/site/clan anymore.. may want to put a leesh on your admin buddy...

Last edited by dietcokeBF2 (2006-06-15 13:52:33)


dietcokeBF2 wrote:

Lin wrote:

Yes, and you apparently got yourself banned from ours. We don't ban for minor crap like that, so my guess is that like most players who get their toys taken away, you were probably doing more than your story would imply. That is what we find 90% of the time when we review logs, etc. After all...it wouldn't make you look good in this thread if you admitted to doing more than what you're admitting to, would it?

For the record and then I'm done here...we don't allow base camping because we want the game to remain FUN. Some like that, some don't...no big deal. We define base camping as shooting from vehicles. It is legal to base camp using infantry, commander arty, and you can certainly squish (run over) players in vehicles. We also allow ghetto ladas.

Server rules can be found on our web site.

like anyones gunna go to this fag server/site/clan anymore, may want to put a leesh on your admin buddy...
I am amazed at the itellectual level of your post.  You sir, are a class act.  I bet your parents are proud of the way you're turning out...  I hope the state you live in, hasn't passed a ban on your procreating, as we need more like you in this world...   putz

Klaarg wrote:

First off, spawn camping as infantry IS ALLOWED and I think you think TOO MUCH, because you are not involved in the mentioned server and you obviously don't know the rules there.  The rule is simple and there's no room for debate.  You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to fire a vehicle mounted weapon into or inside the uncaps, if you are the enemy.  It's that simple.  No defending yourself or any other bullshit excuse.  THERE IS NO FIRING ALLOWED from a vehicle mounted weapon.  You can snipe, C-4, use your hand held machine guns or rocket launchers or grenades all day if you wish.  That means a plane can't bomb or machine gun the Essex or the main MEC base.  The plane CAN wingtip or ram, if he desires, just no weapons fire.  You can use boats or LAVs to GET to the Essex, you just can't fire on it with their weapons.  Once on the Essex, you can't jump in a Blackhawk, Attack Chopper or Jet and shoot the men or equipment, but you can steal and fly off in them.  You can steal equipment from the main MEC base, but the firing of vehicle mounted weapons, INCLUDING A/A is forbidden.  If you are in a jet, flying over the main MEC base or the Essex, you can fire on air born planes and choppers, so long as they aren't in the process of taking off and have had a chance to complete a left or right turn.  In the case of the chopper taking off, it should be clear of the deck of the ship and be over the water when you fire on it, after it's take-off.  The reasons for these rules are simply to not allow those with much better systems and skills, to always immediately have the game winning advantage, thereby stacking the teams for an unfair game, which ends the round too soon and takes the fun out of the game for half the players.  If your idea of fun is mommy and daddy buying you the best system money can buy and coming to servers to rape bases and unfairly beat out those that aren't as fortunate as you, then move along.  We'd like everyone to get a chance to enjoy the game.  Not just those who have fast computers, nice hacks and great gaming skills.  If you can't see the sense in that, then go play Unreal Tournament or some other ego boosting gore fest, with no real sense of team work or fair play...
It's funny, the guy who started this post gets it now and abides by the rules.  The rest of you are arguing for no reason, since you don't know the rules and obviously just think your opinion is more important than the actual rules that have been put in place.  It's simple, follow the rules and have fun or get warned, then kicked and eventually banned...  But, EA has plenty of servers for you to play on, so save yourself the trouble and go there first, if you feel you can't abide by the rules...
That is too damned complicated for anyone to understand.  You need to change your rules to read either no vehicle stealing or no attacking uncaps altogether because as it is, I don't see how anyone can understand what is and what is not allowed. 

Which is I why I no longer play there.

BTW, I have an older computer and a mediocre video card that i have to make due with.
Destroy Noob Cannons
Attention people of the forum...


That is all.
+101|6714|Southern California
Your poll question leaves no answer but that it was fair to boot you for the published rules offense with the caveat that they always boot anyone for the same offense, inlcuding admins.

Klaarq is absolutely right no arguments there. You broke the rules. You walk the plank...I understand what they are trying to do and they have the loyal happy clientele to support the rules so leave them alone.

Do I like those rules? naaaa  Strategic team-play is almost negated by rules turning BF2 into some kind of 1980s space invaders videogame, but it is within the ROE so let them do it.

btw I stopped playing moongamers servers because on Karkand I was USMC driving to the suburbs in armor with my squad m8 when an AT gunner fired at us from an alley (spawn point), killing my m8 on the MG. Without ever stopping, not even slowing any, I fired and killed the AT gunner, popped smoke and continued up the street past the Square only to be kicked for "spawn camping with armor near the Hotel" lmao  and yes, since you asked, the AT gunner was an admin....fortunately for all of us most admins don't use their kick/ban tools as if they were TK punish voting.

No worries, there are so many good servers out there I lost only a minute or two of game time.
Well i guess you "violated" the server rules, the fact that the server even has rules is ridiculous...Go play on rubberducky or something where EVERYTHING GOES, this noobs wonder why they get owned all the time ITS CAUSE THEY SUCK, what the hell was the bomber doing there anyway??? Anytime i play on a decent team there's always 1-2 guys waiting for the bomber and it NEVER sits there unused........If a team is bad enough to leave it there well screw up they deserve to get raped and you deserve the points....MoonGamers is a BAD server admins are < 18 and cry when you go 30-0 in a plane or APC then they kick/ban you...i just laugh and go play on the other 1400 servers out there...let the baby have its bottle.
Nuke Um Good
+12|6778|San Clemente
hahah look what Klaarg said... you in that clan too?

Today 13:15:06      -1      Was admin decision fair to kick/ban me ?      frigging idiot

Last edited by dietcokeBF2 (2006-06-15 13:51:32)

+101|6714|Southern California

DSRTurtle wrote:

Klaarg wrote:

First off, spawn camping as infantry IS ALLOWED and I think you think TOO MUCH, because you are not involved in the mentioned server and you obviously don't know the rules there.  The rule is simple and there's no room for debate.  You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to fire a vehicle mounted weapon into or inside the uncaps, if you are the enemy.  It's that simple.  No defending yourself or any other bullshit excuse.  THERE IS NO FIRING ALLOWED from a vehicle mounted weapon.  You can snipe, C-4, use your hand held machine guns or rocket launchers or grenades all day if you wish.  That means a plane can't bomb or machine gun the Essex or the main MEC base.  The plane CAN wingtip or ram, if he desires, just no weapons fire.  You can use boats or LAVs to GET to the Essex, you just can't fire on it with their weapons.  Once on the Essex, you can't jump in a Blackhawk, Attack Chopper or Jet and shoot the men or equipment, but you can steal and fly off in them.  You can steal equipment from the main MEC base, but the firing of vehicle mounted weapons, INCLUDING A/A is forbidden.  If you are in a jet, flying over the main MEC base or the Essex, you can fire on air born planes and choppers, so long as they aren't in the process of taking off and have had a chance to complete a left or right turn.  In the case of the chopper taking off, it should be clear of the deck of the ship and be over the water when you fire on it, after it's take-off.  The reasons for these rules are simply to not allow those with much better systems and skills, to always immediately have the game winning advantage, thereby stacking the teams for an unfair game, which ends the round too soon and takes the fun out of the game for half the players.  If your idea of fun is mommy and daddy buying you the best system money can buy and coming to servers to rape bases and unfairly beat out those that aren't as fortunate as you, then move along.  We'd like everyone to get a chance to enjoy the game.  Not just those who have fast computers, nice hacks and great gaming skills.  If you can't see the sense in that, then go play Unreal Tournament or some other ego boosting gore fest, with no real sense of team work or fair play...
It's funny, the guy who started this post gets it now and abides by the rules.  The rest of you are arguing for no reason, since you don't know the rules and obviously just think your opinion is more important than the actual rules that have been put in place.  It's simple, follow the rules and have fun or get warned, then kicked and eventually banned...  But, EA has plenty of servers for you to play on, so save yourself the trouble and go there first, if you feel you can't abide by the rules...
That is too damned complicated for anyone to understand.  You need to change your rules to read either no vehicle stealing or no attacking uncaps altogether because as it is, I don't see how anyone can understand what is and what is not allowed. 

Which is I why I no longer play there.

BTW, I have an older computer and a mediocre video card that i have to make due with.
Turtle, lol come on m8 you understood those rules thoroughly, admit it  

Rules are great as long as everyone is held equally accountable when breaking them, even respected admins. For me too many game-balance impacting rules ruin the fun. Since people either like a) getting alot of stats or b) winning games, servers are specializing to their loyal following or bill payer desires. Free enterprise at work. If people weren't focussed on increasing individual stats then base camping/raping etc would almost never work because someone would always be on base security missions and kill the invaders before they got a foot in the door.

Bf2 was designed so if you lose key terrain(caps) and your bases of operation(assets/spawn points) you will lose the game, kinda like irl! To the non-camp rules writers, what is so hard to understand about that simple fact? Strategic play is part of the game balance. Player ignorance of operational imperatives causes game balance modification. All camping rules conspire to reduce or eliminate the strategic aspects of the game. idk where I started the rant but it ends here. [/rant]

There are many servers that allow open strategy use them m8.
+101|6714|Southern California

Lin wrote:

Yes, and you apparently got yourself banned from ours. We don't ban for minor crap like that, so my guess is that like most players who get their toys taken away, you were probably doing more than your story would imply. That is what we find 90% of the time when we review logs, etc. After all...it wouldn't make you look good in this thread if you admitted to doing more than what you're admitting to, would it?

For the record and then I'm done here...we don't allow base camping because we want the game to remain FUN. Some like that, some don't...no big deal. We define base camping as shooting from vehicles. It is legal to base camp using infantry, commander arty, and you can certainly squish (run over) players in vehicles. We also allow ghetto ladas.

Server rules can be found on our web site.

The operative word you used is "guess". Yes you are guessing (or where when you wrote this) and basing the rest of your comments on your guess!!! Have you any facts specific to this complaint to post? I was booted from moongamers for far far less than this guys claimed offense. I suggest it is better to investigate and get facts first then make your opinion known. As good as moongamers is, and it is good for some, it isn't perfect and being populated by humans so demands verification before judgement is rendered.

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-06-15 14:42:57)

Ops, perhaps I should have stated more clearly that Klaarg's explanation is too damn complicated to understand.  Also the "rules" are the reason are why I don't play on their servers anymore. 

My whole problem with them is they kicked a guy for 1, stealing a vehicle, which is legal, 2, acting in self defense, it's war too bad for them, 3, i have seen them selectively enforce the rules.

If you or anyelse thinks that I won't kill you in the same way when I steal your most powerful weapon then your nuts.  My orginal reply asked what was the bomber doing on the ground in the first place where it could be stolen. 

If they were that dumb then they deserve what they got.  The guy who stole it was wronged because the team the admin was on was stupid for letting it get stolen.
+101|6714|Southern California

DSRTurtle wrote:

Ops, perhaps I should have stated more clearly that Klaarg's explanation is too damn complicated to understand.  Also the "rules" are the reason are why I don't play on their servers anymore. 

My whole problem with them is they kicked a guy for 1, stealing a vehicle, which is legal, 2, acting in self defense, it's war too bad for them, 3, i have seen them selectively enforce the rules.

If you or anyelse thinks that I won't kill you in the same way when I steal your most powerful weapon then your nuts.  My orginal reply asked what was the bomber doing on the ground in the first place where it could be stolen. 

If they were that dumb then they deserve what they got.  The guy who stole it was wronged because the team the admin was on was stupid for letting it get stolen.
I hear ya m8,
but the poll asked -
Question: if it was right to boot for breaking rules. Answer: yes.
Question: Are the rules right? Answer: yes, according to the ROE these rules are allowed.
Question: Was Kick justified? Answer:Yes

Some focussed on whether they liked the rules -
Question: Do we like these rules? Answer: nope, too unreal for my preference, yours too. lol
Question: Should people play on servers with rules they don't like? Answer: no.
Question: Why remove a major portion of the strategic component of BF2? Answer: reduces chaos.

two different arguments.

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-06-15 17:59:21)

+8|6674|Lakeside, Ca
I think it was crap. Sometimes people die on Spec Ops missions. And you had to ensure your safe return to the carrier by smoking the tank and the troops. I say you did everything correctly.
+31|6581|New Jersey
hahah i got kicked from moongamers for killing the admin too much..i believe moongamers is a bit unfair
+1,153|6668|Washington, DC

Retarded kickban IMO, you were firing in self defense. IF you had taken off then kept bombing them to hell and back it would've been fine, or if you rolled around in a tank for a while before taking off it would've made sense. But sounds like the admin just had a stick up his ass.

EDIT: Yeah I've seen the admins only enforce certain rules, especially on Karkand. They have a no armor camping the USMC main or MEC Hotel rule, but rarely is it enforced. Apparently it's fine the the BTR raping the USMC is out of distance where you can't see it, but once its in range to get killed its not ok.

Last edited by ExecutionerStyle (2006-06-15 18:29:35)


OpsChief wrote:

Your poll question leaves no answer but that it was fair to boot you for the published rules offense with the caveat that they always boot anyone for the same offense, inlcuding admins.

Klaarq is absolutely right no arguments there. You broke the rules. You walk the plank...I understand what they are trying to do and they have the loyal happy clientele to support the rules so leave them alone.

Do I like those rules? naaaa  Strategic team-play is almost negated by rules turning BF2 into some kind of 1980s space invaders videogame, but it is within the ROE so let them do it.

btw I stopped playing moongamers servers because on Karkand I was USMC driving to the suburbs in armor with my squad m8 when an AT gunner fired at us from an alley (spawn point), killing my m8 on the MG. Without ever stopping, not even slowing any, I fired and killed the AT gunner, popped smoke and continued up the street past the Square only to be kicked for "spawn camping with armor near the Hotel" lmao  and yes, since you asked, the AT gunner was an admin....fortunately for all of us most admins don't use their kick/ban tools as if they were TK punish voting.

No worries, there are so many good servers out there I lost only a minute or two of game time.
You shouldn't have been kicked and had you come to our forums and told us the situation, it may have helped in the weeding process.  But to be honest, I rarely play on that server myself as I don't like the way the rules work on there.  We have very few rules on our Special Forces server and it always seems to run very well.
+101|6714|Southern California

Klaarg wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

Your poll question leaves no answer but that it was fair to boot you for the published rules offense with the caveat that they always boot anyone for the same offense, inlcuding admins.

Klaarq is absolutely right no arguments there. You broke the rules. You walk the plank...I understand what they are trying to do and they have the loyal happy clientele to support the rules so leave them alone.

Do I like those rules? naaaa  Strategic team-play is almost negated by rules turning BF2 into some kind of 1980s space invaders videogame, but it is within the ROE so let them do it.

btw I stopped playing moongamers servers because on Karkand I was USMC driving to the suburbs in armor with my squad m8 when an AT gunner fired at us from an alley (spawn point), killing my m8 on the MG. Without ever stopping, not even slowing any, I fired and killed the AT gunner, popped smoke and continued up the street past the Square only to be kicked for "spawn camping with armor near the Hotel" lmao  and yes, since you asked, the AT gunner was an admin....fortunately for all of us most admins don't use their kick/ban tools as if they were TK punish voting.

No worries, there are so many good servers out there I lost only a minute or two of game time.
You shouldn't have been kicked and had you come to our forums and told us the situation, it may have helped in the weeding process.  But to be honest, I rarely play on that server myself as I don't like the way the rules work on there.  We have very few rules on our Special Forces server and it always seems to run very well.
Ok cool, I'll check out the SF, is that the server you are usually on? I'm an SF noob, just loaded it last week or two!  As to the one "mobile armored camping event" on Moongamers-Karkand that was the last straw in a string of hasty admin decisions and rule changes, so was not the main event lol.  It's the rules that are more the bother not the rare reactionary admin.

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