If 99% of the people punish for Tk's and only 1% do not. WHY THE FUCK DOES EVERYONE HAVE THAT ON THEIR PROFILE?!!!!!
Have you seen my nutz?
clicks *page up*

Last edited by My_pet_squirrel (2006-06-14 12:36:44)

Cursed You
Cause theres probably millions of players on this game and the 18,000 who come on here dont punish for tk's?
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6774|Los Angeles, California, US.
OMGWTFH4X, Conspiracy.
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
+48|6841|United States of America
Read my sig one more time and you might get it.
I know what it means.
+46|6674|Middle of nowhere, California
i dont kno of anyone that has it on their profile... are u sure?
Mass Media Casualty

It's because people want to say "I don't punish teamkills, I'm a good guy!" but really it was no more than a chain-letter type mentality where one person wanted their little writing to show up on a bunch of other people's signatures. It's not only one percent of people who forgive teamkills, I'd like to suggest that more do, it just gives those who have it an elitist feeling. Fair enough.

I don't punish for teamkills either, but I won't join your elitist club, sorry.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+46|6674|Middle of nowhere, California
actually i honestly dont punish for tks, unless the guy is really pissing me off or it was a tk for a vehicle like a jet or heli... especially those fukkers that tk u out of the jets wit M95s b4 you take off
+60|6860|USA, Arizona
I never considered it as an elitist thing at all, dunno where you got that from but I figured it would've been a nice thing to do and let people know I wouldn't deliberately punish someone as soon as they TK me, usually I'm aware it was an accident, or if I don't, I wait the whole 15 seconds for them to apologize, with or without the game command voice "Sorry, my bad." at least a typo'd "srry." would help.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6837|Tampa Bay Florida
I don't know why anyone cares if people punish.  If you get kicked, rejoin the server.  If you get banned, oh well, find a different one.  If it's your favorite server, go to the website of the clan/company which hosts the server with screenshots and explain the situation to them.  They will most likely unban you, and if they don't, it probably wasn't the best server to play in to begin with.

It's not a big-ass deal.  For the record - I don't usually punish, unless it was something extremely dumb and stupid or they're smacktards.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-06-15 00:46:36)

Finnish commander whore
I think I am only one who forgives...
It's false statistics anyways, so don't get hyped up about it.
+46|6674|Middle of nowhere, California

CrazeD wrote:

It's false statistics anyways, so don't get hyped up about it.
why get hyped up about it anyways... im sure some of us actually dont.. we should be getting hyped up about those that press the "Page Up" button as if it was a reflex

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