+27|6790|Melbourne, Australia
Im a follower of a certain code of honour. Yeah im a sniper and i kill from afar, but thats something different. What im talking about is the FOOLS who take out there knives and challenge you to a duel. This has happened to me to many times. I am in the perfect position to gain an easy kill by pistoling the person as they run towards me, but instead, i choose to accept there challenge and take out my knife for a fight. In some cases, we run and take a couple of swings, and then i notice that the person starts backing off and then takes out there pistol and proceeds to shoot me point blank. What really pisses me off about this is that THEY initiate the challenge by coming at you with a knife in the first place, and then keeping it out when you notice them. There is no honour in backing out of your own challenge! NO HONOUR! They should all be GLOVESLAPPED! and if im in a really bad mood i think they should be sent to a prison cell filled with bikies who havent seen the light of day for 10 years with a sticker on there arse saying "batter up"

Im wondering what the rest of the community thinks of these actions.
+139|6819|Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Maybe they think they're more clever than you and can get get a cheap kill.
I always knife till the end, but I hate it when another player comes in and shoots the other guy.
lol usually a nice free kill that I will take every single time. You spawned with guns no matter what kit you are if you don't use em there are consequences
If u want knife kills just climb buildings and knife the snipers up there dont bother with knife fights
Well.... let me put it that way.... That's stupid... bringing a knife to a gunfight
Next time, shoot that M&7!3rF*ck3r in the face! Haven't seen something like honour in BF2 yet.
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6772|Britain and Damn proud of it!
Yes i hate it when people do that as well, however i usually manage to avoid being killed by using uber 1337 bullet dodging techniques and knife the bastard.. then tea-bag his corpse

A mere Shadow|= wrote:

then tea-bag his corpse
Can't forget the teabag, it just has to be done sometimes.
your in compitition against each other if he tricked you to drop your gun and pull your knoife then proceed to pull his props to him he outsmarted you
Sniping with the pistol...
I think I've said this before:

In battlefield 2 there is not honor. Videogames do not have an honor system. Sun Tzu wrote a book, you might of heard of it. It's called the Art of War, that book had honor, the Japanese had honor. Honor instills disipline in people. What honor is there in a game where you can be run down by a 5 ton jet and not see the conciquences, I doubt that they are going to kill themselves because they dishonored themself.

Now, how is one ment to be able to ensure that the moron on the other computer who tked you gets a proper beating because he tked you?

I dream of a teamkilling free battlefield 2, where people play properly and don't abuse the game. Sdaly that day isn't going to come sometime soon.

Whitegreek wrote:

I think I've said this before:
I dream of a teamkilling free battlefield 2, where people play properly and don't abuse the game. Sdaly that day isn't going to come sometime soon.
No, there would be nothing to complain, no smile when a TK is kicked, no anger which makes me better, no fun in following a TK around waiting for make hime a second one (hehe).... and you see real life here !!!
oh hai :D
+156|6797|The Netherlands

Hawk390 wrote:

Im a follower of a certain code of honour. Yeah im a sniper and i kill from afar, but thats something different. What im talking about is the FOOLS who take out there knives and challenge you to a duel. This has happened to me to many times. I am in the perfect position to gain an easy kill by pistoling the person as they run towards me, but instead, i choose to accept there challenge and take out my knife for a fight. In some cases, we run and take a couple of swings, and then i notice that the person starts backing off and then takes out there pistol and proceeds to shoot me point blank. What really pisses me off about this is that THEY initiate the challenge by coming at you with a knife in the first place, and then keeping it out when you notice them. There is no honour in backing out of your own challenge! NO HONOUR! They should all be GLOVESLAPPED! and if im in a really bad mood i think they should be sent to a prison cell filled with bikies who havent seen the light of day for 10 years with a sticker on there arse saying "batter up"

Im wondering what the rest of the community thinks of these actions.
owww that happend to me soooooo much... getting sick of it... NO HONOUR.
Sniping with the pistol...

schakl wrote:

Whitegreek wrote:

I think I've said this before:
I dream of a teamkilling free battlefield 2, where people play properly and don't abuse the game. Sdaly that day isn't going to come sometime soon.
No, there would be nothing to complain, no smile when a TK is kicked, no anger which makes me better, no fun in following a TK around waiting for make hime a second one (hehe).... and you see real life here !!!
If you get fun out of banning people then you are an sadistic man. If you've ever been server admin it's a real pain in the ass to ban/kick/warn someone every 15 minutes.
thats why you just pause the server and the morons will leave
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

If you think honor comes from a video game you have issues.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Got His War On
+37|6920|Golden, CO
DId you ever consider the guy just wanted an easy knife kill and once you misinterpreted this as a challange to a knife fight and got out your knife, he thought "Oh geez, he saw me but this sucker pulled out his knife!  I'll just kill him now."
dude if someguy has the balls to come charging at me with a knife, its freakin ON! i love knife fights and i hate it when a teammate walks by and shoots the guy knowing we are in a knife fight! WTF? the best knife/shockpaddle kills are when you get that pesky support guy blasting his PKM at you and you get his ribcage!

I get pissed if i run at a guy and he looks at me for 3 seconds running across a street and sees that i have a knife out and waits till the last second to fire, wtf you could have just shot me from afar?! got me excited about a knife fight just to crush my hopes and dreams!

The Cereal Killer
+201|6804| United States of America

l::.:LIAM:.::l wrote:

I show no honor to my enemy's. kill or be killed.. you pull your knife out i pull my assualt rifle.

+190|6771|Home of the Escalade Herds
Honour and BF2 shouldn't be on the same page, let alone paragraph or god forbid, sentence
Jihad God
good thred +1
Too X-Core
+100|6706|laguna beach, ca
as a CS-trained fighter, i know never to take knife fights.


just shoot him in the face.

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