Chopper Whore Extraordinaire

M90Medic wrote:

You are all terrible people.
Why is that? Cause we are all flaming? What do you have against gay people? Dont judge us! you bastard
Get C4, here!

Whatever floats your boat I guess... I've seen people do worse to get badges; like knifing and reviving over and over to get the knife badge
You're taking a loss each time you do this, so in the end you are probably gaining very few points and ruining your k/d.
+7|7070|Boulder, CO

muiad wrote:

So you paid $45-55 USD to collect virtual ribbons, medals and awards.  Did you notice, in the background, that there are battles being fought by people from around the world?
What the hell are you talking about? There are starving ppl in africa so eat your vegetables?
If you're commander, you shouldn't get repair points...just like if you revive someone when you're the commander or taking CP' don't get points for it.  Plus, if you blow your own stuff up, like the UAV or artillery, you get team vehicle damage.  A freaking dumb idea in my opinion.
Just do what I did, go on to Daqing Oilfields get a HMMV and a tank.

Shoot the HMMV with the tanks machinegun until it catches fire. Run to it, enter the HMMV and switch to the F3 position and you can repair it and get points.

Just keep doing it until you get the points you want.

I know it's not the most honest way to get repair points but it's a real bitch getting them.

Turtle wrote:

muiad wrote:

So you paid $45-55 USD to collect virtual ribbons, medals and awards.  Did you notice, in the background, that there are battles being fought by people from around the world?
What the hell are you talking about? There are starving ppl in africa so eat your vegetables?
My point is that that the game is simulated combat where people from around the world gather online and do battle.  Medals, awards, ribbons are secondary to the game.  Ranks are needed to gain extra weapons.  In my opinion, people who shell out $45-55 USD in order to achieve some secondary experience are wasting their money.  Have fun and play the game, the awards will be won when they are won.

Last edited by muiad (2005-11-07 11:52:33)

+6|7074|San Jose,CA
I was a Commander at Gulf of Oman when my Sat blew up. I had just scanned, so I went to go check it out and found a Spec OPs and an Engineer from my own team doing it. I asked them to stop, they chose not to, so I waxed them. I'll take the TK to stop

1.  Someone who is endangering the team to get points????(Lazy scum who think their score should be everybody else's priority.)

2.  Armour/Vehicle whores (the useless straight at a TOW...etc) or those who TK for vehicles

I just don't get it, stat-padding is ego-masturbation, you have to do it when nobody is around, the pleasure is fleeting, and the only satisfaction you evoke is from the prowess you develop in your fantasy world.

And who are you trying to impress? The hiring manager at EA beta-testing? The BF2 cheerleaders? The BF2 Nobel Prize Committee? Get over you low self esteem, we'll all gladly kill you with 3 points or 30,000

As to those who use cheats, hacks...I am an average player, I take it as a compliment if you have to use cheats to beat me...
No biggy' fox hell theres so many other "higher ranked stat padding retards" in bf2'..and all you want is your medal'..
but'..wouldint it be better if were earned the honest way ?
i can say i won all my good stuff the hard way , but hey ? if you feel good about your self after youve done it than who am i to judge'
atleast you got the balls to admit that you have or you are doing it' wich is more than i can say for players like  ROOFUS and the like ...

or your just plain stupid for fibbing on your self ( personaly id rather be stupid than be a lier though myslef )
No, its not cool at all.  Seriously, the thing I hate most is when there is an idiot commander who doesnt give a rats ass about his team.  Just try to get the medal legitamately, it not that hard.  I guess I dont worry about medals as much as everybody, but come on. 

Besides, just be kind of patient until you get to a game where the enemy has an obsession with destroying strategic targets, you get kills and repair points. 

Off subject...I hate guys that camp in LAVs inside a carrier hull where boats spawn, such pussies.  Just had to get that out there
+2|7055|United Kingdom
Well! Shame on you!

Blowing up your own assets to get repairs! Despicable! Utterly wrong!

Huh. Now i'm going to go play Commander how it's meant to be done!

*gets out C4*
+2|7055|United Kingdom
Seriously though, EA really does need to do something about the Repair points thing. It took me ages to get my basic repair badge (mainly because I was trying to fix vehicles on the front lines, who, more often than not, drive off on 2 bars of armour left while I am in the process of repairing them, then they inevitably get blown to shit...).

I'm going to dread getting my Veteran...and Expert (though, sod that for a day at the seaside....or chips).

Basically - Getting Repair points is more difficult than it should be. It's better to be a Medic if you wanna help people, and get team points. Healing and Reviving is soooo much easier than cranking that spanner. And safer too, in my experience....there is always some plucky Spec Ops dude who materialises in front of me and my spanner and pops a few caps in my facial region.

-(PK)-DarkIllusion wrote:

i do that .. its easier.. but sort of stat padding(wut prime said)
Sort of?
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|7058|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol
*flame begins*.......*flame ends*
as long as you realize that its wrong and you stop when u get teh badges.
Get your body beat.
if you do it right you'll ony need to suicide once. keep swapping packs.

redfoxster wrote:

so, what I do, is on a map like FuShe pass, ill be commander, assuming we have a very dominant team so Im not super critical to winning, and then spawn as spec ops an place 1 c4 on our uav, satlite, and an arty, and 2 c4s on the other arty, then blow em, and suicide, then respawn as engineer, and get myself 2.5 repair points, lather, rinse repeat

It's not honest by any means, but they are so freakin slow to get and I want my meritous medal...

so there, tell me im an ass, go ahead.....

You paid your hard-earned cash for the game.
You do what you feel is necessary to get those awards.
"It's Recharging!"

[g0t]JediPimp wrote:

Sounds like something a fag0t would say.
you all are idiots theres a awy esier way top do it...i didmy the old fashion way but if your a noob you can do this...get you and one other engineer and get in a humvee tip on its side and both of you go i the back and repair ityoull get the popint cause both of you are in the vehicle.....ONLY USE THIS IF YOU A FUCKING NOOB WITH NO SKILL
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
Id just like to to tell everyone that I am doing it for the points not the badges, I earned all the badgesI havae legitimately.  It's the getting to 1000 repairs that would take so long, so as soon as I get my war college ribbon, im gonna be doing something to accelerate my repair points so I can start getting some other medals, like the meriout service medal, beacuse 1000 repairs would just take so long to get naturally, I just dont care anymore....

[OinK]Tank wrote:

I got my basic and verteran engineering badges on Dragon Valley.  Play on the US side and spawn on the carrier in the boat bay.  Wait for the enemy to blow up your arty, uav and sat.  Then take a boat over and repair.  If your enemies are doing there jobs and blowing that shit up you can just repeat the process over and over and over and over.  It will be even easier if the chinese get the docks control point then they can spawn there and blow the shit up quicker so you can repair it quicker.  You can get a few points repairing the AA gun on the deck of the carrier while you are waiting for them to blow the arty.  The chinese team will usually bomb the crap out of the carrier to keep the US planes out of the air so the AA gun will need some fixen'.

Of course this will only work if the chinese are smart enought to blow up your assests.  I have played a few rounds just sitting in the boat bay for 30 minutes waiting for someone to blow up the arty and it never happens.
Where did you get your sig?

redfoxster wrote:

Id just like to to tell everyone that I am doing it for the points not the badges, I earned all the badgesI havae legitimately.  It's the getting to 1000 repairs that would take so long, so as soon as I get my war college ribbon, im gonna be doing something to accelerate my repair points so I can start getting some other medals, like the meriout service medal, beacuse 1000 repairs would just take so long to get naturally, I just dont care anymore....
If you cheat "ie. use this gay tactic" to get an award, does the award really mean anything?  It's not that hard to get repair points.  I've never used this tactic and I have over 400 repair points.  Just repair all the arty every time it is blown up.  Also, follow around tanks and teammates and repair them.  In this way, you are helping your team, and really earning the award.  So then you can be proud of your award and know that you helped your team, not just blew stuff up and the repaired it.  That doesn't help anyone but yourself.  So then you will have the award, but it won't mean anything... ie.  What's the point of that?

Last edited by MattCicioni (2005-11-14 08:54:21)

I'm not going to fault you for the way you earned your badge.  As others have stated, it's your game.  You can do what you please as long as you are willing to accept the consqequences (much like anything in life).

I did earn my basic badge the hard way.  I was playing a round on a 64 player Karkand map and my team was holding the docks area from assault.  I chose engineer mainly to get my 15 hours of play time.  I was setting up mines on the ramps and running back and forth between the armor units making repairs.  I must have had 18 mines kills that round but I did get my 5 repair points.  Just barely.

One thing I have noticed about repairs and earning repair points is that the repairs are cumulative.  You earn a repair point for repairing X number of bars (don't know what X is yet).  The game or whatever keeps a tally of the number of bars and awards a repair point whenever you hit the required number.  So if I repair a vehicle of Y bars and then go repair an asset for another X bars  and Y+Z=X, I get a repair point.  I was able to get two repair points fixing a UAV trailer one night because the first couple bars got me to X and then the rest of the repair got me back to X again.

Now, I haven't proven it, but I believe you only keep your tally as long as you hold the same kit and life.  If you die, you start counting over again or if you change kits, you starting counting over again.  Again, I haven't proven this yet in-game.  This would answer why the repair points are so difficult to recieve.  If you make a partial repair and then get killed, you end up starting your tally over again.  Basically you don't really get anywhere.
Also, just wanted to add that equipment, such as the UAV can go into the negative damage side (this is why sometimes it seems that the equipment is not repairing, but it is).  Always be sure to repair equipment back up to full health, you can almost get two points for repairing equipment that is in the negative damage up to full health, combing this information with the information from the pervious poster, will help you get more points.

Last edited by MattCicioni (2005-11-14 09:22:29)

I think the best map to get repair points legitimately is Clean Sweep - there are so, so many vehicles there, and it's not too spread out. It's very easy to drive around in a buggy or jeep and sneak up on unsuspecting teammates and repair them when they're not looking, then speed away into the night with nary a wave nor a smile.

In fact, I got enough repairs on that map to qualify for the silver badge without trying all that hard, although I didn't have enough hours to get it. Kubra Dam is another good one, if you're playing as the USMC, you hide behind the big crowd of tanks, APCs and anti air, and repair them as fast as you can.

Then you die cos your team mates are hogging all the armour.

Jedipimp is a stat padding creep.  I dont think he even likes to play this game, he just wants to earn medals and only earn medals
Get youre medals the hard way, as the rest of us do, plz. Its much more satifying to get them that way. Expecially those who is hard to get, ex. veteran engineer.

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