
Bubbalo wrote:

So, are they the ones who authorise the killings of innocent civilians?  I get a little confused by this whole "I may be the senior officer but that just gives me a shiny badge and doesn't mean I'm at all responsible for massacres and torturing of prisoners" thing sometimes.
I hate some of the people on this forum.  I truly do.  If my kids ever grow up and act or think anything like you, I'm kicking them straight the fuck outta the house.

Bubbalo wrote:

Cougar wrote:

Their called NCO's fuckwad.
*They're, nice try though.

So, are they the ones who authorise the killings of innocent civilians?  I get a little confused by this whole "I may be the senior officer but that just gives me a shiny badge and doesn't mean I'm at all responsible for massacres and torturing of prisoners" thing sometimes.

SiMSaM16 wrote:

Marriage is a sacred thing between a man and women (no homos).
Why does it have to be between a man and a woman?
-1 for this and here is my response...

NCO=NON-Commissioned officer no shiny badge, and they dont authorize the killing of innocent ppl, the Commanders authorize the neutralization of enemy combatants look up ROE=rules of engagement ~Recon
You act as though you've read the entire thread (and that includes my reference to another thread), yet you are completely unaware of my explanation of modern marriage. Recon, seriously, I think your role as sidekick is quite needed, in Cougar's case. Maybe, if you two combine your ability to understand and take in words (as per relation to the context, of course), you guys would be making some headway. Until then, you're without use .

Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-12 00:38:27)


Xietsu wrote:

You act as though you've read the entire thread, yet you are completely unaware of my explanation of modern marriage. Recon, seriously, I think your role as sidekick is quite needed, in Cougar's case. Maybe, if you two combine your ability to understand and take in words (as per relation to the context, of course), you guys would be making some headway. Until then, you're without use .
Did you have a hard time squeezing that enormus ego through the internet to arrive at this forum?
I am the one who has a problem with self image? Please Cougar, substantiation is key. All the while I have clearly conveyed this to be true for you, meanwhile you've been evidencing such all along the way. And me? Please...I'd like to hear .

Xietsu wrote:

I am the one who has a problem with self image? Please Cougar, substantiation is key. All the while I have clearly conveyed this to be true for you, meanwhile you've been evidencing such all along the way. And me? Please...I'd like to hear .
Your petty attempts at provoking me are starting to become boring at best.  Have the last word, because that is usually what Internet intellectuals will fight for until they get.  Honestly, you are not worth the effort of replying to anymore.  This argument has dwindled into a he said she said, show me show you, type of fifth grade bullshit that is making my fingers hurt.

I leave this thread with a final FUCK YOU to Xietsu.  I'm done with your stupid shit.

Cougar wrote:

Xietsu wrote:

You fucks tonight...geesh. Cougar, you're just full of bullshit. All you do is spew and spew, all the while remaining an ignorant little fuck. I can just imagine the type of job you held in the military...
By spew and spew, do you by chance mean "disagreeing with Xietsu"?  In that fact you and Bubbalo are exactly the same, endless flame wars with people who don't agree with you and also the mere presence of you two is one of the most annoying experiances in the world.

As far as my military career.....what kind of jobs do they give people that Xietsu think are "ignorant little fucks"?  Hows about the AFSC 3C051 Communications Computer Systems Operator Journeyman.  I did everything from building servers, runnning cable, configuring routers, working a helpdesk, being the lead technician for the small computers section on the base, working with classified networks, building radio equipment, building LAN's and WAN's, being a network resume goes on and on.

BTW, I'm only 21 and I probably make more money than you do.

Also, as far as being "little" at 6'8 275lbs, I'm hardly little.  Let's just say you are lucky we met on the internet.

Xietsu wrote:

I can just imagine the type of job you held in the military...
Their called NCO's fuckwad.
You think I care what the fuck your useless job was called? A grunt's work, fillable by any--you, just one of many. Again, showcasing your superficial tendencies (and a now [almost new] more flagrant display of immaturity). Still without the ability to notice, you haven't realized that your repetitive, baseless banter is the referenced "spew and spew" of bullshit? Come on. Can't be that hard (well, don't worry, I'll cut you some slack--I know this is difficult for you...understanding another's use of English...properly and all).

Cougar wrote:

Xietsu wrote:

I am the one who has a problem with self image? Please Cougar, substantiation is key. All the while I have clearly conveyed this to be true for you, meanwhile you've been evidencing such all along the way. And me? Please...I'd like to hear :lol:.
Your petty attempts at provoking me are starting to become boring at best.  Have the last word, because that is usually what Internet intellectuals will fight for until they get.  Honestly, you are not worth the effort of replying to anymore.  This argument has dwindled into a he said she said, show me show you, type of fifth grade bullshit that is making my fingers hurt.

I leave this thread with a final FUCK YOU to Xietsu.  I'm done with your stupid shit.
Does it not always end like this? The bull-headed bastards unable to realize their idiocies for what they are, angered with--and confused by (if not blind to)--constant rebutting.

With that out of the way, I hope that those who read this thread are actually open in their manner of observation. Isn't it convenient though, to just rebuff a lack of response with the labeling of an adversary "internet intellectual"? As if it were to detract from the validity in my arguments. Funny. Such an idiot. :lol:

Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-12 00:48:56)

+48|7007|United States of America
Anyone who insults a man who protects his country should be castrated.
Oh, he is automatically exempt just because he holds such a "status"? What a god damn sucker you are.
The Lizzard

Cougar wrote:

I hate some of the people on this forum.  I truly do.  If my kids ever grow up and act or think anything like you, I'm kicking them straight the fuck outta the house.
Yet again, you clearly delineate the difference between you and me.  If I ever have any children who grow up like you, I will disagree with everything they say, yet I would never refuse to speak to them because of how they think.  Freedom of thought is a wonderful thing, and I would never pressure anyone into wasting it.

Xietsu wrote:

Cougar wrote:

Xietsu wrote:

You fucks tonight...geesh. Cougar, you're just full of bullshit. All you do is spew and spew, all the while remaining an ignorant little fuck. I can just imagine the type of job you held in the military...
By spew and spew, do you by chance mean "disagreeing with Xietsu"?  In that fact you and Bubbalo are exactly the same, endless flame wars with people who don't agree with you and also the mere presence of you two is one of the most annoying experiances in the world.

As far as my military career.....what kind of jobs do they give people that Xietsu think are "ignorant little fucks"?  Hows about the AFSC 3C051 Communications Computer Systems Operator Journeyman.  I did everything from building servers, runnning cable, configuring routers, working a helpdesk, being the lead technician for the small computers section on the base, working with classified networks, building radio equipment, building LAN's and WAN's, being a network resume goes on and on.

BTW, I'm only 21 and I probably make more money than you do.

Also, as far as being "little" at 6'8 275lbs, I'm hardly little.  Let's just say you are lucky we met on the internet.

Xietsu wrote:

I can just imagine the type of job you held in the military...
Their called NCO's fuckwad.
You think I care what the fuck your useless job was called? A grunt's work, fillable by any--you, just one of many. Again, showcasing your superficial tendencies (and a now [almost new] more flagrant display of immaturity). Still without the ability to notice, you haven't realized that your repetitive, baseless banter is the referenced "spew and spew" of bullshit? Come on. Can't be that hard (well, don't worry, I'll cut you some slack--I know this is difficult for you...understanding another's use of English...properly and all).

Cougar wrote:

Xietsu wrote:

I am the one who has a problem with self image? Please Cougar, substantiation is key. All the while I have clearly conveyed this to be true for you, meanwhile you've been evidencing such all along the way. And me? Please...I'd like to hear .
Your petty attempts at provoking me are starting to become boring at best.  Have the last word, because that is usually what Internet intellectuals will fight for until they get.  Honestly, you are not worth the effort of replying to anymore.  This argument has dwindled into a he said she said, show me show you, type of fifth grade bullshit that is making my fingers hurt.

I leave this thread with a final FUCK YOU to Xietsu.  I'm done with your stupid shit.
Does it not always end like this? The bull-headed bastards unable to realize their idiocies for what they are, angered with--and confused by (if not blind to)--constant rebutting.

With that out of the way, I hope that those who read this thread are actually open in their manner of observation. Isn't it convenient though, to just rebuff a lack of response with the labeling of an adversary "internet intellectual"? As if it were to detract from the validity in my arguments. Funny. Such an idiot.
Not saying that i use correct english, however.... would the use of "..." elude to proper english, and also the ""... i think not.. however, i am not known for using correct english myself. just IMHO.


Xietsu wrote:

Cougar wrote:

Xietsu wrote:

You fucks tonight...geesh. Cougar, you're just full of bullshit. All you do is spew and spew, all the while remaining an ignorant little fuck. I can just imagine the type of job you held in the military...
By spew and spew, do you by chance mean "disagreeing with Xietsu"?  In that fact you and Bubbalo are exactly the same, endless flame wars with people who don't agree with you and also the mere presence of you two is one of the most annoying experiances in the world.

As far as my military career.....what kind of jobs do they give people that Xietsu think are "ignorant little fucks"?  Hows about the AFSC 3C051 Communications Computer Systems Operator Journeyman.  I did everything from building servers, runnning cable, configuring routers, working a helpdesk, being the lead technician for the small computers section on the base, working with classified networks, building radio equipment, building LAN's and WAN's, being a network resume goes on and on.

BTW, I'm only 21 and I probably make more money than you do.

Also, as far as being "little" at 6'8 275lbs, I'm hardly little.  Let's just say you are lucky we met on the internet.

Xietsu wrote:

I can just imagine the type of job you held in the military...
Their called NCO's fuckwad.
You think I care what the fuck your useless job was called? A grunt's work, fillable by any--you, just one of many. Again, showcasing your superficial tendencies (and a now [almost new] more flagrant display of immaturity). Still without the ability to notice, you haven't realized that your repetitive, baseless banter is the referenced "spew and spew" of bullshit? Come on. Can't be that hard (well, don't worry, I'll cut you some slack--I know this is difficult for you...understanding another's use of English...properly and all).
Fuck the last word, you asked and I told you motherfucker.  If you don't like the goddamned answer then go fuck yourself in another thread.  You're a worthless sack of shit in my opinion, you dwindle down a persons military service to "grunts work, fillable by any-one of many".  Your a disgrace to whatever country and whatever hole you crawled out of.  I would be willing to bet that you did not--excuse me--WOULD not serve your country because you are a spineless coward who cares more about winning a petty argument at the expense of belittling someones volunteer military service, then you do at maintaining a minimal sense of dignity.  The most gratifying thing to you obviously is winning your stupid fucking "homosexual argument", well guess what you assfuck, YOU CAN HAVE IT, you aren't worthy of fucking addressing me any longer and I will not stoop to your level of pure ignorance to address your sorry ass again.  I hope you enjoy sucking other people into your trap of stupidity and personal glorification because I will no longer have any of it.

Bubbalo wrote:

Cougar wrote:

I hate some of the people on this forum.  I truly do.  If my kids ever grow up and act or think anything like you, I'm kicking them straight the fuck outta the house.
Yet again, you clearly delineate the difference between you and me.  If I ever have any children who grow up like you, I will disagree with everything they say, yet I would never refuse to speak to them because of how they think.  Freedom of thought is a wonderful thing, and I would never pressure anyone into wasting it.
LoL. Boy I would have the time of day explaining what it means to be logical to such a kid.

Cougar wrote:

Xietsu wrote:

Cougar wrote:

By spew and spew, do you by chance mean "disagreeing with Xietsu"?  In that fact you and Bubbalo are exactly the same, endless flame wars with people who don't agree with you and also the mere presence of you two is one of the most annoying experiances in the world.

As far as my military career.....what kind of jobs do they give people that Xietsu think are "ignorant little fucks"?  Hows about the AFSC 3C051 Communications Computer Systems Operator Journeyman.  I did everything from building servers, runnning cable, configuring routers, working a helpdesk, being the lead technician for the small computers section on the base, working with classified networks, building radio equipment, building LAN's and WAN's, being a network resume goes on and on.

BTW, I'm only 21 and I probably make more money than you do.

Also, as far as being "little" at 6'8 275lbs, I'm hardly little.  Let's just say you are lucky we met on the internet.

Their called NCO's fuckwad.
You think I care what the fuck your useless job was called? A grunt's work, fillable by any--you, just one of many. Again, showcasing your superficial tendencies (and a now [almost new] more flagrant display of immaturity). Still without the ability to notice, you haven't realized that your repetitive, baseless banter is the referenced "spew and spew" of bullshit? Come on. Can't be that hard (well, don't worry, I'll cut you some slack--I know this is difficult for you...understanding another's use of English...properly and all).
Fuck the last word, you asked and I told you motherfucker.  If you don't like the goddamned answer then go fuck yourself in another thread.  You're a worthless sack of shit in my opinion, you dwindle down a persons military service to "grunts work, fillable by any-one of many".  Your a disgrace to whatever country and whatever hole you crawled out of.  I would be willing to bet that you did not--excuse me--WOULD not serve your country because you are a spineless coward who cares more about winning a petty argument at the expense of belittling someones volunteer military service, then you do at maintaining a minimal sense of dignity.  The most gratifying thing to you obviously is winning your stupid fucking "homosexual argument", well guess what you assfuck, YOU CAN HAVE IT, you aren't worthy of fucking addressing me any longer and I will not stoop to your level of pure ignorance to address your sorry ass again.  I hope you enjoy sucking other people into your trap of stupidity and personal glorification because I will no longer have any of it.
I don't do any work of the vortex. You do all the work, I just spot it out and make it known. You know, in the hope that you will learn from a mistake? LawL. I can dream too, y'know? RXT...

(P.S. Isolate the area where I've shown "pure ignorance". I would very much like to know .)

Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-12 01:01:31)

and again, i will just say....

fucking communists

[pWa]Recon wrote:

and again, i will just say....

fucking communists
To a man who can't even spell the word "hostile" correctly, such asinine assumptions sound quite appropriate when from you. At least you aren't trying to be deceptive.

(P.S. I figured this out awhile ago, but after taking a recap of the thread, I thought I'd make this known so everyone could have a laugh. When I gave reference to my posts about gay marriage in the thread "Secularists Will be the End of Morality", Cougar went on about my calling him a "Secularist" and how I changed my post so that he couldn't quote me. Reading comprehension...FTW.)

Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-12 01:03:49)

did i ever say that i use correct english.... i think not... if spell check was not a common tool, then i would type at the level of a third grader, english comp was not my strong point in school, that is why i went into a field that deals directly with math... when you can subnet a network to allow 30000 + hosts on it, then speak to me, until then... keep your copy of the "grammer nazi bible" at your desk and ref some more... ok... btw, should someone who types like this -


But anyways, let me provide a teensy bit of education. Morality, as we know it (exclusive to the individual "rights" of man), is not intrinsic in nature. Ethics is stemmed through environment, exposure, and etc.

Oh yeah...I was gonna' sae...
The construction of these religious scriptures had, most likely, been in an effort to unify and explain common emotion (joo' knoh, dat weetle feeling yoo get inside when you do something spooshel). Considering that modern society has evolved to such a degree, no longer are such binding forces needed (well, if you're in America--couldn't say the same for some other places, yuh knoh).

Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-08 19:55:46)

be trying to cut someone else down for mis-spelling a word... just IMHO i could be wrong.....


The Lizzard
Recon, what's your point?  So our morals aren't a hardwired thing (half truth btw, some are).  What's your point?
You haven't realized that my phonetic delineation of words is casual in nature, meant to be received in a humorous tone? Contrary to the objective of your post, you actually haven't cited posts of mine that fulfill your criteria of "not being able to cut another's post down". Oh well, third time's the charm, eh?

Bubbalo, that's a quote of mine from the "Secularists Will be the End of Morality" thread (not including the - but you blahblah cutdownblahha). Anyways, I made reference to a more specific portion but recon didn't catch it. Another try, Recon?

Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-12 01:18:06)

if ignorance was bliss, i can truly state that you quite possibly would be the happiest person on the face of the planet, there will not be a third time, as i grow tired of this pettiness, and i guess you were awarded the Pulitzer prize for your writings, is this correct? just checking to ensure that i am not in the internet presence of greatness, and should be humbled by your outstanding use of proper grammar and "witty" endless lines of ACSII text to which i should bow before. please advise.

01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101

it is binary if you need to know, look it up.. you may learn something. and if you need a link.. here you go

Thank you for your lack of contribution, Recon.

(Sure, I may have not presented much in this very post, but if you realize that by identifying Recon as useless in this reply, I have enabled you to better identify the sole source of correctitude. )
Or perhaps:


Bubbalo wrote:

Recon, what's your point?  So our morals aren't a hardwired thing (half truth btw, some are).  What's your point?
Why do you think some are?
One day you will understand, until then remain in the dark, because of idiots like you america online remains in business. Hey cougar, i bet his mommy got him his puter for christmas, but santa gave him a Mac to make him feel far more eleet then the rest of the world.... lol...

"In a world with no windows, there would be no gates"


[pWa]Recon wrote:

One day you will understand, until then remain in the dark, because of idiots like you america online remains in business. Hey cougar, i bet his mommy got him his puter for christmas, but santa gave him a Mac to make him feel far more eleet then the rest of the world.... lol...

"In a world with no windows, there would be no gates"

LmaO. Your assumptions are so telling of your maturity, if not aptitude for confines of serious talk. But since you've such an interest in my hardware, I just built my computer in February, with my last weetle piece o' hardware coming in on March. Computer specs are as follows:
CPU: 2.4GHz AMD Clawhammer 4000+
GPU: 256MB Leadtek 7600 GT
PSU: 550W Ultra X2 X-Connect (Modular)
RAM: 2GIGz 2-3-2-5 OCZ Platinum 400 MHz (Dual Channel)
CPU HS/Fan: Zalman CNPS 9500 LED
Chassis: Thermaltake Shark VA7000BWA (Black)
OS: Windows XP Professional, SP 2

Cougar wrote:

Xietsu wrote:

Cougar wrote:

Well by that logic, I'm entitled to my opinion of hating faggots just as you are entitled to your opinion of being one.  Developed varying preferences?  MEN WHO CRAM THEIR COCKS IN OTHER MENS ASSHOLES ARE NOT DISPLAYING A VARIED PREFERENCE, THEIR SICK!  I respect NOTHING in respect to homosexuality, IMHO they are scum, just like in your honest opinion I'm a worthless pile of flesh, but at least I'm not a worthless pile of flesh that goes to bed every night with Johnny Numbnuts laying next to me with a boner.

The fact that homosexuals are accepted in modern society is proof of our declining morality and desensitivity to things that are just not right.  The fact that people like you defend them, I find to be frankly disturbing.

(P.S. Unlike Xietsu, I'm man enough to leave my fucking name after I neg someone, instead of hiding like a bitch in anonymity.)
Every descriptor attributed to you in my previous post, is, in all aspects of this discussion, wholly correct. Your rendition of "that logic" is, by far, an extreme misinterpretation/misrepresentation of the fact. The point is that I respect anothers preferences/choices in life, and you merely concoct pathetic, irrelevant jibe supportive to your feaful bias of superficial degree. I find it so very odd that your main focus is "fucking in the ass" when man and woman do the same thing (you know, stool packing). You're seriously fucking sad. And to assume I've left you karma anonymously, how fucking juvenile. Grow the fuck up. More evidence to your petty superficiality. Honest, if you want, I'll leave you a negative karma right now. Just let me know you want some negative .
Well I'm glad that you care about others because I doubt very seriously if they would give a flying fuck if you got hit by a bus tommorow.  The only thing that is sad in here is how you bash me for not beleiving in what you believe in, I said my peace and left until I started getting nasty-grams from you and came back in here to defend my position on the subject.  What, you think you're gonna change my mind?  Fat chance.  Like I said, if you want to support butt pirates than that is your right, just as it is my right to hate you and every other homosexual out there.  Does this make me a bad person?  Probably.  Do I care?  No.  It's probably a good thing I'm not in charge because the first things that would happen would be:

1. Every homosexual would be rounded up and deposited on a far away island.
2. Every illegal alien would be rounded up and dumped off at their respective border and told to have a great life.
3. People protesting at military funerals would be jailed.  Immediatly.

If you don't like it, too bad, it's my opinion.
Forgot to make mention of this post (was most likely because this was where his inability to read correctly got pretty thick). Clearly, were you to understand the English words and sentences constructed before you, you would understand that it isn't about "my 'caring' about" homosexuals, but my respect for their preferences and choices, regardless of me not holding them myself. Unlike you, who seem to be so absorbed in the fake, superficial world. Seriously, to construe that I am somehow "supporting" homosexuality (neutral stance here, bucko', in case you need it fucking drawn in a god damn painting for you), it's amazing you fuckin' got the job you did in the military with such an (in)ability to read.

Cougar wrote:

BTW, I'm only 21 and I probably make more money than you do.
Always trying to prove something to yourself? Even still, as if making more money than me all of a sudden raises you to some "higher plane"? LmaO.

Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-12 02:19:46)

The Lizzard

Xietsu wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Recon, what's your point?  So our morals aren't a hardwired thing (half truth btw, some are).  What's your point?
Why do you think some are?
The fact that there are some people who cannot bring themselves to harm/kill another.  The fact that animals, even non-societal ones, only fight if provoked.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-06-12 02:16:29)

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