Har Har, He just got banned
+8|6733|Mission Viejo, CA
Well, fortunately not everyone hacks or cheats their way to a score per minute of 2.0. I n my opinion, anyone with an spm of 2.0 or better is either using some software, hardcore whoring, or plays K/P servers. I have no respect for people like that. Sorry Kefra, but 40 hours with pistols and 5600 revives means you been spending a lot of time in K/P servers.
who cares
who cares about stats, stats dont mean anything,
it how you play in game, thats what counts
btw Capt_kefra, you got xfire?

Last edited by r00ts (2006-06-11 00:48:47)

Hates snipers and says the "F" word a lot
+72|6708|Houston, Texas
Just a quick note, his PID does not necessarily mean he registered early. I registered same day, and mine is way higher. A friend in my clan got the game months later and his is much lower then my own PID. His PID for example is : 35940386.

Asides from that yeah. He has a lot to learn. My main question is with such a *decent* k/d ratio in a tank, why his kit ratios arent better, espiecally engineer!
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6763|Honolulu, HI

PheloniusRM wrote:

Well, fortunately not everyone hacks or cheats their way to a score per minute of 2.0. I n my opinion, anyone with an spm of 2.0 or better is either using some software, hardcore whoring, or plays K/P servers. I have no respect for people like that. Sorry Kefra, but 40 hours with pistols and 5600 revives means you been spending a lot of time in K/P servers.
You're entitled to think whatever you want about SPM--take a look at the leaderboards on this website sorted by SPM.  The link's here:  That's right, at the moment there are 37,341 players with SPMs of 2 or higher.  Either all 37,431 of them "plays K/P servers", or *gasp* they're just good.

As for my 5600 revives, look, I also have 203 hours as Medic (last time I checked).  I admit I revive some people who would be better off dead (near tanks, in the middle of arty, etc), and that makes my revives per hour look "suspicious".  But since 1.2 my revives have gone through the roof just because of all the claymores.  Guy goes down one hallway, BOOM, "Clear!"...repeat until all claymores are gone...repeat several times a get the picture, it equals uber revives.

40 hours with pistols...I've played this game for a long time and to be honest, I have so many deaths with assault rifles that I know it'll take like 83 kills in a row without dying for my assault rifle K/D to go up by .01.  In other words, I don't really care for the assault rifles so much, so I use the pistol quite a bit.  And I'm not bad with the thing, either.  In case you don't believe me, here's just a couple of the screenshots I found with pistol in hand:
(notice the L85 and APC kills above mine--it WAS NOT a k/p server)
A ribbon--wasn't expecting to get it, my pistol happened to be out at the time, which happens a lot since I use it a lot...duh)
1 magazine left...hmm, maybe because I use the pistol a lot? (again, notice the AK-101 and tank kills also in the list--NOT a k/p server)

You want any more evidence like that, go ahead and make some more accusations.  Have a nice day.

Oh and r00ts, no Xfire for me...I use "ghetto Teamspeak" (a cell phone) lol.
hehe i play on the same server as him some time's EA DE most o the time, and well all i can say is he doesn't suck ALL the time, just most, or he's just lucky some time's
PKM Whore
+16|6670|Prolly on wake.
Guess I suck to then by the leet kiddie standards.

But then again I wipe my ass with what the leeties think, I play cuz its fun....theres a thought....
lol I got me a winner check out this heavy hitter
+24|6569|Sweden is banned from hell ;)

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

MoChief wrote:

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

Here I am:

By your standards, I suck too.  I've had the game about 11 1/2 months now, my W/L is just as bad, my K/D only slightly better, and his vehicle ratios are way better than mine.

Then again, my infantry ratios are all higher than his.  It's all a matter of what you value in a player.  To me, his armor K/D is pretty decent, but only because I'm a really inexperienced tank driver.  Likewise, I don't consider my infantry weapon K/Ds to be godlike, but to him, a 1.5 with assault rifles or 1.6 with pistols might be awe-inspiring.

Bottom line: I've seen much better stats than his, but much worse, too.  Not every player with an officer rank has a 3 SPM, 3 K/D and two of every medal, you know.  Just look at my stats and you'll see.
Capt Kefra... your stats are amazing.  I've never seen a player with so many hours but only 1% of kills came from a vehicle of any sort.  You are what I'd call an extreme ground pounder.  Actually, your stats are pretty good with respect to SPM.  And a k/d ratio of yours is excellent since virtually none come from tank or jet whoring.  kudos.
*wipes a tear of joy from eye*

But seriously, thanks.  My BF2 philosophy is, if I get in a vehicle it's a lose-lose situation.  Enemies think I'm cheap for whoring, and people on my team don't like it because they want the vehicle for themselves.  So, I let my teammates have whatever vehicles they care to drive and I show the enemy what I can do on foot.  If there's a tank or whatever just sitting there, in danger of getting taken by the enemy, then I'll hop in (and go on a suicide run deep in enemy territory lol).

But if Obelix likes his tanks (and swears a lot in German over the VoIP), I won't hold it against him.  We all have our preferred styles of play, right?  Lone-wolf snipers, C4 specialists, chopper pilots, tank commanders...It doesn't matter if your K/D is 10:1 or 1:10 so long as you're enjoying the game.  I admit, Obelix's stats aren't stellar, but if anything that just goes to show he doesn't particularly care what we think.  He's having fun (even if his infantry K/D is 0.55), enough to play nearly 7 hours a day.  That's all the reason he needs to keep playing--the fun, and if it's good enough for him, then damn it, it should be good enough for the rest of us.

Ok, I'm done for now...back to regularly scheduled flaming.
Very WELL put! I totally agree.

My own thought on this is that I try to master all classes, veapons and so on.. and eventually even get expert in them all.. but then I still really suck flying planes.. and who realy cares.. MR Alph@FlyASS can contribute to the team with his skills and me with mine..

Let's just play and have FUN together!

/Zhaman aka LoMaX in the chatter.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6600|Area 51
woooo.. like I'm even better than this guy
I like your Title Aslan_Teh_Creator. representing [Mist] i see. i probaly should also, lol

**On Topic**
That guy is pretty bad for 2454 hours played, maybe he has a really bad comp and always plays it laggy as hell.
but compared to his stats im only a little better, my win;loss ratio and my spm
arrivederci frog

PheloniusRM wrote:

Well, fortunately not everyone hacks or cheats their way to a score per minute of 2.0. I n my opinion, anyone with an spm of 2.0 or better is either using some software, hardcore whoring, or plays K/P servers. I have no respect for people like that. Sorry Kefra, but 40 hours with pistols and 5600 revives means you been spending a lot of time in K/P servers.
Jaffa Kree
+55|6793|Campbeltown, Scotland

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

Anubis5289 wrote:

Capt_Kefra I've played with you a few times and I have to say that you were shit hot!  I like a person who likes infantry.
"Shit hot," eh?  I'll take that as a compliment, I think.

edit: Was E7IXER just banned recently?  For this topic?
Yeah thats a compliment.  Quite quite a good one
Nade Spammers Must Die

PheloniusRM wrote:

Well, fortunately not everyone hacks or cheats their way to a score per minute of 2.0. I n my opinion, anyone with an spm of 2.0 or better is either using some software, hardcore whoring, or plays K/P servers. I have no respect for people like that. Sorry Kefra, but 40 hours with pistols and 5600 revives means you been spending a lot of time in K/P servers.
Spoken like a true Nub. Harcore whoring huh. Its called a bit of skill, which you obviously lack.
My stats suck and I don't care much beyond lack of bragging rights.

I have fun.

And after 300 odd hours I've finally discovered the joy of flying.
Un Moderador

VaNiSh wrote:

lol I got me a winner check out this heavy hitter shocked
i never knew someone could be so sad and yet so shit.
that guy must hit something every 3-4 hours.
Mr. Bondt
The name was Bondt...
+6|6610|The Netherlands
Oh yeah?
See this one:
yea but the one I posted is a first sargent lol
Un Moderador

Mr. Bondt wrote:

Oh yeah?
See this one:
you dont get it, the other guy has played for over 1000 hours and he sucks
4000 hour's and 21,000 point's he's gotta just logg on and leave it running the rest o the week, cause you can't suck that bad, that's against all logic
Extra Tender Juicy SPINY
+58|6786|The 70's

[R3n]izzy wrote:

4000 hour's and 21,000 point's he's gotta just logg on and leave it running the rest o the week, cause you can't suck that bad, that's against all logic
Theres a glitch in this guys BF2s stats, hes actually played 265h, but its showing 4660h as squad member on Dragon Valley. It even says his total hours are 42325 Hours!

(btw, my stats are rubbish, its official).

eagles1106 wrote:

arg angry germans are common! was the 2 star general screaming like this!
No wonder he's going nuts. Did you get a look at that shitheap lying on his desk. Obviously his mum doesn't tidy up his room.
T'sk, t'sk, t'sk!
+72|6622|Chelmsford, UK
well some of us seem crappy because we have a social life, unlike, who can't get a girlfriend, so has to make do with a hole in his PC
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|6800|Toronto Canada

Nintendogamer wrote:

well some of us seem crappy because we have a social life, unlike, who can't get a girlfriend, so has to make do with a hole in his PC
yeah! jesus. i bet alot of the top10 guys haven't been out in a while. i think my stats are decent considering i play casually.

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